"A Study of The Job Satisfaction of North Dakota Industrial Arts Teache" by Ronald Dahl


Ronald Dahl

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study was to determine if industrial arts teachers in North Dakota were satisfied with their jobs and to identify job related problem areas which might exist for the industrial arts teacher.

The objectives of this study were to: (1) Develop an instrument which would be used to identify possible problem areas of the industrial arts teacher in North Dakota, (2) Identify the factors of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction, (3) Correlate the degree of job satisfaction of industrial arts teachers as measured along selected dimension of their job by the JDI, (4) Determine what effect job satisfaction has upon teachers planning on leaving their present positions.

The type of research employed in this study was descriptive, using a survey questionnaire developed by the researcher and the JDI (Job Descriptive Index) as data retrieval tools. Literature concerning theories of satisfaction, job satisfaction instrument development, and other studies concerning industrial arts teachers job satisfaction were reviewed for this study. Data was collected from the industrial arts teachers teaching at the elementary or secondary level in North Dakota for the 1977-1978 school term. This data was then tabulated and analyzed with statistical analysis

The conclusions formulated concerning this study were based upon the statistical analysis performed.

  1. The number of industrial arts teachers per school and hours of instruction were important factors in determining the satisfaction/ dissatisfaction of industrial arts teachers in North Dakota

  2. The age of industrial arts teachers and hours of instruction were important factors in determining the satisfaction/dissatisfaction of industrial arts teachers in North Dakota

  3. An industrial arts teacher will most likely seek different employment in education but not as an industrial arts teacher if he was not satisfied with his present supervision and if he had taught in industrial arts for many years (the more years the more likely he would seek this employment).

  4. An industrial arts teacher would most likely seek employment in industry if he received low pay (the lower the pay the more likely he would seek this employment), if he had small amounts of class preparation time, and if the industrial arts teacher was overall dissatisfied with his/her job.

  5. Most industrial arts teachers in North Dakota were overall dissatisfied with their jobs. The least satisfying was pay and the most satisfying was their work
