"Locus of Control Orientation of Male Alcoholics in a Chemical Dependen" by Barbara Nelle Vesely

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Dr. Sheila Deitz


The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between locus of control and alcoholism. The questions which this study sought to address included a comparison of locus of control in inpatient and outpatient white male treatment groups with a nonalcoholic control group. In addition changes in locus of control during alcohol treatment were also assessed.

A total of 129 white men were placed into one of three groups. Thirty-one men from the community who scored within the nonalcoholic range on the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) made up the control group. Two groups of men in treatment for alcoholism were placed into an inpatient group (60 individuals) and outpatient group of 38 individuals. All three groups completed the MAST, Rotter Locus of Control Scale and the Drinking Related Locus Of Control Scale (DRIE) at the beginning and end of treatment.

Initial data analysis found that the groups differed significantly from each other on the MAST variable, with the highest scores associated with the inpatient group. A series of multivariate analysis of variance found significant differences in pre-post patterns of scores using the combined Rotter and DRIE scales. Further analysis showed a significant main effect for trial (pre-test vs. post-test) for the three groups. Analysis of the three groups found no significant differences in pre-Rotter or post-Rotter by group. There was a significant main effect for ORIE scores for the three groups. There was a significant interaction between group and trial comparing pre-ORIE and post-ORIE scores. The ORIE scores differed as a function of group membership.

An additional analysis was conducted by separation of the inpatient group into two subgroups, based upon MAST scores, into severe and less severe groups, there was a significant main effect of trial. However there was not a significant group by trial interaction indicating that patterns of change do not differ as a result of severity as defined by MAST.

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