Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Consensus Information in the Newspaper Advice Columns, Danel E. Rubanowitz
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Lateralized Emotional and Cognitive Processes in Personality, Steven Lee Dawson
Ability and Flexibility in Reading Comprehension, Dee Rene Doeling
Perceptual Focusing and the Sources of Self-Knowledge, David L. Nash
The Father Role: Development of an Attitude Assessment Instrument, Robert Daniel Olson
Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, and Sex-Role Attitudes in Battered Women, Michelle E. Penland
Hemisphericity and Flexibility in Problem Solving Strategies in Creative Test Performance, Mark D. Schuler
An Introduction to and an Initial Examination of the Visual Half Field Shut Down Theory of Reflective Lateral Eye Movements, Barbara Arneson Yutrzenka
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Responsivity to an Experimentally Induced Stress as a Function of Life Change and Personality, Jerry Allan Boriskin
Personality and Psychophysiological Variables in Maltreating Mothers, William N. Friedrich
Differential Patterns of Interference During Concurrent Task Performance for the Two Cerebral Hemispheres, Carole H. Hayne
The Effects of Prenatal and Postnatal Zinc Deficiency on Development of Long-Term Memory in the Rat, Myra D. Heinrich
Attention Mechanisms in EMG Biofeedback, Randy Scott Roth
Attention Mechanisms in EMG Biofeedback, Randy Scott Roth
Achievement Orientation: Projective and Objective Measures of the Veroff Model and Their Relationships to Job Reward Values Orientation, Catherine Fairchild Sikorsky
The Use of Special MMPI Scales for Prediction of Response to Chemical Dependency Treatment, James H. Thrower
The Use of Special MMPI Scales for Prediction of Response to Chemical Dependency Treatment, James H. Thrower
Differential Hemispheric Specialization and its Relationship to Repression, Shirley K. Tyler
Differential Hemispheric Specialization and its Relationship to Repression, Shirley K. Tyler
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Cognitive Changes During the Grief Process, Barbara J. Benner
Learned Helplessness: Affect in Relation to Facilitation and Interference Effects, Thomas R. Foster
The Effects of Imaginal Strategies, Trait Anxiety and Sex Differences on Skin Temperature and Attentional Bias, Ryan D. Jagim
Moral Judgment and Life Experiences, Edward P. Kehrwald
Examination of the Therapeutic Process in a Juvenile Probation Setting and Further Validation of the Group Assessment of Interpersonal Traits (GAIT), Douglas D. Knowlton
Internal and External Context Effects Upon the Types of Information Encoded From Pictures, James G. Penland
Relative Hemispheric Involvement During Arousal and Inhibition of Affect, Steven L. Shearer
A Study of Natural Language Phonetic Symbolism, David B. Tarr
Self-Esteem Effects in the Measurement of Sex-Role Orientation, Steven H. Weaver
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Modification of Stimulation Seeking Behavior in Psychopaths using Hypnotic Sensory Imagery Conditioning, Franklin D. DeForest
The Role of Emotional Discharge in the Resolution of Grief, Anne M. Metzger
Hypnotic Age Regression and the Occurrence of Transitional Object Relationships, Michael Robert Nash
Field Independence and Cognitive Flexibility in Creative Test Performance, Joel Patrick Newman
Prenatal Zinc Deficiency and Stress in the Rat, Michael Charles Rowe
The Transmutation of Self in Childhood, Craig David Stevens
Physical Contact in Psychotherapy, Cassandra Lynne Tyson
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
The Development and Standardization of a Reflective Eye Movement Questionnaire, Barbara Ann Arneson
Self-Concept in Children of Alcoholics, David J. Baraga
The Relationship of Social and Maturational Variables to Development of Field-Dependence in Preschoolers: A Longitudinal Study, Elizabeth S. Baraga
Correlates of Perceived and Experienced Life Stress, Jerry Allan Boriskin
Millon's Active-Passive and Independent-Dependent Personality Dimensions as Predictors of Behavior in a Competitive Task, Kenneth M. Carlson
Effects of Length of Residence on Resident Adjustment in Nursing Homes, Jeanine Elaine Kotschwar Entingh
Discrimination Learning Sets in Children, Sandra Harrell Fenner
Reciprocity of Self-Disclosure at High Levels of Intimacy, William P. Hampes
The Use of Paradoxical Anxiety Instructions in an Interview Setting: An Analogue Study, Peter C. Peterson
Modality Specific Predicate Usage and Imagery Vividness, Joann C. Russell
The Relationship Between Degree of Sobriety in Male Alcoholics and Coping Styles Used by their Wives, Jack B. Schaffer
Moral Judgments and Peer Group Cooperation: Are They Related?, Roberta A. Schwab-Stephens
Personality Characteristics and Effeciveness of Paraprofessional Addiction Counselors, James H. Thrower
An Investigation Between Field Dependence, Sex Role Identification and Attitudes, Male Versus Female Dominated Career Choice, and Dependency Behavior, Patricia A. Torness
Effectiveness of Child-Management Training, Candace Joan Varvil
A Comparison of Attitude Change in Senior Citizen and College Age Subjects, Carl R. Westphal
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Nonverbal Immediacy in Dyads as a Function of Degree of Acquaintance and Locus of Control, Bryan D. Bartels
Some Effects of Model Status on the Reduction of Anxiety, Barbara Jane Benner
Effects of Emotional Inoculation and Supportive Therapy on Stress Incurred from Nursing Home Placement, Mary B. Carman
Affective Influences on Nonverbal Immediacy, Steven F. Dreyer
A Comparison of the Effects of Timeout, Punishment and Extinction on an Aggressive Behavior in Children, Diane M. Harder
The Effect of the Presence of an Unfamiliar Peer on Stranger Preference and Separation from the Mother in 15-Month-Olds, Robert Arlyn Harms
Expectancy and Apparatus Placebo Effects in an EMG Feedback Task, Ryan Douglas Jagim
Distinctive Personality and Discipline Characteristics of Child-Neglecting Mothers, Robert J. Loveland
Processing Pictorial Information: Effects of Informativeness, Location, and Duration, Richard L. Metzger
The Attribution of Fault to Rape Victims: Subject Variables Affecting Blaming, Stephan Podrygula
Effects of Psychodrama on Self-Actualization and Perceived Locus of Control, Stanley W. Rosenthal
Verbal and Imaginal Mediation in Cognitive-Behavior Modification, Steven L. Shearer
Source and Setting Credibility as Determinants of Self-Referring Attitude Change, Charles D. Sullivan
The Effects of a Physical Conditioning Program on Selected Measures of Self Concept, Kirby Franz Weise
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
A Comparison of Conservation Training Procedures and a Proposed Criterion for Diagnosing the Presence of Conservation of Weight, David R. Anderson
Maternal Personality Variables and Their Effect on Interaction with Their One-Year Old Children, David Baraga
Dependency Attachment and Exploration: Their Interrelationships in One-Year-Old Children, Elizabeth S. Baraga
Personality Needs and Patterns of Friendship, Robert J. Bateen
The Effects of Manning Level on Behavior Setting Occupants: A Laboratory Experiment, John A. Call
The Effects of Learned Helplessness Upon Appetitive Responding, Thomas R. Foster
The Divorce Process and Psychological Adjustment, Gary R. Hackney
The Effects of Suggestibility and Expectancy on Systematic Desensitization, Dennis L. Johnson
The Effectiveness of Different Methods for the Control of Muscle Tension, Carmen Rita Kaimann
Short and Long Term Free Recall of Nouns as a Function of Learning Instructions and Noun Concreteness, Gregor Konzelman
The Selective Retention of Favorable, Neutral, and Unfavorable Statements About Men and Women Measured by Signal Detection, Ronald L. Matthew
A Q-Methodological Study of the Kubler-Ross Stage Theory, Anne M. Metzger
Changes in Clients' Perception of "Curative Factors" During a Short-Term Therapy Group, Jack B. Schaffer
Effects of Background Music on Interpersonal Immediacy, Roberta Schwab Stephens
The Effect of Dependency on Acceptance of Positive and Negative Generalized Personality Interpretations, Richard L. Templeton
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
The Rating of Sexual and Nonsexual Cartoons as a Function of Repression-Sensitization, William J. Burns
Early Postnatal Zinc Deficiency and Aggression in the Rat, Mark J. Hanlon
The Use of Multidimensional Perceptions as Predictors of Successful Adjustment for Mentally Retarded Adults and Psychiatric Patients, David L. Hanson
The Treatment of Anxiety in the Physically Disabled by Three Different Variations of Systematic Desensitization, Robert H. O'Neill
The Influence of Sex of Administrator on Independent/Dependent Women in a Problem Solving Situation, Morna R. Pederson
Behavioral Effects of Postnatal Zinc Deficiency and Kryptopyrrole in the Rat, Peter C. Peterson
The Effectiveness of Dusting as a Reinforcer for the Chinchilla (Chinchilla Lanigera), Kenneth R. Redman
Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Zinc Deficiency in Rats, Michael Charles Rowe
The Relationship Between Attitudes Toward Women's Roles and Field Dependence-Independence in College Students, Patricia A. Torness
The Effect of Success and Failure Experiences on Self Concept in Retarded Children, Candace Joan Varvil
A Comparison of Communication Between Friends and Strangers Under Oral and Written Conditions, Raymond F. Venzke
An Experimental Examination of Cautela's Covert Sensitization as a Smoking Reduction Technique, Jerome Irwin Weiss
Attraction of a Senior Citizen to a Hypothetical Stranger as a Function of the Stranger's Age, Sex, and Attitude Similarity, Carl R. Westphal
Day Care Experienced Vs. Non-Day Care Experienced Children: A Comparison of Maturity and Achievement in Grade School, James L. Youngman
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
An Investigation of Perceived and Actual Attitude Agreement, Stimulation Value and Total Friendship, Robert J. Bateen
Clustering and Subjective Organization of Free Recall Learning, Sandra Gail Harrell Fenner
Psychogenic Factors in Menstrual Symptomology, Glen Gruba
An Investigation of the Components of Platonic and Romantic Heterosexual Relationships, Philip F. Guinsburg