Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Maze Acquisition in the Zinc Deficient Rat, Paige M. Lokken
Need Achievement Antecedents and Correlates in Intact Social Groups, Robert J. Loveland
Sex Differences in Memory Measured by Signal Detection, Ronald L. Matthew
The Effects of Intrauterine Shock on the Emotionality of the Offspring in the Albino Rat, Mary B. Mehrer
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Large School, Small Schoo: The Relationship Between a College Student's High School Size and His Non Class College Activities, John A. Call
Multiple Unit Correlates of Discrimination Learning in Rats, Lynn C. Conrad
A Comparison of the Self-Concepts of Institutionalized Delingquents, Non-Institutionalized Delinquents, and Non-Delinquents, Franklin D. DeForest
A Unidimensional Scaling Analysis of Pornographic Stimuli, Gary R. Hackney
A Comparison of Secretaries' and Feminists' Attitudes Toward Traditional and Non-Traditional Female Roles, Susan Higgins
Adolescent 4-8 MMPI Profiles: Prediction from a Taxonomic Class, Douglas L. Hippe
Development and Prediction of I-E Orientation and its Relationship With Some Personality Correlates, Barry L. Johnson
Effects of Repression-Sensitization, Arousal, and Sex on Physical Aggression, Richard J. Moser
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
A Methodological Comparison of Interview and Behavioral Techniques for Assessment of Conservation of Length, Richard E. Harder
A Multidimensional Scaling Approach to Interperson Similarity and Attraction, Brenda Gryting Heltne
Interstimulus Intervals in Conditioned Suppression, John Oliver Kling
A Psychophysical Approach to Clinical Judgment on the MMPI, Richard L. Listiak
Aggressive Behavior as a Function of Trait Anxiety, Anger and Sex, Brian A. Middleton
College Experience and Change in Locus of Control, Robert Resnick
Instrumentality of Aggression and Strength and Arbitrariness of Frustration Related to Direct Physical Aggression, Robert J. Thompson Jr.
Examination of Some Variables in Relation to Perceived Locus of Control, Jerome Irwin Weiss
Task and Socioemotional Interaction as Contexts Affecting the Agreement-Attraction Relationship, William D. Wittman
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Experimenter Bias Effect as a Function of Ambiguity, Gary D. Barko
A Comparative Study of Male and Female Alcoholics in Treatment as Measured by the MMPI, Jack H. Baukol
Information Extraction and Incidental Learning as Functions of Locus of Control, Motivation, and Sex, James Newell Hall
Support or Nonthreat? An Investigation of an Ambiguity in the concept of the Ego Support Value, Valerie Lynn Hansen
Communication of Experimenter Expectancy as a Function of the Internal-External Locus of Control, Diane M. Harder
An Exploration of Some Sex Differences in Agreement-Attraction Relationships, Bette Ann Havens
Direct Estimation Evaluation of Rehabilitation Patients by Non-Expert Judges, Martin T. Ivers
Attitude Change in Relation to the Primacy-Recency Problem and Retention-Acceptance Factors, Barry L. Johnson
Punishment Correlations in a Multiple Schedule, John O. Kling
Input Order, Subjective Organization and Free Recall, John Earle Langhorne Jr.
A Three State Markov Model for Paired Associate Learning, Thomas R. Linscheid
Differential Behavior on Skill and Chance Tasks as a Function of Perceived Locus of Control, Michael D. Paulson
Cognitive Dissonance as a Function of Internal-External Locus of Control, Dennis U. Spjut
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Conflict and Active Participation as Methods of Inducing the Conservation of Substance, Leila K. Beard
An Investigation of a Structural Model of Small Group Problem Solving, David Dwight Harshbarger
Personality Types and Their Hypothesized Attributes: An Application of Holland's Vocational Choice Theory, Ronald W. Kristjanson
Response and Associative Learning in Warmup, Allen Mayo Raffetto
Physicians' Degree of Concern as a Function of Numerical Medical Information Indices, Frederick W. Theye
Dogmatism and its Effect on Amount and Persistence of Opinion Change Induced by Active Versus Passive Participation, Jerry B. Wolfe
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
A Comparison of Multiple unit Activity During Classical, Instrumental, and Discrimination Learning using a Noxious Unconditioned Stimulus, James V. Beardsley
Regression in a Verbal Conditioning Situation as a Function of Psychiatric Illness, Perry O. Orwick
Verbal Discrimination Learning as a Function of Manipulated Frequency and Length of Study Interval, David R. Skeen
The Effect of the Difficulty Level of the Cue Dimension in the Reversal and Nonreversal Shift Learning of the Mentally Retarded, Allan D. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
A Content Analysis of the 1964 Presidential Campaign Speeches, Clifford V. Donnelly
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
The Effect of Prior Knowledge, Social Desirability and Stress Upon the Thematic Apperception Test Performance, Awad A. Ismir
The Influence of Self-Concept on the Resolution of Cognitive Dissonance Arising in Interpersonal Relationships, Lowell W. Wandke
Theses/Dissertations from 1943
Motivation Through Basic Reading: A Study of the Motivational Content of Readers Used in Elementary Schools, Ernest V. Estensen
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
A Preliminary Investigation into the Occupational Significance of the Contrast Response to a Free-Association Test, Earl McIntosh
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
An Experimental Study in Association Involving a Comaprison of Two Methods of Learning Latin Vocabulary, Henry M. Hellekson