Theses/Dissertations from 2013
A Comparison Of Online And Offline Gamblers: An Experimental Manipulation Of Escape, Kevin Steven Montes
A Broad-Based Decision-Making Assessment Of College Women With Bulimia And Binge-Eating Disorder, Erin Murtha-Berg
Life History Strategy And The Role Of Self-Regulation In Cheating Behavior, Joshua Reynolds
Cultural Identity And Behavioral Health Risk In Northern Plains American Indian Adolescents, WanmdiWi Jessi Rose
Perceptions Of Sex Offenders: Impact Of Type Of Sex Offense, History Of Sexual Abuse, And Frequency Of Offense, Shannon Marie Sommer
Influence Of Gender And Race On Self-Objectification, Kaylee M. Trottier
Pregnancy, Sexism, And The Greek System, Taylor Marie Walkky
Risky Behavior, Urgency, And Anonymity: What Sex, Drugs, And Eating Disorders Have In Common, Mary Zander
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
No Halos For Sex Offenders: An Examination Of The Effects Of Appearance And Gender On The Perception Of Sex Offenders, Adam Charles Austin
Effects Of Gender Role Violations On Hypermasculine Men's Aggression In A Laboratory Paradigm, Hannah Borhart
Video Game Engagement And Pathology: Relationships Between Gaming Habits And Gaming Experience, Psychopathology, And Personality Variables, John Adam Campbell
State Anxiety and High-Risk Developmental Influences on Laboratory-Provoked Aggression Among College Men, Samantha L. Chase
College Women And Social Networking Sites: Reasons For Use And Related Mental Health Constructs, Jo Michelle Ellison
Delay Discounting Among American Indian And Non-Indian College Students, Angelique Gillis
Intimate Partner Violence: Implications For Northern Plains And Upper Midwest American Indian Mother-Daughter Dyads' Attachment Relationships, Julii Monette Green
Components Of Memory Function And Attentional Biases In Individuals With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Contamination Fears And Compulsive Checking Symptoms, Kristin Louise Holland
Perceptions Of Female Police Officer Use Of Force: Stereotypes And Gender Role Expectations, Jamie Lee Jensen
An Examination Of Aggressive Responding To Visual Feedback And Physical Provocation, Virginia Elizabeth Klophaus
Intelligence Testing For Persons With Visual Impairments: Haptic Matrices Intelligence Assessment, Heather Ann Pedersen
The Impact Of Time Of Day, Sleep, And Nutrition On Age-Related Changes In Cognitive Performance, Jaclyn Reckow
Differences In Romantic Relationship Satisfaction And Health As A Function Of Pet Preference, Jenna Rae Trisko
The Five-Factor Model As Predictor Of Performance On Decision-Making Tasks, Darci Van Dyke
Juror Personality And Legal Blame, Eugenia Vazquez
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Depressed Native Americans and Suicidal Ideation Contagion, Jeri Ann Azure
Factors Predicting Exercise Behavior of Graduate Students, Bibha Gautam
Alleviating Equines: Investigating the Hypothesized Mechanisms of Change in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Kathy L. Korell-Rach
The efficacy of verbal assertiveness training on reducing risk of sexual assualt, Holly Michelle Rusinko
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Smokers' Responses to Fearful and Disgust-Eliciting Anti-Smoking Media, Mark C. Goetz
The Role of Social Support on Risk Factors and Frequency of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Erica R. Hoff
A Multi-Site Comparison of Purging-Type Disorders, Joanna Marino
A Comparison of the Functions of Eating Disorder Behaviors to Non-Suicidal, Self-Injury, Naomi L. Peyerl
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Energy Drink Consumption in College Students: Report of Physical and Psychological Symptoms in Association with Chronic Consumption Habits, Rebecca J. Cicha
Depression And Health Among American Indian and Alaska Native Elders, Crystal R. Evans
Math Performance as a Function of Math Anxiety and Arousal Performance Theory, Donald M. Farnsworth Jr.
The Emergence of an Own-Gender Bias Within a Change Blindness and Eyewitness Paradigm, Alison E. Finstad
Depression Symptom Changes as a Function of Increased Creative Behavior Over a Two-Week Recording Period, Julie M. Grieves
The Differences in Levels of Job Satisfaction Burnout and Self-Efficacy BEtween Correctional and Community Psychologists: The Effect of Personality and Work Environment, Allison M. Herlickson
Achievement Despite Adversity: Measuring Reilience in Northern Plains Native American College Students, Kyle X. Hill
Measuring Supervisor Self-Efficacy: Development and Validation of the Psychotherapy Supervisor Self-Efficacy Scale, Robert A. Johnson
A Behavioral Health Intervention for Decreasing Weight Gain in First Year University Students, Sonia E.A. Marrone
The Effect of a One Time Imagery Intervention on Self-Efficacy and Exercise Frequency in a Non-Exercising Population, Lindsay Ross-Stewart
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Convergent And Discriminant Validity of Biculturalism And Depression Among Northern Plains American Indians, Laiel I. Baker
Cortisol Response of Non-Suicidal Self-Injurers versus Non-Self-Injurers Exposed to a Social Rejection Laboratory Stressor, Patrick L. Kerr
A Behavioral Intervention Targeting A Reduction In Child Distress During A Routine Immunization, Matthew P. Myrvik
Effects of Motivational Interviewing on Levels of Physical Activity in Older Adults, Anna M. Pignol
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The Role of Impulsivity and Compulsivity in Disordered Eating, Self-Harm, and Obligatory Exercise in a Nonclinical Sample, AnnaMarie A. Carlson
The Effects of Time of Day on Executive Function and Memory in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Jennifer M. Garaas
An Examination Of Executive Function And Reading Ability In Children With A Reading Disability And Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Shyla Leigh Muse
Executive Functioning and Memory Performance in ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome, Kristi A. Walen
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Time of Day, Attention, Sleep Quality, and Driving Experience: Possible Moderators of Age-Related Differences in Driving Performance, Carol L. Bennett
Patterns Of Relationship Satisfaction And Sexual Behavior As A Function Of Pornography Use Among College Men, Joel David Deloy
The Effect of Nutrition on Cognitive Performance in Young Versus Elderly Community-Living Adults, Brian VanFossen
The Effect of Repeated Visual or Verbal Worry on Thought Intrusions and Habituation, Jessica C. White Plume
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
In-Group/Out-Group Dynamics of Native American Mascot Endorsement, John Gonzalez
Investigation of a Cognitive Dissonance Intervention Versus a Psychoeducational Placebo Control: Testing the Effectiveness of Prevention Programming for Eating Disorders, Valerie L. Krysanski
Factors Associated with Parenting Stress and Self-Competence in Single and Married Mothers of Preschool-Aged Children, Erin Tentis
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
WISC-III Performance Differences Between Non-Referred Native American and Euro-American Children, Kandi Burr-Selle
The Relationships Among Childhood Psychological Treatment, Adult Psychological Functioning, Dating Abuse, and Schema, Tonia L. Jackson
Psychological Distress Between American Indian and Majority Culture College Students Regarding the Use of the Fighting Sioux Nickname and Logo, Angela LaRoque
A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Depression in Native American Middle-School Students, Lori B. Listug-Lunde
Perceptions of Domestic Violence in Lesbian Relationships: Stereotypes and Gender Role Expectations, Betsi M. Little
The Effects of Exposure to Images of the Male Muscular Ideal on Body Image and Muscularity Concerns in Men, Jason Alan McCray
Effects of Time of Day on Executive Function in native American Children and Non-Native American Children, Jennifer Garaas Scott
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Depressotypic Cognitions and Suitability for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Lydia Christine Jackson
Nicotine Effects on Attention: Implications for ADHD Therapy, Dmitri V. Poltavksi
The Sexual Behavior Sequelae of Childhood Sexual Abuse in College Women, Brian A. Wilson
The Relationship Between Personality and the Experience of Solution-Focused Therapy and Cognitive Therapy, Shannon T. Woulfe
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Longitudinal Predictors of Weight Fluctuation in Men and Women, Kelly L. Bishop
The Antecedents and Consequences of Body Image Dissatisfaction: A Structural Modeling Analysis and a Controlled Laboratory Task, Dana M. Borowiak
WISC-III Performance Patterning Differences Between Native American and Caucasian Children, Teton W. Ducheneaux
Development of the American Indian Biculturalism Inventory - Northern Plains, Jessica L. Gourneau
Differences in Levels of Sports Team Identification and Sports Fan Motivation Among American Indian and Caucasian University of North Dakota Students, Tami Jollie-Trottier
Family Functioning, Parenting Practices, and Psychological Outcomes in Children With Diabetes as Compared to Children Without Diabetes, Lisa Leadbetter
Impact of Corticosterone and Zinc Deprivation on Memory and Hippocampal Functioning, Patricia Lynn Moulton
Factors Associated with Parenting Stress and Self-Competence in Parents of Preschool-Aged Children, Erin Tentis
Convergent and discriminate validity of acculturation and eating disorders measures in Northern Plains Native Americans, Mary J. Wilkie
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
The Comprehensibility of Plain Language and Non Plain Language Minnesota Civil Jury Instructions, Kathryn J. Apostal
An Examination of Hangover Effects on Pilot Performance, JoAnne W. Bates
Examining Differences in Issues of Spirituality Between Couples with Children and Voluntarily Childless Couples, Cheryl L. Broneck
The Negative Halo Effect of Oppositional Defiant Behaviors on Teacher Ratings of ADHD: Impact of Child Gender, David A. Jackson
A Comparison of Intellectual Test Performance Across Native American and European American Children, Austin P. Keith
Effects of Induced Mood on Cognitive Processing in Healthy Older and Healthy Younger Adults, Laura J. Kitzan
The Effect of Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol Expectancy on Women's Responses to a Date Rape Analogue, Beth A. Lewis
The Efficacy of Residential Care in the Management of Serious Mental Illness, Lori A. Shaleen
Pain State as a Mediator in the Psychological and Behavioral Assessment of Migraine and Tension Headache Sufferers, Jennifer L. Sippel
Neuropsychological Functioning and Family Environment of Children with Attention-Defecit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Comorbid Oppositional Defiant Disorder/Conduct Disorder, M. Catherine Yeager
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The Academic Achievement and Psychological Functioning of College Students with a Family History of Alcoholism, Rachel M. Dodd
The Influence of Media Type on Sexually Impositional Behavior, Sheila A. Mulligan Rauch
The Effect of Biculturalism on Depression in Northern Plains Native American College Students, Alan H. Storey Jr.
The Effects of Rumination and Distraction Tasks on Psychophysiological Responses and Self-Reported Mood in Dysphoric and Nondysphoric Individuals, Kristin S. Vickers Douglas
Cognitive Inhibition and Impulsivity in Adult Children of Alcoholics and Controls, Louise A. Weller
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Modulating Effects of Time of Day on Age Differences in Memory Performance: Attention Versus Inhibition, Iwona Chelminski
Predicting Post-Disaster Adjustment After the Red River Flood: An Analysis of Resource Loss and Pre-Flood Preventative Behaviors, Holly J. Hegstad
Social Judgement Tendencies as a Function of MCMI-II and CATI Personality Variables, Allison Noel Pate
The Effects of Thought Suppression on Later Recall of Valenced, Self-Referenced Adjectives, Danial S. Sturgill
The Development Of The Metacognitive Elements Of Study Scale, Tiffney Jo Yeager
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Deinstitutionalization Effects on Medication Use for People with Mental Retardation, Paul D. Kolstoe
The Effects of Alcohol and Anxiety: Senesitivity on Social Stress in Women, Beth A. Lewis