Date of Award

January 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Energy Engineering

First Advisor

Olusegun Tomomewo


Bowman County, North Dakota, currently relies on coal for over half of its electricity, contributing to significant greenhouse gas emissions. This study employs advanced MATLAB-based modeling to assess the feasibility of transitioning to a hybrid renewable energy system. The designed system includes capacities of 85.7 MW for wind, 24.4 MW for solar PV, 2.03 MW for geothermal, and 195 MWh for storage, tailored to meet the county's growing daily energy demands. Simulations confirm the system's ability to fulfill over 90% of projected daily loads by 2040, with a competitive levelized cost of $105.226/MWh over 15 years. This customized solution reduces daily carbon dioxide emissions by 97% compared to coal. Beyond benefiting Bowman County, this hybrid model serves as a versatile template for other communities pursuing clean, locally focused energy independence, providing a sustainable and adaptable roadmap for a greener future.
