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Journey to Understanding: An Introduction to North Dakota Tribes is an introductory booklet intended to give a quick overview of Indigenous culture in North Dakota. It is a starting point for the rest of the North Dakota Tribal History & Culture series. The booklet explains the names and backgrounds of the nations that share geography with North Dakota. It also teaches basic cultural competency to facilitate interaction for people from a different background. The content is presented in the form of self-quizzes with provided answers. Journey to Understanding was originally used within the North Dakota Department of Human Services (NDDHS) --now part of the North Dakota Department of Health & Human Services (NDHHS)-- and was developed by NDDHS in collaboration with the Native American Training Institute. After its initial publication, it soon made its way from state government and into classrooms. With the permission of NDHHS, it is now distributed as part of the North Dakota Tribal History & Culture series.

Publication Date



Chester Fritz Library


United States History


The original publisher and content rights holder of the Journey to Understanding: An Introduction to North Dakota Tribes is North Dakota's Department of Public Instruction, who first printed the text in 2002. Please contact them for inquiries regarding republication rights. The latest print edition of Journey to Understanding may be purchased from NDSU Press.

This digital, open edition of Journey to Understanding: An Introduction to North Dakota Tribes preserves the content of the initial text in its entirety, adapted to a digital environment.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Journey to Understanding: An Introduction to North Dakota Tribes
