"The Meaning of Death For Heinrich Von Kleist" by Leah Manning Stetzner

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Languages & Literatures


Death was, a major concern for Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) I in his literary works and in his life. This thesis traces that concern through his letters, anecdotes, dramas, and Novelle. The works are discussed and, in most cases, analyzed separately on the basis of death's role in them as a motivating, complicati.ng, and resolving factor, in order to better understand the meaning of death for Kledst's characters and for Kleist himself. The discussions include pertinent comment from selected critics, to compare and contrast 9ther interpretations of these deaths. An initial review of Kleist's life and a concluding section on his suicide form a bio- \, graphical framework for the treatment of his literary works. While analysis of the works and criticism shows a complex and rich variety of interpretations of death, the biographical sections express the conclusion that Kleist's suicide was the result of chronic, severe depression, insecurity and anxiety, a psychological vulnerability aggravated by his inability to form supportive love relationships and the failure of his family and contemporaries to recognize his literary genius
