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This article from Daily Compass dated ca.1950 titled "Mundt Bill Is Threat To U.S., Says Langer" states Senator William Langer's opposition to the Mundt-Ferguson Bill. Senator Langer claims it is "the greatest threat to American civil liberties since the Alien and Sedition Laws of 1798".
Date of Work
Mundt-Ferguson, Daily Compass, anti-subversive, Alien and Sedition Laws, Richard Nixon, Communist
Organizations Referenced
Un-American Activities Committee, Communist Party, Senate, Loyalty Review Board, Harvard Law School
People Referenced
Karl Mundt, Phil Ferguson, Richard Nixon, Harley M. Kilgore, Charles Evans Hughes, John W. Davis, Seth W. Davidson, Zechariah Chafee, Estes Kefauve, Warren Magnuson
Political History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Daily Compass, "Article from Daily Compass, Mundt Bill Is Threat To U.S., Says Langer, ca.1950" (2022). William Langer Papers. 1058.