Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching & Learning


The Problem

This study had as its purpose the review and analysis of nine Models for elementary teacher education. These Models were Phase I of a USOE Elementary Teacher Education Project. Considerations for preliminary analysis for this study were to determine:

  1. 1. What were the Models' conceptions of a teacher?
  2. 2. What program content and curriculum strategies were proposed for preparing a teacher of this description?
  3. 3. In what ways did the Models provide for matching of training procedures with student character?
  4. 4. How did the Models accept the challenge of relating teacher education with the field?
  5. 5. To what extent did the Models advocate or incorporate systems management in relation to the learning systems?
    1. In order to more specifically note what changes proposed by the hypothetical Models would be applicable for field experiences in established education programs, the analysis included the following queries:

    2. 1. Reliance on technology?
    3. 2. Emphasis on individualization?
    4. 3. Emphasis on performance criteria and behavioral objectives?
    5. 4. Cooperation of all concerned with teacher education; academic and education departments in the universities and colleges, the public schools, private industry, the state departments of education and local communities?
    6. 5. Differentiated roles for students during their field experiences?
    7. 6. Provisions for exposure to a variety of experiences— age levels, cultures, specializations, kinds of schools as rural, urban or suburban?
    8. 7. Trends toward separation of degree and certification requirements?

    Method of Research

    The method of historical research was used for the portion of the study developing the historicity of the concerns in teacher education which prompted the USOE to sponsor the nine Models. Similarly, the review of the literature of related innovations in teacher education was developed through historical research.

    Content survey method of descriptive research was used for the subsequent portions of the study dealing with norms of the Model programs. This normative research was concerned, not only with identification of proposed standards of Models, but also with synthesis and application of such suggestions to contemporary field experiences of teacher education programs.


    The following conclusions were drawn from the results of this study:

    1. 1. The Models were in general agreement in hypothesizing a performing teacher with greater responsibilities than in existing schools.
    2. 2. While there was agreement upon the teacher as a clinician and decision-maker, program components and provision for individualization varied according to each Model's view of the performing teacher.
    3. 3. Field experiences provided were expanded upon from existing programs through early and continuous experiences integrated with total programs of education.
    4. 4. Centers were the general mode of operation for cooperative endeavor among colleges and schools. However, the center design including differentiated staffing structure and amount of college input varied from one Model to the next.
    5. 5. Supervision of field experiences took on a new dimension through greater involvement and preparation for supervisors in the public school setting.
