"Variables Related to Nurses' Awareness Level of The Language Disorders" by Micheal W. Halpenny

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study was designed to investigate nurses' levels of awareness of the language disorders associated with cerebrovascular accidents. The subjects consisted of registered nurses from two major hospitals in North Dakota, one hospital in South Dakota, three in Minnesota, and three in Wisconsin. The hospitals and states chosen represent the geographical region known as the Upper Northwest of the United States.

The variables that were investigated to determine levels of awareness were nurses' educational background, years of practice as a registered nurse, and the setting in which the nurses provide patient care. Data were collected through questionnaires that were sent to registered nurses working in intensive care, intermediate care, and rehabilitative care. Statistical analysis of these data consisted of: determination of central tendency and dispersion, and establishment of significant differences using a one way analysis of variance.

Results indicated the setting in which nurses provide patient care is the only variable that influences nurses' awareness levels of the language disorders associated with cerebrovascular accidents.
