"Insights From Teachers And Students On Literacy Strategy Integration I" by Margaret Hilbers

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching, Leadership & Professional Practice

First Advisor

Pamela Beck


Literacy development is an essential aspect of academic success. Educational institutions have worked to implement various strategies and initiatives to increase students’ literacy skills. Understanding the insights of both students and teachers is important for utilizing these skills effectively and if they have impact. Implementing strategies and initiatives at the secondary level should be strategic and help strengthen teachers’ instruction but also student outcomes. The study aims to understand the insights and experiences of both students and teachers to create more opportunities to enhance literacy instruction and strategies used in secondary content area classes. Research indicates that teachers need more professional development in literacy, while students lived experiences help shape their understanding of how to use such strategies. This phenomenological study seeks to examine the following research questions: What are secondary teachers’ experiences and insights when incorporating effective, research-based literacy instruction in content areas? What are high school students’ experiences and insights when using literacy strategies in their classes? The data revealed from individual interviews indicated that using literacy strategies in different content areas is vital to helping students gain deep knowledge as well as the need for demonstrating how to use strategies correctly and over time. Teacher data showed the importance of implementation of these strategies and initiatives; however, more support is needed in their classroom instruction. Supports include professional development, utilizing experts’ knowledge in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and others. Student insights indicated that over time, teacher who utilized literacy strategies helped them become stronger readers and writers. It was through expertise from their teachers and the use of different literacy strategies that made them feel successful. Research concludes the need for more teacher support and professional development on effectively integrating literacy strategies and the need to keep student insights of what is working at the forefront of those decisions. Keywords: Literacy strategies, teacher insights, student insights, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Professional Development, Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR), Graphic Organizer Strategies
