"Organizational Climate and School Size Related to Student Self-Concept" by Marvin E. Sorum

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching & Learning


The Problem: This study had as its purpose the investigation of the nature and the degree of the relationship between the size of a secondary school, the organizational climate of the school and the student background transeunt effects on student attitude toward school, and on student self-concept. This study investigated the differences which existed between school size and selected student and teacher variables; and, then, if there were differences, to discover the nature of those differences.

Sample: Based on the secondary school population, thirty-four North Dakota secondary schools were divided into: school size 1 ("over 1,000"), school size 2 (501-1,000), school size 3 (251-500), school size 4 (100-250), and school size 5 ("under 100"). The samples per school size consisted of 160 second semester, 12th grade students and 40 faculty members engaged in the teaching-learning processes of the student sample. Therefore, the universal sample consisted of 800 students and 200 faculty members.

Procedure: Data for the study were gathered by administering the Self Appraisal Inventory and the School Sentiment Index to the student sample and the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire to the faculty sample. These instruments were administered to the research population during the month of March, 1972.

Summary of the Findings: 1. The most favorable combination of factors affecting student success in secondary schools in North Dakota were: (a) a positive student attitude toward school, (b) positive family ties and influence, and (c) a high school principal whose behavior is characterized by his evident effort to "move the organization" through example. A negative learning situation is one where: (a) a student has a negative attitude toward teachers because of the mode of instruction, (b) a student feels that he cannot be trusted, and (c) teachers are characterized by low esprit.

2. Secondary schools with over 500 students developed the most favorable school climate as measured by the school staff.

3. Schools of 500 and fewer students provided more favorable developmental climates for positive student self-concept and attitude toward school.

4. Participation in school sports has a high transeunt peer value but no significant transeunt value to teacher instruction, authority and control, interpersonal relationships, or learning.

5. Student participation in journalism has the highest transeunt value of all school activities.

6. Farm backgrounds provided higher positive attitude toward school and had high peer value.

7. Students who plan to continue their education had a higher positive self-concept and attitude toward school.

8. Work in the household was most beneficial to a student in terms of self-concept and attitude toward school.

9. The size of a student's family or the order of his birth had no significant transeunt effect.

10. If a student considers himself in the upper one-half of his class, the transeunt value significantly enhances his self- concept and attitude toward school.

11. Girls have significantly higher self-concepts and attitudes toward school than do the boys.
