"Spatially Distributed Pothole Depth Data" by Xuefeng Michael Chu Ph.D, Kendall Grimm et al.

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Potholes, Wetlands, Bathymetry, USGS Cottonwood Lake Study Area, North Dakota


The locations of our surveyed potholes are located in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area (CLSA) of the USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPWRC). RiverSurveyor M9 by SonTec (RiverSurveyor M9) was utilized to obtain spatially distributed pothole depth data. This way a modified DEM was created which reflected the pothole bathymetry rather than the water surface elevations. The M9 records water depths using multi-band multiple acoustic frequencies from the vertical beam which “pings” the pothole bed while simultaneously collecting the GPS coordinates of each “ping”. High ping rates ensure robust data collection and high resolution. The vertical beam can measure a depth range from 0.2 to 80m, depth accuracy of 1%, and depth resolution of 0.001 m. Two types of data were collected: pothole shapefile (boundary) data and inside pothole data. To create the pothole boundary, the M9 was walked around the water line of the entire pothole in a backpack so all depth measurements read 0 m. The inside pothole data were obtained by attaching the RiverSurveyor M9 to a floatable platform and the floatable platform was attached to a small row boat. The RiverSurveyor was then paddled around the pothole and through the pothole along many vertical and horizontal transects in order to get a good coverage of the pothole bathymetry. For more information, see the ReadMe file within the zip file of spatially distributed pothole depths.


Center for Regional Climate Studies

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Cottonwood Lake Sudy Area (CLSA), USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPWRC), Jamestown, North Dakota

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Hydrology Commons
