"A Comparative Study of Social Behavior of Children: Kindergarten Throu" by Vernon F. Harmeson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching & Learning


The purpose of this study was to investigate the soundness of teacher rankings and ratings. This investigation was made by comparing teacher rankings, the Hewett Teacher Rating Scale and the California Test of Personality.

To this end the major purposes of this study were:

  1. 1. to determine the relationship that exists between teacher ranking of children in three areas of social behavior: "socially adjusted" behavior, "antisocial" behavior, and "withdrawn" behavior and scores of the child on the related subsections of the California Test of Personality.
  2. to determine the relationship that exists between the teacher ranking of children on the above three areas of social behavior and the teacher ratings of the child on individual items of the Hewett Teacher Rating Scale.


The research population consisted of 882 students. Of the research population 687 were identified by the thirty teachers in the study as being in the upper twenty-seven per cent or the lower twenty-seven per cent of the teacher rankings. Teachers ranked their children in three categories of social behavior. The three categories used were: "socially adjusted" behavior, "antisocial" behavior, and "withdrawn" behavior. Statistical procedure used included multiple correlation and stepwise backward elimination. Categorical predictors included, teacher ranking of socially adjusted behavior, teacher ranking of antisocial behavior, and teacher ranking of withdrawn behavior.

Results and Conclusions

  1. 1. Teachers are able to recognize children that manifest "socially adjusted" behavior.
  2. 2. A high degree of relationship can be ascertained between "socially adjusted" behavior, academic achievement, and individual items of the Hewett Teacher Rating Scale.
  3. 3. Teachers have some difficulties in discriminating between “antisocial" behavior and "withdrawn" behavior.
