
Date of Work
Identification #
UAP 4865
Science Hall with five trees in front. On the left side of the building, from the roof to the top of the basement windows hangs a fire escape ladder. A bicycle leans against two columns at the front entrance and a female student walks away from the entrance on the sidewalk with books in her hands. A wooden sidewalk runs in front of and to the main entrance.
Science Hall; Old Science; Bicycle; Fashion-Clothing; Wooden Sidewalk; Students-Female; Fire Escape; Ladder; Bicycles; boardwalks; Women college students; Ladders; College buildings; Trees; Clothing and dress
Places Depicted
North Dakota--Grand Forks
Organizations Depicted
Science Hall (Grand Forks, N.D.); University of North Dakota
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota