Document Type
News Article
Publication Date
Grand Forks Herald
Typhoid fever; Agricultural implements; Machinery industry; Meteorology; Playwriting; Music teachers; Farms; State universities and colleges; Locomotives; Horses; Hotels; Auditors; Measles; Diphtheria; Scarlatina; Epidemics; Drinking water; Evangelists; Clergy; Judges; School superintendents; Presbyterian Church--Clergy; Congregational churches--Clergy; Presbyterian universities and colleges; Lawyers; Flag raising and lowering; Flags; Rites and ceremonies; Mayors; Armistice Day; Steamboats; Songs; Epidemics; Physicians; Bathtubs; Barbers; Horse-drawn vehicles; Puzzles
Corporate Subjects
Grand Army of the Republic; University of North Dakota; North Dakota. Supreme Court; United States. District Court (North Dakota); Metropolitan Theatre (Grand Forks, N.D.)
Personal Subjects
Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936; DeMille, Cecil B. (Cecil Blount), 1881-1959; McAllister, D. Carlos; Frances, Heath M.; O'Connor, James Francis Thaddeus, 1884-1949; Evenson, Charles J.; Eaton, Cora Smith- 1867-1939; Harriman, Elbridge A.; Rutledge, S . W.; Logan, J. R.; Fawcett, John; Atwood, E. M.; Atwood, Grace; Twamley, Jas (Mrs.); Hunter, A. L.; Cochrane, John M. (John McDowell), 1859-1904; Caswell, Mattie; Atwood family; Hunt family; Templeton, C. F.; Dow, Jerry; Clemmer, Carrie; DeCamp, Frank; Webster, O. A.; Clifford, Alvin; Bergh, Robert, (Mrs.); Gordon, W. A.; Brown, W. H. , (Mrs.); Tagley, A. J.; Ruggies, Walter; Lycan, W. S.; Scott, J. W.; Lasham, W. R.; Spence, W. Hamilton; Brown, L., (Mrs.); Ephraim, Frank, (Mrs.); SHUTT , GEORGE F.; Wilder, Percy; Selby, John; Wineman, Ansel; McLauren, D. P.; McLoughlin, Philip; McLoughlin family; Schlaberg, F. W.; Watson, John S., (Mrs.); Reeve, Budd, 1842-1933; Morgan, David, (1849-1912); Fisk, Charles J. (1862 –1932); Duis, George Edward (1922 -1999); Livingood, William, (Mrs.); Walsh, Edmund Myron (1851-1934); Walsh, George H. (1845 –1913); Walsh, Thomas (1822-1915); Griggs, Alexander, 1838-1903; Engstad, John Evan (c.1858 - 1937); Eggers, August Severin, (1862 –1936); Shannon, Effle; Dixon, Arthur; McKenzie, Alexander, 1851-1922; Paulsness, B. O.; Turpin, George; Karinierni, O.; Sweet, George W.; Lounsberry, Clement A. (Clement Augustus), 1843-1926
Geographic Subjects
North Dakota--Grand Forks; North Dakota--Fargo; North America--Red River Valley (Minnesota and North Dakota and Manitoba)
Recommended Citation
William Preston Davies. "October 1930" (1930). W. P. Davies' Newspaper Column ('That Reminds Me'). 146.
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota