"Development of photography curriculum program: Facilitating the transi" by John M. Osborne

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE)


Competition for job openings is becoming increasingly difficult for college graduates. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2007), "Photographers can expect keen competition for job openings. The number of individuals interested in positions is much greater than the number of openings" (~27). As a result of this increasing competition, this study is intended to develop a model curriculum for a four-year baccalaureate degree program in photography with a business emphasis. More specifically, this study is aimed at developing curriculum that will enable students to more readily transition from academic theory into business and industrial practice.

In this study, a core course list was developed based on surveys of professional photographers. This core list provides recommendations for photography- and business related courses based on perceived needs by professionals within the photography industry, indicating the top 20 courses that should comprise a required core program. Suggested photography-related courses were fundamentals of photography, lighting, studio and portfolio development, and personal interaction skills, while business-related courses focused on the ability to market and sell one's wares by concentrating on courses in selling, marketing, and management.
