
Date of Work
Fargo Forum
Identification #
UAP 16519
President John F. Kennedy's motorcade makes its way to the UND Fieldhouse. Secret Service Agents surround the 1962 Lincoln Continental Convertible. The President sits on top of the seat while Governor Guy and Senator Burdick sit in the back. Spectators look on from behind snow fences. The Memorial Union stands in the background. President Kennedy spoke to nearly 20,000 people on September 25, 1963 on conservation in America as well as in North Dakota.
Secret Service Agents; President John F. Kennedy; Governor William Guy; Senator Quentin Burdick; Memorial Union; Automobiles; Presidents - United States; College buildings; Governors - United States; Legislators - United States; Secret service; Crowds
Places Depicted
North Dakota--Grand Forks; North Dakota
Organizations Depicted
University of North Dakota; University of North Dakota. Fieldhouse
People Depicted
Guy, William L. (William Lewis), 1919-; Burdick, Quentin N. (Quentin Northrup), 1908-1992; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota