Date of Award

January 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Yeo H. Lim


Artificial treatment wetlands are commonly used for treating urban stormwater runoffand surface waters affected by agricultural runoff. While this method is well-established, its effectiveness can vary based on environmental, design, and hydraulic factors. In Grand Forks, ND, the English Coulee, a hydraulically altered class III stream, is currently experiencing elevated nutrient pollution, specifically nitrates and phosphates. Implementing a floating treatment wetland (FTW) system in the English Coulee is a potential solution. This paper analyzes the feasibility and requirements for a 4.64 ha FTW to achieve a minimum of 50% nutrient removal, utilizing comprehensive modeling approaches. Through HEC-HMS and HECRAS simulations, along with nutrient uptake and adsorption models, the study provides insights into the design specifications needed to meet nutrient removal objectives. However, due to the English Coulee's unique cold region hydrology and flood patterns, implementing and maintaining a wetland of this size would be impractical when compared to alternative methods for addressing its water quality issues.
