Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Temporal Lobe Transients and Prayer, Donald E. Newberry
The Effect of Higher Education on Attitudes and Values: Gender and the Academic Environment, Gayle Robbins
Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) Utility in Differentiating Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Subtypes, Steven Andrew Westby
The Effect Of Biculturalism On Self-Esteem In Northern Plains Native American College Students, Mary J. Wilkie
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Effect of Altitude on Short Term Memory, Cathy J. Bartholomew
Breastfeeding Beliefs, Attitiudes, and Experiences of Rural Native American Women, JoAnne Blue
Sexual Coercion: Factors Associated with Women's Reported Experience of Verbal Coercion, Sandra Jean Caraway
Effects of Expert Statement Validity Assessment Testimony on Lay Evaluations of Children's Statements, Marcus Choi Tye
Frontal Lobe Deficits in Domestic Violence Offenders, Margaret Donovan Westby
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Effects of Misinformation as Revealed Through the Concealed Knowledge Test, Susan L. Amato-Henderson
The Impact of Probable Depression on Daily Performance in College Students: "Morningness" Versus "Eveningness", Iwona Chelminski
Controlling for Vocabulary Ability in Healthy Young and Healthy Old Adults in World Recognition Tasks, Laura J. Kitzan
Mental Health Values of Native American College Students on Three Different Reservations, Raymond List
The Contribution of Auditory Processing to Adult Age Differences in Memory Performance, Danae J. Lund
A Comparison Study of Memory Performance Among Middle-Aged Women: Self-Reported Pre-Menopausal, Peri-Menopausal, and Post-Menopausal Women on Hormone Replacement Therapy, Naiwon Chung Sjulson
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Verbal Learning and Memory in Adults with Mild, Moderate and Severe Closed Head Injury, Paula J. Bergloff
The Effects of Time and Misinformation on Memory for Complete Events, Mary K. Devitt
A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Examination of Adjustment and Coping in Female Undergraduates in Response to Sexual Coercion, Ronald K. Hougen
Visual and Auditory Information-Processing in Migraineurs: Beyond the Neuropsychological Quagmire, Jeffrey M. Kearney
The Effects of Laboratory Stress on Appraisal of Control in Bulimia, Maria L. Kearney
The Interactive Effects of Caffeine and Phase of Menstrual Cycle on the Recall of Prose Passages, Jacqueline Marie McPherson
Are There Cultural Differences in the Self-Report of Symptoms of PMS in Adolescents?: A Comparison Study of Chippewa Native Americans and Caucasian Americans, Shelly M. Peltier
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Stress and its Correlates: An Empirical Investigation Among North Dakota Peace Officers, Eric Mark Anderson
Differences in the Development and Expression of a Sense of Coherence Between Euro-Americans and Native Americans, Barbara J. Bowman
Parents' Reactions to the Sexual Abuse of their Children, Donna Greifer
The Relationship of Parental Conflict and Parent-Child Relationship to the Sense of Coherence of Young Adult Children of Divorce, Bruce K. Retterath
On Meaningful Assessment of 'Motivation' : Steps Toward More Detailed Causal Modeling and Measurement, William J. Schmelzer
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Effects of Aerobic Fitness Training on Migraine Headache, W. Clinton McSherry II
Validation of the Victim Empathy Scale: A Measure of Emotional Empathy for Victims of Violent Crime, Martine M. Mizwa
The Effects of Therapist-Subject Value Similarity on Therapeutic Alliance, Marianne M. Schumacher
An Investigation Of The Reliability And Validity Of The Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scale, Susan J. Severson
Effects of Counselor-Subject Value Congruence on Willingness to Self-Disclose in an Analogue Psychotherapy Interview Situation, Lance V. Suan
Effects of Pre- and Post- Trial Caffeine Treatment on Memory for Prose, Malva F. Walters
A Controlled Comparison of Aerobic Exercise and Behavioral Treatment for Recurrent Tension Headache, Marty Paul Witucki
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Competency for Execution: Factors Affecting the Judgement of Forensic Psychologists, Sharon Brown
Fantasy Proneness And Psychological Coping, Kenneth D. Huff
The Effects of Chronic Migraine And Tension Headache On Neuropsychological Functioning, Kerri J. Lamberty
A Comparison of Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Programs for Bulimia Nervosa, Claudette M. Richter-Reno
Jurors' Perceptions of Gender Differences in Expert Witness Testimony, Mark Rodlund
Childhood Sexual Abuse as an Antecedent of Problem Drinking and Sexual Dysfunction in Women, Sue Ann Russell
Childhood Sexual Abuse as an Antecedent of Problem Drinking and Sexual Dysfunction in Women, Sue Ann Russell
The Effects of DDAVP on Speed of Accessing Long-Term Memory and Incidental Learning in Healthy Male and Female Volunteers, Robyn R. Swenson
Locus of Control Orientation of Male Alcoholics in a Chemical Dependency Treatment Program, Barbara Nelle Vesely
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Acute Effects of Smoking on Prose Memory and Physiological Arousal, Scott J. Krebs
The Effect of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Memory Scan and Memory Span in Working Memory, Dawn M. Kugler
Understanding Craving for Cigarettes: A Multidimensional Assessment Approach, H. Katherine O'Neill
The Relationshiop of Obsessive-Compulsive Characteristics to Impression Accuracy and Perceptions of Self and Others, Jill M. Plevell-Omdahl
Time of Day and Age Differences in the Components of Working Memory, Maureen J. Winger
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Picture Viewing as a Test of Attention to Food and Body Image Cues in Restrained Versus Nonrestrained Eaters, Sally Rose Brinza
Individual Differences in Children's Eyewitness Memory Skills, Kathryn M. Hammes
Gender Differences in Prose Memory After Acute Intoxication with Ethanol, Jennifer S. Haut
Individual Differences in Verbal and Spatial Memory: The Contribution of Gender, Verbal Ability, Spatial Ability, and Sex-Role Orientation, Mary H. Sarafolean
Gender Role Orientation in Same- and Cross-Gender Friendships, Mary Beth Scanlon
Security and Involvement in the Parent-Adolescent Relationship, Susan J. Thompson
Effects of Chronis Consumption of Caffeine on Memory for Prose in Young and Elderly Adults, Malva Waters
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
The Interactive Effects of Caffeine and Estrogen on Memory for Word Lists, Mary Ellen Arnold
The Effects of Methylphenidate on Resource Allocation in the Mental Processing of ADD Children, John R. Cook
The Effects of Alcohol on Semantic Memory, Norman A. Kerbel
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Association Bias and Appearance Similarity in Impression Formation, Alan Jay Fehr
Aging, Cognitive Abilities, and Word Frequency as Factors Affecting the Speed of Lexical Access, Robert A. Laidlaw
The Incestuous Family: Development of an Enmeshed Family Inventory, Loretta M. Petrie
The Effects of Hydrocortisone And Caffeine on Memory for Word Lists, Daniel L. Scharf
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Affect, Cognition and Attention in the Chronic Alcohol Abuser: A Hemispheric Laterality Perspective, Edward P. Kehrwald
Restrained Eating : The Effects Of Privacy And Perception Of Having Overeaten On Subsequent Food Consumption, Geraldine T. Merola
The Effects of Caffeine on the Recall of Prose Passages, Scott V. Sternhagen
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
The Effects of Caffeine in Free Recall, Mary Ellen Arnold
Dietary Restraint and the Salience of Visual Food Cues, Jeanine Elaine Kotschwar
Neural and Cognitive Control of Sexual Arousal, Trudi Anne Sprunck Till
A Comparison Of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Profiles In Native American And White Alcoholics, Barbara Nelle Vesely
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
The Sibling Experience: A Comparative Study of Relationship and Birth Order Factors in Predicting Personality Characteristics, Elizabeth Bergmann-Harms
A Conceptual Analysis and Exploratory Investigation of Christian Development, David Carlisle Dowd
Attitudes Toward Rape and Recovery From Sexual Assault, Lynn White Eggers
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
A Study of Selected Style and Content Variables in the Drawing of Depressed and Nondepressed Adults, Catherine F.S. Dawson
Caffeine and Free Recall, George Erikson
Heuristics, Schemas and Biased Social Judgement: An Explanation of the Reports of the Sources of Self-Knowledge, David L. Nash
Adult Age Differences In Recall And Reading Times For Prose, Dee Rene Ramsel
Reading Ability and Perception, Christopher J. Revis
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Values and Academic Achievement among Rural Indian High School Students in North Dakota, Janet Lee Clark
The Construct of Personality and Hemispheric Usage, Steven L. Dawson
Cognitive Ability and Cognitive Style in the Comprehension and Expression of Emotion, Carole H. Hayne
The Role of Specific Attentional Influences in Anxiety and Perception, Doug G. Heck
Hemispheric Laterality and Cognitive Style, Christine J. Kuchler
Test Task and Item Similarity Factors Affect Memory and Eye Movements During Picture Recognition, David Paul Lommen
Client Views on Confidentiality, Stephan Podrygula
Perceptual Styles of Left- and Right-Lookers, Joann C. Russell
An Investigation of Semantic Invariance in Human Speech, David Burton Tarr
The Sex Typed Activities Test: A Supplementary Measure of Masculine and Feminine Dimensions of Personality, Steven Harold Weaver
Personality, Sex, and the Neuropsychology of Attention, Peter A. Williamson
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
The Pedestal Effect and Pastors' Friendships, Tegan Blackbird
Transitional Objects, Hypnotic Phenomena and Personality Characteristics, Keith N. Cohen
The Effects of Desmopressin Acetate (DDAVP) on the Learning of a Brightness Discrimination in Rats, Deborah Iilene Couk
Maternal Distance Versus Symbiosis and Toddler-Mother Attachment During the Second Year of Life, Robert A. Harms
Informed Consent in Psychotherapy: A Survey of Current Practices Among Mental Health Professionals, Mark L. Haugen
The Effects of Conceptual Factors on Visual Masking, Damon G. LaBarbera
The Effects of Combat Stress on the Personality of Vietnam Veterans, Philip E. Levinson
Perceptual Precedence in Picture Processing, Steven W. Mann