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➢ Tendinopathy is a clinical syndrome marked by persistent localized pain and tendon thickening, stemming from repetitive overuse. It poses diagnostic and management challenges due to its chronic nature..

➢ This literature review was performed to inform clinicians about the properties, safety, and efficacy of PRP injections as an adjunctive therapy in chronic tendinopathies, specifically the epicondylar and Achilles tendons. A comprehensive review of 12 clinical trials, exploring the efficacy of PRP injections was performed. The primary focus of this review looked into the trends in efficacy, including pain reduction and activity improvement, using various functional assessment scales like the VAS, PRTEE, DASH and VISA-A.

➢ Overall, studies comparing PRP with various modalities show promise in reducing pain, improving function, and fostering tendon regeneration. Combining PRP with physical therapy often yields superior outcomes, urging further exploration of optimal PRP formulations, concentrations, injection intervals, and the role of ultrasound guidance. Addressing current limitations and optimizing protocols through further research will enhance our understanding and utilization of PRP in tendinopathy treatment.


Physician Assistant Studies

Degree Name

Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)

Date of Work


First Advisor

Staveteig, Mindy

Publication Date

Spring 2024


Medicine and Health Sciences

Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma Injections to Combat Chronic Tendinopathies
