Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Teaching & Learning


This study was designed to identify the slow learner’s capabilities in business education. The study began with a perusal of the Business Education Index and the Education Index for literature relative to slow learners in general and particularly to slow learners in business education. Materials used were those written between i960 and 1970.

The findings ware classified into three main parts: (1) a general description of the slow learner—his I.Q. range and characteristics pertinent to his educational and occupational potential and needs; (2) the role that business education plays in preparing him for satisfactory office employment; and (3) the acceptance of the slow learner into business offices.

The findings indicated that the 1.0. range of the slow learner Is between 70 and 95; he is approximately two years below his peers in his class; he learns slowly and lacks self-confidence. He can be employed in office jobs performing, tasks within his ability. The slow learner’s needs are essentially the same as those of normal children, but he needs more feelings of success, acceptance, and affection.

Teachers must include in their efforts much patience, time, and encouragement. Methods should be adapted to include participation, variety, audio-visual aids, and activity- oriented lessons.

Businessmen must become aware of the capabilities of slow-learning graduates and adapt some of their office ^obs to make room for those people, perhaps by reducing secretarial variety and making allowances so that some of the menial tasks can be performed by slow-learning adults.
