"Vaccum Forming and Styrene Emissions" by Kevin D. Matheson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this research was to investigate if production of composites through use of the vacuum bag forming would result in different levels of styrene emission than the use of the hand lay-up process.

The following objectives were outlined:

  1. To test styrene emission levels in a controlled setting by using both hand lay-up and vacuum bag forming processes

  2. To determine significant differences in styrene emissions between the two processes

  3. To research and develop a vacuum bag forming device which will conform to those used in industry

Quasi-experimental research design was utilized by producing twelve composite samples; six were vacuum bag formed, and six were hand lay-up formed. Four air quality samples were gathered during each composite production, for a total of 48 air samples. The data were analyzed statistically to accept or reject the hypotheses at the 0.1 level of significance.
