Theses/Dissertations from 1973
An Analysis of the Role Perception and Role Performance of Superintendents, Principals and Teachers in Selected High Schools in the State of Minnesota, Ronald F. Frohrip
A Performance Evaluation of 1970-72 Secretarial and Clerical Graduates of the Canby Area Vocational Institute, Canby, Minnesota, Robert B. Hessling
A Study of Organizational Climate and Educational Change in Selected North Dakota High Schools, Edward J. Hill
A Comparison Between Teacher-Directed Instruction and Student Self-Directed Study in Physical Science for Undergraduate Elementary Education Majors, Douglas L. Magnus
The Effects of Word Context and Meaning Upon Second Grade Students' Word Recognition Ability, L. Duane Melling
An Analysis of the Relationships Between Arbitration Board Awards and Selected Independent Variables in the Providence of Manitoba, Aron Sawatsky
Organizational Climate and School Size Related to Student Self-Concept and Attitude Toward School, Marvin E. Sorum
A Study of Pupil Achievement in Differentiated and Traditionally Staffed Elementary Classrooms, Gordon Leigh York
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Career Education and Its Implication for Vocational-Technical Education, Jack H. Adams
A Study of the Future Roles of the Four North Dakota State Colleges, Merton W. Andresen
Self Concept and Achievement Among Elementary Students in an Experimental Program, J. Daniel Beebe
An Analysis of the Effects of In-Service Science Assistance on Elementary Teacher and Student Attitudes and Practices, Douglas A. DeGroote
The Effectiveness of the Cooperating Teacher in the Student Teaching Experience as Determined by the Student Teacher, Donald Henry Charles Eshelby
A Comparison of Three Groups of Teacher Trainees' Conceptual and Philosophical Orientations, John H. Kelleher
Attitudes and Behavior of Educators Involved in Confluent Teaching, Martin M. Koller
A Study of Perceptions of Teachers and Teacher Educators of Current Educational Issues as Identified by North Dakota Public School Teachers, Jonathan Levine
A History of the Regimental Bands of Minnesota During the Civil War, Stewart G. Patrick
Graduation exercises as practiced and preferred in the major accredited high schools of North Dakota, John J. Seher
A Study of Attitudes, Competencies, and Understandings Achieved Through the Medium of Electronic Music in Selected Upper Elementary and Junior High School Classrooms, Fredrick R. Willman
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Review and Analysis of the Nine Model Programs in Elementary Teacher Education with Synthesis for Application in Field Experiences, Wayne C. Erickson
A Determination and Evaluation of Pre-Clinical Competencies: The Opinions of Student Teachers, Cooperating Teachers, and Progressional Educators, Roger W. C. Rasmussen
The Relationship Between Selected Language Arts and Proofreading Performance, Eudene M. Stuart
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
A Study of the Effects of a Free Reading Program in Social Studies on the Self Image of a Selected Group of Eleventh Grade Core Students, Jerome R. Jekel
Articulation of Shorthand and Typewriting in Four-Year Collegs Offering a Business Teacher Education Major in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana, Darrell Morrison
A Literature Survey (1960-1970) to Identify the Slow Learner's Capabilities in Business Education, Loretta Sedlmayer
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Vocational Office Education in the European Economic Community Countries: An Interpretive Analysis with Specific Emphasis on the Secondary School Level, Helene L. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
The Position of the Female Secretary in the United States from 1900 Through 1967: An Historical Study, Elizabeth Shaughnessy Oelrich
A Sruvey of Opinions Pertaining to the Development of Composition Skill at the Typewriter, Janeth L. Spicer
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Relative Effects of Study Spelling Kinesthetically Through the Medium of the Typewriter, Sister M. Rita Jeanne Abicht
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
Teaching Transcription on the Secondary Level: Theories and Practices, Robert Gryder
The Master's Degree in Business Education: An Analysis and a Critique, John C. Peterson
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
Origin and Development of the Portable Board Indoor Running Track in Winnipeg, Manitoba, S. Jack Hunt
A Study to Determine Whether Consideration Should Be Given to Weight and Certain Anthropometric Measurements When Curl-Ups as a Test of Abdominal Strength, Graydon A. Rostberg
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
Current Practices in Interscholastic Athletics for Class B Junior High Schools in Selected Counties of Southeastern North Dakota, John M. Rhode
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
A Study of Aviation Education in the Secondary Schools of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota, Edgar M. Byers Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
A Study of the Athletic By-Laws of Member and Affiliated Associations of the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations, Robert E. Bennett
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
Insurance Plans Used in Colleges and Universities of the Northern United States, Robert D. Johnson
The administration of swimming pools in colleges and universities of the United States, James A. Stewart
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
Physical Education Leadership, Programs, and Facilities in the Larger North Dakota Elementary Schools, Joel Kolba
A Survey of the Orientation Practices of New Teachers in Minnesota and North Dakota Public Schools, Telford L. Pederson
A Survey of Summer Recreation Programs in the Small Communities of the Red River Valley and Adjacent Areas, Harold William Poier
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
Health Evaluation of School Personnel, Robert H. Fielder
Kindergartens in North Dakota, Bridget Anne Gallagher
The Administration and Supervision of Intramural Activities in Selected High Schools of Minnesota and North Dakota, Harold Kraft
The Purpose, Content, and Value, of the High School Mimeographed Newspaper, Earl Arthur McKay
The Status of the Summer Recreational Program of Mid-West and North West Colleges in the United States, Lorne Miller
A Historical Review of the Grand Portage Indian Reservation with Special Emphasis on Indian Education, Erwin F. Mittelholtz
History of Education in the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation of North Dakota, Robert J. Murray
A Study of the Undergraduate Professional Education with Special Emphasis on the Preparation for Extracurricular Responsibilities, William B. Richter
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
A Survey of the Use of Audio-Visual Aids in Typewriting in the State of North Dakota, Adolph E. Beich
A Survey of the Teaching of Typing in North Dakota, Donald M. Braniff
History, Organization, Administration and Functions of the First District Health Unit and its Relationship to the Schools, Duane C. Carlson
The Health Training Given Prospective Teachers in Mid-Western Colleges and Universities, Homer M. Engelhorn
A Study of the Organization and Function of the Coaches' Associations of the United States, Alfred Carrier Larvick
Analysis of North Dakota High School Football Injuries for 1951 and Related Factors, Robert Henry Peskey
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
Administrative Practices in Boys' Physical Education and Athletics in North Dakota High Schools, Gerald J. Anstett
Trends in interscholastic athletic competition, grades 7-8-9 and below grade 7 in the central district of the American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, James Louis Brinkman
Volley Ball Skill Tests for Eighth Grade Boys, Warren W. Freed
Health Services in North Dakota Fully and Minor Accredited Schools, Edgar V. Johnson
Leisure-Time Activities of Business and Professional Men in North Dakota 1951, Donald George Layton
Policies and Practices in Teacher Placement, Rudolph Malpert
The Status of the Athletic Coach in North Dakota, Gordon Steen Obie
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
Attitude of Parents Toward Existing School Health Programs in North Dakota, Francis B. Conito
A Study of the Trends of Basketball Offenses and Defenses Used in North Dakota High Schools, Leon A. Lande
A Survey of Health Appraisal in North Dakota Fully and Minor Accredited Schools, John H. McLaughlin
Physical Education Leadership, Facilities, and Equipment in the Minnesota High Schools, Marlin Clark McNeal
Degree of Existing Cooperation Between the Schools and Community Recreational Groups in North Dakota, Leonard Joseph Olson
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
Navajo Indian Educational Administration, Kenneth Iven Dale
Certain Factors Concerned with the Best Location of School Buildings in North Dakota, Alex P. Ferguson
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
A Guide for Boy's Physical Education in the Grand Forks Public High Schools, Glenn S. Hubbard
Theses/Dissertations from 1946
History of Consolidated Schools in North Dakota, Norman H. Hanson
Theses/Dissertations from 1943
The Utilization of the Junior Red Cross as an Enrichment Program in the Schools, Ronald C. Bauer
A Vocabulary Study of Nine Third Grade Health Readers, Herman I. Berger
The High School Dormitories in North Dakota, Edward L. Conroy
Leave Regulations in the Fully Accredited High Schools of North Dakota, Harald Dordal
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
Administrative Practices in Minnesota High Schools, Kenneth L. Halvorson
A Survey of the Amount of Duplication of Courses at the North Dakota Agricultural College and at the University of North Dakota, Kenneth L. Hankerson
A Comparative Educational Survey of Carlton and Pine Counties in Minnesota, O. A. Homme
A Statistical Study of the Arithmetical Vocabularies Found in Ten Fourth-Grade Arithmetic Textbooks, Olaf Calmer Kjosness
The Status of Instrumental Music in the High Schools of Montana, Delmar P. Langbell
A Guidance Program for North Dakota High Schools, Orrie Edwin Larson
An Experimental Study in Remedial Reading in the Intermediate Grades, Alfred Samuel Nehring
The Dean of women, her work in the North Dakota state teachers colleges, Julia M. Shea
A Comparative Study of the Methods Employed in the Teaching of Oral English, Russell Tooze
The Personality Traits of Students Who are Consistently Handicapped on Time Limit Examinations, James A. Unger
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
The Origin of the German-Russian People and Their Role in North Dakota, Joseph B. Voeller
Theses/Dissertations from 1939
A Motivated Physics Course, Melvin Orvey Jeglum
Theses/Dissertations from 1938
Chemistry Activity Units for the Integrated Curriculum, C. Sidney Bjorlie
Theses/Dissertations from 1937
Albania - The Adriatic's Problem Child, John Louis Rezatto
Theses/Dissertations from 1936
The Extent and Nature of Cooperative Part-Time Vocational Training in Public High Schools of the United States: Part I, L. Clifford Herness
Supervised Study in a Small High School, O. E. Nestvold
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
An Objective Study of the Informational Needs of Parents in Child Psychology, William Ferdinand Bublitz
Differences and Delimiting Factors in Reading Piano Scores, Hermann Frederick Buegel
Adult Educational Interests as Indicated by Life-Problems and Membership in Organizations of Unselected Adults, George William Crossman