Submissions from 2024
Developing Students’ Post-Pandemic Global Competencies through Sustainable Humanities, Thyra E. Knapp, Rebecca Weaver-Hightower, and Melissa Gjellstad
Submissions from 2020
Vulnerability When Fecundity Fails: Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in The Bridge, Melissa Gjellstad
Submissions from 2019
Reflections on Teaching the Convergence of Scandinavian Settlement and Native American Removal in the Upper Midwest, Melissa Gjellstad
Submissions from 2018
Simmering with rage: Kitchens and intimate partner violence in Eva Sørhaug’s 90 Minutes, Melissa Gjellstad
Faculty Navigating the Age of Austerity: Affirming Roles and Renewing Alliances, Melissa Gjellstad and Ryan Zerr
Submissions from 2016
Review: Encounter on the Great Plains: Scandinavian Settlers and the Dispossession of Dakota Indians, 1890–1930, Melissa Gjellstad
Submissions from 2015
Aligning Assessment: Developing Performance Tasks to Assess GE Outcomes, Joan Hawthorne, Melissa Gjellstad, and Ryan Zerr
Submissions from 2014
Creating New Fairytales: Statoil, Snøhvit, and Petroleum Exploration in the Arctic, Melissa Gjellstad
Submissions from 2010
Picturing Family Histories: Torill Kove and Lene Ask, Melissa Gjellstad
Submissions from 2009
On Peer Observation of Teaching, Melissa Gjellstad