
Date of Work
Identification #
UAP 13017 A
Front Row: Skuli Skulason. Second Row: Joseph Flanagan, William Nuessle, Currier, Babe Loomis (coach). Third Row: Thompson, Thomas Jewell, Crew, William Lemke, Lynn Frazier(captain), Thomson, William Wilson. Fourth Row: Edward Murphy, Lee Wilcox, Innis Ward, Duty, William Moran, Edward Olson, Arthur McLane, George Jennings. Back Row: George Fritzmaurice, Professor Melvin Brannon (manager), George Stead, Robinson, Victor Wardrope. Four of the players are wearing shirts with "UND" written on them. Harris C. Loomis is wearing a "C" on his shirt. By the door are two wooden chairs. Lynn Frazier, holding the football, was the captain. In the summer and fall of 1899 the first football field was laid out north of the railroad roundhouse. The 1899 team played six games and won all of them. The team included Joe Flanagan (later selected as the top athlete at UND), Lynn Frazier (Governor), William Lemke (future congressman and presidential candidate), William Nuessle (future Chief Justice of the ND Supreme Court).
Football; Athletics; Students; Babe Loomis; Football coaches; Building; brick; Football uniforms; Chairs; Windows; Staircases; Football players
Places Depicted
North Dakota--Grand Forks; North Dakota
Organizations Depicted
University of North Dakota
People Depicted
Wardrope, Victor; Frazier Lynn J. (Lynn Joseph), 1874 - 1947; Brannon, Melvin A. (Melvin Amos), 1865.; Wardrope, Victor; Frazier Lynn J. (Lynn Joseph), 1874 - 1947
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota