Content Posted in 2024
어 리 다, Veronika Linstrom
101 Dalmations, Rock Tweten
16325 r.Iron.o, Anna Jacobson
1776, Rock Tweten
18 Years, J Alcon
1915 Football Schedule, University of North Dakota
1921 State Championship Team, University of North Dakota
1928 Gridiron Banquet, University of North Dakota
1929 Gridiron Banquet, University of North Dakota
1931 Gridiron Banquet, University of North Dakota
1932 Gridiron Banquet, University of North Dakota
1933 Football Schedule, University of North Dakota
1937 North Central Conference Champions, University of North Dakota
1938 Starting Lineup, University of North Dakota
1939 Media Guide, University of North Dakota
1952 Potato Bowl: Green Bay Packers Exhibition Game, Red River Valley Potato Growers Association; Farmers Cooperative Marketing Association; Flaat Farm Produce, Inc.; George J. Bushee and Sons, Inc.; John P. Bushee Potato Co.; Potato Sales Co.; R.L. Douglass Co.; A. & L. Potato Co.; and Jerome Greenwood Potato Co.
1953 Halloween Game Against the Bison in Fargo, North Dakota State University--Fargo
1954 Roster, University of North Dakota
1956 Homecoming Game vs. the Bison, University of North Dakota
1957 Homecoming Game vs. South Dakota State, University of North Dakota
1959 Gridiron Guide, University of North Dakota
1959 Roster, University of North Dakota
1960 Gridiron Guide, University of North Dakota
1961 Gridiron Guide, University of North Dakota
1962 Media Guide, University of North Dakota
1962 Roster, University of North Dakota
1962 Schedule with 1961 Season Statistics, University of North Dakota
1963 Media Guide, University of North Dakota
1964 Gridiron Guide, University of North Dakota
1964 Special Family Football Ticket Plan, University of North Dakota
1 Yuan Coin, Central Mint of China
500 block of DeMers Avenue, circa 1960
7am breakfast, Maren Schettler
Abandoned, Jacqueline Raatz
Abandoned House #1, John M. Veck
ABBA, Jameson Kay-Olson Buckau
A Brief Introduction to General Topology, Richard P. Millspaugh
Abstract Horse, Walter Piehl
Abstract Monotype, George Starcher
Accessibility for Employees: Workplace Disability Accommodations, Melissa Arnold
Accessibility for Students: Accommodations in the Academic Environment, Sara Kaiser
Access To Books For Lower Socioeconomic Students: Creating A Book Sharing Intervention, Laura Fernandez
Accountants Role in Management, Wayne E. Hintz
Accounting Students and Ethics: Issues Related to Integrating Ethics Into the Accounting Curriculum, Kevin G. Eisenzimmer
A Century of Keats Criticism, Howard B. Senn
A Cheers to Goodbye, Drake Carnes
A Child Care Needs Study Demand for a Government Service, Shirley R. Dykshoorn
A Child Care Needs Study The Demand For a Government Service, Shirely Richardson
A Christmas Carol, Rock Tweten
A Civil Service Reform Act of 1978: Its Causes and Consequences, Joseph Michael McKenna
A Cold Line: A Ten-Minute Play, Adam March
A Comparative Analysis of Selected Thematic Elements in Jean Genet's The Maids and Wendy Kesselman's My Sister in This House, Connie Joan Breding
A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of a Multi Media Instructional Systems Approach with a Traditional Teacher-Directed, Marianne E. Frye
A Comparative Evaluation of the Rental Assistance Programs Created by Section "8" of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1974, Lynn A. Bingham
A Comparative Study of Achievement of Sixth Grade Rural Pupils of a Minnesota and a North Dakota County, Thomas Ananias Yetter
A Comparative Study of Community Influentials and the Average Citizen, Dawn Doyle
A Comparative Study of IBM PC and Apple Macintosh Electronic Publishing Systems, Valeris A. Moen
A Comparative Study Of IBM PC and Apple Macintosh Electronic Publishing Systems, Valerie A. Moen
A Comparative Study of Leadership Attitudes Held by Teachers and Community Leaders in Certain Representative Minnesota Towns, Marlowe Ervin Wegner
A Comparative Study of More Desirable and Less Desirable Intercollegiate Football Candidates at the University of North Dakota, Dolph J. Regelsky
A Comparative Study of the Certification Requirements For a Teacher of Industrial Arts in The Fifty United States, John N. Heinz
A Comparative Study of the Certification Requirments for a Teacher of Industrial Arts in the Fifty United States, John N. Heinz
A Comparative Study Utiliziing Carpet for Machine Noise Reduction in an Industrial Technology Woodworking Laboratory, Eugene A. Schlomer
A Comparative Study Utilizing Carpet for Machine Noise Reduction in an Industrial Technology Woodworking Laboratory, Eugene A. Schlomer
A Comparative Study Utilizing Carpet for Machine Noise Reduction in an Industrial Technology Woodworking Labortatory, Eugene A. Schlomer
A Comparative Stusy utilizing Carpet for Machine Noise Reduction in an Industrial Technology Woodworking Laboratory, Eugene A. Schlomer
A comparison of a scorecard systems to determine supplier efficency, Santosh Noone
A Comparison of Athletes and Non-Atheletes at the Univeristy of North Dakota as Measured by the Harvard Strep Test, Michaela L. Gaddie
A comparison of Beers criteria and STOPP criteria in reducing polypharmacy in the elderly., Gayla A. Barker
A Comparison of Common Treatment Modalities for Veterans Diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Versus Low-Dose Ketamine Therapy, Kristopher Flynt
A comparison of drone imagery and ground-based methods for estimating the extent of habitat destruction by lesser snow geese (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) in La Pérouse Bay, Andrew Barnas, Brian J. Darby, Gregory S. Vandeberg, Robert F. Rockwell, and Susan N. Ellis-Felege
A Comparison of Learning and Costs of Continuing Education Programming Via Traditional Versus Telephone Delivery in The State of North Dakota, Richard M. Winant
A Comparison of Pharmacotherapy versus Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Migraines, Samantha Braaten
A Comparison of Pharmacotherapy versus Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Migraines, Samantha Braaten
A Comparison of Physical Fitness of Adolescent Boys after Participations in a Regular Education Program, David Coen
A Comparison of State Income Tax Laws with the Federal Income Tax Law as Levied on Resident Individuals, Jack Jay Erdman
A Comparison of the Detroit and Kuhlman-Anderson Intelligence Tests as Applied in the Grand Forks Public Schools, Clifford R. Sawyer
A Comparison of Two Methods of Developing Arm Endurance in Swimming the American Crawl, Jonan Johnson
Activated carbon in mixed-matrix membranes, Jeremy Lewis, Maram A. Q Al-sayaghi, Chris Buelke, and Ali Alshami
Activation Day, Elena Uhlenkamp
Active Toxoplasmosis Infection: Efficacy and Safety of Treatment Options, Daniele Krouse
Active Toxoplasmosis Infection: Efficacy and Safety of Treatment Options, Daniele Krouse
Activities Eligibility: Building A More Equitable Approach To Support Students, Cory Holten
A Current Study of Sexual Harassment in the Military: Womens Career Opportunities at Risk, Jill M. Kukuk
Adaptation To The Impacts Of Climate Change On Water Availability In The Upper Red River Of The North (URRN), Innocent Kelechi Anosike
Additives Impact On Wet Strength And Size Development In Papermaking- Polyamide Epichlorohydrin (PAE), Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride (ASA) And Alkyl Ketene Dimer (AKD) Cases, Yao Parnell Ntifafa
Addressing Burn Scarring And Contractures While Measuring Range Of Motion, Josie F. Sylte
Addressing Classroom Behaviors Through Sensory-Informed Design And Instruction To Support Performance And Participation, Monicah Nyakoe
Addressing Health Care Needs Of Farmers In Rural Areas Through The Lens Of Occupational Therapy, Josie Lynn Huot
Addressing Occupational Deprivation and Alienation in Rural Skilled Nursing Facilities Through an Activities Resource Guide, Stephanie Dullum
Addressing Occupational Deprivation And Alienation In Rural Skilled Nursing Facilities Through An Activities Resource Guide, Stephanie Dullum
Addressing Psychosocial Factors In Upper Extremity Injuries To Improve Outcomes And Quality Of Life, Jace Allard
Addressing the Psychosocial Impacts and Recovery of a Patient with Carpal-Metacarpal (CMC) Arthroplasty: A Case Study, Christopher Hernandez
A Descriptive Analysis of Emission Control Systems for Automotive Internal Combustion Gasoline Engine: Implications for Trade and Industrial Education, Lyle G. tHORSON
A Different Type of Sickness, Tabitha Lee
Adjusting for Inflationary Distortion of Historical Cost Financial Statements, Gary N. Arness
Administering Psychological Tele-Assessment: A Delphi Study, Amanda Willyard Walkowiak
Administration of Natural Gas Regulation, Kent Reierson
Administration Standards in North Dakota, Clifford Clarence Stienstra
Adobe Photoshop: Clouds of Controversy, Jess Schanilec-Gowan
A Document Analysis On The Role Of Innovation In The Strategic Plans Of Small Private Liberal Arts Institutions, Jillain Kaye Veil-Ehnert
A Dog That Can Guard Everything Can Guard Nothing, David Norstad
ADS-B/GPS Integrity Identification And Evaluation Using Machine Learning Models, Anton Reider Skurdal
Adult Education for Lutheran Lay Leadership, Walter Martin Wangerin
Adult Immunizations, Jessica R. Nygaard
Adult Recreation, Joseph Hilinovich
Advanced Hybrid Technology, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Advanced Practice Providers in Emergency Medicine, Matthew Kalonick
Advances In Smoke Retrievals Using Lidar: Techniques And Applications, Natalie Midzak
Advancing Bridge Hydraulic Assessment With HEC-RAS 2D And Bathymetry Modeling In Arcgis Pro Using HYCAT ASV Data, Daniel Iancu
Advancing CO2 Capture Technology, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Advancing Nutrition And Dietetics Students' Preparation For Clinical Practice Through Simulation-Based Learning Experiences, Danielle Marie Villano
Advertising Practices of North Dakota Retailers, John M. Erickson
Aerial View of Campus, 1929, Thomas Opheim
Aerie, Helen Franenthaler
A Financial Survey of School Districts in Nelson County, M. R. Lazenby
A Follow-Up Study of Distributive Education in the Public High School Jamestown, North Dakota, Emeroy Anders Swanson
A Follow-Up Study of Master's Degree Graduates of the University of North Dakota Department of Industrial Technology, Gary L. Gorrman
A Follow-Up Study of Master's Degree Graduates of The University of North Dakota Department of Industrial Technology for The Rodeo 1951-1971, Gary L. Gorman
A Gamble of Trust: A Ten-Minute Play, Derek McFarland
Aged Interest Groups and Politics, Richard Hills
Aged Interest Groups and Politics, Richard Hill
A General Discussion of the Case Method Emphasizing the Practicability of Its Use in Accounting, Allan J. Williamson
A General Survey of the School Situation in Benson County, North Dakota, Jalmer Ernest Danielson
Agglomeration Tendency and Activated Carbon Concentration Effects on AC-PSF Mixed Matrix Membrane Performance: A Design of Experiment Formulation Study, Jeremy Lewis, Ali Alshami, Musabbir Talukder, Ademola Owoade, Kelsey Baker, and Sagheer Onaizi
Aglaura & Cidippe Warn Their Captive Sister, Jasmine Patera
A Gold-Lined Barrel, Dani Ogawa
A Guide for Occupational Therapists: Utilizing Equine-assisted Therapy for Children in the Foster Care System Dealing with Trauma, Alexis Skogen
A History of Fort Yates, Darrell De Long
A History of the League of Minnesota Municipalities, Oscar E. Thompson
A History of the Northern Dakota Railway Company, Douglas Ramsey
A History of the State Normal and Industrial School at Ellensdale, North Dakota, Otto C. Schultz
A Holistic Approach To Occupational Therapy Intervention: Addressing Psychosocial Factors And Upper Extremity Injuries, Aleece N. Durbin
A Holistic Approach to Promote Sleep for People Emerging from Homelessness: A Good Night’s Rest in Your Nest Sleep Toolkit, Anna Burggraf
A Hybrid Framework To Secure IOT Sensor Networks Based On Blockchain Andmachine Learning, Shereen Ismail
AI Assignment ENTR 101, Sheila K. Hanson
AI Case Study Assignment, Jeffrey Anvari-Clark
Airflow over NASA’s X-59, Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST), Laina Behrenbrinker and Carson Running
Airplane at Grand Forks International Airport
Airplanes at Grand Forks International Airport, 1971
“A Juggernaut of Jokes”: An Oral History of Silkworm’s ‘Italian Platinum’, Brian Schill
A Library Handbook, Jess J. Belfiori
Aligning Assessment: Developing Performance Tasks to Assess GE Outcomes, Joan Hawthorne, Melissa Gjellstad, and Ryan Zerr
All Things Good and Nice, Michael Conlan
A Look At The Affects Of Birth Order On Personality, Mental Health, Intelligence, Self-Esteem, Happiness, And Resilience, Hailey Sorensen
A Love Letter to ChatGPT, Mark Patterson
"Alpha Av. Showing Post Office & Methodist Church, Grand Forks, N.D."
Alternative solutions for the use of outdated computer hardware, Benjamin Erickson
Alternative Treatment Modalities for Plantar Fasciitis, Chelsey Clark
Alternative Treatment Modalities for Plantar Fasciitis, Chelsey Clark
Alumni Association Executive Vice President Earl Strinden, 1973, Greg Collins
A Management's Use of Accounting Information in Decision Making, Kenneth T. Folkert
American Reaction to the Mexican Church-State Conflict of 1926-29, Sinclair Snow
America's Freedom of Information Act and Electronic Records, Jennifer J. Hoffman
A Meta-Analysis of Adolescent Rampage Shootings and The Potential Interconnectivity to Gifted/Talented Children with Emotional/Behavioral Discorders, Meghan M. Slayers
A Midsummer Daydream, Kira Symington
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Rock Tweten
Am I Right to be Offended?, Jack Russell Weinstein and Emily McTernan
Amitayus Buddha Brass Statue, Maker Unknown
A Model for Developing Community Defined Health Care, Joan M. Flynn
A Molecular Phylogeny Of Ctenuchina Kirby, 1837 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini: Ctenuchina), Sydney Winterton
A Mother's Heart, J. White
An Alternate Energy Study for the Proposed Sunrise Project, Clarence A. Bina
Analydid of School Spending in Twin Valley, Minnesota Compared With 182 Other Schools, Arnold S. Carlson
Analysis and Some of the Obstacles to Inflation Accounting, William W. Kapala
Analysis of American Munitions Makers 1914-1934 Political Science, Arthur G. Horton
Analysis of Internal Control and Audit Problems of a Small Bank, Gary A. Sterud
Analyzing The Effects Of Land Use, Land Cover, And Infrastructure On Water Quality Standards Within The Itasca And St. Louis Moraine Region Of Minnesota., Jamesguy Gierisch
An Analogous Instructional Model of Automotive On-Board Engine Management Computer Systems, Lloyd R. Walker
An Analogous Instructional Model of Automotive On-Board Engine Management Computer Systems, Lloyd R. Walker
An Analysis of Flow Properties of Shock Tube Boundary Layer, Cheyenne Harrison and Carson Running
An Analysis of GPA Examination s Given in the Year Period 1946-1955, Richard P. Holmes
An Analysis of Mathematical Concepts in the Curriculum of the Industrial Arts Department of the St. Cloud State Teachers College, Roland A. Vandell
An Analysis of Programs for Gifted Children : 1957-1966, William R. Kreul
An analysis of Section 306 of the Internal Revenue Code, Holly K. Monek
An Analysis of the Current Reporting Practices for Irrevocable Leases in the Financial Statements of the Lease, David R. Weir
An Analysis of the Effects of a Weight Training Program on Selected Measures of Power, Agility and Basketball Skills in Adolescent Boys, James A. Mitton
An analysis of the North Dakota Candidates in the 1965 CPA Examination, Robert Kiefer
An Analysis of the Out-Of-Class Experiences of the Ninth Grade Class of East Grand Forks Central High School, Earl Gangeness
An Appreciation of Amos Bronson Alcott as a Teacher, Myrtle Edith Pedersen
Andrew Youngblom, Andrew Youngblom
An Entomologist’s Love Letter to the Universe, Jona L. Pedersen
Anesthesia Delivery: Patients Saftey Related To Distractions In The Operating Room, Bradley A. Horner
Anesthetic Considerations for Phantom Limb Pain, Robert B. Kari
An Evaluation of Health Textbooks, Elton H. Skarperud
An Evaluation of High School Students in Ninth Grade Mathematics at Bismarck, North Dakota, Raymond Charles Yeasley
An Evaluation Of NAAPS During Canadian And U.S. East Coast Smoke Events In May And June 2023, Taylor Mchone
An Evaluation of Real Estate as a Tax Shelter, Larry J. Zine
An Evaluation of the 1966 National Defense Education Act Institute in Industrial Arts, John H. Olson
An Evaluation of the Experience Background of High School Teachers, David L. Hoel
An Evaluation of United States Foreign Agriculture Marketing Policies, Micheal T. Eggl
A New Method of Measuring the Biochemical Activity of Sewage and Polluted Waters, Alvin Raymond Jacobson
An Experimental Study of an Electric Powered Hydrostatic Transmission System Toward Electric Vehicle Speed Control, Carlyle J. Nelson
An Exploration Of Education Strategies In National Board Of Health And Wellness Coaching Programs, Brenna Joy Swanson
Angler Knowledge of Live Bait regulations and Invasive Species: Insights for Invasive Species Prevention, Alexis L. Gerber, Hannah Mulligan, Mark A. Kaemingk, and Alison A. Coulter
An Improved Model for Flue Gas-Mercury Interactions on Activated Carbons, Edwin S. Olson, Jason D. Laumb, Steven A. Benson, Grant E. Dunham, Ramesh K. Sharma, Blaise A.F. Mibeck, Stanley J. Miller, Michael J. Holmes, and John H. Pavlish
An Incramental Approach to Revising National Housing Policy: An Analysis of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, Kathyrn R. Marschke
An Independent Study: A Childbirth Education Needs Assessment, Rachelle L. Dauksavage
An Interdisciplinary Approach To Fall Prevention In Rural Health, Casidi Pullar
An Intergenerational Program Approach To Support Successful Aging And Decrease Social Isolation In Nursing Home Residents, Mariah Herring
An Investigation of Work Group Co-Location in an Organizational Flowchart Model, Evan R. Anderson
An Investigation of Work Group Co-Location in an Organizational Flowchart Model, Evan R. Anderson
An Objective Stufy of the Informational Needs of Teachers in Mental Hygiene, Claude V. Hobson
An Object Lesson in the Humane and Ethical Treatment of Others, Charles Henry
An Occupational Therapy Approach To Chronic Condition Self-Management, Makayla Marie Tucker
An Occupational Therapy Approach To The Cumulative Trauma Disorder Of Trigger Finger: A Case Report, Makenzie Lynn Kroupa
An Occupation-based Approach to Chronic Pain in Rural Alaska, Emma Lehman
An Occupation-Based Approach To Stroke Recovery In Rural America, Julia Warmack
An Ode to Fiji and Its Visitors, Katerina Sladko
An Ode to Friends Past and Present, Autumn Thompson
Anomaly Detection And Trajectory Prediction Models For ADS-B Datasets, Akshay Ram Ramchandra
An Upward Trend, Brenden Kimpe
Anxiety In College Students, Sydney Fearing
Anything Goes, Rock Tweten
APA Definition of Mindfulness, Eric B. Miller
A Period of Self-Reflection, Elise Unterseher
A Philosophy of Games, Jack Russell Weinstein and Frank Lantz
A Plan for Providing Better Educational Opportunity in Wilkin County, Minnesota, by Equalizing Enrollments and Local Support, Harry E. Weir
Apologist, Elise Unterseher
Application Of Artificial Treatment Wetland Systems In The English Coulee, Michael Anthony Rosati
Application Of Blockchain Technology And Integration Of Differential Privacy: Issues In E-Health Domains, David Isie
Application of Stressed Vocabulary Study to Current Reading and Study of American History, Helen M. Hubbard
Applying Systems Engineering Principles To The Design Of Multi-Channel Functional Electrical Stimulator, Yasser Ayeva
Appropriate Educational Background for Areawide Comprehensive Health Planning Agency Executive Directors: A Survey, Lawrence W. Olson
April 1, 1993, University of North Dakota
April 1, 1999, University of North Dakota
April 1, 2004, University of North Dakota
April 1, 2021, University of North Dakota
April 1, 2021: Agenda, University of North Dakota
April 14, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 17, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 17, 1975, University of North Dakota
April 1926, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1927, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1929, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1930, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1931, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1932, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1933, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1934, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1935, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1936, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1937, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1938, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1939, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1954, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1957, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1962, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1964 (First Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1964 (Second Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1968, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1971, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1974, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1975, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1976, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1977, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1978, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1982, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1987, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 1988, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April 2, 1992, University of North Dakota
April 2, 1992: Agenda, University of North Dakota
April 2, 1998, University of North Dakota
April 2, 2009, University of North Dakota
April 2, 2015, University of North Dakota
April 2, 2020, University of North Dakota
April 2, 2020: Agenda, University of North Dakota
April 24, 2003, University of North Dakota
April 24, 2024, The Dakota Student
April 30, 1992, University of North Dakota
April 3, 1997, University of North Dakota
April 3, 2003, University of North Dakota
April 3, 2008, University of North Dakota
April 3, 2014, University of North Dakota
April 4, 1991, University of North Dakota
April 4, 1991: Agenda, University of North Dakota
April 4, 1996, University of North Dakota
April 4, 2002, University of North Dakota
April 4, 2019, University of North Dakota
April 4, 2019: Agenda, University of North Dakota
April 5, 1990, University of North Dakota
April 5, 2001, University of North Dakota
April 5, 2007, University of North Dakota
April 5, 2012, University of North Dakota
April 5, 2018, University of North Dakota
April 5, 2018: Agenda, University of North Dakota
April 6, 1972, University of North Dakota
April 6, 1989, University of North Dakota
April 6, 1995, University of North Dakota
April 6, 2000, University of North Dakota
April 6, 2006, University of North Dakota
April 6, 2017, University of North Dakota
April 7, 1994, University of North Dakota
April 7, 2005, University of North Dakota
April 7, 2011, University of North Dakota
April 7, 2016, University of North Dakota
April 7, 2022, University of North Dakota
April 7, 2022: Agenda, University of North Dakota
April 8, 2010, University of North Dakota
April- May 1989, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
April- May 1990, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
A Proposed Audio-Visual Program for the Schools of the Crookston Diocese, Mary Joseph Deemer Sr.
A Proposed Comprehensive Indsutrial Education Program for St.Vital, Samuel P. Mayes
A Proposed Comprehensive Industrial Education Program for St. Vital, Samuel P. Maynes
A Proposed University of North Dakota Elementary Teacher Curriculum, Aird C. Smith
A Psychological Look At Burnout, Gracie Cole
A Qualitative Case Study Of Students' Of Color Perceptions And Experiences Of Academic Success In College Algebra At Snow College, Melanie Larsen Jenkins
A Queer Take on Hell and the Hellmouth, Pre-Modern Era, Haley Brothers
Architectural Watercolor of Twamley Hall, Atkins
Are Bank Loan Loss Reservers Materiallity Misstated, Thomas K. Metelman
A Reorganization of State Educational Support in North Dakota, Walter M. Loomer
Are Scientific Memes Motivating and Does Public Sharing Affect Motivation?, Virginia Clinton-Lisell and Alison E. Kelly
A Resource Guide For Improving Participation In The Pediatric Casper Community, Rylie Garner
A review and Comparison of British Colonial Administrative Practices in Nigeria and Ghana and the Effects Upon Modernization and Development Efforts in Nigeria and Ghana Since Independence, Matthew J. Kissenger
A Review of General, Infant, and Maternal Deaths and Causes of Death in North Dakota 1910-1970, Cynthia A. Philips
A Review of Material Severance Taxation in the United States and its Application to North Dakota Taxation Policy, Arthur C. Bauer
A Review of the Benefit of Pre-Operative Education Prior to Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Patrick C. Jahn
A Review on the Influence of Processing Methods on Corrosion Rates of Mg-CNT Nanocomposites, Jiselle Thornby, Ali Alshami, and Meysem Haghshenas
A Revised County Budget Report From for North Dakota Counties, Micheal E. Zainhofsky
Armour and Company Building, ca. 1935
Arsenate Removal from North Dakota Well Water: Titanium with MOF (UiO-66) Impregnated Carbon Blocks, Mousa Almousa, Yeo Howe Lim, Olusegun Stanley Tomomewo, and Mahmut Ersan
Article from Daily Compass, Mundt Bill Is Threat To U.S., Says Langer, ca.1950, Daily Compass
Artifical Intelligence and its Influence on the Public Accounting Profession, Mark A. Johnson
Artificial Intelligence for Automated Detection of Large Mammals Creates Path to Upscale Drone Surveys, Javier Lenzi, Andrew Barnas, Abdelrahman A. ElSaid, Travis Desell, Robert F. Rockwell, and Susan N. Ellis-Felege
Artistic expressions about community-based literacy, Caitlin Hall, Diane Lewis, and Christopher Schrock
Arts Annex Building, circa 1925
A Social Cognitive Learning Experience for Baccalaureate Nursing Students: Enhancing the Recognition and Management of the Patient with Sepsis, Lindsey Unterseher
A Solution: The Waffle, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
A Sonnet for Alaska, Jonathan Sladko
Aspirin vs. Pravastatin for Prevention of Preterm Delivery in Patients at Risk for Pre-Eclampsia, Mary Weisberg
Aspirin vs. Pravastatin for Prevention of Preterm Delivery in Patients at Risk for Pre-Eclampsia, Mary Weisberg
Assessment Of High-Performance Steels Through Additive Manufacturing And Ultrasonic Impact Peening, Md Touhidul Islam Rimon
Assessment of Mature Rural Adults Experiencing Depression, Penny Briese
Assistive Technology Accessibility And Usability: A Toolkit For Occupational Therapy Practitioners, Erin Siebenaler
Associations Between Screen Use and Depression in the Youth Population, David Franta
Associations Between Screen Use and Depression in Youth, David Franta
A Statistical Model For The Surface Tension Of Microdroplet Surfactants And Multicomponent Mixtures, Douglas Mohr
A Statistical Study of Algebraic Vocabularies Found in Eight Ninth-Grade Algebra Textbooks, Edwin E. Kval
A Statistical Study of One Thousand Eminent Women, Bertha Beach Tharp
A Student Co-Creation Lab As A Sustainable System For OER Development, Sarah Ann Stokes
A Study in Remedial Reading, Clara Louise Leum
A Study of Achievement in Language Arts of the Intermediate Grades of the Grand Forks Public Schools, Lloyd D. Volker
A Study of Character Types in the Novels of Henry Fielding, Elsie Marie Fossum
A Study of Elementary Accreditation in North Dakota, Rick E. McClure
A Study Of Forecasted Electromagnetic Path Errors To Determine Potential Impacts On Detect And Avoid Systems For Unmanned Aircraft, Brianna Marie Kump
A Study of Furniture Discounting, John Mackay Vess
A Study of Incumbency and the Coattail Effect in General Elections in North Dakota 1968-1976, Gretchen Vaaler
A Study of Property Tax Circuit Breakers, Holly E. gILBERT
A Study of Retail Merchandise Control as Applied to Department Stores, William K. Spornitz
A Study of Retail Merchandise Control as Applied to Department Stores, William E. Spornitz
A Study of Teacher Selection in North Dakota, William J. Tucker
A Study of Teachers' Freedoms and Responsibilities, Annabelle A. Cruikshank
A Study of the Current Sexual Harassment Legislation, Court Interpretations, E Diane Laub
A Study of the Elementary in School Libraries in Cass County, North Dakota, Edward Shanks
A Study of the Elementary School Libraries in Williams County, Dellas Herbel
A Study Of The Global Rare Earth Industry Transition, Al Thibeault
A Study of the Homemakers' Clubs in Rural Grand Forks County, Pauline E. Renke
A Study of The Influence of Ballot Form and Voting Method on Voters Choice, Candace Fuglesten
A Study of The Job Satisfaction of North Dakota Industrial Arts Teachers, Ronald Dahl
A Study of the Job Satisfaction of North Dakota Industrial Arts Teachers, Ronald Dahl
A Study of the job Satisfaction of North Dakota Industrial Arts Teachers, Ronald Dahl
A Study of the Predictive Value of the California Capacity Questionnaire, Kenneth D. Sandvold
A Study Of The Qualities Which Are Viewed By North Dakota Legislators And Mayors as Contributing to Sucess in Political Service and Election, Jeffery L. Obst
A Study of the Relationship of Selected Measures of mucular, Agility, Power and Speed to Team Success in Highschool Football, Roy Hokkanen
A Study of the Social Composition and Educational Background of the Indian Service Teachers in the Aberdeen Area in 1954-55, Roy L. Adkins
A Study of the Tax Levies of Grand Forks County, North Dakota, Leo Durworth Osman
A Study of The Transistor, Kermit W. Hout
A Study of The Transitor, Kermit W. Hout
A Study of the Value of the High School General Educational Development Tests as Predictors of College Success, George Edberg
A Study of the Word Usage and Page Distribution of All the Words Used in Ten Primers of Recent Publication, Joseph Martin Mork
A Study on The Influence of Ballot Form and Voting Method on Voter Choice, Candace Fuglesten
A Study to Ascertain The Influence Of A Technological Problem Solving Course On Student Career And Education GOals, Wayne D. Lang
A Study to Ascertain the Need for Industrial Arts in The Elementary Schools of Grand Forks, Douglas A. Holm
A Study to Ascertain the Need for Industrial Arts in the Elementary Schools of Grand Forks, Douglas A. Holm
A Study to Ascertain the Need for Industrial Arts in the Elementary Schools of Grand Forks, Douglas Holm
A Study to Determine the Needs for Offering Courses in Building Trades in the Grand Forks School District, Anthony G. Eckroth
A Study to Determine the Status of Non-Silver Based Publishing Systems, K Peder Gjovik
A Study to Examine the Relationship Between Traffic Arrests and Driving while Intoxicated using Grand Forks Air Force Base Personal as Cases, James M. Hughes
A Survery of School Drop-Outs in Eddy County North Dakota, Neil Nolan Abledinger
A Survey of Art in 388 North Dakota Homes, Mabel Day O'Brian A. B.
A Survey of Color Education as Outlined in the Courses Study for Elementary School Art in Thirty States, Mary Elizabeth Stephens
A Survey of Custodial Services in Minnesota Schools, Frank Miles Nelson
A Survey of English Fundamentals for Grades Three Through Eight for Benson County, With a Program for Remedial Work, Anna M. Kruse
A Survey of High School Competitive Music Festivals, Philip B. Cory
A Survey of Husband and Wife Teaching Combinations in Public Schools of North Dakota, Roger Ernest Piehl
A Survey of Music Activity in the Elementary Schools of North Dakota, C. Warren Lindgren
A Survey of Subject Combinations and the Academic Preparation of the High School Teachers of North Dakota, Henry Allen Drenth
A Survey of the 1939 and 1940 Graduates of Minot High School, Odin A. Bryn
A Survey of the Music Aptitude Tests Used in Minnesota Region VIII, Robert H. Armstrong
A Survey of the School Situation in Walsh County with Recommendations for Reorganization, Willard Clinton Hanson
A Survey of the Time Load of Teachers in Accrdited Schools of Eastern North Dakota, Oswald Tufte
A Survey Study of Computer Literacy Instruction Requirements for the Industrial Technology Undergraduate, Kenneth R. Campbell
A Systematic Investigation of Gas-Based Improved Oil Recovery Technologies for the Bakken Tight Oil Formation, Lu Jin, Steven B. Hawthorne, James A. Sorensen, Bethany A. Kurz, Lawrence J. Pekot, Steven A. Smith, Nicholas W. Bosshart, Alexander Azenkeng, Charles D. Gorecki, and John A. Harju
A Teaching - Learning Unit on the Metric System fir Secondary Industrial Education Programs, Robert A. Christoper
A Teaching - Learning Unit on The Metric System for Secondary Industrial Education Program, Robert A. Christopher
At First, Just Ghostly, Julie Olson
A Thematic Analysis: A Lived Experience Raising A Child Diagnosed With A Neurodevelopmental Disability In A Rural Community, Matthew Kettelhake
A Third Semester of Advanced Plane Geometry for High Schools, Charles H. Rodewald
A Transcription of the First Twenty-Eight Folios of Ms. Add. 24202, Fred John Mosher
A Transcription of the Last Twenty-Six Folios of Ms. Add. 24202, Donald Jackson Robertson Jr.
Attitudes of Freshmen Legislators in the 1977 North Dakota Legislative Session, Lois J. Klostreich
A UAV Payload And A Smart Graphical User Interface For Real-Time Detection Of Defects In Steel Structures, Rajrup Mitra
Audit Committees: Some Considerations, James L. Fandrich
Auditor Independence: Some Important Issues, Scott T. Beiswenger
August 11, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 14, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1930, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1932, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August-September 1988, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August- September 1989, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
August- September 1990, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Authenticity and Psychological Safety: Building and Encouraging Talent among Underrepresented Students in STEM, Daphne E. Pedersen, Alena Kubatova, and Rebecca Simmons
AutoCAD/art: A Happy Medium, Christopher Grisby
AutoCAD®/art: A Happy Medium, Christoper Grisby
A vendor at the Grand Forks, ND, farmer’s market baffled me, Elena Uhlenkamp
A Vocabulary Study in General Science, Henry Harold Koehnlein
A Vocabulary Study of Scientific Terms in Four High School Chemistry Textbooks, Julian Norman Toftness
A Wish that Waits, Matthew Anderson
Bakken Flares and Satellite Images, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center and Xiaodong Zhang
Balloons #2, Jackie McElroy
Ballot Box Poster, Sara Reisdorf
Basinwide Flood Control: The Waffle, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Bees, Amanda Babcock
Behavioral Ecology And Population Decline Of Mink Frog, Rana Septentrionalis, Michael Gunnar Tenneson
Behavioral Responses of Blue-winged Teal and Northern Shoveler to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveys, Mason D. Ryckman, Kaylan Kemink, Christopher J. Felege, Brian J. Darby, Gregory S. Vandeberg, and Susan N. Ellis-Felege
Bell Creek Integrated CO2 EOR and Storage Project, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Bell Creek Integrated CO2 EOR and Storage Project, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Bell Creek Project – Enhanced Oil Recovery Resulting in Associated CO2 Storage, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Benchmarking Federated Learning Frameworks For Aviation Network Data, Barathwaja Subash Chandar
Benzimidazole Adjuvant Therapy: A Review of Efficacy and Safety in Patients with Cancer, Jared Mouw
Benzimidazole Adjuvant Therapy: A Review of Efficacy and Safety in Patients with Cancer, Jared Mouw
Bernese Oberland, Jonathan Sladko
Best Management Practices for Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration on Private Lands in the Prairie Pothole Region, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Best Practice Management of Seasonal Affective Disorder When Considering Antidepressant Therapy, Light Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Tia Gullickson
Best practices for implementing experimental research methods, Jennifer L. Stoner
Best Strategies for Obesity Prevention in Hispanic Youth Using Family Centered Approaches, Sara J. Gnagey
Between “You” And “Me”: Effects of Pronouns and Order on Disclosing Sexual Assault, Virginia Clinton-Lisell and RaeAnn E. Anderson
Biochar as a filler in mixed matrix materials: Synthesis, characterization, and applications, Jeremy Lewis, Mark Miller, Jake Crumb, Maram A. Q. Al-Sayaghi, Chris Buelke, Austin Tesser, and Ali Alshami
"Bird's Eye View, Grand Forks, N.D.", St. Paul Souvenir Co.
Bird Species Define the Relationship between West Nile Viremia and Infectiousness to Culex pipiens Mosquitoes, Jefferson A. Vaughan, Robert Newman, and Michael J. Turrell
Birds That Live in the Ivy Wall, Katerina Sladko
Black Canvas Shoes, Maker Unknown
Black Lives Matter: Protesting As A Form Of Communication, Tiffany Tara Sonterre
Blacks and Their Struggle to Achieve Upward Mobility in the Public Sector, Bernard H. Simelton
Black/white grinder with man, Ryan Stander
Blissful Night, Dustyn Huber
Blood Based Multi-Cancer Early Detection Tests in Lung Cancer Screening, Maren Dockter
Blood-Based Versus Stool-Based Biomarker Accuracy in Detection of Colorectal Cancer and Impact of Non-Invasive Tests on Patient Participation, Allison Obritsch
Blood-Based Versus Stool-Based Biomarker Accuracy in Detection of Colorectal Cancer and Impact of Non-Invasive Tests on Patient Participation, Allison Obritsch
Blue and Gold Mintons Porcelain Bowl, Mintons
Blue and White Porcelain Dish, Maker Unknown
Blue and White Porcelain Dish, Maker Unknown
Body, Rachael Erickson
Bolanggu (Hand Drum), Maker Unkown
Borrowed Time, Chloe Piekkola
BPOP Prospectus, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Brain Function Related to Love, Brooklyn Morris
Breaking The Barrier To Leisure Engagement In Long-Term Care Facilities To Enhance Residents’ Health, Well-Being, And Quality Of Life, Callie M. Kleindl
Breaking the Sound Barrier: Exploring Ramjet Inlet Dynamics, Daniel Early and Carson Running
Bridges To Bright Beginnings: A Resource Guide For Caregivers Of Infants Diagnosed With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (Nas), MaKayla E. Murden
British Trade Union Legislation 1867 to 1876, Eugenia Lovchik
Brother, J. White
Brother, J. White
Brother, J. White
Building a Budget for a Small School System in North Dakota, George Rabine
Building on Grand Forks County Fairgrounds
Bulldozing for City Center Mall Construction, May 1979
Bullying: Causes, Climate, Concerns, Culture, Dianne R. Stam
Business Education in North Dakota High Schools 1947-48, Lois Josephine Hallen
Butler #350, Jackie McElroy
Caffeine and Me, Chad Erickstad
Camelot, Rock Tweten
Can Occupational Therapy Help Patients With Cancer?, Alanna Pritchard
Can stigma actually hurt bisexual women?…in the long run, yeah!, Corey E. Flanders, RaeAnn E. Anderson, Lesley A. Tarasoff, and Margaret Robinson
Can You Be An Ethical Spy?, Jack Russell Weinstein and Cécile Fabre
Capitation Budgeting in the Military Health Services System, Robert J. Hogg
Capitation Budgeting In The Military Health Services System, Robert J. Hogg
Carbon Capture and Storage: Protecting Freshwater Resources, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Cardiovascular Diease and Vitamin D Deficency, Lori K. Nelson
Career Technical Education: Perceptions Of Medical Career Pathway Students Regarding Preparation For Post Secondary Goals, Charles Russel Dalusong
CARRC Coal Ash Resources Research Consortium, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
CARRC Coal Ash Resources Research Consortium, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Carved Ivory Dragon on a Wooden Base, Maker Unknown
Carved Ivory Elephant Oval Box, Maker Unknown
Carved Miniature Wheelbarrow, Maker Unknown
Carving of Zang Guo Lao, Maker Unknown
Cast Iron Chinese Deity Figurine, Maker Unknown
CATS, Rock Tweten
Cause and Effects of Governmental Dregulation of The Airline Industry, D.K. Miller
Center for Air Toxic Metals, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Centers for Renewable Energy & Biomass Utilization, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Certain Relationships of the School Administration and the Rural Community in China, Jen Chi Chang
Certification Requirments of Educators in Trade, technical, and Health Occupations, John M. Bilven
Cerus Elaphus 1, Kay Ornberg
CETA PSE Terminee Reemployment Reporting -- A Federal Face?, Edward G. Kouba
CETA PSE Terminee Reemployment Reporting -- A Federal Farce?, Edward G. Kouba
Characteristics of Certain Teachers Accepted by Graduates as Evidence of Good Teaching, M. Adeline Olson
Characteristics of the Adsorption of Nickel Ammonia Complexes on Silica Gel as Related to Structures, Howard W, Jacobson
Characterization and Evaluation of the Bakken Petroleum System for CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery, James A. Sorensen, Jason R. Braunberger, Guoxiang (Gavin) Liu, Steven A. Smith, Steven A. Hawthorne, Edward N. Steadman, and John A. Harju
Characterization and treatment of Bakken oilfield produced water, Mousa Almousa
Characterization Of Water Quality In Anzalduas Dam Reservoir Using Patterns Of Salinity, Maria G. Castillo
Characterizing Nonlinear Fluid Flow in 3D Printed Rock Fractures: Effects of Roughness, Aperture, and Intersection Angles, Ghoulem Ifrene, Prasad Pothana, Sven Egenhoff, Nicholas Bittner, and Kuldeep Singh
Chaucer's Pardoner, Rita A. Johnson
Chet Atkins, Rock Tweten
Child Embroidered Slipper, Maker Unknown
Childhood Feeding And Eating Evaluation And Home Programming, Alexis Paige Lehmann
Children with Special Health Care Needs: An Assessment of Progress Toward Improved Health and Well being, Tamara Gallup-Millner
Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cell (CAR-T) vs Standard of Care Therapy for Treatment of Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, Jessica Frenkel
Chinese Abacus, Maker Unknown
Chinese Brass Vase, Maker Unknown
Chinese Plate with Enamel on Copper, Maker Unknown
Chinese Porcelain Bowl, Maker Unknown
Chinese Porcelain Dish, Maker Unknown
Chinese Porcelain Footed Dish, Maker Unknown
Chinese Porcelain Footed Dish, Maker Unknown
Chinese Porcelain Footed Dish, Maker Unknown
Chinese Porcelain Footed Dish, Maker Unknown
Chinese Porcelain Footed Dish, Maker Unknown
Chinese Yoyo, Maker Unknown
Christianity In Conversations About Sexuality: Influences Of Parental Communication On Young Women’s Navigation Of Nonconsensual Sexual Experiences, Danielle Piggott
Christmas 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Christmas 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome: Surgical Treatment vs Conservative Care, Molly Ruebke
Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome: Surgical treatment vs Conservative Care, Molly Ruebke
CI Asteroid Regolith as an In Situ Plant Growth Medium for Space Crop Production, Steven J. Russell, Sherry Fieber-Beyer, and Kathryn A. Yurkonis
Classical Tendencies in Poe's Criticism, John Louis Cox
Clause-by-Clause Listing of Teacher Association of Teacher Association and School Board Agreements in Effect in Selected North Dakota School District in June 30, 1976, Charles W. Potter
Climate Cyclicity and the Economic Vitality of the Northern Great Plains, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Clinical Management of Osteoporosis Fractures with Bisphosphonate Therapy, Susana B. Njuakom
Clinical Reasoning Development Following A Simulation-Based Learning Experience In Doctor Of Physical Therapy Education, Benjamin Wolden
Cloisonné Enamel Circular Box, Maker Unknown
CO2 EOR and CO2 Sequestration – The Case for Collaboration, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
CO2 "Huff 'n' Puff" Validation Test, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
CO2 Sequestration – Controlling CO2 Emissions to the Atmosphere Through Capture and Long-Term Storage, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
CO2 Sequestration Test in a Deep, Unminable Lignite Seam, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
CO2 Sequestration Test in a Deep, Unminable Lignite Seam, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
CO2 Sequestration Through Habitat Restoration – Defining Best Terrestrial Sequestration Practices for Landowners, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
CO2 Sequestration Validation Test in a Deep Oil Field in the Williston Basin, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
CO2-Storage Trapping In Deep Saline Aquifers: Numerical Modeling On The Broom Creek Formation, Christopher Nkansah
Cobenefits of Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration in the PCOR Partnership Region, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Cofiring Biomass at the University of North Dakota, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Cofiring Biomass with Lignite Coal, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs Antidepressant Medications in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder, David Ogato
Cognitive Behavior Therapy versus Internet Cognitive Behavior Therapy In Adults with Anxiety or Depression, Heather Greenwood
Cognitive Behavior Therapy versus Internet Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Adults with Anxiety or Depression, Heather Greenwood
Cold Pool Impacts On Supercell Thunderstorm Development And Updraft Characteristics, Ethan Anders Weisberger
Combined Law Enforcement Council Grants: An Empirical Study, Bruce Brenner
Coming To, Maren Schettler
Commentary on the special issue: Seeing self-based methodology through a philosophical lens, Elizabeth Suazo-Flores, Signe E. Kastberg, Melva Grant, and Olive Chapman
Communicating Science – How Reading Impacts Infant’s Language Development, Kalyn Voightman
Community College Strategic Planning: An Examination Of Implementation, Assessment, And Evaluation Practices, Aaron Miller Prestwich
Community Needs Assessment of Somali Refugees’ Mental Health Needs, Sheila Stadstad
Comparable Worth Pay Equity in Public Jurisdiction?, Thomas J. Longmire
Comparative Analysis of Muskingum Routing: Traditional vs. AI-Assisted Methods, Vida Atashi
Comparative Role of State and Federal Government in Food Policy, Beverly D. Grafel
Comparative Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Standard and Dimpled NACA 0012 Airfoil, Fahim Shahriyar and Carson Running
Comparing Effectiveness of Intrauterine Devices Versus Oral Contraceptives for Management of Dysmenorrhea, Mackenzie Holland
Comparing Effectiveness of Intrauterine Devices Versus Oral Contraceptives for Management of Dysmenorrhea, Mackenzie Holland
Comparing Levels of Anti-Fat Bias Between American and a Mexican Athlete's and Undergraduate Physical Education and Exercise Science Students, Miriam M. Wood
Comparing Pedestrian Behavior Before and After Installation of a Countdown Pedestrian Signal at an Intersection, Carl W. Warrene
Comparing the Efficacy of Heart-Conserving Measures and Retransplantation for Chronic Rejection in the Pediatric Population, Lacey Zeiszler
Comparing the efficacy of heart-conserving measures and retransplantation for chronic rejection in the pediatric population, Lacey Zeiszler
Comparison of Cryopreservation of Ovarian Tissue Versus Cryopreservation of Oocytes in Fertility Preservation, Madison Nitschke
Comparison of Cryopreservation of Ovarian Tissue Versus Cryopreservation of Oocytes in Fertility Preservation, Madison Nitschke
Comparison of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections and Hyaluronic Acid Injections in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis, Isaac Knutson
Comparison of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections and Hyaluronic Acid Injections in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis, Isaac Knutson
Comparison Study of Electoral Mechanisms Between The US Constitution and Tribal Constitutions, Francine McDonald
Completed Geophysical Survey near Richardton, N.D., University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Completion Design Evolution for Saltwater Disposal Injection Wells in the Bakken Play, Darren D. Schmidt, Jeffrey W. Bader, Ashleigh Day, and Mark Bohrer
Completion Optimization in the Bakken Petroleum System Using Data Mining, Alexander V. Chakhmakhchev, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Bethany A. Kurz, Xue Yu, Chantsalmaa Dalkhaa, Justin T. Kovacevich, and James A. Sorensen
Comprehensive Weight Management in Overweight Adolescents, Mia M. Kozojed
Comptrollership in a Junior College, Ralph Werner
Comptrollership in a Junior College, Ralph Werner
Computer Abuse -- Controld and Cases, Robert J. Thibedeau
Computer Aided Drafting, Lou Shi-Jer
Computer Modeling and Analysis of a Steel Framed Support Tower for The Energy and Environmental Research Center, Kevin E. Martin
Concussions: Development of a Universal Return to Play Guideline for Athletes of Contact Sports, Benjamin J. Bucher
Concyclic Points of the Triangle, Perry Andrew Christianson
Conducting Fog Research And Abatement Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Michael Douglas Willette
Conflicting Narratives: Abortion Protest in the Media, Norman E. Clark
Congressional Oversight of the Executive Agencies:, Michael J. Flynn
Connecting Air Pollution Exposure to Cardiovascular Disease, Alison G. Kaneshiro
Considerations Involved in Computerizing the Accountants Receivable System at the Medical Center Rehabilitation Hospital, Terry H. Slotsve
Considerations Involving the Ascertainment of Contingent Legal Liabilities in the Audit Process, John C. Berg
Consolation, Solace, and Leadership, Jack Russell Weinstein and Michael Ignatieff
Constructing And Understanding Angler License Typologies And Response To Landscape Change, Michael James Lant
Construction Technology as a Basis for Content in Industrial Arts, Follard E. Thurn
Contagious Infidelity, Rachel Markle
Contexts Contributing to Burnout and Potential Coping Strategies to Support Work-Life Balance and Health Management Among Occupational Therapy Practitioners, Nora Duren, Kearyn Nelsen, and Jada Welke
Contributing Factors To Low Airspeed On Climbout Events As A Precursor To Loss Of Control Within The National General Aviation Flight Information Database, Owen Dae Poborsky
Contribution of Proteins to the Dielectric Properties of Dielectrically Heated Biomaterials, Ali Alshami, Juming Tang, and Barbara Rasco
Contributions as a Tax Deduction, Lee Bruce Bennett
Controlling Mechanisms that Determine Mercury Sorbent Effectiveness, Stanley J. Miller, Grant E. Dunham, Edwin S. Olson, and Thomas D. Brown
Convergence in Topological Spaces, Richard A. Jensen
Conversation with Life, Emilia Adkinson
Corinthian Countrysides: Linked Open Data and Analysis from the Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey, David K. Pettegrew
Corticosteriod Injection vs Therapy vs Combination for Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injuries, Rodney Guy Palmer Jr.
Corticosteroid Injection vs Therapy vs Combination for Rotator Cuff Injuries, Rodney Guy Palmer Jr.
Cost Containment in the Health Care Delivery Systems, Daniel M. Inwerogu
Coulee Flood, 1916, Witter
Councils of Government: Regional Governments of Texas, Lawrence E. Henneke Jr
County Government 2000, Kevin J. Glatt
County School Officers Associations in North Dakota, Edwin Alexander Quam
Course Lecture: Beyond the article as the favorite piece of scholarly communication, Devon Olson
Course Lecture: Government resources as a part of scholarly communication, Devon Olson
Course Lecture: The Knowledge Economy, Devon Olson
Creating an Event Proposal for a Reinvented Product Using Generative AI, Ian Berry
Creating New Fairytales: Statoil, Snøhvit, and Petroleum Exploration in the Arctic, Melissa Gjellstad
Crisis Management for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder, Emily Duch
Critical Review of Loneliness Rates Among Undergraduates, Emily Schmitz
Critical Review Of Media Addiction And Its Effects, Justine Vonasek
Cross-country skiing in a residential neighborhood, circa late 1970s.
Cutback Management and the Air Force Personnel System, David M. Abernathy
Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions in IoT-based Precision Farming System, Shree Ram Abayankar Balaji, Sriram Prabhakara Rao, and Prakash Ranganathan
Dakota Pioneers by W.H. Elznic, 1961, William Henry Elznic
Dakota Suite: Badlands, Jackie McElroy
Dakota Suite: Missouri, Jackie McElroy
Dakota Suite: Red River Valley, Jackie McElroy
Daniel Fisk Cobalt Decorated Three Gallon Stoneware Crock, Maker Unknown
Dan Seals, Rock Tweten
Dark knights: Exploring resilience and hidden workarounds in commercial aviation through mixed methods, Riana Steen, James Norman, Johan Bergström, and Gitte F. Damm
Data base design for research in comparative Zapotec, Anita C. Bickford
Data-Driven Analysis for Causality of Parent–Child Interactions in the Bakken, Kyoung Min, Alexander V. Chakhmakhchev, Xue Yu, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Darren D. Schmidt, Bethany A. Kurz, and James A. Sorensen
Data-driven Modeling Predicts Gene Regulatory Network Dynamics During the Differentiation of Multipotential Hematopoietic Progenitors, Joanna Handzlik and Manu
Data in Nairy et al. (2024) publication entitled "Ice Crystal Chain Aggregates in Florida Cirrus Cloud Anvils - 3 August 2019 Case Study", Christian Nairy and David J. Delene
Day in the Life at the North Dakota School for the Blind; 1929-1932, Katelynn Berg
Dear Already Amused Reader, Lala Guse
December 1, 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1, 1994, University of North Dakota
December 1, 2005, University of North Dakota
December 1. 2011, University of North Dakota
December 1, 2016, University of North Dakota
December 1, 2022, University of North Dakota
December 1, 2022: Agenda, University of North Dakota
December 12, 2024, The Dakota Student
December 15, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1927, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1928, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1929, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1930, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1931, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1932, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1933, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1934, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1935, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1936, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1937, University of North Dakota Alumni Assocation
December 1938, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1939, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1941, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1944, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1954 (First Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1954 (Second Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1962, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1964, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1968, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1971, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1974, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1975, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1976, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1982, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1983, University of North Dakota
December 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 1987, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 2, 1971, University of North Dakota
December 2, 1993, University of North Dakota
December 2, 1999, University of North Dakota
December 2, 2004, University of North Dakota
December 2, 2010, University of North Dakota
December 2, 2021, University of North Dakota
December 2, 2021: Agenda, University of North Dakota
December 28, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 3, 1992, University of North Dakota
December 3, 1998, University of North Dakota
December 3, 2009, University of North Dakota
December 3, 2015, University of North Dakota
December 3, 2020, University of North Dakota
December 3, 2020: Agenda, University of North Dakota
December 4, 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
December 4, 1997, University of North Dakota
December 4, 2003, University of North Dakota
December 4, 2008, University of North Dakota
December 4, 2014, University of North Dakota
December 5, 1991, University of North Dakota
December 5, 1991: Agenda, University of North Dakota
December 5, 1996, University of North Dakota
December 5, 2002, University of North Dakota
December 5, 2013, University of North Dakota
December 5, 2019, University of North Dakota
December 5, 2019: Agenda, University of North Dakota
December 6, 1990, University of North Dakota
December 6, 2001, University of North Dakota
December 6, 2007, University of North Dakota
December 6, 2018, University of North Dakota
December 6, 2018: Agenda, University of North Dakota
December 6, 2022, The Dakota Student
December 7, 1989, University of North Dakota
December 7, 1995, University of North Dakota
December 7, 2000, University of North Dakota
December 7, 2006, University of North Dakota
December 7, 2017, University of North Dakota
December 7, 2017: Agenda, University of North Dakota
December- January 1988-89, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Decemeber 1978, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Decision-Making in the Public Service and the Necessity for Ethical Guidelines, Linda S. Mason
Deep Geothermal Wells: Enhancing The Suitability Of High-Density-Water-Based Drilling Mud To Sustain Harsh Subsurface HP/HT Gradients., Opeyemi Olaolu Oni
Delta Airlines Company Analysis, Brendan Aug
Demand Stimulation in Advertising, James M. Gloshen
Density Functional Theory Study Of Some Important Biological Molecules, Desmond Khan
Department of Mathematics Gamma and Beta Functions, John Harold Gissel
Depreciation Accounting, Cleo Butterfield
Depression: A Risk Factor for Dementia, Tamara Isteness
Design and Cost Analysis of Framing Systems for a Gymnasium-Type Structure of 100'-0" Span, Harley G. Wagner
Detail of Birdhouse Atop Archway, Close Up, James Smith Pierce
Detail view of side of archway, closeup, James Smith Pierce
Detecting the Leakage in the Pipeline System Through Flow Parameter Analysis, Hao Fu
Determination of Organomercury Compounds from Microbiologically Mediated Mercury Release Exeriments Using Gas Chromatography with SPME Sample Introduction after Borethylation, Boropropylation, or Borophenylation, David J. Hassett, Loreal V. Heebink, and Erick J. Zacher
Determination Of The Water To Cement Ratio Of Fresh Concrete Using NIR Hyperspectral Imagery, Eric Edwin Wiken
Determining Evidence Based Managment of Benign Breast Diseases, Erin E. Lee
Developing a High-Efficiency Method for Field-Scale Simulation of a Tight and Naturally Fractured Reservoir in the Williston Basin, Xincheng Wan, Lu Jin, Tao (Todd) Jiang, James A. Sorensen, Chenyu Wu, and Ahmed Merzoug
Developing A Multiomic Association Between Ionizing Radiation Exposure And Biological Aging Processes For Space Exploration Purpose, Nathan Alexander Ruprecht
Developing A Sensory Room For Children With Autism Living On The Navajo Reservation, Rudessa Bedonie
Developing Students’ Post-Pandemic Global Competencies through Sustainable Humanities, Thyra E. Knapp, Rebecca Weaver-Hightower, and Melissa Gjellstad
Developmental Programming of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Patterns Is Associated with Extreme Cardiovascular Tolerance to Anoxia in the Common Snapping Turtle, Ilan Ruhr, Jacob Bierstedt, Turk Rhen, Debojyoti Das, Sunil Kumar Singh, Soleille Miller, Dane A. Crossley II, and Gina L. J. Galli
Development And Characterization Of Novel Nanomaterials For Standalone Sensors And Electronic Nose Applications, Ami Milan Hannon
Development Of A Comprehensive Ice-Phobicity Test Stand (CIPTS) For Understanding The Fundamentals Of Ice Nucleation And Adhesion, Derrick Charles Seubert
Development of a Local Area Network Design For The Department of Industrial Technology Of The University of North Dakota, James C. Hettwer
Development of alveolar-capillary-exchange (ACE) chip and its application for assessment of PM2.5-induced toxicity, Mingyang Gang, Song Tang, Haiyun Chang, Yuanyuan Chen, Fengge Chen, Ying Mu, Dong Zhao, Weiwei Fan, Huifang Tian, Diane Darland, and Ying Zhang
Development of a Photography Curriculum Program Facilitating the Transition from Academic Theory to Buisness Practice, John M. Osborne
Development Of Multifunctional Biobased Lubricants From Soybean Oil And Their Tribological Behavior, Piash Bhowmik
Development of Tracking Systems for Reworked Products, Vaddadi Sri Brahmeshwar Abhishek
Diabetes in Pregnancy: Improving Birth Outcomes in Native Americans Populations. What are The Best Practices?, Kristina F. Smith
Diagnosing and Treating ADHD in Children, Ellie Renner
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorders, Julie Nohre
Diamond Rio, Rock Tweten
Didn't Mean to Bug You, Peter John Larson
Difficulties Encountered by High School Pupils in the Computation of Common Fractions, Harold Lowell Mueller
Digital Evidence Photography: Historical Perspective and Law Enforcement Policy, Jean Youshefski
Dinosaur Molecules: Exploring how soft tissues and biologic molecules can persist in dinosaur bones, Paul Ullmann
Direct Ammonia Derivative Fuel Cell (DADFC), University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Disabled People: A Quarter of the Population, Yet Often Overlooked in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Discussions and Efforts, Christina M. Johnson and Ashley Macner
Discourse analysis of a Michif narrative, Breck S. Speers
Distance, Jason Jennings
Distance Delivered Mental Health: Diagnostic Accuracy, User Satisfaction, Cost Effectiveness and Barriers to Implementation, Jessica K. Graham-Steinhauser
Distracted, Bored, And Disengaged: How To Reengage Gen Z Learners In The Secondary School Classroom, Sharon Kay Stout
Divergences Between Rules of Tax Accounting and Generally Accepted Accounting Princeiples, Konnard A. Thompson
Dodea K-12 Student Perceptions Toward Adjusting To Math Curricula Discrepancies Among Base Schools, Jackie Zuiderhof
Does Reading while Listening to Text Improve Comprehension Compared to Reading Only? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Virginia Clinton-Lisell
Dollar Unit Sampling: Is it a Statistical Sampling Breakthrough, Bradley D. Fosberg
Domestic Violence: What Remedies are Available to Victims of Gender Motivated Violence that are put at risk by State Actors?, Jennifer Sampson
Domestic Violence: What Remedies are Avalible to Victims of Gender Motivated Violence That Are Put at Risk by Sttae Actors?, Jennifer Sampson
Dominoes, Nicholas Baldwin
Do Political Views Really Affect Romantic Relationships?, Avery Durfee
Draft Genome of the Common Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina, a Model for Phenotypic Plasticity in Reptiles, Debojyoti Das, Sunil Kumar Singh, Jacob Bierstedt, Alyssa Erickson, Gina L. J. Galli, Dane A. Crossley II, and Turk Rhen
Dragon Fire, Brenda Baumer
Druid Dream, Susan Morrissey
Duane, Danika Ogawa
Eating Disorders and Suicide in Adolescents and Young Adults, Lisa Michael Engelhardt
Echo: A Graphical User Interface Designed To Simulate, Study, And Mitigate Effects Of Interplanetary Communication Delays In Analog Missions, Dario Gabriel Schor
Eddy Raven, Rock Tweten
EDP Induced Modifications of Internal Control, Michael R. Schwindt
Educating Families To Engage Families In Grades 9-10 Of Public Education, Travis Smith
Educational Practices and Students Achievement in Algebra 1: A Cross Cultural Perspective, Sofokli Garo
Education During Great Depression, Kora Bothum
Education for a Professional Accountant, Madalyn H. Wick
EERC Economic Impact, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC Economic Impact, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC Economic Impact, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC Economic Impact, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC Economic Impact, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC Laboratory Capabilities, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC Laboratory Capabilities, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC Laboratory Capabilities, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC News Highlights 2003, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
EERC Program Areas, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Effectiveness of Education-Based Programs and Preventative Strategies on Oral Health Outcomes for Older Adults in Rural Communities: A Critically Appraised Topic, Meagan Barnes Pearson, Abby Ellenberger, and Becca Valdez
Effectiveness of Knee Joint Injury Treatments in the Prevention of Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis, Jenna Zaeske
Effectiveness of Knee Joint Injury Treatments in the Prevention of Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis, Jenna Zaeske
Effect of Grain Contact Elastic Properties of Unconsolidated Sandstones Under Confining Stress: Insights from Discrete Element Method, Prasad Pothana, Fernando E. Garcia, and Kegang Ling
Effects Of Climate Extremes On Snow Processes And Modeled Recharge To A Shallow Aquifer, Julian Giannini Niewiaroski
Effects of NOx and α-FE2O3 on Mercury Transformations in a 7-kW Coal Combustion System, Kevin C. Galbreath, Christopher J. Zygarlicke, Donald L. Toman, and Richard L. Schulz
Effects of Pollution on the Flow of the Gowanus Canal, Eleanore Dzija and Carson Running
Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on PCOS Outcomes, Allison Stoeffler
Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on PCOS Outcomes, Allison Stoeffler
Effects Of Social Media On Adolescents Self-Esteem And Body Image, Rylee Solheim
Effects of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 on Pensions, Donald F. Berger
Effects of Womens Way on Rates of Breast and Cervical Cancers Screening in North Dakota Women, Danielle A. Kenneweg
Effects of World War II on Ten Minnesota High School Districts of Similar Size and Character, J. Russell Simcox
Efficacy of Complimentary Manual Therapies for Labor Pain Management, Emily Yenter
Efficacy of Complimentary Manual Therapies for Labor Pain Management, Emily Yenter
Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma Injections to Combat Chronic Tendinopathies, Rachel Kisse
Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma Injections to Combat Chronic Tendinopathies, Rachel Kisse
Efficacy of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation vs. Calcitonin Gene Related Peptides in the Application of Migraine Prophylaxis, Matthew Davis
Efficacy of Vitamin D versus Biological Agents in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Kayli Day
Efficacy of Vitamin D versus Biological Agents in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Kayli Day
Ego, Maren Schettler
Elected Political Leadership Versus Hired Professional Management: An analysis of local Government Structure in 20th Century America, Bradley M. Gengler
Electronic Data Processing and the Internal Control Structure, Mitch Byrne
Electronic Instrumentation and Safety: Education for Medical Technologies, Scott D. Anderson
Electronic Spreadsheet Aided Flexible Budgeting For Manufacturing Businesses, Ronald I. Tolstad Jr
Emergency Department and Dental Clinic Perceptions of Appropriate, and Preventable, Use of the ED for Non-Traumatic Dental Conditions in Hot-Spot Counties: A Mixed Methods Study, Shawnda Schroeder, Judy Beck, Nick Medalen, and Anastasia Stepanov
Eminent Domain and the Displacement of ND Families: The Impact of the Garrison Dam, Lauren Steeves
Emotional and Personality Adjustment of Public School Children, John Harold McFadden
Employee Discipline in Municipal Government, Rick Byzewski
Empowering Accessibility: Navigating the Digital Landscape (Workshop), Renea Bjorg
Empowering Educators: Enhancing Teacher Efficacy In Rural Schools Through Innovative Professional Development For Teachers Of English Language Learners, Jody Lynn Maanum
Empowering Resilience: Insights from ChatGPT on the Texas 2021 Power Outage, Farishta Rahman and Prakash Ranganathan
Enactment and Impact of Geographical Isolation Factors in Public School Revenue Legislation in There Selected States, Gerald R. Bass
Enameled Porcelain Dish, Maker Unknown
Encompassing ‘Himdag’ (Indigenous Way of Life) to Address Cardiometabolic Disease in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Through Research, Policy and Action, Heather Medicine Bear
Energy Assistance Programs For The Poor, Sharon R. Erickson
Engage As You Age: An Interprofessional Toolkit To Increase Meaningful Activity In Long-Term Care Facilities, Annah Greenmyer
Engaging Telepsychology As A Culturally Appropriate Communicative Approach For Mental Health Intervention For Women In Ondo State, Nigeria, Toyosi Motilola Olola
Enhancement Of The Performance Of Lignin-Derived Hard Carbons For Battery Applications By Chemical Pretreatment, Ruiqing Zhang
Enhancing The Service Delivery For Adolescents Using The Mental Health Continuum Through Occupational Therapy, Jadalyn Lane Wagner
Enriching Social Connections: A Handbook For Occupational Therapy Practitioners, Lauryne Griego
Enrollment Management, A University System, and the Declining Population of North Dakota, Philip D. Powell
Enrollment Management, a University System, and the Declining Population of North Dakota, Philip D. Parnell
Entry Level Graphic Design Students: Influences Of Sketching On The Development Of Creativity, Elizabeth A. Becker
Escape, Randi Goodoien
Escaping the Iron Maiden, Drake Carnes
Essentials of Electronic Circuits for Selected Medical Technology Instrumentation Applicaitons, Lowell P. Stanlake
Essentials of Electronic Circuits for Selected Medical Technology Instrumentation Applications, Lowell P. Stanlake
Essentials of Electronic Circuits for Selected Medical Technology Instrumentation Applications, Lowell P. Stanlake
Established Statin Therapy and the Benefits of Niacin, Jennifer B. Orusa
Estimation Of Idle Time Using Machine Learning Models For Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Integration And Services, Prashanth Rajagopalan
Ethical Relationship of Lawyer and CPA in Income Tax Practice, George E. Nellermoe
Evaluating and comparing the safety and efficacy of rimegepant versus lasmiditan in aborting acute migraine headaches in the adult migraineur, Anthony Douthit
Evaluating and Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Rimegepant Versus Lasmiditan in Aborting Acute Migraine Headaches in the Adult Migraineur, Anthony Douthit
Evaluating Creditworthiness Based on an Individual's Tax Return, Nicole Vorachek
Evaluating Distributed Software Design Conformance Through Trace Comparison, Reid Barry Anderson
Evaluating Graphene Oxide and Holey Graphene Oxide Membrane Performance for Water Purification, Chris Buelke, Ali Alshami, James Casler, Yi Lin, Mike Hickner, and Isam H. Aljundi
Evaluating LLM Generative A.I. Responses to Engineering Design Questions, Dominik Steinhauer
Evaluating Pressure Distribution Of Surgical Support Surfaces For Pressure Injury Prevention: Small-Cell Alternating Pressure Mattress, Standard Foam Mattress, And Gel Overlay, Victor Moreno Lozano
Evaluation And Mitigation Of Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions In North Dakota, Amalie Victoria Joergensen
Evaluation of the Medication Use System in a Community Teaching Hospital, Keith L. Horner
Evaluation Of Water Content Measurement Model 3000 Probe (wcm-3000) Using The NASA Impacts Dataset, Jennifer Rose Moore
Everyday, Alyssa Martinez
Every Vote Counts, Sara Reisdorf
Evidence-Based Interdisciplinary Cultural Competence Training In Public Health, Joni Tweeten
Evidence for Increasing the Use of ECG Monitoring during Pre-Participation Screening to Detect Cardiac Abnormalities, Courtney Nordmeyer
Evidence related to TCU geriatric patients with TI-IA or TKA. Do narcotics improve patient recovery time?, Dixie Olson
Evidentiary Document: NOKW 1558, International Military Tribunal
Evidentiary Document: NOKW 2911, International Military Tribunal
Evidentiary Document: NOKW 3002, International Military Tribunal
Evidentiary Document: NOKW 5, International Military Tribunal
Evita, Rock Tweten
Examining Barriers And Motivation Toward University STEM Faculty Research Success, Jordan A. Jaeger
Examining Correlations Of Historical Trauma And Ethnic Identification With Symptoms Of Depression In Native American College Students, Nerissa Dolney
Examining Mental Health Professionals' Attitudes Towards Individuals With Rural Accents, Emily Heavner
Examining Tele-Mental Health Utilization In North American Indigenous Communities, Elleh A. Driscoll
Examining The Shared Knowledge And Collaboration When Working With Students With Sensory Disabilities, Lacey Jo Long
Executive Committee: May 8, 1987, University of North Dakota
Executive Committee: November 21, 1990, University of North Dakota
Exercise and Preventing Dementia in Older Adults, Valerie Snelling
Exercise and Preventing Dementia in Older Adults, Valerie K. Snelling
Exercise Effect on Gestational Weight Gain and Diabetes in Women of Elevated BMI, Lauren Staton
Expecting Better When You’Re Expecting: Empowering Mothers Through Occupational Therapy, Ann K. Landreville
Experiences of Ex-Cult Members Reintegration into Society and the Effects of Therapy Services: Occupational Therapy, Joslyn M. Nordmark, Lilja A. Jurva, and Lauren B. Nelson
Experimental Evaluation of Enhanced Tight Oil Recovery Performance by Microbubble CO2 and Microbubble Rich Gas in North Dakota Plays, Yang Yu, Christopher J. Beddoe, Xiqiu Xue, Alexander V. Chakhmakhchev, John A. Hamling, Steven A. Smith, and Bethany A. Kurz
Experimental Investigation of Levitated Microdroplets for Understanding Chain Crystal Aggregates Observed in Atmospheric Clouds, Imteaz Osmani, Victor Ojo, and Hallie Boyer Chelmo
Experimental Investigation Of Thermal Maturation Processes Of Bakken Formation And Their Impact On Organic Matter And Mechanical Properties, Chioma Judith Onwumelu
Experimental Investigation Of The Suitability Of Soybean-Derived Surfactant (SODS) In Gas Well Deliquification, Abiodun Gbadegesin Adeyemi
Explaining Crime in a US City, Ashley Fansher
Exploring Ambiguous Asteroid Taxonomic Classification, Tyler Linder
Exploring Artificial Intelligence: A Collaborative Small Group Analysis and Application, EllaMarie Powell
Exploring Generative AI as a "Study Buddy" for Research Methods in Psychology, Heather Terrell
Exploring Player-Coach Relationships Through Competitive And Healthy Environments In Collegiate Sports, Westin Michaud
Exploring Postpartum Care: A Guide For Mothers, Amber Joy Matlock
Exploring Small-Scale Propellers Performance at Low Advance Ratios, Ali Akber Mollick, Sara Catto, Forrest E. Ames, and Clement Tang
Exploring The Detrimental Effects Of Sleep Deprivation, Brooklyn Shereck
Exploring The Role Of Restorative Practices Facilitators In The Secondary School Setting: Self-Efficacy, Collective Efficacy, And Systemic Implementation Recommendations, Rachel K. Bachmeier
Extraction of Oil from the Bakken Shales with Supercritical CO2, Lu Jin, Steven B. Hawthorne, James A. Sorensen, Bethany A. Kurz, Steven A. Smith, Loreal V. Heebink, Nicholas W. Bosshart, José A. Torres, Chantsalmaa Dalkhaa, Charles D. Gorecki, Edward N. Steadman, and John A. Harju
Extra-Territorial Zoning in North Dakota, Lawrence Wright
Facile modification of NF membrane by multi-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes for enhanced fouling resistance, Umair Baig, Abdul Waheed, Hassan A. Salih, Asif Matin, Ali Alshami, and Isam H. Aljundi
Factors Affecting Disability Allowances in the Social Security Program, John N. Cameron
Factors Leading to Interest Group Success in the North Dakota Legilative Process, Thomas Q. Jones
Factors that Affect Adolescent Physical Activity, Jennifer Verkuehlen
Factors That Influence the Results of Standard Tests in Grades Three Through Eight of the Grand Forks, North Dakota Public Schools, Theodore Hanson
Fact Sheet: Community Impact: School-based sealant program, 2023-2024, Shawnda Schroeder
Fact Sheet: Dental Student Rotations at Community Health Centers in North Dakota: Increasing the Dental Workforce and Serving Community, Shawnda Schroeder
Fact Sheet: North Dakota Schools Welcome School-Based Dental Sealant Programs: 2023-2024 School Year, Shawnda Schroeder
Fact Sheet: Promoting Dental Careers: R-Cool Health Scrubs Camps and Academies, Shawnda Schroeder
Faculty Navigating the Age of Austerity: Affirming Roles and Renewing Alliances, Melissa Gjellstad and Ryan Zerr
Fall 2004, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2005, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2006, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2007, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2008, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2010, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2011, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2012, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2015, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2016, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Fall 2017, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Falling In Love, Rebecca Bradbury
Famille-Verte Porcelain Dish, Maker Unknown
Fan with Spanish Scene, Artist Unknown
February 10, 2000, University of North Dakota
February 1, 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1, 1962, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1, 1990, University of North Dakota
February 1, 2001, University of North Dakota
February 1, 2007, University of North Dakota
February 1, 2018, University of North Dakota
February 1, 2018: Agenda, University of North Dakota
February 15, 1954, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 16, 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1930, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1931, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1932, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1933, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1934, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1935, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1936, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1937, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1938, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1939, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1942, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1954, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1957 (First Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1957 (Second Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1959 (First Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1959 (Second Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1964, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1968, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1977, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1978, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1982, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1987, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1988, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 1 and 15, 1996, University of North Dakota
February 20, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 21, 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 2, 1995, University of North Dakota
February 2, 2006, University of North Dakota
February 2, 2012, University of North Dakota
February 2, 2017, University of North Dakota
February 2, 2023, University of North Dakota
February 2, 2023: Agenda, University of North Dakota
February 28, 1962, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 28, 2024, The Dakota Student
February 3, 1972, University of North Dakota
February 3, 1994, University of North Dakota
February 3, 2000, University of North Dakota
February 3, 2005, University of North Dakota
February 3, 2011, University of North Dakota
February 3, 2022, University of North Dakota
February 3, 2022: Agenda, University of North Dakota
February 4, 1993, University of North Dakota
February 4, 1999, University of North Dakota
February 4, 2010, University of North Dakota
February 4, 2016, University of North Dakota
February 4. 2021, University of North Dakota
February 4, 2021: Agenda, University of North Dakota
February 5, 1998, University of North Dakota
February 5, 2004, University of North Dakota
February 5, 2009, University of North Dakota
February 5, 2015, University of North Dakota
February 6, 1992, University of North Dakota
February 6, 1992: Agenda, University of North Dakota
February 6, 1997, University of North Dakota
February 6, 2003, University of North Dakota
February 6, 2014, University of North Dakota
February 6, 2020, University of North Dakota
February 6, 2020: Agenda, University of North Dakota
February 7, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February 7, 1991, University of North Dakota
February 7, 2002, University of North Dakota
February 7, 2008, University of North Dakota
February 7, 2019: Agenda, University of North Dakota
February 7, 2024, The Dakota Student
February- March 1989, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
February- March 1990, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Federated Vs Central Machine Learning On Diabetic Foot Ulcer Images: Comparative Simulations, Mahdi Saeedi
Feedback for learning from text: What kind and where in the text is most effective?, Virginia Clinton-Lisell
Female Condoms as a Means to Reduce the Transmission of HIV Among Maasai Women, Lisa R. Boeger
Female Figure, Maker Unknown
Fence Post with Paintings, James Smith Pierce
Feral Horses and Bison at Theodore Roosevelt National Park (North Dakota, United States) Exhibit Shifts in Behaviors during Drone Flights, Javier Lenzi, Christopher J. Felege, Robert Newman, Blake McCann, and Susan N. Ellis-Felege
Fertility Treatment in PCOS: Metformin vs. Inositol, Kaylina Kelley
Fertility Treatment in PCOS: Metformin vs. Myoinositol, Kaylina Kelley
Field Implementation and Surveillance of Gas Injection Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Bakken, Jin Zhao, Lu Jin, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Xincheng Wan, Steven A. Smith, Nicholas W. Bosshart, and James A. Sorensen
Fielding's Criticism in Tom Jones, Ruth E. Raschick
Field Test of CO2 Injection in a Vertical Middle Bakken Well to Evaluate the Potential for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage, James A. Sorensen, Lawrence J. Pekot, José A. Torres, Lu Jin, Steven B. Hawthorne, Steven A. Smith, Lonny L. Jacobson, and Thomas E. Doll
Filled in Ballot, Angela Brayton
Filling Sandbags for the 1966 Flood
Financial Conditions of School Districts in Fifteen Counties in North Dakota with Special Reference to Federal Aid Received, Oscar E. Fylling
Financial Ratios: A Means of Analyzing Financial Statements for Banks, Kirby Martz
Finding a Focus and Building a Stance through Dialogic Exchange with ChatGPT, Derek Lowe
Finding Common Rules of Robustness and Resilience That Span Multiple Levels of Biological Organization, Robert Burnap, Jing Chen, Erica Crespi, Moumita Das, Rebecca Simmons, Zhen Wang, Jie Xiao, Bing Yang, and John Yin
Finding Henry, Portfolio 1/5, Benjamin Lee Sperry
Finding Henry, Portfolio 2/5, Benjamin Lee Sperry
Finding Henry, Portfolio 3/5, Benjamin Lee Sperry
First Lamp Posts on Campus, 1926
First Year Language Acquisition Diagnostic Quizzes, Melissa Gjellstad
Fiscal Anatomy of a Lawsuit, Linda R. Houfek
Fitness Beverage Market Segmentation AI Project, Brady McCrae
Five Issues to Consider in Developing a New Transportation Policy, Stephen J. Garry
Flaring, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Fleeting Autumn, Het Mehta
Flicker, Chloe Piekkola
Food Intolerance in Patients with Depression, Victoria Gingrey
Food Intolerance in Patients with Depression, Victoria Gingrey
Football Fans Boarding the Trolley, 1920s
Football Game Against University of Montana, 1915
Foreign Relations Between the United States and Korea 1940-1949, Robert J. Horgan
Fort Nelson CCS Feasibility Project, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Fortune, Abby Petersen
Fracture Networks Mapping From Lodgepole Formation, McKenzie County, North Dakota Using Seismic Imaging, Moones Alamooti
From North Dakota to Occupy Wall Street: An unlikely untold story of prairie radicalism, Brian Schill
From Obscurity to Security, Leland S. Burgum
From Paper Ballots to Voting Machines: The Experience of Stark County North Dakota, Darrell K. Sorenson
Fugitive Emissions, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Full-Scale Test Evaluation of a Multielement Sorbent Trap Sampling Method for Halogen and Trace Metal Emissions, John H. Pavlish and Jeffery S. Thompson
Funny Stuff Circus, Rock Tweten
Gabapentin as an Effective Treatment Option for Alcohol Use Disorder, Monica Hurst
Gabapentin for Alcohol Use Disorder, Monica Hurst
Gail and His Snails, Brenden Kimpe
Garden in the Mire, Connor Grenier
Garrison Keillor, Rock Tweten
Gasification of Lignite Using Solar Energy, Rodney E. Sears
Gay Or Nay? Gaydar Snap Judgement Accuracy Rates Among Queer And Straight Cis-Men, Alyssa Noelle Rowland
Gender Equity: Is there a Glass Ceiling in the State Governments of North Dakota, Minnesota, and Montana, Ellen Paul
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
General Brochure, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Generalized Software Packages And Their Implications For The Auditor, Charles B. Dill
Genetic Variation of the Mitochondrial DNA Control Region Across Plains Bison Herds in USA and Canada, Gaimi Davies, Blake McCann, Lee Jones, Stefano Liccioli, Maria Cecilia Penedo, and Igor V. Ovtchinnikov
Gentrification and Displacement: A Review, Lucy B. Hoover
Geologic Homogenization, Conditioning, & Reuse, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Geologic Storage of Sour CO2 from a Natural Gas-Processing Plant – A Commercial Demonstration, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Geologic Storage of Sour CO2 from a Natural Gas-Processing Plant – A Proposed Commercial Demonstration, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Geologic Study in Central North Dakota, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Geology Study – Drilling Down at Red Trail Energy, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Geophysical Survey in Central North Dakota, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
George Starcher and Chamber of Commerce with UND Billboard, 1957
Geriatric Depression: The Effectiveness of Exercise as a Treatment Intervention, Patricia Gerber
Gestational Programming of Obesity: A Novel Approach to Fighting The Obesity Epidemic, Jessica J. Larson
Get Out the Vote, Gyuri Kim
Ghosthorse Greets Cree Scouts, Shannon D. Fox
Ghosts Are Real, Delaney Otto
Glazed Metal Tiles, Maker Unknown
Glenn Campbell, Rock Tweten
Global Warming, Lucy Paschke
Go Green: A Study of Green House Gasses, their effects and possible outcomes at University ofN01th Dakota, Tushar Dao
Go Vote USA Poster, Alex Midgarden
GPS Anomaly Detection And Machine Learning Models For Precise Unmanned Aerial Systems, Jaya Preethi Mohan
Graduate Division of the University of North Dakota, Mildred E. Webster
Grand Forks Herald Building, 1974
Grandma Betty, Jameson KO Buckau
Graphene Oxide Membranes for Enhancing Water Purification in Terrestrial and Space-born Applications: State of the Art, Chris Beulke, Ali Alshami, James Casler, Jeremy Lewis, Maram Al-Sayaghi, and Michael A. Hickner
Graphical User Interface Design Factors: College Students Perceptions of Electronics Websites Trsutworthiness, Zue Anne Zapanta
Graphic Design: Understanding How Students Learn About And Create Graphic Designs, Jacalyn F. Urbaniak
Gravitational Water Vortex Generator, Lance Roadifer and Carson Running
Great Britain and the Neutrality of Norway, Sweden and Denmark, James Samuel Bullard
Great Northern Railway Depot, Thos. B. Lude
Green Dragon Porcelain Dish, Maker Unknown
Greer MacLaren, Meghan Bird
Ground Stop Analysis, Brendan Aug
Growing A Business: An Examination of Issues Involved with Business Expansion, David M. Raatz
Guidelines for a North Dakota Industrial Education Safety Manual, Hubert L. Ivie
Guidelines for a North Dakota Industrial Education System Manual, Hubert L. Ivie
Guys & Dolls, Rock Tweten
Hardware and Software Requirements for Graphic Designers, Denise M. Patterson
Haunted Playground, Gon Carlson
Hawthorne and Brook Farm, Bessie Bernice Osborn
Hawthorne's American Notebooks, Helen Catherine Movius
Healing Through Decolonized Learning: The Transformative Journeys Of Online Indigenous Health Ph.D. Students, Stephen Wyatt
Health Care -- Implications for the Health Professionals, David Gregory
Health Care Marketing - Implications for the Health Professional, David Michael Gregory
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Blues, Chad Erickstad
Helping Hands: Self-Managing Chronic Upper Extremity Pain, Kaylee Mae Athmann
Herald Building, Hoff Studios
Heterogeneity of Recreationists in a Park and Protected Area, Olivia A. DaRunga, Mark A. Kaemingk, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Kevin L. Pope
Hidden Costs of Tuition of High Schools in Four Minnesota Counties in 1953-54, Clinton L. Strand
Higher Ed and Cyber Security: A Content Analysis of Two Institutions Computer Policies, Douglas P. Osowski
High Performance Simulation Of Astrocyte Morphology And Dynamics For Brain Imaging, Lun Zhao
High School Student Fees in North Dakota, Lester Tollefson
Hind Hart, Kay Ornberg
Historical & Contemporary Practices Of Seal Harvesting: Policy Implications For Revitalization Among The Taa-Laa-Wa Dee-Ni’, Paula Lynne Aubrey
History and Uses of Binomal Theorem, Donald B. Hawes
History of Education of Roosevelt County From 1884 to 1950, Donald W. Campbell
History of the Juvenile Court the First Hundred Years, Judy Volk
History of the Minot State Teachers College, Agnes McCorkell Stee
History of the University of North Dakota Honors Program, David Crane
Histrionicus Histrionicus Histrionicus: Common Wild Ducks and Storytelling Animal, Kira Symington
Holiday 2003, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Holiday 2004, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Holiday 2005, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Holiday 2006, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Holistic Advising And Student Success: A Qualitative Study On Student Advising Experiences And Perceptions At The University Of Wisconsin Stout, Camille Peterson Banger
Home-Based Cardiac Rehab vs. Center-Based Cardiac Rehab in Rural Areas, Timothy Fresonke
Home-Based Cardiac Rehab vs. Center-Based Cardiac Rehab in Rural Areas, Timothy Fresonke
Home Health Care in North Dakota: A Study of Program Effectiveness, Dana L. Tinnes
Home Health Care in North Dakota: A Study of Program Effectiveness, Dana L. Tinnes
Homeland, Sharon Linnehan
Honey in Healing: New Look at an Old Treatment, Tracy J. Enger
Hoops of Dreams, Shannon D. Fox
How Adaptive Sports Promote Occupational Engagement and Quality of Life for Individuals with Disabilities in a Rural Community, Michael Helgeson
How AI Cracks the Case: Unveiling the Future of Crime Investigation, Rachel Jordan
How Attachment Bonds Influence Human Behavior, Rhian LaRocque
How different is Public Utility Accounting?, Paul J. Weinand
How does Luck Determine our Lives?, Jack Russell Weinstein and Mark Robert Rank
How Do Men And Women View Stress Differently?, Ayrianna Ring
How Media Representation Influences Disability Bias, Emilie Brend
How Time With Dogs Affects Our Brains, Tessa Frampton
How to Give Sex Advice, Jack Russell Weinstein and Dan Savage
Human Resource Accounting: Valuating the Tangible Intangible, Gregory A. Hoistad
Hunting Spotted Cactus, Dan Kiacz
Hydrogen Fueling Our Future…NOW!, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Hydrogen On-Demand, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Hydrogen Separation Membranes, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
I am so impressed, Shilo Previti
Identification of Biblical Allusions in Selected Writings of Tennyson, Bertha M. Johnston
Identification of Content and The Development of Laboratory Experiments Designed to Promote Robotic Literacy for Industrial Education Programs, Steve Chih Hsuing
Identifying CO2 Sequestration Opportunities, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Identifying Occupational Therapy’s Role in Rural Areas for Women Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence, Meagan R. Danda, Maria L. Johnson, and Hannah L. Street
Identifying Resources and Options in High-Risk Fire Areas, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
I Hope You Read This and Feel Awful, Clara Anderson-Cameron
I Linger, Valkyrie Bradford
Illuminate the Shadows: approaching addiction in Indigenous populations, Amina Ashraf
Imitating, Nicholas Baldwin
Impact of Circadian Rhythm on ADHD, Tyson Williams
Impact of Circadian Rhythm on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Tyson Williams
Impact Of Endolysosome Iron On Reactive Species Interactome In In-Vitro Models Of HIV-1 Associated Neurocognitive Disorders, Nirmal Kumar
Impact of Generative AI in Nutrition Education & Counseling, Erin Lauckner
Impact of OSHA Requirements of Industrial Reality: A Case of Study of Grand Forks Air Force Bas, Natahan S. Easley
Impact Of Substance Use And Perceptions Of Social Support On Psychological Distress Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Laura Gorman
Impacts Of Climatic Variability To Distributed Snow Observations In A Cold Region Agricultural Basin, Tyson L. Jeannotte
Impacts Of Variations Of Temperature And Moisture Content In A Capping Feature On Thunderstorm Downdrafts, Andrew George Kramer
Implementation Of A Recreational Program For Those With Visual Impairments, Caitllyn Fussy
Implications of Fatigue and Sleep Loss on Medical Professionals and Countermeasures to Prevent Fatigue, Tracie j. Christensen
Implications of Fatigue and Sleep Loss on Medical Professionals and Countermeasures to Prevent Fatigue, Tracie J. Christensen
Implications of Introduced Mule Deer on Santa Catalina Island, California : Their Impacts, Population Ecology, and Management, Thad A. Manuwal
Implications of Sunbelt Cities Growth, Vincent Werner
Important Factors in the Administration of the National Labor Relations Act, Kenneth E. Geisen
Improve your Article with Lexis+ AI, Dan Lewerenz
Improving Occupational Performance for Survivors of Sex Trafficking: An Executive Functioning Program, Riley P. Thomas
Inclusive Physical Education And Its Impact On Adolescents With Disabilities In A School Setting, Ashley Renee Freund
Income Averaging Under the Revenue Act of 1964, John R. Borland
Income Tax Allocation, Douglas M. Bonsness
Increasing Autonomy in the Homeless Veteran Population Through Education-Based Occupational Therapy Intervention: A Critically Appraised Topic, Madeline Kuntz, Karli March, and Cheyenne Thompson
Increasing Breastfeeding Rates in Rural Areas of The United States: What do we know and What Can We Do?, Kristin M. Stabo
Increasing Pallative Care Referrals in Terminal Lung Cancer Patients, John E. Roll
Increasing Quality of Life and Well-Being Among Older Adults Living in an Assisted Living Facility Through Engaging in a Wellness Program., Hannah Steckler
Increasing Success For Children With Sensory Processing Difficulties: Education And Support For Individuals Working With Children In Community Settings, Alyssia D. Pucel
Independence as Viewed by the Accountant and the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thomas F. Geisen
Independent Study, Ray L. Sheagley
Indian Self-Government: A Critical Assessment, Brent W. LaRocque
Indications, Complications, and Techniques For Emergent Rapid Sequence Intubation Outside The Operating Room, Nicole A. Underhaul
Indus Kohistani dictionary: People and kinship terms, Beate Lubberger
Industrial Arts Education in North Dakota, Emmet F. Dienstman
Inflationary Adjustments in Accounting, William H. Marshall
Inflation, Unemployment, and Political Economic Cycles, Larry P. Valk
Infographic: Equity Opportunities: Income: need for dental care among third grade students in North Dakota, Shawnda Schroeder
Infographic: Equity Opportunities: Race and Ethnicity: Need For Dental Care Among Third Grade Students In North Dakota, Shawnda Schroeder
Infographic: How Well do North Dakota Third-Grade Students Take Care of Their Teeth?, Shawnda Schroeder
Infographic: Oral Health of North Dakota’s Third Grade Students: Comparing to National Trends, Shawnda Schroeder
Infographic: Progress in Oral Health Care and Dental Hygiene Among North Dakota Third Grade Students: 2014-2022, Shawnda Schroeder
"Information Regarding the University of North Dakota 1932 Football Team", University of North Dakota
Initiating and Administering a Program for a Socialized Clientele, Terry J. Stallman
In-Service Student Teaching in North Dakota During the Year of 1946-1947, Paul Gerald Kraig
Insights From Teachers And Students On Literacy Strategy Integration In A Rural North Dakota High School, Margaret Hilbers
Integrated Petrophysical Evaluation and Rock Physics Modeling of Broom Creek Deep Saline Aquifer for Geological CO2 Storage, Prasad Pothana, Ghoulem Ifrene, and Kegang Ling
Integrating Language Arts with Graphic Communication's in an Inner-City Junior Highschool, Kurt Proctor
Integrating Technology Into Wildlife Surveys, Sally E. Yannuzzi
Inter-Comparison Of Lunar Reflectance-Based & City Light-Based Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals Using VIIRS DNB, Aanan Schlief
Interest Group Influence on the Adoption of Accelerated Sakes Tax Collections as Provided in House Bill 1727 of the 1983 North Dakota Legislative Sessions, Gretchen AC Ryan
Interest Group Influence on The Adoption of Accelerated Sales Tax Collections as Provided in House Bill 1727 of The 1983 North Dakota Legislative Session, Gretchen Ann Cox-Ryan
Interior Monologue, Chad Erickstad
Interrogating a ChatGPT-generated Literary Analysis, Christie Cole
In the Garden #3, Dyan Rey
Intraoperative Pain Management: Attenuating Postoperative Pain In Pediatric Patients, Alicia M. Wolfgram
Introduction to Neuroengineering, Mercedes Terry, Abigail Tubbs, Blair Dupre, Brandon Fugger, and Enrique Alvarez Vasquez
Introduction to Robotics Systems Assignment 2, Tarek Elderini
Invar, Kai Szulborski
Investigating Climate Change Impacts Of Surface Water Dynamics In A Cold Region Terminal Lake Basin Using Remote Sensing Technology, Alexis Lucy Archambault
Investigating H2S Occurrence in Bakken Oil-Producing Wells Using Sulfur Isotopes in Gas, Water, and Rock Samples, Alexander V. Chakhmakhchev, Marc D. Kurz, T. Austin McRae, Xue Yu, Arash Abarghani, Darren D. Schmidt, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Bethany A. Kurz, and James A. Sorensen
Investigating Liquid Droplets and Ice Crystals in the Atmosphere and Their Potential Damage to Hypersonic Vehicles, Imteaz Osmani and Hallie Boyer Chelmo
Investigating The Potential Of 3D Concrete Printing For Unreinforced Structures, Alireza Hasani
Investigation of Cyclic Gaseous Solvent Injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Unconventional Formations, Samuel Asante Afari
Investigation of Lignin Solubilization Using Quantum Chemical Calculations in Constrained Media, Leo Sanzone
Investigation of Produced Gas Injection in the Bakken for Enhanced Oil Recovery Considering Well Interference, Lu Jin, Bethany A. Kurz, Mojtaba Ardali, Xincheng Wan, Jin Zhao, Jun He, Steven B. Hawthorne, Aldjia Boualam Djezzar, Yang Yu, and Donald Morris
Investigation of Sources and Expenditures of Revenues in the North Dakota Department of Transportation, Tim Horner
Investigation of the Properties of Some Proteins in Non-Aqueous Solution, Vincent Charles Kelley
Invocation October 2023, Casey Fuller
IoT-Based Water Management Systems: Survey and Future Research Direction, Shereen Ismail, Diana W. Dawoud, Nadhem Ismail, Ronald Marsh, and Ali Alshami
I Remember Walking, Chad Erickstad
Isaac Bickerstaff's The Captive And The Absent Man, Leo Burton Froke
Is America’s Democracy Failing?, Jack Russell Weinstein and Adam Lovett
Is it really a neuromyth? A meta-analysis of the learning styles matching hypothesis, Virginia Clinton-Lisell and Christine Litzinger
Is Natural Family Planning an Effective Alternative to Hormonal Contraception, Melanie Loehrer
Is North Dakota Premarital Law Requiring Syphilis Serologies Justifiable?, Roger Kramer
Is North Dakota Prematural Law Requiring Syphilis Serologies Justifiable?, Roger Kramer
Isotopic Palaeoecology of Northern Great Plains Bison during the Holocene, Gaimi Davies, Blake McCann, Jay Sturdevant, Fern Swenson, and Igor V. Ovtchinnikov
Is Plato Still Relevant?, Jack Russell Weinstein and Marina Berzins McCoy
Is the imposition of fee-based library services necessary for the future development of public libraries?, Don Holland
It’S “Goni” Be Okay: A Guide To Developing Your Occupational Therapy Career Within The Athletic Population, Grace Kleinvachter
Ivory figure of Kuan Yin on a Carved Wooden Base, Maker Unknown
Jackpot In The Skies: Overcoming Challenges Of How FAA Part 139 Airports And American Indian Tribes Can Cooperate In The Implementation Of Gaming, Noah Reese Gunter
Jambalaya, Sharon Linnehan
January 10, 2008, University of North Dakota
January 11, 1996, University of North Dakota
January 11, 2001, University of North Dakota
January 11, 2007, University of North Dakota
January 11, 2018: Agenda, University of North Dakota
January 1, 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 12, 2006, University of North Dakota
January 12, 2017, University of North Dakota
January 13, 1972, University of North Dakota
January 13, 2000, University of North Dakota
January 14, 2016, University of North Dakota
January 15, 1998, University of North Dakota
January 15, 2015, University of North Dakota
January 16, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 16, 2003, University of North Dakota
January 18, 1990, University of North Dakota
January 1926, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1927, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1928, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1951: New Year's Edition, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1954, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1957, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1964, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1968, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1971, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1974, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1975, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1976, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1977, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1978, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1982, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1987, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 1988, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 20, 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 24, 1991, University of North Dakota
January 24, 2024, The Dakota Student
January 25, 2023, The Dakota Student
January 26, 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 29, 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January 7, 1999, University of North Dakota
January-February 1991, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January- February 1992, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January- February 1993, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January-February 1994, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January- February 1998, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January- February 1999, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January- February 2000, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January-February 2001, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January- February 2002, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
January- February 2003, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Jim West's Aesop's Fables, Rock Tweten
J.J. Bean Bites the Big One, Gary Nupdal
Johnny Cash, Rock Tweten
John Prine, Rock Tweten
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Rock Tweten
Josie and Nickey and Emmie, Benjamin Lee Sperry
Journaling as Greif Support for Parents who have Experiences a Stillbirth, Michelle K. Millam
Journey to Understanding: An Introduction to North Dakota Tribes, Cheryl Ann Kary, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, North Dakota Department of Health & Human Services, and State Historical Society of North Dakota
July 15, 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1927, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1929, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July 1964, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 1991, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 1992, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 1993, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 1995, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 1996, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 1998, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 1999, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 2000, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 2001, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 2002, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
July- August 2003, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1925, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1926, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1930, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1931, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1932, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1933, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1934, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1935, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1936, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1941, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1954, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1957, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1962, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1964, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1968, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1971, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1974, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1975, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1976, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1977, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1978, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1982, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1987, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1988, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 1997, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 2, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June 30, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June- July 1989, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
June- July 1990, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Junior Brown, Rock Tweten
Just Ask: Starting the Conversation (Panel Discussion), Rosemary Flynn, Rachel Hafner, and Lex Huth
Justin Martyr, G. LeRoy White
Kathy Mattea, Rock Tweten
Keeping The Home Front, Morgan Bergeron
Ketamine for active-duty military and veterans with PTSD, Kristopher Flynt
Keynote Address: The Language of Disability and the Inclusion Revolution, Haley Moss Esq.
Keynote Address: "The Necessity of Accessibility: Legal and Business Cases Converge", Craig Leen
Kmart Parking Lot in the South Forks Plaza, 1974
Laboratory Investigation of CO2 Injectivity and Adsorption Potential Within the Bakken Formation, Steven A. Smith, Bethany A. Kurz, James A. Sorensen, Christopher J. Beddoe, Blaise A.F. Mibeck, Alexander Azenkeng, Steven B. Hawthorne, and Charles D. Gorecki
Laboratory Simulations of H2S Generation in the Bakken Petroleum System, Alexander V. Chakhmakhchev, Bethany A. Kurz, Timothy O. Nesheim, David J. Miller, Carol B. Grabanski, Saptashati Biswas, Marc D. Kurz, Nicholas A. Azzolina, and James A. Sorensen
Laboratory Studies of Rich Gas Interactions with Bakken Crude Oil to Support Enhanced Oil Recovery, Steven B. Hawthorne, James A. Sorensen, David J. Miller, Charles D. Gorecki, John A. Harju, and Gordon Pospisil
Labour Disputes in the British Coal Mining Industry 1919 1926, Theodore J. Vavrina
Lakota Life, Olivia Schulz
Land Acquisiton For Flood Adaptation Under Changing Climate, Jiyang Zhang
Land of Improbable Dreams, Chris Erickstad
Landscape, B.J. Fry
Large Blue Porcelain Plate, Maker Unknown
Laryngeal Mask Airway for the Surgical Patient with Diabetes Mellitus, Brent A. Kaiser
Law Enforcement And Traumatic Experiences: A Qualitative Study With Administrators, Tami Jo N. Lieberg
Laws and Regulations Governing the Schools of North Dakota, Royal Willard Goheen
Leadership Attitudes of Teachers and Administrators in Minnesota Schools, Thomas Edison Smith
Leasehold Arrangements and their Effect in Financial Statement Presentation, Michael J. Bullinger
Legal Aspects of Some Causes for Dismissal of Public School Teachers, Hans T. Rosvold
Legislative Perceptions of Lobbying inThe North Dakota State Legislative, Morgan R. Olsen
Legislative Perceptions of Lobbying in The North Dakota State Legislature, Morgan R. Olsen
Let’s Move! Benefits of Exercise Compared to SSRIs (escitalopram) for the Management of Depression: Research from 2020 and Beyond, Brianna Droessler-Aschliman
Let’s Move! Benefits of Exercise Compared to SSRIs (escitalopram) for the Management of Depression: Research from 2020 and Beyond, Brianna Droessler-Aschliman
Letter From An American 100% to Senator Langer Regarding the Mundt-Nixon Bill, May 30, 1948, An American
Letter from Bartley C. Crum to Senator Langer concerning the Mundt BIll, May 27, 1948, Bartley C. Crum
Letter from Helen Woolfolk to Senator Langer regarding Langer's speech on 1944 Sedition Trial, December 24, 1944., Helen Woolfolk
Letter from Holland Roberts to Senator Langer Regarding the Mundt-Nixon Bill, June 14, 1948, Holland Roberts
Letter from Jerry J. O'Connell to Senator Langer Regarding the Mundt-Nixon Bill, April 27, 1950, Jerry J. O'Connell
Letter from Max Perlow to Senator Langer Regarding the Mundt-Nixon Bill, June 17, 1948, Max Perlow
Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Marion Epstein to Senator Langer Regarding Mundt-Ferguson Bill, April 25, 1950, With Comic Enclosure, Mr. Marion Epstein and Mrs. Marion Epstein
Letter from Senator Langer to Helen Woolfolk regarding Langer's speech on 1944 Sedition Trial, January 6, 1945., William Langer
Letter from Thomas Connor to Senator Langer Regarding the Mundt BIll, July 26, 1949, Thomas Connor
Leveraging AI to Develop and Refine Research Topics in the Counseling Field, Emily A. Brinck
Library Facilities in the Fully Accredited High Schools in Mchenry County, N. Dak., Joy A. Sime
library magic, Clara Anderson-Cameron
Library Services and Facilities in Pennington County, Minnesota, Leonard A. Vogland
lies i tell, Maria Matsakis
Lifestyle Changes and Medication vs. Medication Alone: Symptom Control of Parkinson Disease, Rachel Duncan
Lifestyle Changes and Medication vs. Medication Alone: Symptom Control of Parkinson Disease, Rachel Duncan
Light from the Yellow Star Illustration Poster, Robert O. Fisch
Lignite Fly Ash Flue Gas Desulfurization Sludge Leaching by Laboratory Scale Methods, Harvey A. Gullicks
Lily, Clara Anderson-Cameron
Lincoln and Secession, 1858 - 1861, Thamar Emilia Dufwa
Lindsey Cochran: Retail Exorcist, Robert D. Moore Jr.
Lipid Emulsion Therapy as Treatment for Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity, Nina R. Wentz
Liraglutide versus Semaglutide: Long Term Weight Loss Management in Obese Individuals, McKenzie Burke
Liraglutide versus Semaglutide: Long Term Weight Loss Management in Obese Individuals, McKenzie Burke
Literature Review; Culturally Competent Care for Native Americans with Mental Illness, Pamela V. Merrifield
Little Mermaid, Rock Tweten
Load Strength Relationships Among Lamination Thicknesses For White Pine and Red Oak, Randall G. Souser
Long Term Control of T2DM and Weight Through Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Versus Weight Loss Medication, Alexandra Laber
Long-Term Control of Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Weight Through Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery versus Weight Loss Medication, Alexandra Laber
Long-Term Protection of Freshwater Resources Following CO2 Storage, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Loretta Lynn, Rock Tweten
Lost in the Sun, Simi Kaur
Love is Blind: The Ironic Effect of Fans’ Experience on Taste Perception, Jennifer L. Stoner and Maria A. Rodas
Love Medicine, Casey Fuller
lovers departing, Erin Breen
Lowell As a Critic of Poetry, Agnes Scott Oliver
Low-Temperature Laboratory Instrumentation for Investigating Ice Crystal Aggregate Formation in the Atmosphere, Victor Ojo, Imteaz Osmani, and Hallie Boyer Chelmo
LSTM Application To Mobile Robotics For Stuck Detection, Wilson Lysford
Lunch Break, Korbyan Chavez
Machiavellianism and Security: Leveraging Queries at LLMs for Black Hat Operations, Niroop Sugunaraj and Prakash Ranganathan
Machine Learning-Assisted Materials Development: Molecular Solubility Prediction, Polymeric Membrane Fabrication, And Scale Formation, Arash Tayyebi
Maintaining Diverse Collections in the Face of Book Challenges, Amanda Walch and Zeineb Yousif
Majority Rule: An Analysis of Majoritarianism and Its Justifications, John P. Belter
Making Strides: An Occupational Therapy Program Developing Work Readiness Skills In Adolescents With Aces, Using Equine And Barn Tasks., Lauren Alexis Fischer
Malware Worm Attacks in Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), Shree Ram Abayankar Balaji, Tanzim Jim Hassan, and Prakash Ranganathan
Management Advisory Services: The Changing face of the Public Accunting Professions, Brenda L. Rebel
Management if Anticoagulation in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, Traci L. Bueschner
Management of Anticoagulation in Patients undergoing Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, Traci L. Buescher
Management of U.S. Forest Industry Lands: Challenge Ahead, David P. Ranker
Managing for RADical Ecosystem Change: Applying the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) Framework, Abigail J. Lynch, Laura M. Thompson, Erik A. Beever, David N. Cole, Augustin C. Engman, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Stephen T. Jackson, Trevor J. Krabbenhoft, David J. Lawrence, Douglas Limpinsel, Robert T. Magill, Tracy A. Melvin, John M. Morton, Robert Newman, Jay O. Peterson, Mark T. Porath, Frank J. Rahel, Gregor W. Schuurman, Suresh A. Sethi, and Jennifer L. Wilkening
Manpower/Payroll Planning System for the University of North Dakota Energy Research Center, Alice Brekke
Manual vs. Mechanical Chest Compressions in Adult Cardiac Arrest, Brittany Almquist
Manual vs. Mechanical Chest Compressions in Adult Cardiac Arrest, Brittany Ann Almquist
Marbled Frog Wood Cut, Nicholas Baldwin
Marcel Marceau, Rock Tweten
March 11, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1, 1990, University of North Dakota
March 1, 2001, University of North Dakota
March 1, 2007, University of North Dakota
March 1, 2012, University of North Dakota
March 1, 2018, University of North Dakota
March 1, 2018: Agenda, University of North Dakota
March 13, 2008, University of North Dakota
March 17, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1928, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1929, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1941, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1954, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1957, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1964, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1968, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1971, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1974, University of North Dakota
March 1974, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1975, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1976, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1977, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1982, University of North Dakota Alumna Association
March 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1987, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 1988, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 2, 1972, University of North Dakota
March 2, 1989, University of North Dakota
March 2, 1995, University of North Dakota
March 2, 2000, University of North Dakota
March 2, 2006, University of North Dakota
March 2, 2017, University of North Dakota
March 2, 2023, University of North Dakota
March 2, 2023: Agenda, University of North Dakota
March 22, 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March 27, 2024, The Dakota Student
March 3, 1994, University of North Dakota
March 3, 2005, University of North Dakota
March 3, 2011, University of North Dakota
March 3, 2016, University of North Dakota
March 3, 2022, University of North Dakota
March 3, 2022: Agenda, University of North Dakota
March 4, 1993, University of North Dakota
March 4, 1999, University of North Dakota
March 4, 2004, University of North Dakota
March 4, 2010, University of North Dakota
March 4, 2021, University of North Dakota
March 4, 2021: Agenda, University of North Dakota
March 5, 1981, University of North Dakota
March 5, 1992, University of North Dakota
March 5, 1992: Agenda, University of North Dakota
March 5, 1998, University of North Dakota
March 5, 2009, University of North Dakota
March 5, 2015, University of North Dakota
March 5, 2020, University of North Dakota
March 5, 2020: Agenda, University of North Dakota
March 6, 1980, University of North Dakota
March 6, 1997, University of North Dakota
March 6, 2003, University of North Dakota
March 6, 2014, University of North Dakota
March 7, 1991, University of North Dakota
March 7, 1991: Agenda, University of North Dakota
March 7, 1996, University of North Dakota
March 7, 2002, University of North Dakota
March 7, 2019, University of North Dakota
March 7, 2019: Agenda, University of North Dakota
March 8, 2023, The Dakota Student
March-April 1991, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March- April 1992, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March- April 1993, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March-April 1994, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March- April 1996, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March- April 1998, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March- April 1999, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March- April 2000, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March- April 2001, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
March- April 2002, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Maria, Maiken Møller-Andersen
Marty Stuart, Rock Tweten
Mary Tillman Smith Working on a Painting (Dup), James Smith Pierce
Masked Composition, Gregory Bolstad
Mathematics education researchers’ practices in interdisciplinary collaborations: Embracing different ways of knowing, Elizabeth Suazo-Flores, William S. Walker III, Signe E. Kastberg, Mahtob Aqazade, and Hanan Alyami
Matlab-Based Simulation Of A Hybridized Tri-Generation Geothermal-Wind-Solar System In Bowman County, North Dakota, Moones Alamooti
Maturational Changes In The Epigenome And Transcriptome Of Hypothalamic Astrocytes: Implications For Axonal Regeneration, Abiodun Ebenezer Odufuwa
Mauvais Coulee Hydrologic Simulation Data, Sharhad Wainty, Taufique H. Mahmood, Christopher Spence, and Diane F. Van Hoy
May 1, 2003, University of North Dakota
May 1, 2008, University of North Dakota
May 1, 2014, University of North Dakota
May 1928, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1929, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1954, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1957, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1957, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1962, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1964, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1968, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1971, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1974, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1975, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1976, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1977, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1978, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1982, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1987, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1988, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 1997, University of North Dakota
May 2, 1991, University of North Dakota
May 2, 1991: Agenda, University of North Dakota
May 2, 1996, University of North Dakota
May 2, 2002, University of North Dakota
May 2, 2019, University of North Dakota
May 2, 2019: Agenda, University of North Dakota
May 25, 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 31, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 3, 1990, University of North Dakota
May 3, 2001, University of North Dakota
May 3, 2007, University of North Dakota
May 3, 2012, University of North Dakota
May 3, 2018, University of North Dakota
May 3, 2018: Agenda, University of North Dakota
May 4, 1972, University of North Dakota
May 4, 1989, University of North Dakota
May 4, 1995, University of North Dakota
May 4, 2000, University of North Dakota
May 4, 2006, University of North Dakota
May 4, 2023, University of North Dakota
May 4, 2023: Agenda, University of North Dakota
May 5, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 5, 1994, University of North Dakota
May 5, 2005, University of North Dakota
May 5, 2011, University of North Dakota
May 5, 2016, University of North Dakota
May 5, 2022, University of North Dakota
May 5, 2022: Agenda, University of North Dakota
May 6, 1971, University of North Dakota
May 6, 1993, University of North Dakota
May 6, 1999, University of North Dakota
May 6, 2004, University of North Dakota
May 6, 2010, University of North Dakota
May 6, 2021, University of North Dakota
May 6, 2021: Agenda, University of North Dakota
May 7, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
May 7, 1998, University of North Dakota
May 7, 2009, University of North Dakota
May 7, 2015, University of North Dakota
May 7, 2017, University of North Dakota
May 7, 2020, University of North Dakota
May 7, 2020: Agenda, University of North Dakota
May 8, 2003, University of North