Date of Award

January 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching & Learning

First Advisor

Carolyn Ozaki


Current literature has highlighted various teaching methodologies that have been utilized within higher education that may assist with promoting learning. This literature identifies team-based learning and the flipped classroom as common teaching strategies utilized within allied medical fields such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and medical school (Carson & Mennenga, 2019; Frame et al., 2015; Jdaitwaki, 2019; Merlin-Knoblich, Harris & Mason, 2019; Wallace, 2015). However, the current literature lacks research on the different teaching strategies utilized specific to occupational therapy. There is also an abundance of research surrounding the factors associated with student academic success in various medical programs such as GPA’s, interviews, letters of recommendation, or examination scores (El-Banna et al., 2017; Gross et al., 2015; Kuncel et al., 2001; Kurowski-Burt et al., 2020). However, what is lacking is the research surrounding student perceptions of the graduate academic journey, specifically, student satisfaction, accountability, and engagement as an outcome measure in medical programs in association with teaching methodologies. Due to the abundance of research surrounding allied medical students and their academic success, it is important to assess student perceptions in other ancillary fields such as occupational therapy, as this may reflect contributing elements towards that success as well. This study used the Person-Environment-Occupation Model to explore student perceptions of satisfaction, engagement, and accountability with the flipped classroom and the team-based learning activities. Participants (N=36) completed an online Qualtrics Survey which included 12 Likert- style questions inspired from SBU Flipped Classroom Survey (Gross et al., 2015), The NSSE (2013 version), and The TBL-SAI (2010). In addition, two open-ended questions were included for a holistic understanding of student perceptions. Mean comparisons of student responses overall perceptions of the team-based learning and the flipped classroom learning activities demonstrated statistical significance with t(35)=-2.61, p<.05. Findings suggest occupational therapy students perceived the team-based learning activity as promoting more of a student-centered classroom. Further analysis identified students perceived the team-based learning activity prompted more accountability than the flipped classroom activity. However, there was no statistical significance in student perceptions of satisfaction or engagement in the flipped classroom and team-based learning activity.
