Content Posted in 2017
Makes You Think Doesn't It?, Stuart McDonald
Making the better half even better : a support program for military wives, Chelsey Jones and Kayley Knapek
Malheureux enfant!, Honoré Daumier
Malignancy, Amanda Brown
Managing dual relationships in rural healthcare settings : an education module for occupational therapists, Jennifer Maus and Caroline Olson
Managing post-stroke fatigue : a guide for daily living for clients and caregivers, Carolyn Krum and Heather Satrom
Managing the university system of North Dakota is about like trying to herd cats., Steve Edwards
Mandolin Club, University of North Dakota
Maniére Chinoise de Nettoyer les Rues et de Salir les Passans, Honoré Daumier
Manière d'entrainer les Cosaques., Honoré Daumier
Manière ingénieuse de décharger les toits de neige, en en chargeant les passants., Honoré Daumier
March 1930, William Preston Davies
March 1931, William Preston Davies
March 1932, William Preston Davies
March 1933, William Preston Davies
March 1934, William Preston Davies
March 1935, William Preston Davies
March 1936, William Preston Davies
March 1937, William Preston Davies
March 1938, William Preston Davies
March 1939, William Preston Davies
March 1940, William Preston Davies
March 1941, William Preston Davies
March 1942, William Preston Davies
March 1943, William Preston Davies
March 1944, William Preston Davies
Margot Wearing a Bonnet (No. 3), Mary Cassatt
Margot Wearing a Bonnet (No. 3), Mary Cassatt
Mariage Chinois, Honoré Daumier
Marie-Louise-Charlotte-Philippine Pairie, fille soumise & patentée par la police., Honoré Daumier
Mariez Vous Donc …en Chine, Honoré Daumier
Marin Parisien se rendant à son bord. / Élisa, c'est pas bon genre de fumer dans l'eau.., Honoré Daumier
Mark Scott Wetland Impoundment Near Polson, MT: Design Proposal, Sean Knutson
MARS ET VÉNUS, Honoré Daumier
Masquerade, Sidney Shafort
Maximum Levee Height as a Function of Red River Valley Foundation Sediments, Lori Gunderson
May 1930, William Preston Davies
May 1931, William Preston Davies
May 1932, William Preston Davies
May 1933, William Preston Davies
May 1934, William Preston Davies
May 1935, William Preston Davies
May 1936, William Preston Davies
May 1937, William Preston Davies
May 1938, William Preston Davies
May 1939, William Preston Davies
May 1940, William Preston Davies
May 1941, William Preston Davies
May 1942, William Preston Davies
May 1943, William Preston Davies
May 1944, William Preston Davies
Maybe a good stand of dandelions will keep down the knapweed., Steve Edwards
Maybe they should campaign separately in this part of the country., Steve Edwards
May Fete - Cinderella, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Cinderella. Cinderella and the Prince, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Cinderella, Moorish Pages, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Cinderella, Peacocks, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Cinderella, Peacocks 2, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Cinderella, The Cake Bearers, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Cinderella, The Wedding, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, Performance, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, Performance 2, Skinner and Cooper Photographers
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, Performers, Skinner and Cooper Photographers
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, Performers, Skinner and Cooper Photographers
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, Procession, Skinner and Cooper Photographers
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, Rehearsal, Lee and Company Studio
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, The Birds, Skinner and Cooper Photographers
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, The Fauns, Skinner and Cooper Photographers
May Fete - Festival of Dionysus, The High Priestess, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Jeanette's Garden, Bachelor Buttons, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Jeanette's Garden, Performers 2, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Jeanette's Garden, The Poppies, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Jeanette's Garden, The Winds, Skinner and Cooper Photographers
May Fete - Magic Flute, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Oriental Ballet, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Oriental Ballet, The Queen of the Harem, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Peter Pan, August, Lee's Studio
May Fete - Peter Pan, Easter, Lee's Studio
May Fete - Peter Pan, Halloween, Lee's Studio
May Fete - Peter Pan, Indian Chief, Lee's Studio
May Fete - Peter Pan, New Year's, Lee's Studio
May Fete - Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Lee's Studio
May Fete - Peter Pan, Thanksgiving, Lee's Studio
May Fete - Peter Pan, The Fairies, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Peter Pan, The Fourth of July, Lee's Studio
May Fete - Peter Pan, The Mermaids, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Peter Pan, The Mermaids, University of North Dakota
May Fete - The Fairy Queen, The Glowworms, Skinner and Cooper Photographers
May Fete - The Fairy Queen, The Queen, University of North Dakota
May Fete - The Magic Flute, The Sacks of Gold, University of North Dakota
May Fete - The Rubaiyat, Mahmud's Sword, Lee's Studio
May Fete - The Rubaiyat, The Snake Charmer, University of North Dakota
May Fete - The Triumph of the Prairie, John and Jane, University of North Dakota
May Fete - The Wizard of Toyland, The Bat, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Wizard of Toyland, French China Dolls, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Wizard of Toyland, Performance, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Wizard of Toyland, Queen and Knave of Hearts, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Wizard of Toyland, Raggedy Ann and Andy, University of North Dakota
May Fete - Wizard of Toyland, Soap Bubbles, University of North Dakota
Mean hydroclimatic and hydrological conditions during two climatic modes in the Devils Lake Basin, North Dakota (USA), Paul E. Todhunter
Medicine: Anatomy Lecture, University of North Dakota
Medicine: Bacteria Laboratory, 1966, University of North Dakota
Medicine: Cytotechnology Laboratory, 1967, University of North Dakota
Medicine: Laboratory, University of North Dakota
Medicine Laboratory, 1964, University of North Dakota
Medicine: Premature Incubator, 1939, University of North Dakota
Medora - Begora, Emily Lunde
Melvin A. Brannon, University of North Dakota
Membres de la société de secours du dix Décembre, dans l'exercice de leurs philantropiques fonctions., Honoré Daumier
Memorial Day weekend... the start of the migration to "lake country.", Steve Edwards
Memorial Stadium (1921- ), Aerial View, University of North Dakota
Memorial Stadium - 1927, University of North Dakota
Memorial Stadium (Interior), University of North Dakota
Memorial Weekend Hitch-Hiker, Stuart McDonald
Merrifield Hall (1928- ), University of North Dakota
Merrifield Hall (1928-), University of North Dakota
Merrifield Hall (1928- ) in 1929, University of North Dakota
Merrifield Hall (1928- ) in 1929, University of North Dakota
Merrifield Hall (1928- ) in November 1958, University of North Dakota
Merrifield Hall (1928- ) in September 1958, University of North Dakota
Merrifield Hall (1928- ): Winter Photograph, University of North Dakota
Merrifield Hall (1929 - ), University of North Dakota
Messieurs, accablé sous le poids du malheur …, Honoré Daumier
Messieurs ... il nous reste un 43ème toast à porter ..., Honoré Daumier
Messieurs les jurés ... l'accusé a tué Jean Maclou ..., Honoré Daumier
Messieurs, voici la vérité, je suis un petit voleur, mais Mr. Macaire en est un grand …, Honoré Daumier
Messieurs, voici les comptes de notre société philantropique...., Honoré Daumier
Metacarpal-phalangeal arthroplasty : a post-operative approach, Lance Norman
Metamorphic petrology and gravity studies of the Archean English River subprovince, western Superior Province, Manitoba and Ontario, Canada, Moira E. Campion
Metamorphism and migmatization of metasediments in the Precambrian English River subprovince, western Ontario, Rodney M. Baumann
Metamorphism in the eastern Lac Seul region of the English River subprovince, Ontario, Steve J. Chipera
Metamorphism in the Wabigoon Subprovince in the vicinity of Vermilion Bay and Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Christine K. Roob
Meteorological winter' may be over...but there's still plenty of 'real winter' left., Steve Edwards
Methane potential of upper Fort Union formation sandstones, Campbell County, Wyoming, Michael J. Blackstone
Michael Schwerner, Ben Shahn
Microbiology: Leukemia Research, 1966, University of North Dakota
Microbiology: Leukemia Research, 1966, University of North Dakota
Microbiology: Leukemia Research, 1966, University of North Dakota
Microfacies analysis of the Duperow Formation in the Beaver Lodge Field, Williams County, North Dakota, Albert D. Pernichele
Middle and Late Wisconsinan (Pleistocene) insect assemblages from Illinois, Kristine D. Carter
Mightier Than The Sword, Stuart McDonald
Military Cadets, University of North Dakota
Military Cadets, 1901, University of North Dakota
Military Cadets with Swords, 1901, University of North Dakota
Military Drill, University of North Dakota
Military Drill, University of North Dakota
Military Drill, 1901, University of North Dakota
Minnesota Picnic Lunch, University of North Dakota
Minnesota's "conceal and carry" law poses some interesting challenges for businesses., Steve Edwards
Mirror Rock, Aili Schmeltz
Misguided Missive, Stuart McDonald
Misuse of prescription medication in the elderly population and the impact it has on their functional occupations, Amber Larson
Moccasins, Maker Unknown
Modeling Groundwater Denitrification by Ferrous Iron Using PHREEQC, Tedros Tesfay
Modeling the hydrogeochemistry of denitrification in the Elk Valley Aquifer, Paul A. Skubinna
Moderne Galilée. Et pourtant elle marche., Honoré Daumier
Moderne Galilée. Et pourtant elle marche., Honoré Daumier
Modernizing leisure assessment through technology applications, Brooke Johnson and Hanna Stevenson
Modification du costume parisien par suite des nouveaux drames maritimes …, Honoré Daumier
MOLÉ, Honoré Daumier
Molluscan paleontology of the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous), Bowman County, North Dakota, Kenneth F. Brinster
Molluscan paleontology of the Pliocene Peace Valley "beds" and Ridge Route "formation" (Ridge Basin group), Ridge Basin, southern California, Daniel R. Young
Mollusks from Wisconsinan (Pleistocene) ice-contact sediments of the Missouri Coteau in central North Dakota, Samuel J. Tuthill
Mon ami, tu ne sais pas …, Honoré Daumier
Mon ami … viens donc voir ces jolis diamants! ..., Honoré Daumier
Mon brave garçon, vous êtes fort heureux d'être tombé sur mon bureau de placement ..., Honoré Daumier
Mon brave garçon, vous êtes fort heureux d'être tombé sur mon bureau de placement ..., Honoré Daumier
Mon cher ami, je viens sans cérémonie vous demander à diner., Honoré Daumier
Mon cher ami, je vous présente Monsieur, Honoré Daumier
Mon cher ami ma bourse est à votre service, ne vous genez pas., Honoré Daumier
Mon cher ami, nous avons appris qu'hier soir au spectacle, un monsieur t'avait marché sur le pied par mégarde …, Honoré Daumier
Mon cher faites-moi donc le plaisir de me prêter 15 frcs., Honoré Daumier
Mon cher je t'assure que je te trouve mauvaise mine ce matin …, Honoré Daumier
Mon cher je vous félicite, votre tableau est d’un effet délirant!!, Honoré Daumier
Mon cher que voulez vous ...., Honoré Daumier
Mon cher que voulez vous ... nous avons eu du malheur ..., Honoré Daumier
Mon Dieu, mon Dieu …, Honoré Daumier
Mon escalier n'est pas fait pour votre chien ,,,, Honoré Daumier
Mon fils, l'apparition d'une comète coïncide toujours avec quelqu'événement mémorable ..., Honoré Daumier
Monochromatic Daphne, Audrey Flack
Monsieur a-t-il un état … monsieur, travaille-t-il? ..., Honoré Daumier
Monsieur Bertrand, la confiance de mes concitoyens m’a placé à la tête de cette administration, Honoré Daumier
Monsieur Daumier, votre série des Robert-Macaires est une chose charmante!, Honoré Daumier
Monsieur est très voleur ... tant mieux ..., Honoré Daumier
Monsieur Filochard, ex-marchand, retiré des édredons, éprouve le besoin de faire passer son buste en marbre à la postérité la plus reculée, Honoré Daumier
Monsieur, je méprise le charlatanisme de l’affiche, je méprise les Pufs de l’annonce …, Honoré Daumier
Monsieur, je paierai volontiers un nouveau franc …, Honoré Daumier
Monsieur, je souscris pour le tremblement de terre des Batignolles ..., Honoré Daumier
Monsieur le Maire... de passage dans votre ville nous venons vous proposer de donner un grand concert au bénéfice des pauvres...., Honoré Daumier
Monsieur Mimi Coquet, modiste et philantrope …, Honoré Daumier
Monsieur Mimi Coquet, modiste et philantrope, afin d'éviter aux jeunes filles les dangers..., Honoré Daumier
Monsieur par suite de la fusion, je vous rends l'argent de vos actions..., Honoré Daumier
Monsieur Prudhomme . . .je me noie!, Honoré Daumier
Monsieur Prudhomme ... je me noie! ..., Honoré Daumier
Monsieur ... voici ce que nous donnons cette année en prime aux abonnés de l'Univers Musical ..., Honoré Daumier
Monsieur, vous êtes reçu, votre caniche et vous, membres de la Société de Sauvetage Universel …, Honoré Daumier
Monsieur, vous qui êtes si bon, ne pourriez vous pas me procurer un petit emploi ..., Honoré Daumier
Month For Patriots, Stuart McDonald
Mon vieux, ta peinture manque de chaleur., Honoré Daumier
Morning Comes to Painted Canyon, Paul E. Barr
Mossieu Guguste et ma maman y voulaient faire dodo …, Honoré Daumier
Mossieu le directeur., Honoré Daumier
Mossieu le propriétaire!, Honoré Daumier
Mossieu Rabouleau, de ma vie je ne parlerai plus politique avec vous ..., Honoré Daumier
Mossieu Rabouleau, de ma vie je ne parlerai plus politique avec vous …, Honoré Daumier
Motherboard, Arturo Alonzo Sandoval
Motherboard, Arturo Alonzo Sandoval
Mothers with disabilities : dispelling the myths, Sarah Churchill
Mother With her Child in her Arms, Käthe Kollwitz
Motivating the unmotivated child : using psychosocial intervention methods in the school, Kristi Fickes and Kelsey Hoffmann
Motivation : an occupational therapists guide for motivating young male clients with spinal cord injuries, Michael A. Nelson and Elizabeth M. Schleicher
Motorcycles are a better indicator of spring coming than the ground hog., Steve Edwards
Move Over, Meadowlark, Here's The New State Bird, Stuart McDonald
Moving Out of Old Main (1883-1963), in 1962, University of North Dakota
Mr. Alfred Cabassol, seul de la classe vous avez passé toute cette semaine sans vous moucher sur votre manche …, Honoré Daumier
Mr. Baill.., Honoré Daumier
Mr. de Morell, partie civile., Honoré Daumier
Mr. et Mme. Prudhomme revenant de la foire aux jambons ..., Honoré Daumier
Mr. Fruch …, Honoré Daumier
Mr. GA ... Mr. LECOM …, Honoré Daumier
Mr. Jacot-Lefaive, Honoré Daumier
Mr. Joliv...., Honoré Daumier
Mr. Laurent (de L'Ardèche) passant devant le banc des ministres., Honoré Daumier
Mr. l'avocat a rendu pleine justice au rare talent déployé par le ministère public dans son réquisitoire …, Honoré Daumier
Mr. Montaugibet, en patissier-gâte-sauce., Honoré Daumier
Mr. OUMAAAANNN, en Alsacienne, Honoré Daumier
Mr. Prudhomme, Honoré Daumier
Mr. Royer - Col ..., Honoré Daumier
Mr. Royer Colas en vieille Marquise de l'ancienne cour., Honoré Daumier
Mrs. Earle J. Babcock, University of North Dakota
Mrs. Webster Merrifield (Elizabeth Bull), University of North Dakota
Mr. Thiers au Lutrin de Notre Dame de Lorette., Honoré Daumier
Mr. Vautour - Bon! ... voilà encore une maison qu'on abat..., Honoré Daumier
Mr. VAUTOUR: - Je ne saurais trop vous réitérer que je ne veux dans ma maison …, Honoré Daumier
Mr. Viennet à la Tribune. Que dis-je ! (Mr. Laboissière, vous dites de fort jolies choses) …, Honoré Daumier
Mr. Vieux-Niais, Honoré Daumier
M'sieu le boucher ... j'vous la souhaite bonne et heureuse!, Honoré Daumier
Multiple Glaciations on Mars?, Luke David Belanus
Multiple Till in North Dakota, William E. Flewitt
Mummy-bead Mask, Maker Unknown
Musique pyrotechnique, Charivarique et Diabolique., Honoré Daumier
Musk Ox, University Museum, University of North Dakota
Must be earthling would knock down that much wheat at today's prices., Steve Edwards
Must be a Scandinavian gathering, from the looks of the parking lot., Steve Edwards
Must be from the upper Midwest... matched set of grocery sacks., Steve Edwards
Must have been a tough year to gather firewood., Steve Edwards
My Hands Are Clean., Stuart McDonald
My, How You've Changed, Stuart McDonald
My, How You've Grown, Stuart McDonald
My Son, My Son!, Stuart McDonald
My U.S. Senator is funnier than yours. [US Senator Al Franken], Steve Edwards
Napalm Demonstration, University of North Dakota
Napalm Demonstration: 1966, University of North Dakota
N'approche pas la mêche de la lumière!, Honoré Daumier
National Corn Exposition, 1909, University of North Dakota
National Corn Exposition, 1909, University of North Dakota
National Health Service Debate, 1963, University of North Dakota
Natural hydroclimatic forcing of historical lake volume fluctuations at Devils Lake, North Dakota (USA), Paul E. Todhunter and Rhonda Fietzek-DeVries
Natural science of the Great Plains as it relates to the American Indian : a syllabus and sourcebook, Mary E. Bluemle
Naw...not Powerball..he's in the Cat's Incredible tournament., Steve Edwards
N'ayez pas d'inquiétoude, mossieure..., Honoré Daumier
N'bougez pas! ... vous êtes superbe comme ça., Honoré Daumier
NC MSC 012-1166 Side A, Meryl Lunde
NC MSC 012-1166 Side B, Meryl Lunde
ND High Rise (from the UND Centennial Print Portfolio), Jackie McElroy
NDSU could teach defense contractors a few things about cost overruns., Steve Edwards
Ne craignez rien ... nous n'aurons pas la guerre!, Honoré Daumier
Nehru--A Fox On a Fence, Stuart McDonald
Ne l'effraye pas Eudoxie ..., Honoré Daumier
N'entrons pas dans ce restaurant, on y mange des crevettes!, Honoré Daumier
Neogastropods (Melongenidae, Fasciolariidae, Turridae) from the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene: Thanetian), North Dakota and South Dakota, Brian E. Silfer
Ne s'étant pas assez méfié des vendangeuses et du teint de vin. / Ne s'étant pas assez méfié des vendangeuses et du teint de vin., Honoré Daumier
Ne soyez pas inquiets ... je réponds de votre affaire ..., Honoré Daumier
N'est il pas vrai que cette tragédie renferme des beautés de premier ordre ..., Honoré Daumier
Net Mender's Yard, Marblehead, Earnest Thorne Thompson
Neuropsychology Research, 1969, University of North Dakota
Ne vous y frottez pas! (Published in L'Association mensuelle de mars), Honoré Daumier
New 'artifacts' ...a result of UND's recent smoking ban., Steve Edwards
New Asia Policy, Stuart McDonald
New Highs In '64, Stuart McDonald
New Salesman- Old Product, Stuart McDonald
News Management, Kremlin Style, Stuart McDonald
Next Day After the Costume Party, University of North Dakota
Nightmare, Stuart McDonald
Night Terror, Stefan Noel Nodarse
Night Vision, Jamie Klein
Nikita's 'Spirit of Hallowe'en', Stuart McDonald
No Doubt About It, Stuart McDonald
No mascot issues at S.I.U. In fact, most people don't know what the mascot is., Steve Edwards
No More “Magic Aprons”: Longitudinal Assessment and Continuous Improvement of Customer Service at the University of North Dakota Libraries, Karlene T. Clark and Stephanie R. Walker
No-name/Elephant (from For Meyer Schapiro: A portfolio of twelve signed prints by twelve artists), Robert Rauschenberg
Non-Lignite Marker Beds in the Sentinel Butte formation, McKenzie and Dunn Counties, North Dakota, Steven G. Stancel
No, no, no...the 'rural wave' is just the one index finger., Steve Edwards
Nonstop Steamroller, Stuart McDonald
No one will drive a tractor, now days, unless it has steering assist., Steve Edwards
Nope, I left 'em up on purpose. A little dash of red and green breaks up the blinding white., Steve Edwards
No Place For A Lady, Stuart McDonald
No Place To Hide, Stuart McDonald
Nordicfest is a great opportunity to display his ethnic heritage., Steve Edwards
North Dakota is bicycle country... some of the time., Steve Edwards
North Dakota's limits on selling land to conservation groups results in some creative appeals to campaigns., Steve Edwards
North Dakota's proposed boarding schools would pose some interesting transportation challenges., Steve Edwards
North Dakota Tree Project, Jackie McElroy
North Dakota Tree Project #2: Wishful Thinking, Jackie McElroy
North Dakota Tree Project #3: Just Add Water, Jackie McElroy
Northwest Montana "soccer Mom.", Steve Edwards
Notable Quotes, Stuart McDonald
Not a good place to fish when they moved the transformer to the dam., Steve Edwards
Not all those skills folks learned in the city are useful back here., Steve Edwards
Not A Shot In The Arm, Stuart McDonald
Not Even Simmering, Stuart McDonald
Not for the kids... so he can find the driveway edge in the snow drifts., Steve Edwards
Not' maître n'est plus marquis …, Honoré Daumier
Not On the Basis of the Past, Stuart McDonald
Not Quite a Matched Team, Stuart McDonald
Nous avons donc volé le ballon de Mr. Green?, Honoré Daumier
Nous ne partirons donc pas! ..., Honoré Daumier
Nouveau parapluie, par Brévet d'invention, ressorts perfectionnés …, Honoré Daumier
Nouveau procédé pour prendre infailliblement des poissons à la ligne., Honoré Daumier
Nouveau propriétaire faisant connaissance avec le chien de sa ferme., Honoré Daumier
Nouveau système de pendule sonnant les heures les domestiques et de la trompe., Honoré Daumier
Nouveautés philantropiques (en fait de blagues)., Honoré Daumier
Nouvelle forme de sonnette proposée par le CHARIVARI …, Honoré Daumier
Nouvelle mode anglaise., Honoré Daumier
November 1930, William Preston Davies
November 1931, William Preston Davies
November 1932, William Preston Davies
November 1933, William Preston Davies
November 1934, William Preston Davies
November 1935, William Preston Davies
November 1936, William Preston Davies
November 1937, William Preston Davies
November 1938, William Preston Davies
November 1939, William Preston Davies
November 1940, William Preston Davies
November 1941, William Preston Davies
November 1942, William Preston Davies
November 1943, William Preston Davies
NOVEMBRE, Honoré Daumier
Now For The Main Event, Stuart McDonald
Now, Get in There and Pretend You're a Whole Team., Stuart McDonald
Now Here's Real Security, Stuart McDonald
No wonder the building is so big., Steve Edwards
No wonder the ground hog never sees its shadow around here., Steve Edwards
Now that we run things... any ideas about what we should do first?, Steve Edwards
Now they're just hoping they can finish harvest before time to plant., Steve Edwards
Now, wasn't this trip to "North Dakota's number one tourist destination" better than Disney World?, Steve Edwards
Now you see why 'road gear' wears out first on farm equipment., Steve Edwards
N'te dépêche pas tant …, Honoré Daumier
Numerical Modeling of CO2 Non-Dracy Flow in a Petroleum Reservoir, Jon Hrabik
Nurture your infant and yourself : a breastfeeding program, Kathryn J. Conrad
NW Montana's five seasons-- fall, summer, winter, spring, and fire., Steve Edwards
Nymphes des bords de la Marne, Honoré Daumier
Occasionally he has to open the window to let the gun smoke out., Steve Edwards
Occupational therapists in primary care : perceptions of incorporating new interventions into practice, Roberta Reid and Allen Simpson
Occupational therapists' perspectives on psychosocial treatment of sexual dysfunction with mental health patients, Brittany Siefert and Joseph Troudt
Occupational therapy assistant mental health case-based learning activities, Cassie Hilts
Occupational therapy : a vital link to transition success of high school students, Ann B. DiSilvestro
Occupational therapy based guide for caregivers of individuals with muscular dystrophy, Chelsea Hesby and Macaila Pagel
Occupational therapy caregiver's guide to spinal cord injury, Kelsey Berg and Amanda Larson
Occupational Therapy: Class Instruction, 1957, University of North Dakota
Occupational Therapy: Classroom, 1957, University of North Dakota
Occupational therapy : creating a way to determine college students' assistive technology needs, Jeremiah Otteson, Stephanie Suedel, and Kjersten Swanson
Occupational therapy driving protocol for the elderly population, Terra Nelson and Courtney Marrs
Occupational therapy educational manual for teaching sexuality to client's [i.e. clients] with spinal cord injury, Amy Steen and Beth McGuire
Occupational therapy feeding and eating interventions for autism spectrum disorders and pervasive developmental disorders : a systematic review, Jordan T. Adolf and Hana M. Mattern
Occupational therapy feeding and eating manual for parents of children with oral motor deficits, Jessica Kovacevich and Genevieve Ziegler
Occupational therapy for adolescents : a nature-based interventions approach, Amanda Cruze and Myrtyce Remus
Occupational therapy for client empowerment in end-of-life care, Emily Johnson and Sarah Landsem
Occupational Therapy: Hand Mold, 1969, University of North Dakota
Occupational therapy in oncology : a guide for the occupational therapist working on the oncology care team, Kaitlyn Radi and Anna Schumacher
Occupational therapy intervention for individuals with Parkinson's disease, Lisa J. Neppl
Occupational therapy intervention for patients with spinal cord injury, Cheryl A. Nickerson
Occupational therapy interventions for ADHD : a systematic review, Kamela L. Kelsch and Kaci L. Miller
Occupational therapy interventions for pre and post liver transplant patients, Tina M. Sauber
Occupational therapy in the intensive care unit : a quick reference guide, Susie Bonn and Megan Keidel
Occupational therapy : meeting the needs of individuals diagnosed with cancer, Kim Jones and Lonnie Music
Occupational therapy perspective in the management of lymphedema, Mellonna Beckermann
Occupational therapy practice strategies to reduce recidivism rates in the chronically mentally ill, Sonya Erickson
Occupational therapy practitioners' views on health and wellness promotion programming : a qualitative study, Danielle Nelson-Deering and Haley Pratt
Occupational therapy program for the homeless population in Grand Forks, Jaime Plamann and Jelissa Holt
Occupational therapy screening tool for school-aged children with sleep problems, Jenae Becker and Kathryne Kitchen
Occupational therapy sensory integration protocol for early intervention : birth to three years, Reagan Boyson
Occupational therapy's intervention for fetal alcohol syndrome : family centered therapy, Marie Keller
Occupational therapy's role : a foundational occupational therapy education resource for Ghana, Shalyn K. Hample and Maria J. Sundsted
Occupational Therapy: Student Internship, University of North Dakota
Occupation-based hand therapy : a practice guide for entry-level therapists, David Braski
Occupation-based interventions for clients with chemical addiction issues, Amanda Sylling and Alyson Wilhelmi
Occupation-based leisure interventions for individuals with spinal cord injury, Jaclyn Swangstue and Whitney Josephson
Occupation-based program to reduce revidicism [i.e. recidivism] in women offenders, Kacie Moll and Ashley Tyre
Occupation Therapy: Instruction, University of North Dakota
Occurance of Selenium in Sedimentary Rocks, Dennis Thomte
October, Roger Bissiére
October 1930, William Preston Davies
October 1931, William Preston Davies
October 1932, William Preston Davies
October 1933, William Preston Davies
October 1934, William Preston Davies
October 1935, William Preston Davies
October 1936, William Preston Davies
October 1937, William Preston Davies
October 1938, William Preston Davies
October 1939, William Preston Davies
October 1940, William Preston Davies
October 1941, William Preston Davies
October 1942, William Preston Davies
October 1943, William Preston Davies
ODILON BARROT, Honoré Daumier
officials are taking some extreme measures to stop the flu virus., Steve Edwards
Off To the Special Session, Stuart McDonald
Oh!.. absolument comme si on y était …, Honoré Daumier
Oh, Boy Snow!, Stuart McDonald
Oh! c'est admirable!... seulement.... la bouche me semble un peu grande ..., Honoré Daumier
Oh! ciel, Madeleine! ..., Honoré Daumier
Ohé! ... les navigateurs … ohé! ..., Honoré Daumier
Oh they can come home, without fish, and be twice as upset., Steve Edwards
Oh...I didn't know you meant The Arc, Upper Valley., Steve Edwards
Oh, I suppose he'll keep on logging until the winnings are all gone., Steve Edwards
Oh, it's great exercise... look at the muscles on the kid that shovels my walks and driveway., Steve Edwards
Oh, it's just folks out checking to see how bad the blizzard really is., Steve Edwards
Oh! merci, de ce que tu as fait pour ton père …, Honoré Daumier
Oh! m'sieu l'avocat, tâchez de me faire divorcer …, Honoré Daumier
Oh! Non la malade est faible, elle succomberail … l’opération devient impraticable ..., Honoré Daumier
Oh! ... Papa! ..., Honoré Daumier
Oh! papa, papa ... v'là un beau polichinelle qui ressemble à mon oncle Cabassol …, Honoré Daumier
Oh! quant à la vue, vous ne trouverez pas mieux qu'ici! ..., Honoré Daumier
Oh these cold winter nights a teddy bear with a block heater is actually a good idea., Steve Edwards
Oh! ... une bête à cornes … ça doit être un taureau …, Honoré Daumier
Oh, yea...I've seen worse years., Steve Edwards
Oil and Gas Accumulation in the "Main Pay" Zone of the Beaver Lodge Field Williams County, North Dakota, Dewey J. Bushaw
Oil and Water, Sam McCotter
Okay...just pretend you're doing a snow shoveling game on your wii video system., Steve Edwards
Okay...tell me again why the Sioux logo is not hostile and offensive for hockey teams., Steve Edwards
Old Chemistry (1918- ) in 1959, University of North Dakota
Old Glory Goes On Top, Sonny., Stuart McDonald
Old Main, Thomas C. Parrish
Old Main (1883-1963), circa 1918, University of North Dakota
Old Main (1883-1963) in 1923., University of North Dakota
Old Main (1883-1963): Postcard, University of North Dakota
Old Main, 1899, University of North Dakota
Old Main Memorial Sphere, University of North Dakota
Old Main Memorial Sphere: (1963- ), in 1964, University of North Dakota
Old Main Sphere, University of North Dakota
(Old) Science Hall (1901-1999) - Entrance, University of North Dakota
(Old) Science Hall (1901-1999) - From Campus Entryway, University of North Dakota
(Old) Science Hall (1901-1999) - West Entrance, University of North Dakota
(Old) Science Hall (1901-1999) - With Woodworth Hall, University of North Dakota
(Old) Science Hall (1901-1999) - With Woodworth Hall, University of North Dakota
Oleophilic/Hydrophilic, Kim Fink
Ô Maître Bilboquet, nous sommes flambés, ces farceurs là vont nous prendre notre public., Honoré Daumier
On a beau dire ... il n'y a rien de tel que la campagne pour bien se divertir., Honoré Daumier
One thing about it...when the potholes are packed with snow, the roads are smoother., Steve Edwards
One thing about unmanned delivery service, you don't have to bake it bars at Christmastime., Steve Edwards
On icy roads there's a big difference between 'four wheel drive' and 'four wheel stop.', Steve Edwards
Only a tourist wouldn't know 'Third Street' is in the next town., Steve Edwards
Only during a warm winter do you see ice fishermen swatting at mosquitoes., Steve Edwards
Only freshmen would hope UND might close for severe weather., Steve Edwards
Only The Name Is Changed, Stuart McDonald
On n'est jamais bien servi que par soi-même., Honoré Daumier
On n'est jamais bien servi que par soi-même., Honoré Daumier
On nous avait dit de venir dans ce pays et que nous y trouverions des arbres magnifiques ..., Honoré Daumier
On rend des comptes aux actionnaires., Honoré Daumier
On reprend son bien où on le trouve., Honoré Daumier
On reprend son bien où on le trouve., Honoré Daumier
On the go : sensory kit manuals for families of children with autism spectrum disorders, Sarah Dahlhauser and Holly Frolek
On the new Smiley, could they paint, underneath, 'valley dwellers, take me to your leader?', Steve Edwards
Onze degrés centigrades!, Honoré Daumier
Ooh Mr. Howdy You're So Strong!, Linda Whitney
Opinion courageuse de M. Potasse-Molasse-Béasse-Constitutionnel, sur la crise actuelle., Honoré Daumier
Oracles, Tim Larson
Ordovician corals of the Williston Basin periphery, Frank P. Caramanica
Ore controls and formation of the ore-bearing structures in the Idarado mines, San Miguel and Ouray Counties, Colorado, S. R. Sanjines
Origin and distribution of selenium in the upper Cretaceous Niobrara and Pierre formations, northeastern North Dakota, Robert M. Novak
Origin and stratigraphy of Holocene sediments, Souris and Des Lacs glacial-lake spillways, north-central North Dakota, William M. Boettger
OT cultural competence website, Kelly Bjoralt and Kristy Henson
Ôte-toi de là que je m'y mette., Honoré Daumier
Où çà bourgeois?, Honoré Daumier
Où çà bourgeois?, Honoré Daumier
Oui c'est bien feue ma femme!, Honoré Daumier
Oui madame … ces animaux-là viennent tous du jardin des plantes …, Honoré Daumier
Oui! Ma petite, voilà plus de 3 semaines qu’il n’est rien entré dans son pauvre corps à ce cher homme ..., Honoré Daumier
Oui, mon cher monsieur Badoulard ..., Honoré Daumier
Oui, mon oncle, mon vertueux oncle, je fus dissipateur, joueur, débauché, j’eus bien des torts …, Honoré Daumier
Oui Monsieur... dévoué par état ... et par sentiment à la philantropie la plus pure …, Honoré Daumier
Oui, Monsieur Gimblet, l'ordre ne sera définitivement rétabli en Europe …, Honoré Daumier
Oui, Monsieur, moyennant un petit abonnement a notre assurance vous serez assuré de mourir …, Honoré Daumier
Oui, monsieur, on a eu l'indignité de me refuser ce tableau là à l'exposition …, Honoré Daumier
Oui Monsieur vous n'êtes pas de Paris …, Honoré Daumier
Oui Monsieur, vous voyez en moi une victime des haines politique …, Honoré Daumier
Oui, on veut dépouiler cet orphélin, que je ne qualifie pas de jeune …, Honoré Daumier
Où peut conduire la lecture du Constitutionnel!, Honoré Daumier
Ou peut on être mieux …, Honoré Daumier
Où peuvent conduire le sommeil d'un cocher et la soif d'un cheval. / Danger pour un Invalide de s'endormir près de son lampion …, Honoré Daumier
Our Back To The Wall, Stuart McDonald
Our Greatest Natural Resource, Stuart McDonald
Our Job: Stop That Car!, Stuart McDonald
Our Patience Exhausted, Stuart McDonald
Our version of 'target marketing' and 'bundling of products.', Steve Edwards
Ouvrez donc ... c'est moi ... l'fricandeau!, Honoré Daumier
'Over There, My Eye!', Stuart McDonald
Ô vous qui m'offriez et sucre et cassonade Je ne puis à présent que vous mettre en salade!, Honoré Daumier
Paleocene coal-bearing sediments of the Williston Basin, North Dakota : an interaction between fluvial systems and an intracratonic basin, Laramie M. Winczewski
Paleoecology of a late quaternary biota at the McClusky Canal Site, central North Dakota, Linda E. Okland
Paleoecology of late quaternary Molluscan-Ostracod assemblages from the Norwood site, southeastern Minnesota, Kevin L. Malmquist
Paleoenvironmental analysis of a late Holocene deposit : Stanton site, west-central North Dakota, David W. Fischer
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of late quaternary lacustrine sediments (Seibold Site) in southeastern North Dakota, William B. Bickley Jr.
Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Caloosahatchee Marl of Florida, Larry D. Berg
Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Niobrara Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of eastern North Dakota with emphasis on the calcareous nannoplankton, Jeremy Reiskind
Paleontology of brackish-water faunas in two tongues of the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene, Danian), Slope and Golden Valley counties, southwestern North Dakota, James B. Van Alstine
Paleosols as Holocene proxy climate indicators, McLean County, North Dakota, Deborah L. Beck
Paleozoology of cores from the Tyler Formation (Pennsylvanian) in North Dakota, U.S.A., James C. Grenda
Palynology of the Hagel lignite bed and associated strata, Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene), in central North Dakota, Edward N. Steadman
Pardon mon cher …, Honoré Daumier
Pardon, mon cher monsieur..... je suis désolé, mais je ne puis pas prêter l'oreille au récit de vos infortunes...., Honoré Daumier
Parent educational manual : using sensory integration techniques for children with autism, Stephanie Bekken and Lacey Lemley
Parent guide for therapeutic play, Amber Brown and Corey Lof
Parent's guide to infant massage, Rana Gish
Parisien commençant à regretter d'être allé à la chasse au lion dans un pays trop giboyeux!, Honoré Daumier
Parisiens recevant un grain sur la plage de Dieppe …, Honoré Daumier
Parisiens regrettant vivement d'avoir eu l'idée d'aller voir la mer sans parapluie., Honoré Daumier
Parisiens surpris par la marée montante …, Honoré Daumier
Parisiens tenant absolument à rester à la campagne …, Honoré Daumier
Parisien transportant dans un autre quartier ses dieux Lares., Honoré Daumier
Parkinson's disease and occupational therapy : evidence based practice, Gordon Stubbings and Tiffany Vliem
PARRIEU, Honoré Daumier
Partez, mon cher, et qu'on lui fasse prendre ce bouillon, de onze heures à midi., Honoré Daumier
Partez, mon cher, et qu'on lui fasse prendre ce bouillon, de onze heures à midi., Honoré Daumier
Partly Cloudy, Rebecca Sefcovic Uglem
Partons, madame ... ces nudités sont révoltantes …, Honoré Daumier
PAS FAMEUX? N'EST-CE PAS!!, Honoré Daumier
Passing Through, Dan Attoe
Past and Present Molluscan Fauna, Sheyenne River, North Dakota, Rodney D. Norby
Patterns and mechanisms of heat transport in the northern Denver Basin Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming, Aaron T. Ochsner
Paul Collins with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Pauvre Angleterre!, Honoré Daumier
Peace Begins In Your Heart, Stuart McDonald
Peace In Our Time, Stuart McDonald
Peace Sign: 1969, University of North Dakota
Peace Week Demonstration: November 1967, University of North Dakota
Peace Week Demonstrations, November 1967, University of North Dakota
Peace Week Demonstrations, November 1967, University of North Dakota
Peace Week Demonstrations, November 1967, University of North Dakota
Peace Week Demonstrations, November 1967, University of North Dakota
Peace Week Demonstrations, November 1967, University of North Dakota
Pebbles in the glacial till of eastern North Dakota, Alice E. Russell
Pediatric mobility education unit, Michelle Dobmeier and Brett Johnson
Pediatric oncology : parent education handbook, Lindsey Anderson and Lacey Harrington
Pelecypoda from the lower Fox Hills Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of Emmons County, North Dakota, Rodney M. Feldmann
Perdu, monsieur ... perdu sur tous le points .... et vous me disiez encore ce matin que ma cause était excellente!, Honoré Daumier
Père de famille, inspirant de bonne heure à ses enfants…, Honoré Daumier
Perfectionnement de l'éducation des poissons savans du collège de France., Honoré Daumier
Periglacial landforms and processes in the southern Kenai Mountains, Alaska, Palmer K. Bailey
Personally, I Preferred The Peace Offensive, Stuart McDonald
Petits! petits! petits! ... venez! venez! venez! .... venez donc Dindons!, Honoré Daumier
Petrographic Analysis of an Early Cenozoic Breccia from the Tinton Area, Northern Black Hills, South Dakota, Timothy M. Lockrem
Petrography of Four Rock Units Exposed in the Campbell Red Lake Mines, Ontario, Fosco V. Facca
Petrography of Precambrian iron formation, Pembina County, North Dakota, Ronald E. Richardson
Petrography of the Harvest Lake Area, Quebec, Canada, Jerry Davidson
Petrography of the Midale subinterval in the Bottineau and Renville counties area, North Dakota, Morris J. McCollum
Petrography of xenolith zones in the Black Face-Ames plutons, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado, Richard B. Moore
Petroleum potential of the Tilston interval (Mississippian) of central North Dakota, John P. Himebaugh
Petrology and alteration in the core of the Bear Lodge Tertiary intrusive complex, Bear Lodge Mountains, Crook County, Wyoming, Michael Wilkinson
Petrology and geochemistry of the Killdeer carbonates, John J. Delimata
Petrology, geochemistry and economic geology of selected gold claims in rocks of the Wasekwan Lake area, Lynn Lake district, Manitoba, Canada, Douglas Scott Kenaley
Petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Goldlund Gold Deposit, Northwestern Ontario, Steven D. Giddings
Petrology of sandstones from the Bullion Creek and Sentinel Butte Formations (Paleocene), Little Missouri Badlands, North Dakota, Mark A. Steiner
Petrology of the alaskites of the Boulder batholith, Montana, Kenneth C. Malick
Petrology of the Beulah-Zap lignite bed, Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene), Mercer County, North Dakota, David R. Kleesattel
Petrology of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of the Lytle Creek area, Bear Lodge Mountains, Wyoming, Stanely F. White
Petrology of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of the Tinton district, Black Hills, South Dakota - Wyoming, John T. Ray
Petrology of the Cenozoic phonolites and related rocks of the Houston Creek area, Bear Lodge Mountains, Wyoming, Frederick S. O’Toole
Petrology of the Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene), North Dakota, Nels F. Forsman
Phi Delta Theta House, University of North Dakota
Phi Delta Theta House (1910- ), University of North Dakota
Phi Delta Theta (Varsity Bachelor Club), University of North Dakota
Philantrope Anglais dans l'exercice de son sacerdoce., Honoré Daumier
Philippe mon père, ne me laissera donc plus de gloire à acquérir!, Honoré Daumier
Photosynthesis, Paul Noot
Physical activities in the NYS/BYA program on the Turtle Mountain Chippewa Reservation: a resource guide for adaptation, Lauren Herbert and Melissa Hoffman
Physical Description and Significance of the Tills at the Dobmeier Pit Near Park River, North Dakota, Robert A. Burrows
Physical Therapy: Student Internship, 1969, University of North Dakota
Physical Therapy: Student Internship, 1969, University of North Dakota
Physics Department: Lecture, 1969, University of North Dakota
Physics Experiment, University of North Dakota
Physics Laboratory, Main, University of North Dakota
Physics: Laboratory Work, 1949, University of North Dakota
Physiology Class, University of North Dakota
Physionomies que l'on a le plaisir de ne rencontrer que dans la salle des Pas-Perdus. / Un vautour et deux pigeons., Honoré Daumier
Phytoremediation of Nitrate in the Karlsruhe Aquifer, McHenry County, North Dakota, Laura C. Ackerman
Pick Pocket At Work, Stuart McDonald
Pierre Leroux, Honoré Daumier
Pierrot, from Cirque de l'Étoile, Georges Rouault
Piété Filiale., Honoré Daumier
Pilot study : affect of power posing on OT student performance when implementing interventions, Aimee Abel and Brittney Barelman
Place aux jeunes!, Honoré Daumier
Placer Gold Deposits, John W. Bonneville
Plains Style Doll, Maker Unknown
Plant, Louise Nevelson
Planting Class Tree, University of North Dakota
Planting the Class Tree, University of North Dakota
Planting the Class Tree 1898, University of North Dakota
Playing in the Dark, Sarah Reuter
Pleistocene geology of northern Kidder county, North Dakota, James Chmelik
Pleistocene geology of the Comstock-Sebeka area, west-central Minnesota, Curtis A. Anderson
Pleistocene geology of the Grand Forks-Bemidji area, northwestern Minnesota, Kenneth L. Harris
Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Red Lake Falls area, Minnesota, Kenneth L. Harris
Pleistocene Terraces of The Atlantic Coastal Plain, Richard B. Moe
Plusieurs gardes nationaux qui n'avaient pas songé au mal de mer …, Honoré Daumier
Plus side, it's a yellow brick road. Minus side it doesn't exactly lead to OZ., Steve Edwards
Plus souvent que je te conduirai encore au bal de l'Opéra!..., Honoré Daumier
Political Pointer, Stuart McDonald
Politics Is YOUR Business, Stuart McDonald
Poor guy...every time he goes to the machine shed the Border Patrol checks his ID., Steve Edwards
Portrait of Charles Baudelaire, ´Edouard Manet
Portrait of Harriet Eaton Ross (1835-1863) at 4 years old, Maker Unknown
Portrait of Van Gogh, John David Boyd
Positioning and ergonomics for pregnant women while performing daily tasks, Kim Anderson and Brandi Johnson
Positive Action in North Dakota, Stuart McDonald
Possible Groundwater Denitrification in the Decorah Formation (Middle Ordovician), Ashley Ignatius
Postglacial ostracod distribution and paleoecology, Devils Lake basin, northeastern North Dakota, James B. Van Alstine
Potassium-Argon Dating, Jerry E. Nestaval
Potential of CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration in the Golden Pinnacle Reef Reservoir in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, Charles Gorecki
Pouch, Maker Unknown
Pour aller jusqu'au coeur que vous voulez percer …, Honoré Daumier
Pour lors, c'est donc nous qui sommes dans le pétrin., Honoré Daumier
Pourriez-vous me dire ce qui vous empêche de payer votre billet?, Honoré Daumier
Powerful Modern Melodrama, Stuart McDonald
Power House and Mechanical Engineering Building (Chandler Hall) (1899- ), University of North Dakota
Power House (Chandler Hall) (1899- ), University of North Dakota
Power House (Chandler Hall) (1899- ), University of North Dakota
Power House Crew, 1909, University of North Dakota
Prairie Schooner, Jackie McElroy
Precipitation Data, Xuefeng Michael Chu Ph.D, Kendall Grimm, Mohsen Tahmasebi Nasab, Ning Wang, Mohammad Hadi Bazrkar, Lan Zeng, Matt Lee, Jamal Ghauri, Dillon Ekholm, Jackie Arntson, Libby Kruse, and Jared Swanberg
Predicting the effect of wetland restoration on phosphorus retention, Northwest Minnesota, Ryan J. Whittaker
Preferential flow mechanisms : their interaction and effect on dye movement in till and glaciolacustrine sediment, Calvin D. Taylor
Preliminary report on the geology of Colgrove Butte, Hettinger County, North Dakota, Thorsteinn Thorsteinsson
Preliminary Study of Lake Agassiz Sediments, James D. Ross
Premier sujet d'un café-concert …, Honoré Daumier
Prenez garde! ... ne les agacez pas trop ... ce sont de petits requins agés de six semaines, mais déjà très méchants! ..., Honoré Daumier
Presentation in the Temple, Rembrandt van Rijn
Presentation in the Temple, Rembrandt van Rijn
President John F. Kennedy - Flag at Half-Staff, Colburn Hvidston III
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Address, Robert Fischer
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Address, Dennis R. Hussey
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Address, Myron J. Schober
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Address, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Admission Lines, Robert Fischer
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Applause for the President, University of North Dakota
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Arrival, Myron J. Schober
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Arrival, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Arriving at the Fieldhouse, Robert Fischer
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Arriving on Campus, Myron J. Schober
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Balcony View, Lee Everson Studio
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Before Address, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Before the Address, Myron J. Schober
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Car Ride, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Departure, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Exiting the Fieldhouse, Myron J. Schober
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Fieldhouse Address, Cal Olsen
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Greeting Spectators, E. Limvere
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Greeting Spectators, Cal Olsen
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Helicopter Departure, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Helicopter Departure, Myron J. Schober
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Honorary Degree, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Honorary Degree, Robert Fischer
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Honorary Degree, Cal Olsen
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Introduction, Robert Fischer
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Introduction, Robert Fischer
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Motorcade, Cal Olsen
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Portrait, University of North Dakota
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Press, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Shaking Hands, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Speaking, Cal Olsen
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Spectator Greeting, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Waiting to Speak, Dennis Cook
President John F. Kennedy Visit - Welcome, Myron J. Schober
President's House (Oxford) - 1902 Postcard, University of North Dakota
President's House, Oxford House (1902 - ), University of North Dakota
President's House (Oxford) - Interior 1902, University of North Dakota
Pressure-Solution Features of the Birdbear Formation (Devonian), Williston Basin, North Dakota, James C. Collier
Preterm infants with gastroesophageal reflux disorder : an intervention handbook for paretns [i.e. parents], Melissa Cramer
Preventative measures for burnout with occupational therapists who work in a long-term care setting, Gabe Evenson
Preview of a Balanced Budget, Stuart McDonald
Prevocational programming for a dual diagnosis population, Brandi L. Breitbach and Apryl J. Molstad
Prey Selectivity by naticid gastropods from tertiary sediments of the United States coastal Plain, Robert N. Sickler
Princeton Hall - 1946-1961, Nagle Studio
Principles of Unitization, Wallace E. Bakken
Process to incorporate a therapy service dog in an occupational therapy educational program, Hanna Eickenbrock and Marlee Wheelhouse
Professor Frederick H. Koch, University of North Dakota
Professor George St.John Perrott, University of North Dakota
Professor Robert Nelson at Peace Week: November 1967, University of North Dakota
Program development for occupational therapists in the schools : assessments and interventions for children in grades 1-6 with social dysfunction, Rose Kirby and Christina Knott
Progrès de l'Équitation, Honoré Daumier
Promoting children's health in the home environment : a parent/guardian handbook, Shannon Troje and Stacie Voth
Promoting fine motor and visual-motor skill development in preschool age children, Patty Soldner
Promoting social participation, leisure and community integration for adults with developmental disabilities : an intervention guide, Joelle Evenson and Rebekah Miesbauer
Proof Of Gods Faith In Mankind, Stuart McDonald
Prophet Zechariah (Illumination from manuscript pocket Bible), Maker Unknown
Proposed Bypass, Stuart McDonald
...proposed uniform for the sailors on the new U.S.S. North Dakota., Steve Edwards
Prosthetics guide for occupational therapy students and new graduates, Chelsea de Bruto and Kayla Oates
Proterozoic structures in north-central North Dakota: a gravity study, Kathryn C. Luther
Protest at Governor's Day, University of North Dakota
Protests Make Strange Bedfellows, Stuart McDonald
Protocol to enhance psychosocial treatment intervention for clients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Breezy L. Sykes
Protocol to enhance quality of life in nursing home residents through implementation of the eden alternative concepts :, Amy Slominski and Megan Briese
Psychosocial assessment in orthopedic evaluations : a clinical tool for occupational therapists, Sara M. Sipple
...pulling up the fence so he'll never be tempted to raise cattle again., Steve Edwards
Purely Non-Political, Stuart McDonald
Pushing Together, Stuart McDonald
Puzzle of Peace Still Unsolved, Stuart McDonald
Quality of life occupational therapy measurement tool for patients with lymphedema/chronic venous edema, Marsha Waind
Quand il y a trente degrés de chaleur, heureux le bourgeois lorsqu'il va dormir dans la forêt de St. Germain …, Honoré Daumier
Quand le crime ne donne pas., Honoré Daumier
Quand on a brulé son dernier chevalet!, Honoré Daumier
Quand on a son Portrait au Salon, Honoré Daumier
Quand un orateur ennuyeux est à la tribune., Honoré Daumier
Quantifying nutrient cycling and fate within an abandoned feedlot and adjacent wetlands, Prosper Prosper Gbolo
Quantitative geomorphology and hydrology of the Cass River Basin, New Zealand, Frank J. Schulte
Qu’as-tu donc, Robert?, Honoré Daumier
Quaternary geology of Rolette County, North Dakota, Dwight E. Deal
Quaternary geology of Sargent County, North Dakota, Dennis N. Neilsen
Quaternary geology of the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, John Reiten
Quaternary geology of the southern part of the Grand Forks and Bemidji quadrangles, Donald K. Sackreiter
Quaternary stratigraphy of the Lake Sakakawea area, Mclean County, North Dakota, James H. Ulmer
Que diable Monsieur ne bougez donc pas les mains vous perdez la pose., Honoré Daumier
Quel dommage que cette charmante petite femme ne m'ait pas chargé de défendre sa cause …, Honoré Daumier
Quel égoïste!, Honoré Daumier
Quelle chance d'avoir trouvé à louer une campagne …, Honoré Daumier
Quelle chance ... voilà un monsieur qui se savonne ... je vais profiter de son eau!, Honoré Daumier
Quelle diable d'idée a eue ma femme de nous mettre en route pour aller rendre visite à Mr. Guillocheau …, Honoré Daumier
Quelle est votre opinion sur cette eau-de-vie?, Honoré Daumier
Quelle heureuse rencontre! …, Honoré Daumier
Quelle horrible chose ... si nous avons la guerre!, Honoré Daumier
Quelle idée as-tu donc eue, Adélaïde, de venir passer notre dimanche à la campagne?, Honoré Daumier
Quelle société abatardie et corrompue que la nôtre! …, Honoré Daumier
Qué qu'vous êtes donc devenu, m'sieu Lebrun?, Honoré Daumier
Qui aime Bertrand aime son chien., Honoré Daumier
Quick bursts of speed can be flashy, but a steady pace pays off over time., Steve Edwards
Quick...lock the doors, she's got more zucchini., Steve Edwards
Qui en veut? qui en veut?, Honoré Daumier
Quiet Before the Storm, Heidi Goldberg
Qu'il mourut!, Honoré Daumier
Qu'il mourut!, Honoré Daumier
Qui veut de la couronne de Bysance?, Honoré Daumier
Radioactive Well Logging, Elmer J. Klaudt
Rain Drain, Jackie McElroy
'Rally 'Round The Flag, Boys', Stuart McDonald
Rates of hillslope lowering in the Badlands of North Dakota, John R. Tinker Jr.
Reaching For Railroad Control, Stuart McDonald
Ready For A Rare Event, Stuart McDonald
Ready for Fun, Stuart McDonald
Recent fluvial geology in western North Dakota, Thomas M. Hamilton
Reclamation Design for a Hypothetical Coal Strip-Mine Dunn County, North Dakota, Kelly Nelson
Recreational manual for caregivers of individuals with cerebral palsy, Erica Bucher
Red Earth, Sr. Denise Schonhardt
Red Murphy's Road, Badlands, ND, Paul E. Barr
Reducing recidivism for youth through an integrated residential and community-based program, Alexandra Berdal, Megan Meyer, and Nicolet Sadlowski
Reevaluation of species concepts of uppermost cretaceous unionidae (mollusca: bivalvia) : Hell Creek formation, Montana, U.S.A., Marron J. Bingle
Regardez, mais n'y touchez pas!, Honoré Daumier
Régime parlementaire., Honoré Daumier
Regional stratigraphy of the Newcastle Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in eastern Montana and western North Dakota, Adam J. Ulishney
Registrar's Office in Main (1884-1963), University of North Dakota
Regolith Erosion at Grinnell Glacier, Glacier National Park, Connor Lindberg and Jaakko Putkonen
Reintegrating military personnel to community life : an occupational therapy perspective, Carlotta Booth and Heather Hanson
Relationship of the Turtle, Forest, and Park rivers to the history of glacial Lake Agassiz, Samuel S. Harrison
Remediation of Hydrocarbon Contamination in Downtown Mandan, North Dakota, Damien Hesse, Amanda Krieger, Alex Padgett, and Derek Zander
Remember, Liz Wuestefeld
Remember Anything From Last Year?, Stuart McDonald
Remote Control War, Stuart McDonald
Renouvelé de Gessler, Honoré Daumier
Representative Government?, Stuart McDonald
Research about low permeability measurement, Jun He
Reservoir Analysis of the Birdbear Formation (Devonian) in Northwestern North Dakota, Mitchell V. Sigler
Reservoir Characterization of the Broom Creek Formation For Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, Justin J. Kringstad
Resolving Terrain Effects in Borehole Temperature Profiles, Shannon M. Heinle
Resource guide for secondary complications of individuals aging with a spinal cord injury, Allison Laska and Emily Proctor
Resource manual for occupational therapists : providing transportation related resources to the elderly living in poverty in North Dakota, Amanda Ralston and Lukas Wavra
Resource manual for rural occupational therapy practitioners, Janae Marie. Hughes
Ressac (from For Meyer Schapiro: A portfolio of twelve signed prints by twelve artists), Stanley William Hayter
Restating Russian Religion, Stuart McDonald
Retained primitive reflexes and ADHD : examining atypical symptomology in the school-aged population, Quincey Adams and Jamie Craft
...retired with honors., Steve Edwards
Retire-toi, mon ami, je t'en prie ... les chemins de fer sont si dangereux depuis quelque temps ..., Honoré Daumier
Reversal, James Pierce
Reviens y donc encore ... grand enjeoleu!, Honoré Daumier
Ride the wave : a guide for implementing biofeedback in occupation-based interventions in a rehabilitation setting, Sarah Averett and Johanna Meister
Riding High, Stuart McDonald
Rifolard, contemplé par les Anglais …, Honoré Daumier
Rifolard est plus charmé que jamais de ne s'être pas fait tuer dans les journées de juin …, Honoré Daumier
Right now "time at the lake" and "farming" are about the same thing., Steve Edwards
r.Iron.o 10108, Anna Jacobson
River, Nancy Friese
Robert-Macaire actionnaire …, Honoré Daumier
Robert-Macaire, Commissionnaire., Honoré Daumier
Robert Macaire magnétiseur., Honoré Daumier
Robert Macaire Md. de Bibles., Honoré Daumier
Robert Macaire Professeur de Français, Honoré Daumier
Rodrigue as-tu du cœur?, Honoré Daumier
Roe vs. Wade, Rea Giannonatti
Role transitioning for athletes coping with injury and occupational loss, Steven L. Huft and Izaak P. Schafer
Ross Keys with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Round Two, Stuart McDonald
Ruffian dégage les objets du mont de piété et les achète., Honoré Daumier
Rural communities are taking extreme measures to retain their primary care physicians., Steve Edwards
Sail On, O Ship of State., Stuart McDonald
Salinity, radon, and radon precursors in the soils of Grand Forks County, North Dakota, Kevin L. Solie
Salt Drilling Problems in North Dakota, Anton R. Alkofer
Salut! Terre de l’hospitalité ..., Honoré Daumier
Samuel Tuthill, Geology Department, 1963, University of North Dakota
S'apercevant qu'en croyant creuser des fondations il a creusé une tombe., Honoré Daumier
S'apercevant qu'il a peut-être vendu la peau de l'ours un peu trop tôt., Honoré Daumier
Saprelotte ... Complet!, Honoré Daumier
Saprelotte ... Complet!, Honoré Daumier
Sarah Palin's comments have allowed female hockey fans to come out of the closet., Steve Edwards
Sarrans Jeune, Honoré Daumier
Satanées salades!, Honoré Daumier
Sauvant la caisse!, Honoré Daumier
Savant, essayant de lier d’amitié, son fils avec le grand Kangourou de l’Amérique centrale., Honoré Daumier
Savants au comble de la joie en contemplant le premier petit crocodile né en France …, Honoré Daumier
Say Ahh, Zach Julen
Say, does that sign mean 'high fire danger' or eat more fruit?', Steve Edwards
Say, does this movie sort of remind you of how we walk when the slick ice is on?, Steve Edwards
Say, isn't that North Dakota ground-hog in front of a condo in Mesa?, Steve Edwards
Say, isn't that the guy who flunked freshman math four times.?, Steve Edwards
Say...this airport growth has some real possibilities., Steve Edwards
Say...those Chamber folks clean up pretty good., Steve Edwards
Say those periscopes, for checking traffic over snowbanks, work pretty well., Steve Edwards
Say, You've Got A Real Problem, Stuart McDonald
Scapegoat, Stuart McDonald
School-based practice : integrating the occupational therapy practice framework, Nancy M. Daly
Schoolhouse, Emily Lunde
Schoolhouse, Katherine J. Reeves
School's Open- Drive Carefully, Stuart McDonald
Science Hall (1902-1999), University of North Dakota
Science Hall (1902-1999), University of North Dakota
Science Hall Construction (1902-1999), University of North Dakota
Science Lab at the State Normal and Industrial School, Elmer Thompson
"Scoria" of North Dakota, Robert J. Sigsby
Scott Hennen with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Scourging of Christ (leaf from a Russian Lectionary), Maker Unknown
Scrapped, Stuart McDonald
Second Class Citizen, Stuart McDonald
Sedimentary Depositional Cyclicity, Mission Canyon and Charles Formations (Mississippian), Williston Basin, North Dakota, Jean L. Hoff
Sedimentary Facies Terminology, John C. Redmond
Sedimentary Size Analysis of Glacial Deposits in the South-Half of Kidder County, North Dakota, Richard D. Hendrickson
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Glacial Lake Souris, North Dakota: effects of a glacial-lake outburst, Mark L. Lord
Sedimentology of the Bullion Creek and Sentinel Butte formations (Paleocene) in a part of southern McKenzie County, North Dakota, Brian P. Wallick
Sediments and Structures of Part of Glacial Lake Agassiz in Grand Forks County, North Dakota, Louis D. Smith
...seems any proposed legislation negatively impacts some economic sector., Steve Edwards
Self-portrait with Flies, Kim Abeles
SÉNARD, Honoré Daumier
Sensory integration educational material for parents and caregivers, Sarah Urvand and Samantha Wilmot
Sensory integration : parent education manual, Megan Wosepka
Sensory integration teaching lab, Kelli R. Macki
Sensory processing : a guide for parents and community professionals, Julie Yutrzenka
Sensory processing disorder : raising awareness, Stephanie Thomas and Karla Emmerich
Separate and Apart, Stuart McDonald
September 1930, William Preston Davies
September 1931, William Preston Davies
September 1932, William Preston Davies
September 1933, William Preston Davies
September 1934, William Preston Davies
September 1935, William Preston Davies
September 1936, William Preston Davies
September 1937, William Preston Davies
September 1938, William Preston Davies
September 1939, William Preston Davies
September 1940, William Preston Davies
September 1941, William Preston Davies
September 1942, William Preston Davies
September 1943, William Preston Davies
September....time to start digging for the caps and mittens., Steve Edwards
Septic tank nutrients in groundwater entering Lake Sallie, Minnesota, David Robert Lee
Sera-t-il dieu, table ou cuvette?, Honoré Daumier
Serious Doubts, Stuart McDonald
Seven dimensions of wellness in athletes with upper extremity orthopedic injuries : a manual for occupational therapists, Ashley S. Chan and Micah J. Davids
Seven League Boots to Fill, Stuart McDonald
Sexuality and the initial occupational therapy assessment for adults with physical disabilities, Mandy Sherrick
Sexuality : the missing activity of daily living : a pilot study, Lindsay Farkas and Elizabeth Reynolds
Sexualtiy [Sexuality] resource for caregivers of adolescents with Down syndrome, Katie Carlson and Karna Plaine
Shared Skies (13 Global Skies), Kim Abeles
Sharing all that personal information it's just so, so...un-North Dakotan., Steve Edwards
Sharp Left Turn, Stuart McDonald
Shearing Time Again, Stuart McDonald
She decorated her kitchen to look like the 24 hour diner it is., Steve Edwards
She hadn't seen her shadow for so long that it startled her., Steve Edwards
She's certain her little sports car was parked right there, by the curb., Steve Edwards
She's in a panic... it's that time of year and she can't find her family's 'Mad Bomber' hats., Steve Edwards
She's looking for something that goes with flannel and a bomber., Steve Edwards
She's not "qualified" to substitute...but she could run for Superintendent of Public Instruction., Steve Edwards
She's waiting while the automated system "processes" her call., Steve Edwards
Shoreline recession: past, present, and future, Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, Brian S. Sandberg
Shot Down By Anti-Aircraft, Stuart McDonald
Shot Down Over North Dakota, Stuart McDonald
Shot Heard 'Round the World, Stuart McDonald
Si j'essayais maintenant de leur faire manger de l'âne!, Honoré Daumier
Silenus, Maker Unknown
Since grandma went to high tech, Thanksgiving's just not the same., Steve Edwards
Since the animal rights people got involved, rodeos are much different., Steve Edwards
Since UND and Grand Forks leased that space, the noise complaints have really diminished., Steve Edwards
Sire! Lisbonne est prise - aaaah!! …, Honoré Daumier
Sitting Outside of Davis Hall (1887-1965), "LaVerne Fairchild holding court" (hand written on back), University of North Dakota
Si tu veux, je t'achète deux cents billes fin courant …, Honoré Daumier
Si vous n'êtes pas noble, c'est inutile que je vous montre cet appartement je ne loue qu'à des personnes titrées., Honoré Daumier
Si vous saviez comme vous êtes jolie!, Honoré Daumier
Sixty Days Hath The Session..., Stuart McDonald
Size Measurement of Fine Sediments By Electrical Resistance, D. H. Mikkelson
Sky and Water leaving radiance, Xiaodong Zhang Ph.D and Afshin Shabani
Slanted News, Stuart McDonald
Sleeping Soldier, Robert A. Nelson
Slope Failure Remediation Design, Adam Ries
Small print says "the one million people born in North Dakota, who left, are not eligible.", Steve Edwards
Small-scale variability of groundwater-lake interaction at Shingobee Lake, Minnesota, Hans F. Kishel
SMART grant writing project, Shannon L. Flegel
Smile! We're On TV!, Stuart McDonald
Smoke and Mirrors, Jasie Olson
Smokey must be in the 'fur club for bears' --he sure hasn't aged., Steve Edwards
Snow Depth Data, Xuefeng Michael Chu Ph.D, Kendall Grimm, Mohsen Tahmasebi Nasab, Ning Wang, Mohammad Hadi Bazrkar, Lan Zeng, Matt Lee, Jamal Ghauri, Dillon Ekholm, Jackie Arntson, Libby Kruse, and Jared Swanberg
Snowman With Light, Todd Hebert
Snowman With Moon, Todd Hebert
Snow plow pulling a fishing boat...optimists or pessimists?, Steve Edwards
Socialization and community reintegration in the prison population, Wendy Kappenman and Melissa Violette
Social participation : an occupational therapy guide to intervention for youth with depressive disorders, Alexandra L. Marvel
Social Work: Social Problems Class, University of North Dakota
...sociologists would describe those ladies as "conflicted.", Steve Edwards
So, how many 'forever stamps" do you think we should buy?, Steve Edwards
Soil's Sleep, Karinna Gomez
So, is this a 'controlled burn?', Steve Edwards
Sole Power Walk, University of North Dakota
Some cyclists have found a way to gain respect on the roadways., Steve Edwards
Some Day All This May Be Yours, Stuart McDonald
Some farmer suggested "steering assist" for the Zamboni machines., Steve Edwards
Some Good May Come Of It, Stuart McDonald
Somehow an "electric muscle car" doesn't seem quite right., Steve Edwards
Somehow that new "merger slogan" is a bit troubling for airports out in the hinterlands., Steve Edwards
Some "interactive customer service" programs are just too interactive., Steve Edwards
Some newcomers struggle with the idea of "putting on gaiters.", Steve Edwards
Some of these online course programs are very interactive., Steve Edwards
Some of those aquatic nuisance species are really devious., Steve Edwards
Some of those aquatic nuisance species are really devious., Steve Edwards
Some of those "snowbirds" just have to rub it in., Steve Edwards
Some of those valley golfers are very dedicated., Steve Edwards
Some people don't mind the snow berm in the middle of the street., Steve Edwards
Some people just don't seem to get the idea of spring horn hunting., Steve Edwards
Some people just shouldn't be licensed for dark house fishing., Steve Edwards
Some People Never Learn, Stuart McDonald
Some sawyers like to show off their skills at Thanksgiving dinner., Steve Edwards
Some students seem to start their spring break a few days early., Steve Edwards
Sometimes a candidate can be "too transparent.", Steve Edwards
Sometimes the 'big white combine' is a blessing., Steve Edwards
Some valley school districts have gotten very creative at getting students to classes., Steve Edwards
Sommeil magnétique, dix francs l'heure. / Dormeurs à la corde., Honoré Daumier
Sont-il fade! … regarde donc comme ils s'en sauvent!, Honoré Daumier
Sorry, there's no way we can make it to work. So, what time does the ball game start, then?, Steve Edwards
Sortez!, Honoré Daumier
So that's how deer know when to jump out on the roadway., Steve Edwards
So that's why their hats fly off at the start of their ride., Steve Edwards
Soul en enfant de Coeur., Honoré Daumier
Soulouque trouvant qu'à Paris, la location des cases est beaucoup trop chère., Honoré Daumier
Southend Power House (1909-present), University of North Dakota
South Sea Sonata, Red Grooms
SOUVENIRS, Honoré Daumier
So, when should we take off the studded tires?, Steve Edwards
Soyez donc poli., Honoré Daumier
Soyez donc poli. I ... impertinent!!, Honoré Daumier
Spatially Distributed Pothole Depth Data, Xuefeng Michael Chu Ph.D, Kendall Grimm, Mohsen Tahmasebi Nasab, Ning Wang, Mohammad Hadi Bazrkar, Lan Zeng, Matt Lee, Jamal Ghauri, Dillon Ekholm, Jackie Arntson, Libby Kruse, and Jared Swanberg
Spectral Analysis, James Disrud
Speech Pathology: Hearing Text, 1964, University of North Dakota
Speech Pathology: Speech and Hearing Clinic, 1960, University of North Dakota
Speech Pathology: Speech and Hearing Clinic, circa 1968, University of North Dakota
Spinal cord injury : a comprehensive treatment approach to occupational therapy treatment, Trishia Boehm and Erin Lee
Spotlight On Accomplishment, Stuart McDonald
Spring break used to mean 'haul grain for a week on the farm.', Steve Edwards
Spring Comes to the North Woods, Paul E. Barr
Spring Song, Stuart McDonald
Spring Thaw, Helge Ellis Ederstrom
Stabilizing Prices?, Stuart McDonald
Star Quilt, Debbie Kennedy
Starting in the summer, when everyone is gone, could give the new prexy a false sense of calm., Steve Edwards
Starting to Boil, Stuart McDonald
Start of a New Season, Stuart McDonald
State Normal and Industrial School Concert Band, Elmer Thompson ?
State pride is good, but that bumper sticker might be a little too smug., Steve Edwards
Stepping Stones, Stuart McDonald
Strandline and Sediment Analysis of Stump Lake Area, Nelson County, North Dakota, Louis D. Smith
Strategies for healthcare professionals in dealing with adolescents with self-harming behaviors, Tera L. Remund and Andrea Keever
Strategies to promote oral motor skills and progression of foods for infants and young children with feeding concerns, Heather Davis and Anne Winter
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Fox Hills Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Bowman County, North Dakota, Daniel J. Daly
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Three Forks Formation (Upper Devonian), Williston Basin, North Dakota, Gayle M. Dumonceaux
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Wilcox Group (Paleocene) at the Oxbow Mine site, northwestern Louisiana, Richard E. Halle
Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Deadwood Formation (Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician), Williston Basin, North Dakota, Douglas B. Anderson
Stratigraphy and depositional setting of the Carrington shale facies (Mississippian) of the Williston Basin, Peter F. Bjorlie
Stratigraphy and history of the Sakakawea Sequence, south-central North Dakota, William B. Bickley Jr.
Stratigraphy and paleontology of the upper Cretaceous Morden Member (Vermilion River Formation) in the outcrop area, northeastern North Dakota, Fredrick D. Wosick
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Production potential of the Spearfish Formation in North Central North Dakota, Nnaemeka C. Anyanwu
Stratigraphy and sedimentary history of middle Cenozoic (Oligocene and Miocene) deposits in North Dakota, William J. Stone
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Sentinel Butte formation (Paleocene) near Lost Bridge, Dunn County, west-central North Dakota, Bradley D. Nesemeier
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Tongue River formation (Paleocene), southeast Golden Valley County, North Dakota, Jack W. Crawford
Stratigraphy, depositional environments, and petroleum potential of the Three Forks Formation -- Williston Basin, North Dakota, Richard A. Ashu
Stratigraphy of offshore sediment of Lake Agassiz, North Dakota, Michael B. Arndt
Stratigraphy of Paleocene and Pleistocene Sediments Exposed Along Lake Sakakawea in Eastern Dunn and Western and Central Mercer Counties, North Dakota, Joel A. Degenstein
Stratigraphy of the Inyan Kara Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the vicinity of the Nesson Anticline, northwestern North Dakota, Brad L. Wartman
Stratigraphy of the upper part of the Fort Union Group in southwestern McLean County, North Dakota, LeRoy A. Hemish
Stratigraphy of the Winnipeg and Deadwood Formations in North Dakota, Clarence G. Carlson
Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and depositional environments of the Hell Creek Formation (Late Cretaceous) and adjacent strata, Glendive area, Montana, Raymond D. Butler
Stream piracy and glacial diversion of Little Missouri River, North Dakota, Emmett R. Schmitz
Stress-related injury prevention business plan, Jose Lucio
Striped Landscape, Peter Lockrem
Stroke and the younger adult : recommendations for occupational therapy, Kara Black and Callie Schneider
Structural Evolution of the Beaver Lodge Portion of the Nesson Anticline, North Dakota, Mark B. Friestad
Structured Learning, Robert A. Matz
Student attitudes toward group discussions, Virginia Clinton and Alison E. Kelly
Student Power March: November 1967, University of North Dakota
Students' experience of learning to use occupation as intervention on fieldwork in medical settings, Kelli Atkinson and Nicole Knutson
Students Holding a Kite at the Kent State Strike, University of North Dakota
Students on Railroad Bridge over the Coulee, University of North Dakota
Students on the Coulee Bridge, University of North Dakota
Student Speech, 1967, University of North Dakota
Study for NCAA poster and “Art of Basketball” performance-art event, Arthur Jones
Studying at Budge Hall (1899-1981), University of North Dakota
Studying with successful sensory environments : a pilot study, Katrina Kotta
Study of Antiquities, Joseph Francis Nollekens
Subglacial Relief Map and Lopachous Map of Glacial Deposits of Minot, North Dakota Area, Richard R. Elofson
Substance abuse post-spinal cord injury : a manual for occupational therapists, Janaye Hellman and Emilee Soper
Substitute Teacher, Stuart McDonald
Subsurface correlations of the cretaceous Greenhorn-Lakota interval in North Dakota : a study in facies, Dan E. Hansen
Subsurgace Correlation of the Snow School Formation, Horseshoe Valley Formation, and Medicine Hill Formation, Daniel M. Walker
Summer (East of Elk Lake, Michigan), Frank McVey
Summer Institute for Linguistics, 1962, University of North Dakota
Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1966, University of North Dakota
Summertime in North Dakota: "A Place of Cool Repose - of Light and Peace.", Stuart McDonald
Sure they're expensive... think how many gophers each one required., Steve Edwards
Surface Effects of Ground Water Flow Patterns - Bottineau and Mountrail Counties, North Dakota, Ronald G. Brown
Surface geology for land use planning, Minot, North Dakota area, Garth S. Anderson
Surficial geology of northern Griggs County, North Dakota, LaVerne C. Rude
Surficial geology of the southern half of Griggs County, North Dakota, James C. Merritt
Surficial lineaments and their structural implications in the Williston Basin, Kirth Kirth Erickson
Sur le Boulevard, Honoré Daumier
Sur les Boulevards de Paris, Honoré Daumier
Surveillant la Commission de Surveillance., Honoré Daumier
Surveying Class, University of North Dakota
Suspicion and phobias are powerful marketing tools., Steve Edwards
Sweet Land of Liberty..., Stuart McDonald
Systematics, diversity, and origins of upper cretaceous continental molluscan fauna in the infra- and intertrappean strata of the Deccan Plateau, central India, Marron J. Bingle-Davis
Tackling His Own Quarterback, Stuart McDonald
Taking Flight, Jan Sher
Talk About A Coin Shortage, Stuart McDonald
Talks about the perfect niche market...valley teens will love these "text messaging mittens.", Steve Edwards
Tallith for Meyer Shapiro (from the For Meyer Schapiro Portfolio), Robert Motherwell
Tanagra Female Figure, Maker Unknown
Tangibles, Brian Paulsen
Tanka, Maker Unknown
Target (from For Meyer Schapiro: A portfolio of twelve signed prints by twelve artists), Jasper Johns
Taschereau, Honoré Daumier
T'as tort de vouloir afficher cette grande annonce dans ce mois-ci, mon bonhomme ..., Honoré Daumier
Tavis Mining Highway Stability Study - Methods Overview and Sensitivity Study, Matthew Jurgens preparers found some unusual loopholes in the U.S.. Tax Code, Steve Edwards
Teachers Institute, 1891, University of North Dakota
Teacher's Institute in Barnes County, North Dakota, 1895, University of North Dakota
Teacher's Institute in Fargo, North Dakota, 1891, University of North Dakota
Teacher's Institute in Hope, North Dakota, 1889, University of North Dakota
Teacher's Institute in Langdon, North Dakota, 1893, University of North Dakota
Team Captain Jason Ulmer with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Team Captain Peter Armbrust meets President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Team Member Brad DeFauw with President Bill Clinton, University of North Dakota
Team Member Lee Goren with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Team Member Mike Commodore with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Team Member Tim O'Connell with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Tearing Down Old Main (1884-1963), University of North Dakota
Technology has moved the skills to be a farm hand beyond 'truck driving ability helpful.', Steve Edwards
Technology wins again... the gossips are now using text messaging., Steve Edwards
Tectonic history of Billings and southern McKenzie Counties, southwestern North Dakota, John J. Crashell
Tell me again how global warming is affecting the valley., Steve Edwards
Tell Me She's Okay, Doc., Stuart McDonald
Temporal Pothole Depth Data, Xuefeng Michael Chu Ph.D, Kendall Grimm, Mohsen Tahmasebi Nasab, Ning Wang, Mohammad Hadi Bazrkar, Lan Zeng, Matt Lee, Jamal Ghauri, Dillon Ekholm, Jackie Arntson, Libby Kruse, and Jared Swanberg
Temporary Library in Budge Hall, 1906, University of North Dakota
Tendon injury rehabilitation : a manual of algorithm protocols for therapists, Joni Armstrong
Tenez général ... voilà ce que les zouaves appellent leur FOURCHETTE!!, Honoré Daumier
Tennis, 1906, University of North Dakota
Terrestrial heat flow and an assessment of enhanced geothermal system resources in Minnesota, Robert Car Lloyd Klenner
Testing the Heat Value of Coal, School of Mines, Babcock Hall (1908- ), Mining Engineering Building, University of North Dakota
Tetuan III (From the For Meyer Schapiro Portfolio), Frank Stella
Text students can understand the assignments., Steve Edwards
Thankfully, it's been a slow season for the Mosquito Control crew., Steve Edwards
Thanksgiving Day 1961, Stuart McDonald
That bear is more than habituated, he's set up house., Steve Edwards
That bull loves to rattle the hunters with his "bugling.", Steve Edwards
That gives a whole new meaning to the term "spring break up.", Steve Edwards
That'll be handy when you come inside from the cold., Steve Edwards
That Magic Season is Here, Stuart McDonald
That might be a bargain when you figure vet bills, feed, and upkeep for a live one., Steve Edwards
That might be the best of the 20 new proposals to "reform" the North Dakota legislature., Steve Edwards
That reminds me... how's your kid doing learning to drive?, Steve Edwards
That reminds me... my wife needs to renew her driver's license., Steve Edwards
That's about as close to a "sushi bar" as you'll find in North Dakota., Steve Edwards
That's an interesting logo and name for a woodcarvers' club., Steve Edwards
That's an interesting way to get rid of those larch needle drifts., Steve Edwards
That's a pretty good sign that spring is coming., Steve Edwards
That's a pretty reliable sign of a "decent harvest.", Steve Edwards
That's A Recess?, Stuart McDonald
That's a sure sign of a hot and dry summer., Steve Edwards
That's a sure sign of summer..., Steve Edwards
That's a surprise... he ruled to allow the wolf hunting season., Steve Edwards
That's a switch... he kisses babes instead of babies., Steve Edwards
That's definitely a sign that summer is here., Steve Edwards
That's's when the electricity goes out and you have to empty the sump by hand., Steve Edwards
That's got to be inconvenient., Steve Edwards
That's just about the worst case of fisherman's "rod rage" I've seen., Steve Edwards
That Small Lonesome Feeling, Stuart McDonald
That's the farm cycle as portrayed on the rain gauge., Steve Edwards
That's the first real sign of global warming that I've noticed., Steve Edwards
That's weird... four degrees warmer on the east side of Highway 2., Steve Edwards
That tall dog would make any rain gauge readings suspect., Steve Edwards
That These Honored Dead Shall Not Have Died in Vain, Stuart McDonald
The 1965 Crop, Stuart McDonald
The 1967 North Dakota Legislature, Stuart McDonald
The '65 Legislature Takes Off, Stuart McDonald
The Act of Breaking, Rachel Cisler
The Adelphi Fountain, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain, 1905, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain: Aerial View, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain and the English Coulee, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain and the English Coulee, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain and the English Coulee, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain and the English Coulee, 1934, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain: English Coulee Flood, 1969, University of North Dakota
The Adelphi Fountain: Winter Night, University of North Dakota
The ADL of sexuality : a guide for occupational therapists for elderly clients, Autumn Edmundson and Amber Lafrenz
The Alberta Oil Sands, F. G. Schofield
The American Landscape, Juane Quick-To-See Smith
The Answer is Clear, Stuart McDonald
The armor?...keeps the highway snow plow drivers from "going postal" on the rural mail boxes., Steve Edwards
The Ashern Formation (Middle Devonian) in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, Frederick K. Lobdell
Theatre Production, University of North Dakota
The ATV traffic got so bad they had to do something., Steve Edwards
The August Outlook, Stuart McDonald
The Barn, Adriaen van Ostade
The basement of North Dakota, Spurgeon C. Crosby II.
The Battle of the Moneybags and the Strongboxes, Pieter van der Heyden after Pieter Bruegel the Elder
The bears don't seem to move much when the berry crop is so good., Steve Edwards
The bears have taken eating from the dumpsters to a new level., Steve Edwards
The bears seem to enjoy messing with their tracking collars., Steve Edwards
The Beginnings of Collapse, Stuart McDonald
The big one I bagged on the Bull Lake's a great spot., Steve Edwards
The blinders assure that Geographic staffers only see thhat agree with their stereotypes of places., Steve Edwards
The Broom Creek Formation (Permian), in southwestern North Dakota: depositional environments and nitrogen occurrence, Marvin E. Rygh
The Burden of Proof, Stuart McDonald
The Campbell and Blanchard Beaches of Lake Agassiz, North Dakota, James H. Hannesson
The Capitol Parking Lot, Stuart McDonald
The car scent reminds them of home when traveling in the winter., Steve Edwards
The caterpillars don't have coats... could be a mild winter., Steve Edwards
The census is so stressful for us North do the right thing, but not talk about ourselves., Steve Edwards
The Choice is Yours, Stuart McDonald
The clicking sounds? During the benediction they all activate their remote starters., Steve Edwards
The cold spring has resulted in some strange consequences., Steve Edwards
The committee is about to launch a yo-yo and hula hoop contest., Steve Edwards
The Common Enemy, Stuart McDonald
The Consensus Seem To Be..., Stuart McDonald
The council hopes engineers' self-preservation will win out over federal railroad rules., Steve Edwards
The Court Test, Stuart McDonald
The crew, at Engelstad arena, is doing a great job getting these curling fans parked., Steve Edwards
the dad's explaining, in economic terms, why they can't go out for pizza and a movie., Steve Edwards
The death of that wolf launched a full-blown investigation., Steve Edwards
The deer seem to have adapted well to their environment., Steve Edwards
The depositional environment of the kisbey sandstone from the madison group (Mississippian), North-Central North Dakota, Gregory D. Waltz
The deposition and diagenesis of the Bluell Zone, Upper Mission Canyon Formation (Mississippian), Flaxton Field, Burke County, North Dakota, Dirk Anson Schwartz
The Description and Interpretation of a Tertiary Siliceous Rock in Western North Dakota, Craig R. Schmit
The development of a sensory integration room for individuals with developmental disabilities, Christine Foy and Samantha Schepers
The discussion about demolishing 'Smiley' is causing some unhappiness in Grand Forks., Steve Edwards
The district is finding ways to deal with rising fuel costs., Steve Edwards
The D.N.R. folks are really getting protective., Steve Edwards
The dog park is approved and now cat owners are demanding "parity and equity.", Steve Edwards
The Drive Gear of Government, Stuart McDonald
The effect of oil-and-gas well drilling fluids on shallow groundwater in western North Dakota, Edward C. Murphy
The effect of waste stabilization pond seepage on groundwater quality of shallow aquifers in eastern North Dakota, David J. Brown
The effects of fly ash and flue-gas desulfurization wastes on groundwater quality in a reclaimed lignite strip mine disposal site, Frank W. Beaver
The effects of groundwater seepage on stream regimen : a laboratory study, Samuel S. Harrison
The effects of mass extinction on escalation of the naticid gastropod predator-prey system at the Eocene-Oligocene, Vicky D. Melland
The effects of non-linear bromide adsorption on apparent macrodispersivity, Eron J. Dodak
The effects of seismic blasting on shallow water wells and aquifers in western North Dakota, Frank W. Beaver Jr. P. E.
The effects of self-stigma on occupational engagement for adults with mental illness, Alyssa A. Kostreba and Taylor E. LaVoi
The Elephant Stampede, Stuart McDonald
The experience of occupational therapists' approaches and interventions for school-aged children and adolescents with anxiety, Meg O'Brien and Emily Terhaar
The experiences of individuals with visual changes after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) : an emphasis on coping, Katie Kruger and Suzanne Vetter
The experiences of occupational therapists in natural disasters : a qualitative study, Samantha L. Becker and Emily Reiter
The Fall of Man, Randall J. Kust
The First Line of Defense, Stuart McDonald
The First Line of Defense, Stuart McDonald
The First Robin of Spring, Stuart McDonald
The First University Plan, University of North Dakota
The fish are getting more sophisticated, also., Steve Edwards
The Fisherman's Cottage, William Shayer Senior
...the five seasons of the valley--spring, fall, winter, summer, beet., Steve Edwards
The folks at Fish, Wildlife and Parks are getting really protective., Steve Edwards
The foraminiferids of the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene, Danian) and their paleoenvironmental significance : Grant, Morton and Oliver counties, North Dakota, William E. Fenner
The forecast is for "scattered gnat flurries...clearing shortly.", Steve Edwards
The Forest Service is trying this new "stimulus program.", Steve Edwards
The Freshman Legislator As Seen By..., Stuart McDonald
The Freshman Legislator- Post Session, Stuart McDonald
The Frozen North, Stuart McDonald
The Futures, Sandi Dahl
The geochemical evolution of saline groundwater within a fresh water aquifer south of Oakes, North Dakota, David L. Williams
The geohydrology and hydrogeochemistry of the proposed Garrison Lignite Mine, Kevin Morin
The geology and environment of deposition of the Kinneman Creek interval, Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene), North Dakota, Katherine J. Logan
The Geology and Geohydrology of the Sunny Slide Area Mandan, North Dakota, Edward C. Murphy
The geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Dawson Bay Formation carbonate unit (Middle Devonian), Williston Basin, North Dakota, Wayne R. Pound
The geology of Bomi Hill, Liberia, Africa, Roland I. Erickson
The geology of eastern Wells County, North Dakota, Ronald J. Kresl
The Geology of Pingree SW Quadrangle Stutsman County, North Dakota, Ray E. Huot
The geology of the Elliston area, western Montana, Thomas R. Walker
The geology of the Grassy Butte area, McKenzie County, North Dakota, Elmer G. Meldahl
The geology of the Newburg-South Westhope oil fields, Bottineau County, North Dakota, Hussein Marafi
The Girls Go to the Party, Linda Whitney
The glacial geology of eastern Sheridan County, North Dakota, Thomas C. Gustavson
The glacial geology of McKenzie County, North Dakota, Clark Clark Fulton
The Glacial Geology of Northern McIntosh County, Gary G. Thompson
The Good Life, Stuart McDonald
The Graduate Faces Life, Stuart McDonald
The Great Society, Stuart McDonald
The Heavy Burden, Stuart McDonald
The Hell Creek Formation in North Dakota, Charles I. Frye
The Helmsman, Peter Kuper
The hired man is finally happy with the cab air conditioner., Steve Edwards
The Hope Within, Yisa Akinbolaji
The Hornblende-Aegirine Augite Reaction Relationships of the Trunk Lake Granite, Maine, Charles W. Cook
The Hydrogeologic effects of fly ash utilization in concrete at Coal Creek Station, Underwood, North Dakota, Terry R. Johnson
The Hydrogeology of a Landfill Located in Fine-Grained Lacustrine Sediments in a Saline Discharge Area West of Grand Forks, North Dakota, John T. B. Betcher
The impact of domestic violence on children : implications for professionals, Kelly Hughes and Brooke Kohler
The impact of multicultural education course on therapist cultural competence, Gemma Cosky Saxon
The impact of post-stroke depression on quality of life and functional return, Alysia Heitkamp
The Importance of the Observation Well Program to North Dakota, Donald G. Adolphson
The incidence and influence of musculoskeletal and nerve injuries among occupational therapists : an exploratory study, Alyssa A. Jenkins and Renae H. Witta
The Infant's Message to Man, Stuart McDonald
Their football co-op is so big they have to put the last six teams on the tail of their jersey., Steve Edwards
The Iron Ore Deposits of Quebec and Laborador, Donald S. Gillin
Their tax preparer discovered an unusual loop hole in the tax code., Steve Edwards
Their two favorite times of summer... opening and closing the lake house., Steve Edwards
Their two favorite times of the year are opening the lake house and closing it., Steve Edwards
The Job Is Big, Take Your Choice, Stuart McDonald
The Keller Plan in college introductory physical geology : a comparison with the conventional teaching method, Robert G. Walsh Sr.
The kids convince the parents they're training to fly UAV's, Steve Edwards
The Kiss, William Rerick
The Kops, University of North Dakota
The Land Has Also Produced An Uncommon Variety of Man, Stuart McDonald
The late Cenozoic geology of west-central Minnesota from Moorhead to Park Rapids, Roderic L. Perkins
The late tertiary history of the upper Little Missouri River, North Dakota, Charles K. Petter Jr.
The lawn would look great if the gophers would just eat the Canadian Thistle., Steve Edwards
The legislature's approval of hemp growing could sure help rural population vote., Steve Edwards
The Light Flickers, Stuart McDonald
The Lithology of Herman and Campbell Beach of Glacial Lake Agassiz in the Area of Larimore and Arvilla, North Dakota, Robert R. Koons
The Little Prisoner, Francisco Goya
The logo proponents are serious about raising a war chest to fight the NCAA's decision., Steve Edwards
The Magic Season is Here - 1964, Stuart McDonald
The McPhar Vertical and Horizontal Loop Electromagnetic (VHEM) Unit as a tool in Geological Exploration, Pentti Lassila
The micropaleontology and stratigraphy of the subsurface "Heath" formation (Mississippian-Pennsylvanian) of western North Dakota, Harold C. Ziebarth
The Million Dollar Rain, Stuart McDonald
The Monster and the Strategists, Stuart McDonald
The Montana Gambling Control agents are really cracking down on gambling devices., Steve Edwards
The Narrows at Devils Lake, Paul E. Barr
The Nature of Some Bituminous Sands from Moffat County, Colorado, Jay Garske
The Neighbors, Kelly Thompson
The new athletic director is using his West Point techniques to improve behavior at games., Steve Edwards
The Newcastle formation in the Williston Basin of North Dakota, Mark Reishus
The new "eagle sculpture" is almost too realistic., Steve Edwards
The new holiday lights are great... but I can't help be reminded of their cost., Steve Edwards
The new President may need to tweak some of his ideas for "enrollment growth.", Steve Edwards
The new view : clinical recommendations for occupational therapy treatment for clients with lateral epicondylitis, Kendra Larsen
The new Wind Energy Center, near Langdon opens all sorts of unique possibilities!, Steve Edwards
The Norwegians go to their 'nytte' (hut) to escape urban congestion and enjoy nature., Steve Edwards
The occupational therapy handbook for parents (OTHP), Kristen Rosenbeck
The occupation of driving : a guide for occupational therapists working with adolescents who have ADHD, Molly Schmitz and Morgan Voss
The occurrence and distribution of selenium in North Dakota ground waters, Hjalmer V. Peterson
The Old Homestead, Fanny Palmer
The only thing better than owning a lake house is having a friend who owns one., Steve Edwards
The only way he'll burn calories is if his shirt catches on fire., Steve Edwards
The Open Prairie, Dave Krueger
The paleoecologic significance of Paleocene palynomorph assemblages from the Ludow, Slope, and Cannonball formations, southwestern North Dakota, Timothy J. Kroeger
The People Speak, Stuart McDonald
The periscopes are helpful to check traffic over the snow berms., Steve Edwards
The petroleum geology of the Midale subinterval in north central North Dakota, Kent A. Johnson
The phrase 'silence of the lambs' doesn't apply on a sheep farm., Steve Edwards
The physical and petrographic characteristics of formcoke produced experimentally from lignite and subbituminous coal, Bruce L. Ramsey
The physical limnology and sedimentology of Miller Lake, Martin River Glacier, south-central Alaska, Edward Callender
The Physiography of Canada, Lockheart R. Gray
The Picture of Success - And Failure, Stuart McDonald
The postglacial sedimentology of Devils Lake, North Dakota, Edward Callender
The post-secondary school-to-work transitional program : an occupational therapist's guide to service delivery, Annemarie Assel and Erin Haugen
The Power House (Chandler Hall) - 1899-present, University of North Dakota
The Preparation of Certain Index of Refraction Liquids, Jesse E. Bednar
The Prep Building, Macnie Hall (1893-1967), University of North Dakota
The Prep Building, Macnie Hall (1893-1967), University of North Dakota
The Pressure Is On, Stuart McDonald
The promotion of pediatric sensory integration using small animals in a clinical or classroom environment : a resource for occupational therapists, Nina Perez Jackson
The proposed "Montana state lullaby" seems pretty effective., Steve Edwards
The psychiatrist is holding a 'group venting' session for local government board members., Steve Edwards
The puppy ate his memory changes, but excuses don't., Steve Edwards
The qualifications seem to have changed with the times., Steve Edwards
The Quest, Salvador Dali
The quick weather change seemed to catch some people unprepared., Steve Edwards
The Real ID "enhanced drivers' license," will necessitate an "enhanced wallet" to carry it., Steve Edwards
There appears to be a third entrant in the annual "winter forecast debate.", Steve Edwards
There are varying strategies for secretly voting a mail - in ballot., Steve Edwards
The recording industry is carrying out more than a "legal assault""on UND music pirates., Steve Edwards
The "red vs. green" challenge has invaded Christmas decorations., Steve Edwards
There is more to vision than seeing clearly, Dawn Cardinal and Genea Nannemann
The Relationship between Endorsing Gambling as an Escape and the Display of Gambling Problems, Jeffrey N. Weatherly
The Relationship of Ground-Water to the Dishcarge of the Sheyenne River Between Sheyenne and Warwick, North Dakota, Terry H. Overmoe
The Relationship of the Mississippian Charles formation to the Structure of the Nesson Anticline of North Dakota, Robert D. Roehrich
There's a traveler who's seen it all., Steve Edwards
There seems to be some disparity between production levels., Steve Edwards
The Residents of Budge Hall (1899-1981) in 1910, University of North Dakota
There's Senator Conrad and the Gang of 10... just spoiling for a 'centrist rumble.', Steve Edwards
There's something vaguely familiar about that definition., Steve Edwards
The Review Board, Stuart McDonald
There Was An Old Woman..., Stuart McDonald
There was a sun break and they all passed out from exposure., Steve Edwards
The Rhame bed (Slope Formation, Paleocene), a silcrete and deep weathering profile, in southwestern North Dakota, Barbara D. Wehrfritz
The Right Hand Giveth; The Left Hand Taketh Away, Stuart McDonald
Thermal history model of the Williston Basin, Yue-Chain Huang
Thermoluminescence in Carbonate Rocks and its Application to Stratigraphic correlation and Geologic Age Determination, E. J. Englerth
The roads are very snow packed and there's no place for the plows to throw the snow., Steve Edwards
The role of occupational therapists in the neonatal intensive care units, Sarah Mathieu and Gwendalyn Mollerud
The role of occupational therapy in skilled dementia care : improving quality of life, Kelly Bainbridge and April Benoit
The role of occupational therapy in the secondary prevention of transient ischemic attacks, Alan Hodenfield and Amy Shulstad
The role of the occupational therapist in adolescent substance intervention, Cassandra Leach and Kori Le Blanc
These computer ear chips require 'rebooting' the herd each morning., Steve Edwards
The Secret Impresses No One, Alison Schaff
These "Forever Stamps" are a better investment that Wall Street., Steve Edwards
These "Forever Stamps" are a better investment that Wall Street., Steve Edwards
These 'virtual' assignments make summer school a lot more tolerable., Steve Edwards
These weather changes make it hard to entertain the kids., Steve Edwards
The snowmobile club is very powerful in this area., Steve Edwards
The snowmobile clubs are very strong in this area., Steve Edwards
The snow was coming down so hard the tail lights I saw were mine., Steve Edwards
The sorption of fluoride ion with special reference to fluoride removal from potable waters, Phillip W. West
The Spearfish Formation in the Williston Basin of western North Dakota, Wallace G. Dow
The special flood assessment backs up Ben Franklin's assertion that "nothing is certain but death and taxes.", Steve Edwards
The Spirit Lake election results made the anti-nickname folks do some very fast editing., Steve Edwards
The Squeeze is on, Stuart McDonald
The squirrels are adapting nicely to these late spring snows., Steve Edwards
The state may have identified a significant niche in the "conference and event" sector., Steve Edwards
The stratigraphy and economic potential of Permo-Pennsylvanian strata in southwestern North Dakota, Harold C. Ziebarth
The stratigraphy and geologic history of the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene), Gary O. Hall
The Stratigraphy and Oil Activites of the Williston Basin in Southwestern Manitoba, Wilfred M. DeYaegher
The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene) in south-central Williams County, North Dakota, Wesley D. Peck
The stratigraphy of the Sperati Point Quadrangle, McKenzie County, North Dakota, Michael B. Clark
The "stress test" may be new to big banks... but farmers face the test every crop cycle., Steve Edwards
The structural and stratigraphic relationships in the Paleozoic rocks of eastern North Dakota, Frederick V. Ballard
The students seemed to adapt quickly to the new technology for delivering lectures., Steve Edwards
The studio executives say the story is too outlandish... even by Hollywood standards., Steve Edwards
The Study of the Water Table and the Classification of the Overlying Strata, Michael L. Quigley
The Summer Departure, Badlands ND, Helge Ellis Ederstrom
The surface morphology of a small drainage basin in the North Dakota Badlands, J. Ladd Hagmaier
The surficial geology of north-central Kidder County, North Dakota, Wallace E. Bakken
The surficial geology of southern Logan County, North Dakota, John W. Bonneville
The Sword in the Stone, Stuart McDonald
The Thickness of the Drift in North Dakota with Refrence to the Bedrock Formation, Philip G. Randich
The Top of the Nation, Stuart McDonald
The Trouble With North Dakota..., Stuart McDonald
The upper Red River Formation (Ordovician) in western North Dakota, Harlan K. Friestad
The upside to Down syndrome : an educational manual for parents, Brittany Larson and Seth Luoma
The use of aquatic therapy for children with neuromuscular disorders, Chris Hydukovich and Troy Schmitz
The use of a sensory integration program for children with behavioral and attention deficits, Janel Evanson and Brenna Pitsch
The use of occupation-based interventions in long-term care : a qualitative study, Amy Jo. Jensen and Mallory Carlson
The Valley Salutes a Hero, Stuart McDonald
The valley tax preparers have discovered an unusual loophole in the U.S. Tax Code., Steve Edwards
The Varsity Bachelor Club House - University of North Dakota, University of North Dakota
The V.B.C. House, University of North Dakota, University of North Dakota
The War On Poverty, Stuart McDonald
The way the Vikings ravished, we all have Scandinavian ancestors., Steve Edwards
The wings of change : occupational therapy activities for women of domestic violence, Lainie Donahue and Dianna Steen
The Winners, Stuart McDonald
The winter was so tough their seat heater lights all burned out., Steve Edwards
The wives wish their husbands would look at them that way., Steve Edwards
The wolves have become so brazen they're road hunting now., Steve Edwards
The wood cutters and the squirrels are equally busy this time of year., Steve Edwards
They adopted a technique from the valley to create a cooperative atmosphere., Steve Edwards
They all could teach North Dakota history, but none are "qualified.", Steve Edwards
They can't balance a checkbook...but can figure flood probabilities., Steve Edwards
They can't believe there's no 'camouflage' formal wear.., Steve Edwards
They cater to European visitors trying for the 'cowboy look.', Steve Edwards
They fled the hardships of the old country, then settled where it reminded them of the old country., Steve Edwards
They just drove back from Mesa and are suffering 'Buick lag., Steve Edwards
They'll let you by without a gun rack...but only until hunting season., Steve Edwards
They must have chosen 'Plan B' of the retirement choices., Steve Edwards
They're Back in the Saddle Again, Stuart McDonald
They're doing winter planning...drought or flood insurance., Steve Edwards
They're doing winter planning...drought or flood insurance., Steve Edwards
They're not coal miners...they've been picking morel mushrooms., Steve Edwards
They're pretty sure it's either aliens or Democrats., Steve Edwards
They're singing one of the favorite hymns of the old Norwegians., Steve Edwards
They're target marketing Canadians who want the "cowboy look.", Steve Edwards
They're updating their marketing techniques to be more in line with the times., Steve Edwards
They say he's gone strictly to "carbon credits farming.", Steve Edwards
They say successful marketing is about finding the right niche and the right location..., Steve Edwards
They say, the bigger the hat, the smaller the herd., Steve Edwards
They say you can buy steroids cheaper from a vet., Steve Edwards
They seem to get more excited than the folks still in Norway., Steve Edwards
They seem to have some suspicions about how he got that snow shovel., Steve Edwards
They use a variety of methods to forecast flood probabilities., Steve Edwards
They use a variety of techniques for forecasting flood probabilities., Steve Edwards
They've already treated ten cases of 'mosquito swatter's elbow.', Steve Edwards
They've dubbed that lawn decoration "meals on wheels" for deer., Steve Edwards
They've recounted all 11 votes in the precinct... I doubt it will change the senatorial results., Steve Edwards
They weren't kidding about the library being user-friendly., Steve Edwards
THI …, Honoré Daumier
Thiers, Honoré Daumier
Thin and Etched Section Analysis of a Limestone in the White River Formation, Irwin S. Johnson
Thinking or Sleeping?, Stuart McDonald
This cold snap seems even to affect the folks just passing through., Steve Edwards
This collaboration by Kootenai Pets for life and the Lincoln County Animal Shelter is great!, Steve Edwards
This Could Mean Unemployment, Stuart McDonald
This gets good... their next challenge will be to cut a load of firewood., Steve Edwards
This is an awkward time of year for fishermen in these parts., Steve Edwards
This Is Not A Comic Strip, Stuart McDonald
This is not a Pipe, Peter Kuper
This is the time of year we drive on 'potholes on top of potholes., Steve Edwards
This looks like a great area to spend the winter., Steve Edwards
This must be where they relocate the "bad bears.", Steve Edwards
Those are definite "signs" that spring is on its way., Steve Edwards
Those Gay, Carefree College Days, Stuart McDonald
Those new GPS systems on farm equipment are almost idiot proof., Steve Edwards
Those new grads are really into the technology., Steve Edwards
Those town hall meetings about health care reform are pushing the limits of 'North Dakota nice.', Steve Edwards
Thoughtful and Prayerful, Stuart McDonald
Threatens Its Very Foundation, Stuart McDonald
Three Hats (from For Meyer Schapiro: A portfolio of twelve signed prints by twelve artists), Claes Oldenburg
Three Untitled Figures, Peter W. Stevenson
Thunderbirds get 'personal service' when the KC135R's refuel them., Steve Edwards
Tiens, Adélaïde ... j'ai voulu te faire une surprise …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens Dorothée ... voilà ou m'a conduit ta passion pour les bouquets de Fer-giss-mein-nicht …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens … je ne te reconnaissais pas ... quelles moustaches! …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens, le moineau a été se percher sur cet arbre …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens! moi qui croyais que nous venions de découvrir une île déserte …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens, papa, te v'là!, Honoré Daumier
Tiens! Poupoule ... tu as maigri depuis l'année dernière! …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens ... qu'est-ce qu' c'est donc qu' ça?, Honoré Daumier
Tiens! tiens!, Honoré Daumier
Tiens … tu te mets en autrichien, toi, pour faire la cuisine! ..., Honoré Daumier
Tiens, voilà de drôles de bouviers ..., Honoré Daumier
Tiens, voilà de drôles de bouviers …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens, voilà des vaches qui ont un corps sans jambes!, Honoré Daumier
Tiens, voilà mamzelle Palmyre qui fait tout justement la même potiche que la tienne ..., Honoré Daumier
Tiens! ... vous avez aussi un serpent-boa dans votre jardin …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens … vous m'aviez dit qu'on ne recevait pas d'enfants dans cette maison …, Honoré Daumier
Tiens vous v'là, qué que vous avez donc là?, Honoré Daumier
'Til Death Do Us Part', Stuart McDonald
Till Fabric, Robert E. Christensen
Tills of Kidder County, North Dakota, Lee Clayton
Tills Underlying the Sediments of Glacial Lake Souris North-Central North Dakota, Gary A. Remple
Time and soil development on lateral moraines, Martin River Glacier, south-central Alaska, John R. Tinker Jr.
Time Bomb!, Stuart McDonald
Time For The First Team!, Stuart McDonald
Timely Tactic, Stuart McDonald
Tim Tangedahl, Joe Crawford, Student Debaters, 1963, University of North Dakota
Tinker Toy Timberland, John Thompson
Tire ferme, Gaspard ... y va s'noyer! ..., Honoré Daumier
Tiresome Routine, Stuart McDonald
'Tis the Season to be Generous, Stuart McDonald
T'nez v'là l'seul logement d'garçon qu'y nous reste à louer, voyez si ça peut faire vot'affaire ..., Honoré Daumier
To Be or Not to Be Free, Faith Ringgold
To Be or Not to Be Free, Faith Ringgold
To Kill A Fat Pig, Stuart McDonald
To Men of Good Will: Peace, Stuart McDonald
Ton habit me convient, je te l'emprunte …, Honoré Daumier
Ton, ton, ton, ton, ton, taine, ton, ton ..., Honoré Daumier
Too bad...they need teachers, but Einstein is not 'highly qualified.', Steve Edwards
To quote... "if you aren't in court you aren't really in the mining business.", Steve Edwards
Total suspend solids concentration (mg l-1), Xiaodong Zhang Ph.D and Afshin Shabani
Touchable, Ruth Snyder
Touched and Untouched, Eric A. Johnson
Touched By Tragedy, Stuart McDonald
Tough economic times can create demand for new products., Steve Edwards
Tough economic times can create markets for new products., Steve Edwards
Toujours jolie! …, Honoré Daumier
Toujours la Jeunesse - Flourens, Honoré Daumier
Toutes et quantes fois qu't'auras un prix …, Honoré Daumier
Toutes les parisiennes qui possèdent des chiens suivent l'exemple …, Honoré Daumier
TOUT EST PAYE?, Honoré Daumier
TOUT EST PAYE?, Honoré Daumier
Tout est perdu! fors la caisse …, Honoré Daumier
Tout est perdu! fors la caisse …, Honoré Daumier
Training assistance for caregivers working with students with traumatic brain injury, Randi L. Price
Train-the-trainer office ergonomics program, Aaron Schenck
Transitioning to retirement : useful topics for a wellness program with retired older adults, Katie Spitzmueller and Amy Feller
Traumatic brain injury : cognitive rehabilitation and supported employment, Randon McKibbin
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) : caregiver and family education handbook, Heather Yekel and Breana Medlock
Travelers Meet Such Interesting People, Stuart McDonald
Travel professionals say "promote what makes your area unique.", Steve Edwards
Treating adults with chronic pain : exploring the contemporary trends of occupational therapy, Jennifer Gough and Laura Roush
Treating the whole child : recognizing and addressing depression in children with physical disabilities, Kathleen A. Koehn
Trend-Surface Analysis of the Trunk Lake Granitic Pluton, Maine, Bruce Ramsey
Trente deux degrés!!, Honoré Daumier
Très bien! très bien! vous vous êtes parfaitement conduits! ..., Honoré Daumier
Très bien! très bien! vous vous êtes parfaitement conduits! …, Honoré Daumier
très humbles, très soumis, très obéissans …, Honoré Daumier
Tri-County Educational Association Summer Institute, 1895, University of North Dakota
Triomphe de la probité politique, Commerciale, Litteraire etc. etc., Honoré Daumier
Tristesse des bouchers de Paris, depuis qu'on leur interdit la réjouissance., Honoré Daumier
Trois Demoiselles a Marier, Honoré Daumier
TROIS HEURES, Honoré Daumier
Trois heures du matin, il s'apprête à aller goûter le plaisir de la chasse!, Honoré Daumier
Troisième et dernière séance du Congrès de la Paix …, Honoré Daumier
Trois pauvres aveugles., Honoré Daumier
True, the P.L.O.T.S. program has opened more land to hunting, but the deer are getting wiser., Steve Edwards
Trying to do a timber sale involves a lot more than a knowledge of tress., Steve Edwards
Tween the Gloaming and the Mirk when the Kye Come Hame, Mary Nimmo Moran
Twenty Five Years of Progress?, Stuart McDonald
Two years of Scintillometer data collected in North Dakota, Xiaodong Zhang Ph.D and Wai Wah Ng
Uccello's Wife, James Pierce
Uh-oh...I see another potential "logo fight" looming on the horizon., Steve Edwards
Uh-oh... 'portable play station' is not on the official school supply list., Steve Edwards
Uh-oh with 'David and Goliath' in the battle, the landfill lawsuit has a new twist., Steve Edwards
Un Affreux Cauchemar, Honoré Daumier
Un ami est un crocodile donné par la civilisation., Honoré Daumier
Un Amour Propre Satisfait, Honoré Daumier
Un Article Louangeur, Honoré Daumier
Un avocat qui évidemment est rempli de la conviction la plus intime …, Honoré Daumier
Un Baigneur Prudent, Honoré Daumier
Un bain contrarié, Honoré Daumier
Un Banquet de Barbistes, Honoré Daumier
Un Bouquiniste dans l'Ivresse, Honoré Daumier
Un cabriolet ayant une fâcheuse ressemblance., Honoré Daumier
Un Cauchemar de Mimi (Mimi's Nightmare), Honoré Daumier
Un Chapeau Neuf, Honoré Daumier
Un Chapeau Paméla, Honoré Daumier
Un Coléoptère Chinois, Honoré Daumier
Un Comlément de Brillante Éducation, Honoré Daumier
Un coup de feu !, Honoré Daumier
UND Athletic Director Roger Thomas with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
UND Band, University of North Dakota
UND band, University of North Dakota
UND Baseball Team, University of North Dakota
UND Baseball Team, 1905-1906, University of North Dakota
UND Cadet Battalion 1897-1898, University of North Dakota
UND Class of 1900, University of North Dakota
Un Début Galant, Honoré Daumier
Un défenseur en Justice de Paix causant affaires dans son cabinet habituel., Honoré Daumier
Un Déménagement Furtif, Honoré Daumier
Underlining What Is Written, Stuart McDonald
Un Dernier Toast, Honoré Daumier
Understanding culturally competent care in occupational therapy school to providing clinical practice, Tracy Lord
UND First Graduating Class, University of North Dakota
UND First Lady Adele Kupchella meets President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
UND Football Action Photograph, University of North Dakota
UND Football Action Photograph, University of North Dakota
UND Football Action Photograph, University of North Dakota
UND Football Action Photograph, University of North Dakota
UND Football Action Photograph, University of North Dakota
UND Football Fans: Memorial Stadium, University of North Dakota
UND Football Player: Archie Goodall, University of North Dakota
UND Football Player: John Graham, University of North Dakota
UND Football Players: Edmund Boe and Unknown Player in 1927, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team, Colburn Hvidston III
UND Football Team, Hoff Studios (Grand Forks, N.D.)
UND Football Team, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team 1895, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team 1899, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team 1900, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team 1904, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Bernard Schmidt, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Bernard Schmidt, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Coach Paul Davis, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Ernest Gustafson, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Eugene Revell, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Fred Battcher, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Fred (Nip) Felber, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Glen (Red) Jarret, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Gordon (Boomer) Dablow, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Jerry Quaderer, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Lafe Ludvig, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Lewis (Lewy) Lee, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Paul Boyd, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Practice in Memorial Stadium, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Ralph Pierce, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Ralph Pierce, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Stewart MacMillan, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Ted Meinhover, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Thomas Gilman, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Vernon Smith, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Willis Shepard, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Willis Shepard, University of North Dakota
UND Football Team: Willis Shepard, University of North Dakota
UND Glee Club, University of North Dakota
UND Head Hockey Coach Dean Blais with US President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
Un Diner Chez Véry, Honoré Daumier
Un Diner Maigre, Honoré Daumier
Un discours fatiguant pour le président., Honoré Daumier
UND Lineup at First of Season 1905, University of North Dakota
UND Men's Hockey Coach Dean Blais and Team Member Brad DeFauw with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
UND Men's Hockey Coach Dean Blais with US President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
UND President Charles Kupchella and US President Bill Clinton Discuss a Box of Chippers, United States. White House Photographic Office
UND President Charles Kupchella with US President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
UND President Thomas F. Kane, Isabel Pearl Snelgrove
UND visit to the White House, United States. White House Photographic Office
Uneasy Lies The Head That Wears The Crown, Stuart McDonald
Une Attention Délicate, Honoré Daumier
Une autre fois je fis encore un bon tour …, Honoré Daumier
Une Baronne Débaronnée, Honoré Daumier
Une Campagne aux Environs de Paris, Honoré Daumier
UN ÉCHANTILLON, Honoré Daumier
UN ÉCHANTILLON, Honoré Daumier
Une Consultation Scientifique, Honoré Daumier
UNE DISCUSSION INTERMINABLE/La partie de quilles, simple histoire de tuer le temps à la campagne un jour de pluie., Honoré Daumier
UNE ÉMEUTE, Honoré Daumier
Une Heureuse Nouvelle, Honoré Daumier
Une Heureuse Trouvaille, Honoré Daumier
Une idylle dans les blés, Honoré Daumier
Une leçon d'anatomie politico-géographique., Honoré Daumier
Une Loterie Philanthropique, Honoré Daumier
Une mine d’or qui dort., Honoré Daumier
Une Navigation Difficile, Honoré Daumier
Un Engagement d'Artiste, Honoré Daumier
Une Nomination., Honoré Daumier
Une Nuit au Poste, Honoré Daumier
Une partie de queues de billard., Honoré Daumier
Une péroraison à la Démosthène., Honoré Daumier
Une plaisanterie dont ne se lasse jamais …, Honoré Daumier
Une Pleine Eau, Honoré Daumier
Une Promenade d'Agrément aux Champs-Élysées, Honoré Daumier
Une Promotion, Honoré Daumier
UNE PROMOTION., Honoré Daumier
Une querelle d’Allemand, Honoré Daumier
Une querelle d’Allemand, Honoré Daumier
Une Récompense Artistique, Honoré Daumier
Une Recontre Agréable, Honoré Daumier
Une Rencontre en Pleine Eau, Honoré Daumier
Une Réparation d'Honneur, Honoré Daumier
Une Révolte a Bord, Honoré Daumier
Une séance de magnétisme., Honoré Daumier
Une Visite a l'Atelier, Honoré Daumier
Un faux vase du Japon, faisant l'admiration de trois vrais chinois., Honoré Daumier
Un fils modèle, Honoré Daumier
Unfortunately, that's about the only 'thunder' we've heard over the valley in recent weeks., Steve Edwards
Un français peint par lui-même., Honoré Daumier
Un Grand Homme de Plus, Honoré Daumier
Un grand mortier à très petite portée., Honoré Daumier
Un Guerrier Electrisé, Honoré Daumier
Un Habit å la Mode, Honoré Daumier
Un Hommage Filial, Honoré Daumier
Un Homme a la Mer, Honoré Daumier
Un homme dans ces petits souliers., Honoré Daumier
Un homme sans asile est comme un oiseau sans nid., Honoré Daumier
UN INVITÉ A UN DINER, Honoré Daumier
Union Square, Bernarda Bryson Shahn
United Dorms Picnic, 1964, University of North Dakota
Universal design : an educational presentation for occupational therapy students, Steve Fugere and Heather Grasser
University Bus, University of North Dakota
University Commons (1911- ), University of North Dakota
University Commons (1911- ) Dining Room, University of North Dakota
University Debators, University of North Dakota
University Girls, University of North Dakota
University Museum, Science Hall, University of North Dakota
University of North Dakota Campus, University of North Dakota
University of North Dakota, circa 1908, University of North Dakota
University of North Dakota in 1905, University of North Dakota
University of North Dakota in 1909, University of North Dakota
University Station, University of North Dakota
University Station Depot, "The Jumping Off Place", University of North Dakota
Un jeune homme en train d'acquérir ce que l'on est convenu d'appeler un art d'agrément, Honoré Daumier
Un jeune homme qui est l'espoir et l'orgueil de la famille Badinguet., Honoré Daumier
Un Jour de 1ère Représentation, Honoré Daumier
Un Jour de Féte de Bretelles, Honoré Daumier
Un Jour de Féte de Bretelles, Honoré Daumier
Un Jour de Grande Tenue, Honoré Daumier
Un Jour de Revue, Honoré Daumier
Un jour où on l'entre gratis au Salon de peinture. / LES CONNAISSEURS., Honoré Daumier
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Player, University of North Dakota
Unknown UND Football Team Practice, University of North Dakota
Un Léger Manuscrit., Honoré Daumier
UN LIÈVRICIDE, Honoré Daumier
Unlike church, you have to get here early for a front row seat., Steve Edwards
Un Locataire Qui a eu un Oubli le 1er Janvier, Honoré Daumier
Un locataire qui doit trois termes., Honoré Daumier
Un locataire qui paye exactement son terme., Honoré Daumier
Un Logement Provisoire, Honoré Daumier
Un Magasin de Modes, Honoré Daumier
Un Mari Trop Aimé de sa Femme, Honoré Daumier
Un Monsieur au dessous de ses affaires., Honoré Daumier
Un monsieur ayant semé des truffes., Honoré Daumier
Un Monsieur en Bonne Fortune, aux Champs-Champs-Élyées, Honoré Daumier
Un monsieur qui a voulu étudier de trop près les mœurs si intéressantes des abeilles., Honoré Daumier
Un Monsieur qui se Rajeunit, Honoré Daumier
Un Monsieur Qu'on Rajeunit Trop, Honoré Daumier
Un Nouvel Anobli, Honoré Daumier
Un père faisant tout ce qu'il peut pour pousser son fils dans la carrière des lettres., Honoré Daumier
Un Pierrot Déplumé, Honoré Daumier
Un Pierrot Déplumé, Honoré Daumier
Un Premier Voyage en Chemin de Fer, Honoré Daumier
Un Prix de Poésie, Honoré Daumier
Un quart d'heure après sa mort il était encore en vie., Honoré Daumier
Un remède inventé par un horticulteur qui dans sa jeunesse avait été apothicaire., Honoré Daumier
Un Rendez-Vous, Honoré Daumier
Un Retour de Jeunesse, Honoré Daumier
Un Retour de Jeunesse, Honoré Daumier
UN SERVICE D'AMI, Honoré Daumier
Un soi disant Négociant, victime de ses victimes …, Honoré Daumier
Un Soir de Féte Nationale, Honoré Daumier
Un Souvenir de Gloire, Honoré Daumier
Un surveillant obligé de fermer l'oeil sur la conduite de ses élèves., Honoré Daumier
Untitled, Richard Hunt
Untitled, Sam Gilliam
Untitled, George W. Starcher
Untitled, Eunice Renee Kuhn (nee Lizakowski)
Untitled, Frank McVey
Untitled, Shawn Gilheeney
Untitled, Morgan Rosskopf
Untitled, Benjamin Love
Untitled, Ivan Eyre
Untitled, Cody Marks
Untitled, David Madzo
Untitled, George W. Starcher
Untitled, Robert A. Nelson
Untitled, Helge Ellis Ederstrom
Untitled, Helge Ellis Ederstrom
Untitled, Helge Ellis Ederstrom
Untitled, J.Z. Badman
Untitled, Marguerite Knight
Untitled, Peter Lockrem
Untitled, Peter Lockrem
Untitled, Peter Lockrem
Untitled, Peter Lockrem
Untitled, Marty Berg
Untitled, Robert A. Matz
Untitled, Jim Hendrickx
Untitled, Nancy M. Dickinson
Untitled, Walter Piehl
Untitled, Robert A. Nelson
Untitled, Paul Fundingsland
Untitled, Ryan Frates
Untitled, George W. Starcher
Untitled, Stuart McDonald
Untitled, Stuart McDonald
Untitled, Stuart McDonald
Untitled, Stuart McDonald
Untitled, Stuart McDonald
Untitled, Stuart McDonald
Untitled, Erik Beehn
Untitled, Andrew D. Stark
Untitled, Brian Paulsen
Untitled, Patrick Awotwe
Untitled, George W. Starcher
Untitled, George W. Starcher
Untitled, Helge Ellis Ederstrom
Untitled, Helge Ellis Ederstrom
Untitled, George W. Starcher
Untitled, Richard Hunt
Untitled, John Snyder
Untitled, Helge Ellis Ederstrom
Untitled (3 Daphnes), Audrey Flack
Untitled 6, Stuart McDonald
Untitled (from For Meyer Schapiro: A portfolio of twelve signed prints by twelve artists), Saul Steinberg
Untitled (from For Meyer Schapiro: A portfolio of twelve signed prints by twelve artists), Andy Warhol
Untitled (from For Meyer Schapiro: A portfolio of twelve signed prints by twelve artists), Alexander Liberman
Untitled, from Series 156, Pablo Picasso
Untitled II, Eunice Renee Kuhn (nee Lizakowski)
Untitled Landscape, Robert A. Matz
Untitled Landscape, Paul E. Barr
Untitled Landscape, Sandi Dahl
Untitled (Peace), Amos Paul Kennedy Jr.
Untitled/Still Life with Lemon and Glass (from For Meyer Schapiro: A portfolio of twelve signed prints by twelve artists), Roy Lichtenstein
Un triomphateur à Milan., Honoré Daumier
Un Usage d'Inde, Honoré Daumier
Un Vainqueur de Steeple-Chase, Honoré Daumier
Un véritable amateur, Honoré Daumier
Up In The Air, Stuart McDonald
Use of assessments in occupational therapy physical disability settings, Caitlin Brown and Jana Carroll
Using an expert to explain the Alerus financials makes sense...but is Bernie Madoff the right expert?, Steve Edwards
Using Digital Methods to Reconstruct Original Topography and Landscape Wetness in the Judicial Ditch 66 Watershed, Polk County, Minnesota, Chase J. Christenson
Using temperature profiles to investigate the hyporheic zone in an agricultural drainage ditch, Richard A. Suggs
Using that method to send a warning about text messaging and driving seems inappropriate to me., Steve Edwards
Using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology has made Santa's reindeers obsolete., Steve Edwards
U.S. Prestige in South East Asia, Stuart McDonald
Utilizing leisure activities during upper extremity rehabilitation : an occupational therapy treatment protocol, Sherri D. Strohman
Valley Curtain, Jackie McElroy
Varsity Bachelor's Club Social, 1903, University of North Dakota
Vas-tu te taire avec tes Cocoricos ..., Honoré Daumier
Vat …, Honoré Daumier
Va t-elle être assez soulagée!, Honoré Daumier
Veduta Dell' Acqua Giulia (View of the Acqua Giulia Aqueduct), Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Ventre affamé n'a pas d'oreilles., Honoré Daumier
Vernon P. Squires (1866 - 1930), University of North Dakota
Vet's Club Demonstration at Peace Week, November 1967, University of North Dakota
Vet's Club Demonstration @ Peace Week--November 1967, University of North Dakota
Vietnam War Panel; April 1967, University of North Dakota
View of UND Campus, Isabel Pearl Snelgrove
Vilain dormeur va!, Honoré Daumier
Vilhjalmur Stefansson, 1897, University of North Dakota
Villégiature, Honoré Daumier
VILLÉGIATURE, Honoré Daumier
Virtual reality : an evidence-based guide for occupational therapy, Grant Mitchell and Kyle Nelson
Vision therapy promotional packet: through the eyes of traumatic brain injury/acquired brain injury : an informational resource on the role of OT, Sarah A. Cooper and Whitney Schilling
Visitant l'intérieur des principaux monuments de Paris., Honoré Daumier
Visite d’un Créancier., Honoré Daumier
V'là déja l'vin à bon marché …, Honoré Daumier
V'la mon petit ... s'il n'a pas assez de moyens pour être avec moi …, Honoré Daumier
V'là pourtant ma femme qui s'en va …, Honoré Daumier
V'là pourtant ma femme qui s'en va …, Honoré Daumier
V'là un particulier qui doit encore être inquiet pour son nez c't'année ci ..., Honoré Daumier
V'là un particulier qui doit encore être inquiet pour son nez c't'année ci …, Honoré Daumier
V'la , v'la l'coco! iI est frais …, Honoré Daumier
Voilà du vin qui sent l'eau!, Honoré Daumier
Voilà le ministère public qui vous dit des choses très désagréables …, Honoré Daumier
Voila! t'es devenu rentier, moi médecin, lui est devenu Lion., Honoré Daumier
Voilà tes étrennes; sers t'en et ne les casse pas., Honoré Daumier
Voilà une femme qui, à l'heure solennelle où nous sommes ..., Honoré Daumier
Voilà un vent qui va joliment contrarier le débarquement des Espagnols!, Honoré Daumier
Voisin, êtes vous comme moi?, Honoré Daumier
Vois le cours de la bourse …, Honoré Daumier
Vois-tu, le petit Estancelin comme il parle déjà bien pour son âge et devant tout le monde …, Honoré Daumier
Vois-tu, petit, t'as tort de t'mêler d'la politique ..., Honoré Daumier
Votre client est un gredin qui a assassiné six femmes et vous comptez sur des circonstances atténuantes., Honoré Daumier
Votre fils me fera honneur!... c'est un joli sujet !!!, Honoré Daumier
Votre fils me fera honneur!... c'est un joli sujet !!!, Honoré Daumier
Votre maison me fait l'effet de devoir être d'un bon produit., Honoré Daumier
Votre tableau me plairait assez ..., Honoré Daumier
Voulez-vous bien redescendre tout de suite …, Honoré Daumier
Voulez-vous de l’or; voulez-vous de l’argent, voulez-vous des diamans, des millions, des milliasses?, Honoré Daumier
Vous allez voir! ... vous allez voir!, Honoré Daumier
Vous avez perdu votre procès c'est vrai …, Honoré Daumier
Vous aviez faim ... vous aviez faim … ça n'est pas une raison ..., Honoré Daumier
Vous êtes banquier, monsieur?, Honoré Daumier
Vous êtes un jeune homme bien né!, Honoré Daumier
Vous m'avez injurié dans votre plaidoirie, mais je saurai bien vous forcer à m'en rendre raison!, Honoré Daumier
Vous m'avez injurié dans votre plaidoirie, mais je saurai bien vous forcer à m'en rendre raison!..., Honoré Daumier
Vous mettrez aujourd’hui, dans les faits Paris: Le célèbre Docteur Blaguefort vient de succomber à une atteinte de la maladie à la mode., Honoré Daumier
Vous; mon ami!, Honoré Daumier
Vous ne prenez rien?, Honoré Daumier
Vous savez bien l'éponge que vous disiez que je l'avais perdue …, Honoré Daumier
Vous voyez, monsieur, l'ordre le plus parfait règne dans mon établissement …, Honoré Daumier
Voyageur, votre passeport? ..., Honoré Daumier
Voyez-vous mes deux truites?, Honoré Daumier
Voyons ... ai-je l'air assez homme comme ça? ..., Honoré Daumier
Voyons, c'est y fini?, Honoré Daumier
Voyons, Gertrude, il s'agit aujourd'hui de m'accommoder ceci …, Honoré Daumier
Voyons, kaiserlick .. aurons-nous bientôt fini ces galanteries avec les femmes?, Honoré Daumier
Voyons ne soyez donc pas bourgeois comme ça ..., Honoré Daumier
Voyons témoin il serait important de nous faire le détail exact et complet de l'emploi de votre journée du 12 Avril dernier?, Honoré Daumier
Vue prise à la Buvette d'un bain de Seine, Honoré Daumier
Vue prise à l'exposition, à trois heures de l'après-midi, un jour de soleil; trente-huit degrés de chaleur!, Honoré Daumier
Vue prise dans la nouvelle rue de Rivoli., Honoré Daumier
Vue Prise dans un Quartier en Démolition, Honoré Daumier
Wagering on UND and NDSU's final spring enrollments is more exciting than sports betting., Steve Edwards
Wagoner Climbing a Hill, Theodore Gericault
Wake up! If you've never seen a major train wreck... here's you chance to watch one., Steve Edwards
Walter Kaloupek, Political Science, University of North Dakota
Wanted: Cure For Giant Headache, Stuart McDonald
Washboard moraines in northeastern North Dakota, Dennis N. Nielsen
Watchful Waiting, Stuart McDonald
Watch The Birdie, Stuart McDonald
We Are All Able, Yisa Akinbolaji
Webster Merrifield (1852 - 1916), University of North Dakota
Webster Merrifield (1852-1916), University of North Dakota
Webster Merrifield (1852-1916), University of North Dakota
We call this the "Red River Valley Winter Fitness" program., Steve Edwards
We danced the minuet at UND (hand written on back), University of North Dakota
We'd rank number one if they counted funeral lunches and potluck suppers as 'religious activities.', Steve Edwards
We Go Together, Laura E. Vein
Weight management for the elderly population who have sustained a lower limb amputation : resource manuals for clinicians, Lauren Battles and Maia Sobolik
Well, at least the flood waters drowned out the snow mold in the yard., Steve Edwards
Wellbore stability in water-sensitive shales, Qingfeng Tao
Well, ex-Senator Burns didn't have a long wait for the next 'bus.', Steve Edwards
Well... For new students it's an excellent example of the consequences of "bad math.", Steve Edwards
Well, granted it's faster than a hand shovel, but still..., Steve Edwards
Well, he got a golden parachute...but I don't think he really wanted to jump., Steve Edwards
Well, I'd better get to bed... we start sugar beet pre-pile tomorrow., Steve Edwards's a cheaper solution than the $7 million Fargo spent to stop the train whistles., Steve Edwards
Well, it's certainly more impressive than renting a limo for the prom., Steve Edwards
Well... last year some committee members messed up and the egg hunt lasted until Memorial Day., Steve Edwards
Wellness program for pre and newly retired individuals living in rural communities, Nicole R. Miller
Well, some people would see an icy driveway as a problem., Steve Edwards
Well, sure I've seen corn snow...but never still on the cob., Steve Edwards
Well sure I was surprised... I thought spring was here., Steve Edwards
We'll Teach You Not To Ignore Us!, Stuart McDonald
Well, That Finished Boxing., Stuart McDonald
Well...that seems a reasonable alternative to resolve both issues., Steve Edwards
Well...that's unusual., Steve Edwards
Well, the big difference is that out west it's oil and for us it's rain., Steve Edwards
Well, the follow through was very nice., Steve Edwards
Well, the idea is so the women can shop without being nagged., Steve Edwards
Well, the name of the street sort of depends where you are., Steve Edwards
Well, the Navy used "the theme" to recruit long before the Great West Conference existed., Steve Edwards
Well, we're important because the candidates have to fly over us to get to the primaries., Steve Edwards
Well, yea, it's a hunting preserve but the animals are running., Steve Edwards
We may have to return to the Red River Valley for authentic Norwegian cooking., Steve Edwards
Wendy Blais with President Bill Clinton, United States. White House Photographic Office
We refer to them as "mountain speed bumps.", Steve Edwards
We're one of the few areas where you can have drought and flooding on the same day., Steve Edwards
Western North Dakota lignite strip mining processes and resulting subsurface characteristics, Laramie M. Winczewski
We Think It's Good For You., Stuart McDonald
Wetlands Area and Embankment Design for Stimulating Duck Nesting Habitat and Success in Sioux County, North Dakota, Corey Johnson
What did the Greens do that was so terrible to deserve this?, Steve Edwards
What Ever Became of Lyndon Johnson?, Stuart McDonald
Whatever Became of that Petition, Stuart McDonald
What Happened, Douglas Bosley
What if the DEQ decided to regulate Kootenai Falls?, Steve Edwards
What is the old saying..."no good deed goes unpunished?", Steve Edwards
What'll it be, fellas, corn flakes or ethanol? But not both., Steve Edwards
What's Not Yours is Mine, Kyra Devine
What You See is What You Get, Henry Gepfer
Wheat prices are affecting everybody., Steve Edwards
When he gets all his 'electronics''s too late to farm., Steve Edwards
When it comes to a gift for his wife... money is no object., Steve Edwards
When it comes to a gift for his wife... price is no object., Steve Edwards
When NDOT buys road signs for the valley, 'B' is all they need., Steve Edwards
when these folks say 'check out my honey'...they mean their vehicle., Steve Edwards
When we danced the minuet at UND (hand written on back), University of North Dakota
When you try to walk for exercise, everyone wants to give you a ride., Steve Edwards
Where Do I Start?, Stuart McDonald
Where East Meets West, Stuart McDonald
Where Lies the Greater Danger?, Stuart McDonald