"Vulnerability When Fecundity Fails: Infertility and Assisted Reproduct" by Melissa Gjellstad

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Publication Title

Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture


Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) transformed the treatment of infertility in the Scandinavian welfare state. In the course of a forty-year history, Denmark has become an international leader in the proportion of babies born via ART. The third season of the Danish/Swedish television serial The Bridge (2015) includes a subplot of infertility and state responsiveness to the involuntarily childless, fertile donors and donor-conceived children. This chapter outlines milestones in medically assisted reproduction in Denmark and Sweden, including current policy differences around surrogacy, and considers those states and the consequences for their citizens in a literary vulnerability analysis of The Bridge informed by scholars Martha Fineman and Rachel Anne Fenton.

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First published as:

Gjellstad, Melissa. “Vulnerability When Fecundity Fails: Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in The Bridge.” Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture, edited by Adriana Margareta Dancus et al., Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 103–25. Springer Link, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37382-5_6.

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