"Personality Types and Their Hypothesized Attributes: An Application of" by Ronald W. Kristjanson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




The purpose of this study was to assess the usefulness of Holland's vocational choice theory for counseling with university students. More specifically, it attempted to determine whether or not Holland's theory provides a suitable framework for integrating the results of two commonly used counseling instruments: the SVIB and the EPPS .

A sample was drawn from those students tested by the University Counseling Center on both the SVIB and EPPS. This sample was, within reasonable limits, representative of the male student population dealt with by the Counseling Center. The sample contained 255 Ss.

For analysis of the data the student test profiles were grouped according to Holland's criteria - by SVIB profile. Hypo thes es regarding the personality attributes (manifest needs) of Holland's six major personality types were then tested by means of EPPS profile scores.

Analysis of variance revealed differences between the H-SVIB groups on seven of the 15 EPPS needs (p

The results of this study clearly indicate that Holland's theory of vocational choice does provide a suitable system or theoretical framework within which to organize the SVIB and EPPS results.-
