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Journal of Applied Polymer Science




The use of mixed-matrix materials (MMM) has become a major topic of research in recent years, due to unique properties achieved in these composites. In this work, biochar from sunflower seed hull pyrolysis and biochar/polysulfone (PSF) MMMs were produced and characterized. The optimal pyrolysis temperature for biochar production was determined to be 500 °C. The resulting biochar properties were an iodine number of 203 mg/g and a pore volume of 0.595 mL/g. In MMM fabrication, the use 4% ethanol as nonsolvent in the wet phase inversion process increased the glass transition temperature by 8 °C, indicating improved biochar/PSF interaction. The presence of biochar was shown to create pores in otherwise dense surfaces. The critical surface energy was also increased by the addition of biochar from 28.6 mN/m in pristine PSF to 35.7 mN/m in biochar/PSF MMMs. We identified and discussed several potential applications based on the determined properties.








"This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:

Lewis, J., Miller, M., Crumb, J., Al‐Sayaghi, M., Buelke, C., Tesser, A. and Alshami, A., 2019. Biochar as a filler in mixed matrix materials: synthesis, characterization, and applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136(41), p.48027.

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