Content Posted in 2024
October 1935, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1936, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1937, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1938, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1939, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1940, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1941, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1954, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1957, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1962, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1964, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1968, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1974, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1975, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1976, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1977, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1978, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1982, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 20, 1938, UND Freshman vs. NDAC Freshman, University of North Dakota
October 20, 1945, Homecoming Game vs. NDAC, University of North Dakota
October 2, 1997, University of North Dakota
October 2, 2003, University of North Dakota
October 2, 2008, University of North Dakota
October 2, 2014, University of North Dakota
October 22, 1938, Homecoming game vs. Montana Grizzlies, University of North Dakota
October 22, 1949, Homecoming Game vs. SDSU, University of North Dakota
October 23, 1926, vs. South Dakota State, University of North Dakota
October 24, 1931, vs. University of Oregon, University of North Dakota
October 24, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 24, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 24, 1953, vs. Montana State, University of North Dakota
October 24, 2002, University of North Dakota
October 24, 2024, The Dakota Student
October 25, 1952, Homecoming Game v. NDAC, University of North Dakota
October 26, 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 27, 1945, vs. the Bison in Fargo, North Dakota State University--Fargo
October 27, 1951, versus NDAC Bison, North Dakota State University--Fargo
October 28. 1933, vs. NDAC, University of North Dakota
October 28, 1939, Homecoming Game vs. NDSU, University of North Dakota
October 28, 1950, vs. NDAC, University of North Dakota
October 3, 1991, University of North Dakota
October 3, 1991: Agenda, University of North Dakota
October 3, 1996, University of North Dakota
October 3, 2002, University of North Dakota
October 3, 2013, University of North Dakota
October 3, 2019, University of North Dakota
October 3, 2019: Agenda, University of North Dakota
October 4, 1973, University of North Dakota
October 4, 1990, University of North Dakota
October 4, 2001, University of North Dakota
October 4, 2007, University of North Dakota
October 4, 2018, University of North Dakota
October 4, 2018: Agenda, University of North Dakota
October 5, 1989, University of North Dakota
October 5, 1995, University of North Dakota
October 5, 2000, University of North Dakota
October 5, 2006, University of North Dakota
October 5, 2017, University of North Dakota
October 5, 2017: Agenda, University of North Dakota
October 5, 2022, The Dakota Student
October 6, 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 6, 1988, University of North Dakota
October 6, 1994, University of North Dakota
October 6, 2005, University of North Dakota
October 6, 2011, University of North Dakota
October 6, 2016, University of North Dakota
October 6, 2022, University of North Dakota
October 6, 2022: Agenda, University of North Dakota
October 7, 1971, University of North Dakota
October 7, 1993, University of North Dakota
October 7, 1999, University of North Dakota
October 7, 2004, University of North Dakota
October 7, 2010, University of North Dakota
October 7, 2021, University of North Dakota
October 7, 2021: Agenda, University of North Dakota
October 8, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 9, 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October 9, 2024, The Dakota Student
October- November 1988, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
October- November 1989, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Ode to the Mento Moon, Abby Petersen
OER Best Practices and Library Q&A, Jackson Harper
Oliver, Rock Tweten
Oliver Goldsmith as a Literary Critic, Elmer Carl Erickson
Ombre Blue and Red Vessel, Maude Olrich Wolf
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fish for Your Health, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fish for Your Health, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Once upon a Time in New York City, Keely McLean
On Peer Observation of Teaching, Melissa Gjellstad
On The Design Of Novel Bioplastics-Based Materials Using Advanced Blend Design And Solvent Casting, Edner Oloo
Open Access Week Zine 2024, Devon Olson
Opencast: Cyanobacteria Growth And Correlations With Predictive Factors In Creation For Harmful Algal Bloom Formation, Devarshi Nikhil Patel
Open Educational Resources: A Brief Overview, Jackson Harper
Opening Remarks, Beth Valentine
Opinion Survey Towards the Extension of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Theodore L. Lessard
Optimizing Wastewater Treatment, William Gefroh
Optimizing Wastewater Treatment, William Gefroh
Oral Susceptibility to Ivermectin Is Over Fifty Times Greater in a Wild Population of Anopheles albimanus Mosquitoes from Belize than the STECLA Laboratory Reference Strain of This Mosquito, Staci M. Dreyer, Kelsey J. Morin, Marla Magaña, Marie Pott, Donovan Leiva, Nicole L. Achee, John P. Grieco, and Jefferson A. Vaughan
Oranges and Losing You, Clara Anderson-Cameron
Organizational Culture and Strategic Planning: A Relationship, Shannon L. Sauer
Organization and Administration of School Bands, Elmer Skeie
Outcome Based Quality Improvement in Home Care Using the Outcome and Assessment Information Set, Vi Schwand
out of spite, Jayden Buckau
Out of That Darkness More Darkness Has Come, Casey Fuller
Painted Japanese Fan, Maker Unknown
Pair of Blue Silk Slippers, Maker Unknown
Pair of Wooden Chopsticks, Maker Unknown
Paralysis in The Juvenile Justice System: The Effect of Closed System Strategies in an Open Ssytem, Robert R. Coulson
Paralysis in The Juvenile Justice System: The Effect of Closed System Strategies in an Open System, Robert R. Coulson
Parent’s Perspectives On The Impact Of Recurrent Otitis Media On Speech And Language Development, Andrea Rose Wilson
Park, Grant & Morris, Grocery Co.
Past Manifesto, Parker Stenseth
Pathway to Bakken EOR, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Patient Outcomes With Tele-Emergency Medicine Services in Rural Areas, Andrea Rieder
Patient Outcomes With Tele-Emergency Medicine Services in Rural Areas, Andrea Rieder
Pat Nixon Greets Supporters, 1960, Lee-Evanson Studio
Patriotic Propaganda in Elizabethan Prose, Gordon Carl Hanson
Patty Loveless, Rock Tweten
PCOR Partnership – Demonstrating CO2 Storage in the Northern Great Plains, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
PCOR Partnership – Demonstrating CO2 Storage in the Northern Great Plains, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
PCOR Partnership Phase III – Commercial-Scale Demonstrations of Geologic CO2 Storage in the Northern Great Plains, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
PCOR Partnership Role in the Aquistore Project, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Peer To Peer: Implementing An Inclusive Program At A Midwestern School, Kaitlyn Rose Ekre
Perceptions and Images of the Living Environment: Potential Applications to Planning, Richard W. Gray
Perceptions Of Interpersonal Communication Skills In Undergraduate Nursing Students, Raquel Ann Zeidlik
Perceptions of Legislators and Select Mmebers of The News Media and Public about Media Coverage of The 1981 North Dakota Legislature, Bette N. Crothers
Perceptions of Legislators and Select of The News Media and Public About Media Coverage of The 1981 North Dakota Legislature, Bette N. Crothers
Perceptions of Watergate Among Adolescents, Lade Stuart
Perceptions of Watergate Among Adolescents, Stuart Lade
Performance Analysis Of Data-Driven Algorithms In Detecting Intrusions On Smart Grid, Tala Talaei Khoei
Perimenopausal Depression Screening and Treatment Efficacy Between Antidepressants and/or Hormone Replacement Therapy, Mandy Stenehjem
Perimenopausal Depression Screening and Treatment Efficacy Between Antidepressants and/or Hormone Replacement Therapy, Mandy Stenehjem
Perioperative Considerations Of A Patient With An Implantable Pacemaker, Cloris L. Schmidt
Peter Pan, Rock Tweten
Philosophy of Depression, Jack Russell Weinstein and Andrew Soloman
Photograph, Charles Steinberger
PhotographyPortfolio, Aspen Jewkes
Photography Portfolio, Shelmar Henderson
Photography Portfolio, Jonathan Sladko
Photography Portfolio, Elena Uhlenkamp
Phyllis Diller, Rock Tweten
Physical And Psychosocial Wellness For Individuals With Neurological Impairments, Emmalee Burtsfield
Physical Wellness Of The Collegiate Athlete, Richard Michael Morgan
Physicochemical and thermal effects of pendant groups, spatial linkages and bridging groups on the formation and processing of polyimides, Maram A. Q. Al-Sayaghi, Jeremy Lewis, Chris Buelke, and Ali Alshami
Pick Your Poison: How Aspartame Causes Anxiety, Abby J. Kersey, Baylee R. Kram, Blessing O. Okosun, and Diane C. Darland
Pictures of Poverty in the Works of Charles Disckens, Dorina Gannon Sister
Pierced Sandalwood Fan, Maker Unknown
Pilot-Scale Investigation of Mercury Control Technologies for Utilities Burning Lignite Coal (03-A-65-AWMA), John H. Pavlish, Michael J. Holmes, Kevin C. Galbreath, Ye Zhuang, and Brandon M. Pavlish
Pilot-Scale Testing of Sorbent Injection and Fuel Additives for Mercury Control, John H. Pavlish, Michael J. Holmes, Ye Zhuang, Kevin C. Galbreath, Steven A. Benson, and Brandon M. Pavlish
Pioneer Academic Villages Campus Growth At The Univeristy of North Dakota Agriculture College, Jay D. Jerde
Pippi Longstocking, Rock Tweten
PL 93-638: Utilizing the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) to Enhance and Improve Oral Health Outcomes in a Tribal Community, Adriann Darlene Ricker
Plagiarism: History, Culture, and Prevention, Laura Egan
Platelet-Rich Plasma vs Corticosteroid: Osteoarthritis Symptoms, Joshua Zetocha
Platelet-Rich Plasma vs Corticosteroids in OA, Joshua Zetocha
Podcasting in Educational Settings: What Works Best?, TzuHan Chen
Poem: "Where I'm Coming From", Daniel Sharkovitz
Poetry Written Ostensibly for Children, Nell Trusty
Police and the Ethics of Lying, Jack Russell Weinstein and Luke William Hunt
Policy Trends for Federally Financed Child Care over two Decades (1960-1979), James P. Pedersen
Political Aspects of Natural Resource Agency Administration: Citizen Participation Applied, John Staley
Political Bosses and Machines in the United STates, Paul Harold Jensen
Political Polarization Will Not Ruin Your Love Life, Olivia Schlosser
Political Science 997, Robert W. Kweit
Political Succession in China, Melford S. Sorenson
Politics in Nigeria: The Role of The Igbos 1960-1980, PJ Afamefuna Ifedi
Politics In Nigeria: The Role of The Igbos 1960-1980, P.J. Afamefuna Ifedi
Poly adenosine diphosphate-ribose polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors versus Traditional Therapy in BRCA positive HER2 Negative Breast Cancer, Tania Schnepf
Population Genomics Provide Insight into Ancestral Relationships and Diversity of the Feral Horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Melissa A. Thompson, Blake E. McCann, Turk Rhen, and Rebecca Simmons
Porcelain Soup Spoon, Maker Unknow
Portrait of President George Starcher, 1970, Jerry Olson
Post Merger Bank Performance Associated with Regulatory Evaluation Factors, Brian Emerson
Post-Myocardial Infraction Depression: Educating the Caregivers, Elizabeth M. Kicthen
Postoperative Nausea And Vomiting Treatment In The Adult Surgical Patient, Christine M. Nelson
Potato product factory workers, circa 1980
POWER Plains Organization for Wind Energy Resources, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Practical Ideas for the Two-Year Typewriting Course, Carrie M. Hansen
Practices and Needs in Scheduling Instrumental Music in the Public Schools of Tulare County, North Dakota, Arland R. Steenerson
Prediction of organic compound aqueous solubility using machine learning: a comparison study of descriptor-based and fingerprints-based models, Arash Tayyebi, Ali Alshami, Zeinab Rabiei, and Xue Yu
Predictors of Success on the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination, Mark E. Skean
Predictors of Success on The Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination, Mark E. Skean
Pregnancy Planning: Hormonal Contraception versus Natural Family Planning, Melanie Loehrer
Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder/Premenstrual Syndrome Luteal Phase Treatment, Shelby Gawarecki
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder/Premenstrual Syndrome Luteal Phase Treatment, Shelby Gawarecki
Preparation and Utilization of Cash Flow Reports, Paul Bohrer
Preparing Special Educators And Team Members To Support Students With Severe Behaviors In Schools, Tamara Ann Hoffer
Preparing Teachers To Differentiate Instruction: A Systematic Review, Betsy Ahearn
Present and Proposed Accounting Systems: The University of North Dakota Bookstore and North Dakota Agricultural Bookstore, Theodore W. Nuss
Preservation to Publisher: Flipping Textbooks Open Using the UND Scholarly Commons, Zeineb Yousif
Price, Supply, and Disposal of Wheat in the United States and North Dakota, Joseph Rollin Day
Primary Reflex Testing And Integration Guide For Parents And Providers, Abby Jessen
Probiotic Therapy for the Treatment and Prevention of Bacterial Vaginosis, Chelsea Scheil
Probiotic Therapy for the Treatment and Prevention of Bacterial Vaginosis, Chelsea Scheil
Process for Regenerating a Spent Sorbent, Brandon M. Pavlish, Michael J. Holmes, John H. Pavlish, and Edwin S. Olson
Professional Corporations, Jerrold P. Baenen
Professional Schools of Accounting: A Look at the Issues, Frank J. Beil
Profit Sharing Plans and ERISA, John B. Henderson
Profit Sharing Plans: The Law and Its Effect, Dale J. Irwin
Profit Sharing Used in American Business, William Milne
Prognosis of Sales as the Basis of Budgets or Forecasts, Charles Wendel
Program Budgeting and Its Application to Higher Education, Jay D. Myster
Program Structure for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities to Increase Participation in Physical Activity, Abbigail Smith
Progress and Development of Syngas Fermentation Processes Toward Commercial Bioethanol Production, Ademola Owoade, Ali Alshami, David Levin, Sagheer Onaizi, and Zuhair O. Malaibari
Promoting Athletic Training Careers Among American Indian And Alaska Native Communities, Wyatt Whitegoat
Promoting Independence In An Existing Cancer Survivorship Program: Adaptive Equipment And Intimacy & Sexuality, Bailee Scheer
Proning versus Respiratory Pharmacotherapeutics in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients, Sasha Marie Hopfauf
Proning vs. Respiratory Pharmacotherapeutics in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients, Sasha Hopfauf
Prosocial Behavior, Sean Fernando, Claire Leach, Danielle Haake, Debra Bigelow-Davis, Jillian Stokes, Aj Kalawai'a, Nore Heinitz, and Grace Bates
Prospective Program Evaluation: Process and Application, Denise Steinbach
Protective Factors For Suicidal Ideation In Transgender Adults Living In Rural Communities, Genel Gronkowski
Provider Perception of the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Lana J. Meyer
Providing Occupation-Based Mental Health Care For Lgbtq+ Youth Through Telehealth Service Delivery, Hannah Leisenheimer
Psychology Behind Horror Movie Enjoyment, Courtney Getzlaff
Public Instagram Accounts Of Saudi Women Public Figures In A Context Of Social Change, Gamra Motlaq Albogami
Public Library, circa 1906, Tom Jones Publishing
Public Opinion of the Teaching Profession in St. Louis County, Minnesota, Leo Joseph Winkler
Public Policy Response to the Demand for Broadband Deployment, Anthony T. Clark
Public Relations In The Bureaucracy, Kristen Freeman-Larson
Public Sector Collective Bargaining: The Possibilities of Participative Management Practices in North Dakota State Government, Lyle A. Snyder
Purchase of Social Services in North Dakota, Barbara Gitter
Purchase of Social Services in North Dakota, Barbara Gitter
Pure Food Legislation of 1906, P. Olaf Sigerseth
"Pure Otherness": Directing Sexual Identity in Mac Wellman's Dracula, Darin D. Kerr
Qualified Audit Opinions: Some Views, James J. Wosepka
Quality in the Red River Basin: An Analysis of Subsurface Drainage, Janet L. Crossland
Quality in the Red River Basin: An Analysis of Subsurface Drainage, Janet L. Crossland
Quality in the Red River Basin: An Analysis of Subsurface Drainage, Janet L. Crossland
Quantification Of Rigidity And Synthesis Of Cyclobutane Bisimide Building Blocks, Joseph Earl Mcgilligan Robertson
Racial Misclassification of American Indian and Alaskan Natives on Death Certificates in the United States: Report for National Network of Public Health Institutes., Melanie Nadeau, Amber Lyon-Colbert, Maycee Carter, Keona Manuelito, Mikalen Belgarde, and Roselle Martin
Racial Unconscious Bias In American Healthcare, Amariana Weigel
Rahq: The Evolution of a Script Through A Rehearsal Process, Nita K. Ritzke
Rail Abandonment in North Dakota: The Public Interest, Jon Mielke
Raising Awareness on The Importance of Drug Use Efficiency in The Operating Room, Tyler Braaflat
Reactive Airway Disease in Relation to Indoor Air Quality, LaToia M. Williams
Reading Improvement in the Social Studies in Two Small North Dakota High Schools, Emil A. Dietrich
Real Individuals Striving For Excellence (Rise): An Occupational Therapy Based Re-Entry Program For A Rural Jail Facility, Kennedy Tooke
Reasearch and Development of a Programming Solution to Auto-Populate an Engineering Using Autoslip and Microsfot Access, Mitchell Jones
Reba McEntire, Rock Tweten
Reba McEntire, Rock Tweten
Reclamation, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Red Chinese Bowl, Maker Unknown
Red Ink Paste Container, Maker Unknown
Red River Valley Potatoes in Grocery Cart
Red River Water Management Consortium, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Red River Water Management Consortium, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Reducing Disparities in Palliative Care for Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses: Utilizing the Synergy Model of Patient Care, Meghan E. Braden
Re-engagement in Psychotherapy for PTSD in Veterans, Katherine R. Buchholz, Kipling M. Bohnert, Paul N. Pfeiffer, Marcia Valenstein, Dara Ganoczy, RaeAnn E. Anderson, and Rebecca K. Sripada
Reference Guide to North Dakota History and North Dakota Literature: 1979, Dan Rylance and J.F.S. Smeall
Refracturing in the Bakken – An Analysis of Data from Across North Dakota, Chantsalmaa Dalkhaa, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Alexander V. Chakhmakhchev, Bethany A. Kurz, James A. Sorensen, Charles D. Gorecki, and John A. Harju
Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership Water Working Group, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Regional CO2 Sequestration Potential – Field Validation Tests, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Reimagining Large River Management Using the Resist–Accept–Direct (RAD) Framework in the Upper Mississippi River, Nicole K. Ward, Abigail J. Lynch, Erik A. Beever, Joshua Booker, Kristen L. Bouska, Holly Embke, Jeffrey N. Houser, John F. Kocik, David J. Lawrence, Mary Grace Lemon, Doug Limpinsel, Madeline R. Magee, Bryan M. Maitland, Owen McKenna, Andrew Meier, John M. Morton, Jeffrey D. Muehlbauer, Robert Newman, Devon C. Oliver, Heidi M. Rantala, Greg G. Sass, Aaron Shultz, Laura M. Thompson, and Jennifer L. Wilkening
Relationship Between Teacher Training institutions and City School Systems, Harry C. Kaeding
Relationships Matter: A Narrative Analysis Of Agenda Setting And Policy Perspectives That Influence Higher Education In North Dakota (1990-2020), Billie Jo Lorius
Relaxing outside the old Carnegie Public Library
Release of Mercury Vapor from Coal Combustion Ash, Loreal V. Heebink and David J. Hassett
Religious Education in the Public Schools of North Dakota, Martin Aarthun
Renewable Assignments: Comparing Faculty and Student Perceptions, Julie Lazzara, Matthew Bloom, and Virginia Clinton-Lisell
Reorganization of School Districts in North Dakota, John Carl Peterson
Report: Evaluation of SEAL!ND: School Year 2022-2023, Shawnda Schroeder and Jordan Jaeger
Reporting the Results of Operations, Micheal M. Weigel
residual, Clara Anderson-Cameron
Responsibility Accounting, Larry A. Adam
Restoring The Occupational Therapy Spirit In Hand Therapy Practice, Karrianna Iseminger
Results of the March 2019 Geophysical Survey Near Richardton, North Dakota, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Resurgence of Measles in the U.S. Despite a Preventable Vaccine and School Entry Laws, Tamara Troutman
return to soils, Jasmine Patera
Revenue Sharing: A Local Perspective, Wallace T. McIntosh
RF Coverage Planning And Analysis With Adaptive Cell Sectorization In Millimeter Wave 5G Networks, Md Maruf Ahamed
Ricky Skaggs, Rock Tweten
Rising Sun Electronics: A Case Study in EDP Auditing, Vincent P. Unruh
Rising to the Ocassion, Sharon Linnehan
Risk Assessment And Geographic Impact Of Virtual Power Purchase Agreements And Unbundled Renewable Energy Certificates On Greenhouse Gas Abatement, Keyshon L. Bachus
Risk Factors Associated with Urinary Tract Infections and Patient Education, Natalie R. Royal
Robert, Georgie, Minnie, May, Lois, Nita, Lucille, Henry, Jenny, Dean, Maxine, Barbara, Norma, Nona, and Sue, Barbara Williams
Robotics Learning Activity Packet, Allen L. Mueller
Robotics Learning Activity Pocket, Allen L. Mueller
Roger Wagner, Rock Tweten
Roland Flint, Rock Tweten
Role of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Occupational Therapy with Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions Evoked by Social Media, Allison Haiby, Kennedy Reimann, and Katie Quinley
Roundtable: Issue 1, Gracyn Cole, Jacey Johnson, Aubrea Lommen, Jade May, Alexia Parisien, and Charisse Vetsch
Roundtable: Issue 2, Mackenzie Amerman, Kalyn Bohrer, Eliza Schueneman, and Victoria Voss
Roundtable: Issue 3, Brynn Flanders, Miina Okino, Joslyn Jackson, Jenna Coauette, and Jocelyn Kennedy
Roy Orbison, Rock Tweten
Rural Care For Diabetes, Jody L. Ward
Rural Economic Development Proposals With Some Attention to North Dakota, Ronald Grimm
Rural Economic Development With Some Attention to North Dakota, Ronald E. Grimm
Rural Voting on Proposed State Constitutions, Darrell S. Parker
Safety and Efficacy of Apixaban vs Rivaroxaban: In Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation, Cody DeWitt
Safety and Efficacy of Apixaban vs Rivaroxaban: In Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation, Cody DeWitt
Safety and screening of weight loss supplements in primary care, Kristina M. Norman
Sahuaro (Saguaro), Paul E. Barr
Salem, Caitlin Scheresky
Sanctuary, Leah Hanley
Sandra Day O'Connor, Rock Tweten
Saudi Acceptance Of Digital Communication And Satisfaction With Mobile Government Services (M-Government), Samah Alotaibi
School Food Service Staffing Patterns in Small Public School Districts in North Dakota, Donna Dickson
School Food Service Staffing Patterns In Small Public School Dsitricts in North Dakota, Donna Dickson
School of Engineering and Mines Steam Locomotive
School Publicity in North Dakota, Conrad W. Leifur
Science Communications, Gabriella Nelson
Science Communication: Teen Vaping, Chloe Kwasiborski
Science Communication: What are the psychological effects of keeping secrets?, Sydney Rygg
SCOPE Meeting, 1971, Dick Larson
SCOPE of Open Education: A New Framework for Research, Virginia Clinton-Lisell, Jasmine Roberts-Crews, and Lindsey Gwozdz
Scrabble, Brenden Kimpe
Screening of "Navigating UND" and Panel Discussion, Sherry Fieber-Beyer, Jessica Gilbert Redman, Wendelin Hume, and Crystal Lundmark
Scrolling into Disorder: Social Media and Body Image, Anna Funk
Seasons, Rachael Erickson
Seasons on the Coulee, Casey Opstad
Seated Buddha Statue, Maker Unknown
Sebaceous Carcinoma: A Commitment to a Standard of Care, Stephany Janice Sophia Dimoulas
Sebaceous Carcinoma: A Commitment to a Standard of Care, Stephany Janice Sophia Dimoulas
Secondary Education in Iceland, Asa Jonsdottir
Selenium and Mercury, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Self Harm And Suicide And How Its Affecting People, Kayla Grabar
Self-Sabotage in Romantic Relationships: The Call is Coming from Inside the House, Tayler Lorenz
Sensory Home Programming Handouts, Taylor Ann Koopmeiners
Sensory Processing And Trauma: A Practical Approach In A Clinical Context, Katya Kivi
Sensory Toolkit For Childcare Providers And Parents Of Children In The Daycare Setting, Cierra Marie Jacobson
September 11, 2024, The Dakota Student
September 1, 2005, University of North Dakota
September 1, 2011, University of North Dakota
September 1, 2016, University of North Dakota
September 1, 2022, University of North Dakota
September 1, 2022: Agenda, University of North Dakota
September 15, 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1927, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1946, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1947, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1948, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1949, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1953, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1954 (First Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1954 (Second Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1955, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1957 (First Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1957 (Second Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1958, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1959, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1960, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1961, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1962, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1963, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1964 (First Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1964 (Second Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1965, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1966, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1967, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1968 (First Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1968 (Second Issue), University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1969, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1970, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1971, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1972, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1973, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1974, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1975, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1976, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1977, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1978, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1979, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1980, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1981, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1982, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1983, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1984, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1985, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1986, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 1987, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 20, 1950, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 21, 2022, The Dakota Student
September 2, 1999, University of North Dakota
September 2, 2004, University of North Dakota
September 2, 2010, University of North Dakota
September 2, 2021, University of North Dakota
September 2, 2021: Agenda, University of North Dakota
September 22, 1939, v. Omaha, University of North Dakota
September 24, 1937, vs. the College of St. Thomas, University of North Dakota
September 24, 1951, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 25, 2024, The Dakota Student
September 27, 2023, The Dakota Student
September 3, 1998, University of North Dakota
September 3, 2009, University of North Dakota
September 3, 2015, University of North Dakota
September 3, 2020, University of North Dakota
September 3, 2020: Agenda, University of North Dakota
September 3, 2023, The Dakota Student
September 4, 1956, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September 4, 2003, University of North Dakota
September 4, 2008, University of North Dakota
September 4, 2014, University of North Dakota
September 5, 2002, University of North Dakota
September 5, 2013, University of North Dakota
September 5, 2019, University of North Dakota
September 5, 2019: Agenda, University of North Dakota
September 6, 2001, University of North Dakota
September 6, 2007, University of North Dakota
September 6, 2018, University of North Dakota
September 6, 2018: Agenda, University of North Dakota
September 7, 2000, University of North Dakota
September 7, 2006, University of North Dakota
September 7, 2017, University of North Dakota
September 7, 2017: Agenda, University of North Dakota
September 8, 1952, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 1991, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 1992, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 1993, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 1995, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 1996, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 1997, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 1998, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 1999, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 2000, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 2001, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
September- October 2002, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Set of 2 Small Black Vases, Maker Unknown
Set of 3 Taoist Gods of Good Fortune, Maker Unknown
Set of Blue Canvas Shoes, Maker Unknown
Set of Blue Shisa, Maker Unknown
Set of Blue Shoes, Maker Unknown
Set of Chinese Parrots, Maker Unknown
Set of Porcelain Famille-Verte Dishes, Maker Unknown
Set of Soapstone Shishi, Maker Unknown
Set of Two Carved Wooden Bases, Maker Unknown
Set of Two Shisa, Maker Unknown
Sex, Sisterhood, and Survival in The Book of Margery Kempe, Caitlin Scheresky
shards of memories, Sevi Sapunar-Lahr
She, Danika Ogawa
Shi'ism, Farnaz N. Kermani
Shirt and Tie, Myron Knutson
Shopping addiction: The Causes of it and How We Can Make healthier Decisions, Dylan Scott
Should We Abolish Prisons?, Jack Russell Weinstein and Tommie Shelby
Sidewalk Flower, Charles Henry
Singular Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations, Paul Robert Swanson
Sino-American Relations Past, Present and Future, Bert Henry Herigstad
Sino Soviet Territorial Dispute, Ruth E. Sorenson
Sisters, J. White
Sisters, J. White
Slice of Life, Melanie Schindler
Small Ceramic Vase, Maker Unknown
Small Porcelain Bowl, Maker Unknown
Small Porcelain Bowl, Maker Unknown
Snow-Filled Streets Outside St. Michael's Church, March 1966
Soaring Eagle Prairie Poster, Glinda Crawford, Kristy Berger, Kathleen Brokke, Paul Clark, Richard Crawford, Bob Gallager, Cindy Grabe, Jason Schaefer, Fred Schneider, and Dorreen Yellow Bird
Social annotation: what are students’ perceptions and how does social annotation relate to grades?, Virginia Clinton-Lisell
Social Criticism in the Tatler, Gladys Boen Miss
Social Influnces in Colonial Days, Frances H. Owen
Social Media Impact On Adolescent Mental Health, Jayla Owen-Lafontaine
Social media marketing - A consumer's perspective on what works and what does not, Rakesh Tennamthotam
Social media marketing - A consumer's perspective on what works and what does not, Rakesh Tennamthotam
Social Problems in the Novels of Charles Reader, Edith E. Kovnick
Socio-cultural integration and holistic health among Indigenous young adults, Melissa Walls, Dane Hautala, Ashley Cole, Lucas Kosobuski, Kyle Hill, and Stephanie Ozhaawashkodeweiganiikwe Williams
Solus, Chad Erickstad
Some Aspects of Legislative Lobbying in North Dakota, Mark A. Siegler
Some Aspects of Legislative Lobbying in North Dakota, Mark A. Siegler
Some Aspects of Marketing Red River Valley Potatoes With a Plan For Their Promotion, John J. Dolan
Some Aspects of the Constructibility Problem, Woodrow H. Mcbride
Something Sad in the Music, Michaela Oosthuizen
sometimes i worry, Sevi Sapunar-Lahr
Song(s) of Myself, Aubrey Roemmich
Son of Abraham, Jasmine Patera
Sorbent Development for Control of Mercury Emissions from Utility Power Plants, Michael J. Holmes, John H. Pavlish, Stanley J. Miller, and Grant E. Dunham
South African Wood Figure, Maker Unknown
South Pacific, Rock Tweten
South Side Fire Station, January 1973
South Third Street in November 1974, Greg Cullin
So You Want to Support Open Education Resources?, Jackson Harper
Specialized Knowledge Of Feeding And Eating Best Practices, Katie Anne DeBoer
Spice Up Your Sleep Life, Marissa Engraf
Spills, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Spirit of the Dance, Rock Tweten
Spring 2004, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2005, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2006, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2007, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2008, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2010, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2011, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2012, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2013, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2015, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2016, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2017, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2018, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Spring 2019, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
SSRI/SNRI Medications vs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment and Management of Postpartum Anxiety, Kelsey Sederquest
SSRI/SNRI Medication vs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment and Management of Postpartum Anxiety, Kelsey Sederquest
Standardized Follow-Up: The Key to Successful Diabetic Management, Jana J. Heger
Starcher Senior Administration Meeting, 1967
stars, Jacob Cummings
State Energy Research Center, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
State Energy Research Center Executive Summary, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.33 "The Experiment", Edward J. Gillig
State Mill and Elevator, Epko Film Service, Inc.
State Mill and Elevator, Grand Forks, N.D., Curt Teich & Co.
Statin Therapy vs. Plant-Based Diet for Reduction of Plaque Burden in Coronary Artery Disease, Molly Evelyn Zak
Statin Therapy vs. Plant-based Diet for Reduction of Plaque Burden in Coronary Artery Disease, Molly Zak
Statistical Analysis of the Petrophysical Properties of the Bakken Petroleum System, Aimen Laalam, Habib Ouadi, Ahmed Merzoug, Abderraouf Chemmakh, Aldjia Boualam, Sofiane Djezzar, Ilyas Mellal, and Meriem Djoudi
Statistical Procedures for Audit Sample Selection, Robert G. Halcrow
Statistical Sampling in Auditing, M. John Stenehjem
STEM Teacher Shortage In American Schools: A Case Study Exploring The Recrtuitment Of STEM Majors Into Teacher Education Programs, Adekunle Lawal
Strategies for culturally safe research with Native American communities: an integrative review, Teresa Brockie, Kyle X. Hill, Patricia Davidson, Ellie Decker, Lydia Koh Krienke, Katie E. Nelson, Natalie Nicholson, Alicia M. Werk, Deborah Wilson, and Deana Around Him
Streamlined synthesis of potential dual-emissive fluorescent silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) for cell imaging, Di Sun, Steven Wu, Jeremy P. Martin, Kirati Tayutivutikul, Guodong Du, Colin Combs, Diane Darland, and Julia Zhao
Strengthening Online Psychology Students’ Sense of Belonging with Social Annotation: An Experimental Study, Alison E. Kelly and Virginia Clinton-Lisell
Stress-Dependent Petrophysical Properties of the Bakken Unconventional Petroleum System: Insights from Elastic Wave Velocities and Permeability Measurements, Prasad Pothana, Ghoulem Ifrene, and Kegang Ling
Stroke rehabilitation through the continuum of care: Integrating evidence and occupation-based practice, Emily Geissler
Stroke rehabilitation through the continuum of care: Integrating evidence and occupation-based practice, Emily L. Geissler
Stuck on the Rez: Perceptions of Native American Student Experiences in Non-Reservation Schools, Jeffrey Claude Stotts
Student Participation in School Control in the High Schools of North Dakota, Stella J. Haugan
Students of the 1950s in Lecture Hall, Schulze
Studies on Organometallic Chemistry of Transition Elements, Robert H. Uloth
Substance Abuse And Its Correlation To Mental Illness, Emily Wilson
Summer 1938, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2004, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2005, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2006, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2008, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2009, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2011, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2012, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2013, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2014, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer 2016, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Summer School, Nicholas Baldwin
Supplementation with Vitamin D and Calcium and Pre-eclampsia Compared with Daily Prophylactic Aspirin, Katja Berge
Supporting Clients And Caregivers Of Full-Time Wheelchair Users At Risk For Pressure Injuries, Jessica Lynn Wetzel
Supporting Community Integration For Veterans With Mental Health Conditions Through The Lens Of Recovery: Rise-Ing Together, Erin Marie Ferebee
Supporting Interoceptive Learning Across Environments: A Guide For Educators And Caregivers, Jamie M. Steinhoff
Supporting Occupational Performance For Children With Cancer, Rachel Elise Koenig
Supreme Court Decisions Affecting North Dakota Public Schools, Edwin Hauge
Surface Compositions of Carbon Sorbents Exposed to Simulated Low-Rank Coal Flue Gases, Charlene R. Crocker, Steven A. Benson, Edwin S. Olson, John H. Pavlish, and Michael J. Holmes
Surprise Party, Sharon Linnehan
Survey of General Obligations Debt in Incorporated Cities in North Dakota, Gary J. Oos
Survey of Space Professionals’ Perception of Satellite Cybersecurity from 2012 to 2022: Decision-Makers’ Thoughts on Satellite Cybersecurity Evolving, Rachel C. Jones
Survey of UND Accounting Graduates, E Keith Hovland
Sustainable Synthesis: An Emphasis On Green Chemical Reactions Using Eco-UVA Light For [2+2] Photocycloadditions Of Furan Derivatives, Sierra Rose Ward
Swanson Hall Architectural Rendering, Wells-Denbrook & Associates, Inc. Architects
Synthesis And Characterization Of Soybean Feedstock-Based Composite Systems For Sustainable Material Application., Temofeh Nathaniel Esenamunjor
Synthesis and Evaluation of a Novel Polyacrylamide Functionalized Nano- Silica as a Calcium Carbonate Inhibitor in Upstream Applications, Nadhem Ismail, Ali Alshami, and Ibnelwaleed A. Hussein
Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Poly (Acrylamide-co-Malonic Acid) as FeS Scale Inhibitor: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations, Nadhem Ismail, Ali Alshami, Rem Jalab, Mohammed A. Saad, and Ibnelwaleed A. Hussein
Synthesis Of Highly Selective Fluoroionophores For Metal Cations And Their Biological Applications, Md Abdur Rahim Badsha
Tainted Love, Lydia Schengrund
Tattoos and Chopsticks: My Mother and I, Claire Arneson
Taxation Of Business On The State Level, Clarence E. Stevenson
Tea Cup, Robert Blanchard
Techno Economic Assessment Of Gas Re-Injection To Reduce Gas Flaring In The Bakken Petroleum System Of The Williston Basin In North Dakota, Ala Eddine Aoun
Technological Strategic Planning and Globalization Impact: Fine-Tuning Strategic Planning Methodology, Plamen Miltenoff
Teddy Roosevelt National Park, Jonathan Sladko
Telegram from Homer Eyres to Senator Langer Regarding the Mundt Bill, May 29, 1948, Homer Ayres
Telegram from Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zelitan Regarding the Mundt Bill, May 29, 1948, Zelitan Mr. and Zelitan Mrs.
Ten Tips Taylored for Successful Talks with Landowners in Ranching and Range Management Landscapes, Taylor J. Linder, Susan N. Ellis-Felege, and Christopher J. Felege
Termination of Subchapter S, Harry O. Wood
Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration Validation Test, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Texas 2021 Power Blackout: Analysis and Solutions, Farishta Rahman, Kolten Oberg, Ajit Srinivas, and Prakash Ranganathan
Thank You, Mrs. Farnell, Carolyn Mamchur
The Accounting and Tax Aspects of Employee Stock Options, Jerry E. Strom
The Accounting profession and the SEC, Linda J. Myers
The Adsorption of Moisture on Lignite Coal, Richard K. Pearson
The Advantage Of a Tax Sheltered Annuity For Teachers, Michael D. Olsberg
The Allocation of Pension Costs to Annual Accounting Periods, Robert W. Kemper
The Antimony-Antimony Trioxide Electrode, Herman L. Feinstein
The Application Of Machine Learning Algorithms On CO2 EOR, Chenyu Wu
The Audit Report, Victoria Beard
The Bank of North Dakota in the Role of the Lender of Last Resort From 1919 through 1933, Leslie D. Means
The Beatles in Academia: Reflections on Teaching Popular Music in Higher Education, Chris Gable
The Benefits of Vitamin D Supplementation in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis, Kelly Leiphon
The Brewing Industry in the Upper Midwest: Two Case Studies, David G. Faas
The Bystander Effect: When No One Helps In A Crisis, Tatiyanna Garcia
The Case Against Federally Mandated Citizen Participation Public Law 93-641 As Amended VS. Public Law 88-452, Karla R. Spitzer
The Case Against Federally Mandated Citizen Participation Public Law 93-641 as Amended VS. Public Law 88-452, Karla R. Spitzer
The Case for Nonhuman Rights, Jack Russell Weinstein and Jeff Sebo
The Christmas Box, Rock Tweten
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978: Its Causes and Consequences, Joseph M. McKenna
The Cold, Brenden Kimpe
The Comfort Of Being At Home: The Benefits Of Outpatient Rehabilitation In The Homes Of Rural Residents, Madison Jo Christian
The Communication Component of Accounting, Terri B. Clark
The Compatibility of Management Advisory Services and Audit Independence, Nancy J. Anderson
The Competency Program in Minnesota, Darlene L. Berg
The Competency Program in Minnesota, Darlene L. Berg
The Complications Of Identifying And Treating ADHD, Adam Weshnevski
The Condensation of Mixed Vapors by Adiabatic Expansion, Carl Ross Bloomquist
The Conflict Over the Construction of a Major, James Schlick
The Control of Incomes and Debt Service in the School Districts of Traill County, North Dakota, Olton Hewitt
The Cost of Administration of Criminal Justice in Fargo, North Dakota, Sverre I. Scheldrup
The Cost of Doing Homework: Online Homework Systems with Access Codes from a Social Justice Perspective, Virginia Clinton-Lisell and Alison E. Kelly
the day after, Autumn Thompson
The Demand for Water, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
The Development and Operation of the Circuit-Riding City Manager Concept, Robert M. King
The Development and Present Status of the Public Junior College in the State of Minnesota, Maurice T. McFarlin
The Development of a Vocational Accounting Curriculum based on an Appraisal of Current Accounting Trends, Larry D. Murray and Rockne A. Larvick
The Devlopment of Pert and Its Applications, Harris M. Bailey
The Disinhibition: An Experiment Using Chat Technology With Sixty Sixth Graders, Jeremy J. Sims
The Disinhibition Effect: An Experiment Using Chat Technology with Sixty Sixth Graders, Jeremy J. Sims
The Disinhibition Effect: An Experiment Using Chat Technology with Sixty Sixth Graders, Jeremy J. Sims
The Distinct Role: A Toolkit To Promote Occupational Therapy Services For Palliative Care Patients In Acute Care Hospitals, Kailey Ann Squier
The Educational Opportunities in Sheridan County, North Dakota, Palmer O. Aasmundstad
The Educational Program in North Dakota Companies of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Kenneth Dale
The Educational Theories of Wordsworth and Rousseau, Helen Genevieve Parks Girard
The Effectiveness of the Gut-Brain-Axis versus SSRI for Treatment and Management of Depression, Jenni Hetletved
The Effectiveness of the Gut-Brain-Axis versus SSRI for Treatment and Management of Depression, Jenni Hetletved
The Effect of Exercise on Gestational Weight Gain and Diabetes Risk in Women of Elevated BMI, Lauren Staton
The Effect Of Metacognition On Medical Laboratory Science Students' Perceived Feelings Of Self-Efficacy, Rebecca Simone Bakke
The Effect of Metformin vs Lifestyle Modifications on the Prevention of Prediabetes Progressing to Type II Diabetes, Brittany McPherson
The Effect of Metformin vs Lifestyle Modifications on the Prevention of Prediabetes to Type II Diabetes, Brittany McPherson
The Effect of Parliamentary Legislation Upon the Development of Railroads in England form 1825-1850, Lillian Viola Bangs
The Effect of Silence as a Therapist Variable Upon an Experimentally Induced Microneurosis, Robert G. Owens
The Effect of Tempering Temperature and The On The Hardness Of a 4130 Alloy Steel, Chad V. Rhen
The Effect of Tempering temperature and Time on the Hardness of a 4130 Alloy Seels, Chad V. Rhen
The Effects of a Life Career Planning Course on Self-Esteem, Career Maturity, and Sex-Role Stereotypes, Judith Juhala Weist
The Effects of Animals on Our Mental Health, Gracie Bowles
The Effects of Caffeine on Search Rate in Working Memory, George C. Erickson
The Effects Of Covid-19 On School Attendance: Examining Explanations For Chronically Absent Students, Samantha Kaloustian
The Effects Of Disconfirming Feedback On Multiple Tests Of A Witness's Memory, Kaden Alan Bollinger
The Effects of Economic Recession on the Retailing Structure of the Gogebic Range, James W. Camerius
The Effects of Food on Mood: Can symptoms associated with depression be improved by what you eat?, Kaitlyn Prochnow
The Effects of Food on Mood: Implications of Mediterranean and Plant-Based Diets on Depression Symptom Prevalence and Severity, Kaitlyn Prochnow
The Effects Of Juror Characteristics And Case Type On Trans Panic Defense Verdicts, Isabella Noel Coppa
The Effects of Management Advisory Services on Auditor Independence, Paul M. Sukurt
The Effects of Proper Machine on the Noise Emissions Produced by power Tool and Machine Operations in the Industrial Woodoworking Laborartory, Dwight C. Collins
The Effects of Women Smoking Marijuana During Pregnancy: Is it Safe?, Gavin Fitzgerald
The Efficacy of GLP-1 Agonists in Pediatric Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity, Cayla Mahrer
The Efficacy of GLP-1 Agonists in Pediatrics with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity, Cayla Mahrer
The Efficacy of Probiotic Use in Patients with Anxiety and Depression, JoAnna McClelland
The Efficacy of Probiotic Use in Patients with Anxiety and Depression, JoAnna McClelland
The Ethical Element in the Dramas of Henrik Ibsen, Gustav Severin Nordberg
The Ethics of Cryptocurrency, Jack Russell Weinstein and Catherine Flick
The Evaluation of Plays for Children: An Analysis of Kenneth L. Graham's Basic Purpose of Children's Plays, Karla J. Unkenholz
The Evolution of the Attest Function: A Study of the American Audit Objective, Carolee A. Deutsch
The Experience Of Caregiving Among Males Caring For A Family Member With Alzhimer’s Disease: A Descriptive Phenomenology Study, Randy John-Chapin Huard
The Experiences And College Readiness Of Native American Students Who Participated In Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment And Transitioned To Higher Education, Krystal Marie Caldwell
The Extra Curricular Payment Policies of Schools in District Sixteen in Minnesota, John Greenquist
The Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America Northwest Division, Hans Snortland
The Fear of Being Single, Rachael Fields
The Feasability of Using Loop Films to improve Instruction in Leather Carving Techniques, Gordon D. Oberg
The Feasability of Using Loop Films to Improve Instruction in Leather Carving Techniques, Gordon D. Oberg
The Feasibility of an Annual Report for Grand Forks, Robert C. Lawton Jr
The Feasibility of Using Loop Films to Improve Instruction in Leather Carving Techniques, Gordon D. Oberg
The Financing and Administration of North Dakota School Bands, Walton B. Myhrum
The French Fry Potato Processing Industry in the United States, Don G. Baken
The Government of India Act of 1919, Irene D. Koll
The Grand Forks Business and Professional Women’s Club: A History of Women’s Empowerment, Emily Bruer
The Grand Forks Business and Professional Women’s Club: A History of Women’s Empowerment, Emily Bruer
The Great Outdoor, Liddy Dewulf
The Growing Significance of State and Federal Funds in the Grand Forks City Budget, Stanley T. Bieleski Jr
The Growth and Decline of Incorporated Farm Trade Centers in North Dakota 1900-1930, Jesse Chester Korthal
The Guilty | The Innocent, Lillian Quinn
The Healing Of Stories: International Teachers’ Lived Experiences Of School Culture Using The Hourglass Model For Mindful Reflections, Vesna Radivojevic
The Heros of Beaumont and Fletcher, Ellen D. Gunderson
The Historical Development of the Business and Vocational Education Department at the University of North Dakota from August 1884 to May 1988, Jacquelyn Lee Gumeringer
The Historical Development of the LAC Court Oreille Reservation, Lester V. Sutton
The History and Culture of the Kaska Indians: A Resource Guide for Classroom Instruction, Ernesto Bordynuk
The History and Culture of the Mandan, Hidatsa, Sahnish (Arikara), Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College and North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
The History and Culture of the Mni Wakan Oyate (Spirit Lake Nation), Cankdeska Cikana Community College and North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
The History and Culture of the Standing Rock Oyate, Standing Rock Community College and North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
The History and Culture of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, Turtle Mountain Community College and North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
The History and Transcendence of Pi, Bernard T. Keefe
The How To’s For Engaging with Medically Complex Children: A Resource Guide, Allyson Bourque
The Ideal Deconstructed, Kira Symington
The Identification of Current Concepts in Wood Technology to be Taught in Grades Nine and Ten, Richard Odell
The Imbalance That Saved Tatsuki, Cadence Gray
The Impact of Diet and Exercise on Depression., Lindsey M. Peterson
The Impact of Health Literacy on Effective Breastfeeding Education, Emmalee Schubring
The Impact of Judicial Sentencing: An Analysis, Scott K. Johnson
The Impact Of Upper-Elementary C3WP Resources On First Draft Student Writing Samples: A Study Of Lexical Cohesion, Semantic Overlap, Grammar And Mechanics, Lisa Fricke Gusewelle
The Impact of Weight Loss on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Hypertensive Patients, Melissa J. Hayes
The Importance of Touch, Jack Russell Weinstein and Richard Kearney
The Independent Regulatory Agency in Perspective: Problems old and New, John G. O'Rourke
The Influence of Manifest Anxiety on Speed and Accuracy in First Semester High School Typewriting, Marvin Ehley
The Influence of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health, Sally Diomande
The Influence Organics on Supercritical CO2 Migration in Organic-Rich Shales, Bethany A. Kurz, James A. Sorensen, Steven B. Hawthorne, Steven A. Smith, Hamed Sanei, Omid Ardakani, Joel Walls, Lu Jin, Shane K. Butler, Christopher J. Beddoe, and Blaise A.F. Mibeck
The Interactions of SO2 and SO3 on a Carbon Sorbent and Their Impact on Mercury Capture, Edwin S. Olson, Charlene R. Crocker, Jenny Sun, Katie Hill Brandt, Grant E. Dunham, and John H. Pavlish
The Interconnectedness Of Indigenous Health: Local, National, And International Influences, Courtney Claussen
the jester, Jay Cummings
The Judd's, Rock Tweten
The Junior College Movement in North Dakota, William Elliott
The Jury System in the United States District Court for the District of North Dakota: An Overview, Candace M. Schafer
The Legal Relation of the Teacher to the Parent and Pupil, Carl Rook Busch
The Legal System of the Red Lake Reservation Prepared, William J. Lawrence
The Life and Adventures of Ambrose Gwinett By Isaac Bickerstaff, Madeline Elizabeth Thompson
The Liquidating Trust as a Functional Tool in a Section 337 Liquidation, Kurt D. Rasmussen
The Little Things, Brenden Kimpe
The Lonely Sea, Valkyrie Bradford
The Lost and Found, Julia Tietz
The Magnetic Vector Potential Field in Elementary Explanations, Roy Robinson
The Malfeasanoe of William Worth Belknap Secretary of War, October 13, 1869, To March 2, 1876, Robert O. Prickett
Thematic Content Analysis Exploring American Indian Suicidality, Todd E. Phelps
The Meaning of Death For Heinrich Von Kleist, Leah Manning Stetzner
The Mediating Role Of Emotion Regulation On Attachment Styles, Relationship Quality, And Internalizing Symptoms Among Emerging Adults, Summer Rae Lardy
The Misconception Of The Local Bar, And What Your Travel Distance Says About You, Joseph Rombold
The Modification of a Five Ton Janitorial Reversing Heat Pump to a Dual Evaporator, Heating-only Heat Pump, Marty D. Hoffman
The Mysterious Mu Wave: The Effects Of tDCS On Visuomotor Integration And Processing, Jessica Lynn Van Bree
The Myths of Whiteness, Jack Russell Weinstein and David Mura
The Nature and Frequency of Parent Requests for Parenting Help and Educators Perceptions of Their Ability to be Helpful, Beverley T. Uhlenberg
The Nature of the Balance Sheet: Present and Future Proposal, Ying Chow Tang
The Nazi Prisoners of War, Justin L. Dyrud
The Need for a Boarding Fee at the Grand Forks International Airport, Francisco P. Camancho
The New Politics of Fear: The 1977 Dade County Gay Rights Referendum and The Regeneration of the Radical Right, 1969-1980, Micheal J. Melgaard
The Newspaper, Magazine, and Radio in the Homes of Hubbard County School Children, Glenn Comyn Johnson
"The Nonpartisan League: Its Birth, Activities and Leaders" by William Langer, 1920, William Langer
The North Dakota Brain Drain: Perceptions about Factors that Contribute to North Dakota's Outmigration of Graduates, Nancy J. Bauer
The North Dakota State Mill and Elevator Association: History, Organization, Administration, and Operation, E. Bruce Hagen
Theoretical Studies of a Silica Functionalized Acrylamide for Calcium Scale Inhibition, Abdulmujeeb T. Onawole, Ibnelwaleed A. Hussein, Mohammed A. Saad, Nadhem Ismail, Ali Alshami, and Mustafa S. Nasser
The Organization of the Elementary School Program of Instruction in North Dakota, Francis U. Smith
Theory-Derived Approaches to Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia, Bethany Speece
The Outer Wilds and Manufactured Wilderness, Seth Thoelke
The Parlimentary Reform Act of 1832, Arve M. Dahlen
The Personnel Director and his Qualifications, Wilford W. Renke
“The Pictures Allowed Me to Connect to the Material More”: Student Perceptions of a Diversity-Focused Open Pedagogy Assignment, Ashley M. Biddle and Virginia Clinton-Lisell
The Place-Names of Grand Forks County, North Dakota, Alexander D. MacGibbon
The Political Record of Alexander H. Stephens from 1843 to the Civil War, Robert C. Moffitt
The Politics and Administration of Privatization of Residential Solid Waste Collection Operations Bismarck, ND, Keith Hunke
The Potential Benefits of Statins in the Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Angela K. Gaikowski
The Potential Value Of The MCMI-IV And PID-5 In Physical Violence Risk Assessments, Courtney Tindell
The Power of Color: A Study About the Influences of Color on the Design of Software User Interfaces, Jana Kruckenberg
The Prairie, Casey Fuller
the Problems and Procedures of Wood Sculpturing, Ordeane S. Johnson
The Psychological Effects Of Abortion, Rylee Hohenstein
The Pupils' Potential Educational Opportunities in Four Seventh-Day Adventists Secondary Schools, Jay H. Lantry
The Rationale for the Development of a Residential Rehabilitation Facility of a Residential Rehabilitation Facility for Alcoholism and Related Problems, William R. Woir
THE RAVEN; A Drama in Prologue and Five Acts, George W. Feinstein
The Reaper, Korbyan Chavez
The Recording of Fixed Assets at Other than Cost, Timothy M. Nelson
The Recruitment of Partners in Dual Career Couples as Faculty in Higher Education, Heidi L. Newell
The Recruitment of Partners in Dual-Career Couples as Faculty in Higher Education, Heidi L. Newell
The relation between the writing system and the use of metaphor in English and Chinese, Kang Yuen Ma
The Relation of Serial Position on the Lentz Conservative - Radicalism Opinionaire to Affirmative Answers to Specific Domestic Questions, Oliver Paul Kolstoe
The Relationship Between Personal Characteristics and Attitudes on taxes, Terry L. Nyhouse
The Relationship Between the North Dakota State Industrial Commission and the Bank of North Dakota, Ralph M. Wood
The Relationship of Audit Papers to the Audit Engagement, Micheal B. Walsh
The Relationship of Selected Personal and Curricular Variables to Achievement in COBOL, Robert N. Sando
The Relationship of Selected Personal and Curricular Variables to Achievement in Cobol, Robert N. Sando
The Rio De Janero Treaty of 1947, Robert Hywel Rowland
The Role Of ENSO On Atmospheric Patterns In The Great Plains Of The United States In The CESM2 Large Ensemble, Taylor Jean Dolan
The Role of Life Insurance in Estate Planning, Diana J. Randall
The Role of North Dakota Health Council in State Government, Terry Brosseau
The Role of Occupational Therapists in Addressing Religion and Spirituality as it Relates to Health Maintenance of Adult Clients to Improve Therapeutic Alliance, Natalie McFarren and Emma Schultz
The Role of Occupational Therapists Working with Adults with Substance Use Disorder in Rural Areas, Kyra M. Jessen and Jackie M. Middendorf
The Role Of Occupational Therapy To Support Engagement In Activities For Adults Throughout The Cancer Continuum, Alexis Brolsma
The Role of Open Education and Faculty Gender in Shaping Student Perceptions, Virginia Clinton-Lisell and Alison E. Kelly
The Role of Southern Red-backed voles, Myodes gapperi, and Peromyscus Mice in the Enzootic Maintenance of Lyme Disease Spirochetes in North Dakota, USA, Michael W. Dougherty, Nathan M. Russart, Robert A. Gaultney, Emily Marie Gisi, Haley M. Cooper, Lindsey R. Kallis, Catherine A. Brissette, and Jefferson A. Vaughan
The Role of the North Dakota Electrical Board in State Government, Jack E. Eakman
The Role of the Universities in the Preparation of Industrial Arts Teachers, Andrew Woodrow Hull
The Rural Application of Crime Prevention, Michael Hill
The Saga of James Wolfe, Ian Ellenson
The Silent Killer: Anorexia Nervosa, Sierra Malterud
The Sparkling Heat I Found in the Bathtub, Delaney Otto
The Status and Function of Driver Education in Minnesota High Schools, Vernon O. Strand
The Status of Latin Teaching in North Dakota, Josephine M. Flammang
The Story about the Witch's Familiars, Maiken Møller-Andersen
The Stressful Task of Building Resilience, Zoey Swanson
The Superego State: A Lover’s Reply, Brian Schill
The Survival of the Great Plains States: Saving North Dakota, Gregg Schmidt
The Technical Vocabulary of Fourth Grade Geography Textbooks, Alton Lowell Nelson
The Transportation System of Germany With Some Applications to North Dakota Conditions, Arthur Carl Selke
The United States House of Representatives: An Organizational Analysis, Edith Lowry
The University of North Dakota English Trade Union Legislation Since 1900, Awolt Alfred Stoll
The University of North Dakota Sino-American Relations Past, PResent, and Future, Bert Herigstad
The University of North Dakota: The Relationship Between Personal Characteristics and Attitudes on Taxes, Terry L. Nyhous
The Use of Advanced Analytical Techniques to Characterize Micro- and Nanoscale Pores and Fractures in the Bakken, James A. Sorensen, Bethany A. Kurz, Steven A. Smith, Joel Walls, Michael Foster, and Bob Aylsworth
The Use of Evidence-Based Practice to Strengthen Professional Identity Among Occupational Therapists., Allison M. Stephani, Kaelyn J. Talley, and Ariel K. Tix
The Virtual Therapist: An Occupational Therapy Practitioner’S Guide To Telehealth Service Delivery In Pediatrics, Jossette Hannah M. Gianan
The Weyburn Oil Field – A Model for Value-Added Direct CO2 Sequestration, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
They’re Singing Again, Charlotte Hatch
Things of a Temporal Nature, Skip Steinworth
Those Who Fail to Learn, Jasmine Patera
Thoughtful Response, Sharon Linnehan
Thoughts of Chat GPT about Interaction Between Hypersonic Vehicles and Ice Crystal, Imteaz Osmani
Three Methods of Evaluation, Catherine J. Pery
Three Photographs, Sarah Dignan
Three Photographs, Elena Uhlenkamp
Three Poems, Chad Erickstad
Three Poems, Aubrey Roemmich
Three Poems, Elena Uhlenkamp
Three Poems, Jaden Rose
Three Poems, Linnea Nelson
Three Poems, Dani Ogawa
Three Red People, James Smith Pierce
Time for Class, Senta Grzadzielefski
Time Piece, Katerina Sladko
Tinkerers, Heather Barry
To a Cabin in the Woods, Jacob Stanley
Tomorrow, Caitlin Scheresky
Tom Sawyer, Rock Tweten
Toolkit For Teachers Who Have Students Who Have Experiences Aces: An Occupational Therapy Guide, Abigail Kasper
touch, or, beautiful people, Clara Anderson-Cameron
To Write or Not to Write: A Story of a Third Semester Senior, Brendan Aug
Transcriptional Landscape Of FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells Under Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress: Implications For Inflammaging, Jappreet Singh Gill
Transforming Educational Landscapes: How Student Choice Influences Achievement, Engagement, And Instructional Objectives, Alissa Kaye Carter
Transitional Support Programming for First-Year Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Samantha Proctor
Translating the Love Languages, Andrew Rilometo
Trauma Education In Social Work Curricula: An Innovative Approach To The Teaching Of Trauma-Informed Care, Jennifer M. Schlinger
Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis: Immunosuppression Versus Stem Cell Therapy, Bailee Blickensderfer
Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis: Immunosuppression versus Stem Cell Therapy, Bailee Blickensderfer
Treatment Challenges of Osteoarthritis in the Elderly, Carla Christensen
Treatment of Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders, Kady WIlliams
Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Tricyclic Antidepressants versus Diet modification and Visceral Manipulation, Alexis Int Veldt
Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Tricyclic Antidepressants vs. Diet Modification and Visceral Manipulation, Alexis Int Veldt
Treatment of Opiate Abuse: Increasing Patient Self-Efficacy and Engagement in Treatment Through Education of Providers, Kimberly Wight
Treatment of Post Dural Puncture Headaches in The Obstetric Population, Tonya M. Holzer
Treatment of Preoperative Anxiety in The Pediatric Patient: A Comparison of Parental Presence During Induction of Anesthesia Versus Preoperative Sedation, Jennifer Henjum
Treatment Options for Anesthesia Provider Abusing Anesthetic Drugs, Amanda J. Hornung
Tree-Lined, Chad Erickstad
Tribal Data Sovereignty: A Summary of Structures, Systems, Principles, Laws, and Related Resources with an Emphasis on New Mexico, Melanie Nadeau, Amber Lyon-Colbert, Keona Manuelito, Tracy Wharton, and Courtney Davis
Trisha Yearwood, Rock Tweten
Two Drawings, Jona L. Pedersen
Two Flash Fictions, Claire Arneson
Two Flash Fictions, Aubrey Roemmich
Two Poems, Jona L. Pedersen
Two Poems, Caitlin Scheresky
Two Poems, Nyah Kauders
Two Poems, Casey Fuller
Two Poems, Maren Schettler
Two Poems, Chad Erickstad
Two Poems, Charles Henry
Type 1 Issue, Grace Miller
UAS-Guided Electric and Magnetic Field Data Distribution Across Transmission Lines, Tanzim Jim Hassan, Jamison Jangula, Akshay Ram Ramchandra, Prashanth Rajagopalan, Prakash Ranganathan, and Ryan Adams
UAS Teaming For Search And Rescue Applications, Conner Carriere
Unconventional Rock Requires Unconventional Analysis: Methods for Characterization, Shane K. Butler, Alexander Azenkeng, Blaise A.F. Mibeck, Bethany A. Kurz, and Kurt E. Eylands
UND Air Cadets on Parade, May 1943
Underground Coal Gasification 2000, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Understand energy issues with ChatGPT, Haochi Zheng
Understanding AI Literacy: implications for practice, Sara Westall, Janet Anderson, and Devon Olson
Understanding and Addressing Statistics Anxiety, Hairui Liu
Understanding Direct Costing, Gary L. Anderson
Understanding Effective Elastic Properties and Stress-Strain Evolution in Composite Granular Rocks Using Discrete Element Modeling, Prasad Pothana, Fernando E. Garcia, and Kegang Ling
Understanding Student Experiences of Renewable and Traditional Assignments, Virginia Clinton-Lisell and Lindsey Gwozdz
Understanding Students' Views of Science Identity Development, Daphne E. Pedersen, Alena Kubatova, and Rebecca Simmons
Understanding Teacher Education Master Agreements (Contracts), Thomas Smette
Understanding The Effects Hemoglobin and its Optimal Range in Chronic Kidnney Disease Patients, Huyen Buegel
Understanding the Effects of Hemoglobin and its Optimal Range in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, Huygen Buegel
Understanding the Role of Occupational Therapists in Managing Type 1 Diabetes in Adolescents: A Critically Appraised Topic, Jatin Cranmore, Morgan Harshman, and Kelsey Milleson
Unentangle me, Julia Tietz
Unionization of the Military, Ltc. Lavern E. Hammers
Unions in the Military: A Growing Problem, James A. Rohrer
University of Minnesota, Morris, Renewable District Energy Production, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
University of North Dakota Institue For Rural Policy Studies, Elanor M. Goodall
University of North Dakota Institute for Rural Policy Studies, Eleanor M. Goodall
Unknown (Pegasus), Artist Unknown
Unlocking The Potential Of Sustainable Low-Cobalt Cathodes For Lithium-Ion Battery Applications, Temitayo Ojuetimi Ikuerowo
Untitled, Stanley O. Johnson
Untitled, Joel Kerry Soiseth
Untitled, Daniel R. Giessinger
Untitled, Megan Duda
Untitled, Brad Bachmeier
Untitled, Mary Gray
Untitled, George Starcher
Untitled, M. Goggin
Untitled, Paula J. Medley
Untitled, Leila Jose-Lewis
Untitled, Peter John Larson
Untitled, George Starcher
Untitled, George Starcher
Untitled, Ryan Stander
Untitled, John Hitchcock
Untitled (Bison), Sharon DuVall Webb
Untitled (March Around Fire), Artist Unknown
Untitled Monotype, Sharon Linnehan
Untitled (Planet landscape), Paula Medley
Untitled (Still Life), John M. Vleck
Unveiling Facilitators And Barriers Of Breastfeeding Initiation And Continuation And Designing Culturally Tailored Intervention For African American Mothers, Nadia Boahemaa Kyeremeh
Up With People, Rock Tweten
Usage of Microcomputers in North Dakota Secondary School Industrial Arts Program, Gerald H. Nies
Usage of Microcomputers in North Dakota Secondary School Industrial Arts Programs, Gerald H. Niess
Usage of Microcomputers North Dakota Secondary School Industrial Arts Programs, Gerald H. Nies
USDA Wildlife Services Management Efforts At The Grand Forks Wastewater Treatment Plant, Dorothy Celeste Daulton
Use of Chlorine Dioxide to Remove Fish Pathogens From Garrison Diversion Water, Wayne C. Hustoft
Use Of Lidar And Synthetic Bathymetry To Develop Stream Cross Sections For Alternative Modeling Of Streamflow In North Dakota Using Hec-Ras: A Case Study On The Tongue River In North Dakota, James Brennan Sullivan
Use Your Voice, Angela Brayton
Use Your Voice, Alyson Bosch
U.S. Incentives to Capture and Store CO2, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Using An Airship Design To Extend A Small Uncrewed Aircraft Flight Endurance, Joseph Reilly
Using ChatGPT to analyze Child Observations, Grace Keengwe
Using Generative AI in Professional Writing, Renee Cardarelle
Using libEnsemble To Enhance Numerical Ice-Sheet Flow Simulations, Kuang Hsu Wang
Using Social Annotation to Enhance Student Engagement in Psychology Courses, Julie Lazzara and Virginia Clinton-Lisell
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and N.D. Governor Langer, 1937
Utilization of Data Processing Postulated Management Information System, Clair H. Black
Utilizing Occupation-Based Activities To Support Participation In Educational Tasks Within The General Education Classroom, Molly Van Drehle
Vaccum Forming and Styrene Emissions, Kevin D. Matheson
Valuation Of Potential Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Projects Based On Known Economic And Service Criteria, Seth Lykins
Value Screens and Welfare Policy, Brad P. Gibbens
Valuing Angling on Reservoirs Using Benefit Transfer, Richard T. Melstrom, Mark A. Kaemingk, Nicholas W. Cole, John C. Whitehead, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Kevin L. Pope
Variables Related to Nurses' Awareness Level of The Language Disorders Associated with Cerebrovascular Accidents, Micheal W. Halpenny
Variant Editions of The Appeal to Reason 1905-1906, Sharen E. Neet
Variant Editions of The Appeal to Reasons, Sharon E. Neet
Vehicle Crashes In Minnesota: Spatial And Temporal Patterns And Contributing Factors To Crash Severity, Bastien Koralalage Pavithra Navodi Rodrigo
Verb Syntax in Modern French Literature based on Les Croix des Bois, by Roland Dorgeles and La Vie d'Un Simple, by Emile Guillaumin, Wilbrod Flanagan
Verification And Validation Of Software System Class Models, Kruti Shah
Vertigo, Rock Tweten
Vice-President Nixon and Pat Nixon Disembark at Grand Forks Airport, 1960
Vice-President Nixon Greeted by Crowd, 1960, Lee-Evanson Studio
Vice-President Nixon Motorcade, 1960
Vice President Nixon on Campus, September 1960, Lee-Evanson Studio
Vice-President Richard and Pat Nixon, 1960
Vice-President Richard Nixon, 1960
Vice-President Richard Nixon, 1960, Lee-Evanson Studio
Vice-President Richard Nixon Greets a Nun, 1960, Lee-Evanson Studio
Victimization And Perpetration Of Sexual Violence In College Men: Factors Influencing Overlap And Prevention, Jasmine Ann Skorheim
Victor/Victoria, Rock Tweten
View of Fence with Billboards Behind, James Smith Pierce
Visualizing victory: the role of imagery in empowering athletes battling obsessive-compulsive disorder, Sydney Raboin
Volume 19, Number 1 1943, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Volume 19, Number 2 1943, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Volume 19, Number 3 1943, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Vote Boat, Alyson Bosch
Vote Quote, Abigail Derouard
Vulnerability When Fecundity Fails: Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in The Bridge, Melissa Gjellstad
Wage Expenses in Public Utility Regulation, Mary F. Hedges
Wage Expenses in Public Utility Regulation, Mary F. Hedges
Waiting for the Bus, Judy Sopher
Walking Towards Wellness, Madison Lyman
Walsh Hall Architectural Rendering, Wells-Denbrook & Associates, Inc. Architects
Warner Still Life, James A. Butler
Warp Test, Jonathon Sladko
Water, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Water Allocation Practices in The Missouri River Basin: An Economic Perspective, Jeffery W. Ackerman
Water Allocations Practices in The Missouri River Basin: An Economic Perspective, Jeffery W. Ackerman
Water and Soil Gas Sampling Near Richardton, North Dakota, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Waterbody Size Influences Chemical And Community Characteristics Of North Dakota Prairie Wetlands And Lakes, Julia Renee Hampton
Water for Flowers, Grant McMillan
Water Quality Hotspot Analysis on Chlorophyll-a to Monitor Harmful Algal Blooms in Small and Medium Lakes of North Dakota, Sae Young Lee
Water Use in Carbon Capture and Storage Activities, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Week 4 Craft Writing: AI and Creative Non-Fiction, Amy Kielmeyer
Weight Loss for Bariatric Patients: Arterial Embolization versus Gastric Bypass, Morgan Bernhardt
Weight Loss for Bariatric Patients: Arterial Embolization versus Gastric Bypass, Morgan Bernhardt
Wellness Center Program Study, Sheri A. Pallen
Wetland Carbon Sinks in the Glaciated North American Prairie, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What Are The Behavioral Effects Of Artificial Dyes On Children In The Us?, Lauryn Ollerman
What is CCS?, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What is CCS?, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What is CCS?, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What is CO2 Sequestration?, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What is Dignity?, Jack Russell Weinstein and Michael Rosen
What is Love?, Jack Russell Weinstein and Simon May
What Is Love? (Baby Don’t Hurt Me), Clara Anderson-Cameron
What is the PCOR Partnership?, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What is the PCOR Partnership?, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What is the PCOR Partnership?, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What Makes social media so Addictive, and How Does it Affect our Mental Health?, Abigail Larson
What might the Humanities mean to you and your life?, Thyra Knapp
What’s it Like Being a Philosophy Student?, Jack Russell Weinstein, Samuel Amendolar, Terese Azure, Madilyn Lee, and Sara Rasch
What's the Story with Ocean Fish?, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
What the Public Thinks of its School, Edgar M. Olson
Where Are U Going? CARRC, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Why Do Scientists and Engineers Leave/Stay?, Jeff Burgess
Why do we Dehumanize People?, Jack Russell Weinstein and David Livingstone Smith
Why You Stopped Writing Poems, Casey Fuller
Willie Nelson, Rock Tweten
Williston Basin Water Treatment Technology Test Bed, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Winter 2004, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2005, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2006, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2007, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2007, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2008, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2009, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2010, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2011, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2014, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2015, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2017, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter 2018, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Winter Commencement: December 14-15, 2023, University of North Dakota
Winter Storm Warning, Carl Homstad
Wired for Growth? Information Technology and the Future of Rural North Dakota, Lance Olimb
Woman with a Green Shirt, Myke Knutson
Wooden Ball Game with Sticks, Maker Uknown
Words Meant for a Notecard, Brenden Kimpe
Workload Assessment for Community Corrections Staffing for the Washington Department of Corrections, Nathan Lowe, Adam K. Matz, Benjamin Korelitz, Angela Greene, and Kathryb Hogan
Woven Wooden Coasters, Maker Unknown
You Are The Missing Piece, Hannah Tanski
You Must be Judith…, J Alcon
You must whisper this poem, Maren Schettler
Your Choice Can Make A Difference, Abigail Derouard
Zama Acid Gas EOR, CO2 Sequestration, and Monitoring Project, University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Zamzam Ulow, Zamzam Ulow