"Personality Characteristics and Effeciveness of Paraprofessional Addic" by James H. Thrower

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




The purpose of this study was to examine how personality traits measured by the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) are related to the effectiveness of paraprofessional addiction counselors. Thirtyone counselors from three in-patient treatment centers in North Dakota and Minnesota participated in the study. Four measures of effectiveness were used: ratings by peers, rankings by peers, ratings by supervisors, and rankings by supervisors.

A method of pattern analysis, hierarchical classification by generalized distances was used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the most effective paraprofessional addiction counselors score higher on the EPPS scale of Dominance and lower on the scales of Intraception and Endurance. Their scores on Achievement, Deference, and Aggression are near those of the general population.

This study also presents evidence which strongly implies that addiction counselors constitute a distinct group of paraprofessionals, who differ from other nonprofessionals described in previous studies.

Another promising result of this study is the demonstration that pattern analysis is a particularly useful analytic method for distinguishing between groups of effective and ineffective counselors in EPPS type research.
