"The Effect of Biculturalism on Depression in Northern Plains Native Am" by Alan H. Storey Jr.

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




The primary purpose of this study was to examine the effect of biculturalism on depression in a propsed sample of 52 Northern Plains Native American College students (32 female, 20 male). This study tested the applicability of the Orthogonal Theory of Biculturalism (Oetting and Beauvais, 1992). Subjects completed the Northern Plains Biculturalism scale (NPBI) and the Beck Depression Inventory-Second edition (BDI-II). A descriptive analysis, Pearson product moment correlational analysis, independent t-tests, and multiple regression analysis were performed. The multiple regression utilized the two-culture orientation subscales of the NPBI as predictor variables and the total score of the BDI-II as outcome variables. It was predicted that higher scores on both NPBI subscales (Bicultural competence) predicted lower scores on the BDI-II. No significant results were found in this study.

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Psychology Commons
