"Affixes of Salasaca Quichua with special attention to derivational aff" by Kristine E. Waskosky

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

J. Albert Bickford


This thesis is a synchronic description of the morphology of Salasaca Quichua (SQ) with extensive examples in interlinear texts. The meaning of each suffix and its order relative to other suffixes is described. A more expanded description is given for each of the deverbalizers (suffixes which create non-finite verbs), especially their use in subordinate clauses.

SQ is a member of the family of languages called Quechua A or Quechua II. It is an agglutinating language with up to six suffixes possible on a single root. Derivational suffixes, of which there are 15 possible for verb formation and 16 for noun formation, are positioned nearest the root. A combination of one of the twelve verbal inflectional suffixes, twelve nominal inflectional suffixes, or four adverbializing suffixes follow the verb stem, which may or may not have derivational suffixes present. Ten independent suffixes are described including the evidential suffix -la which is unique to SQ.

The eight deverbalizing suffixes are highlighted because of their importance in clause formation. Four (-sha, -qui, -ngabug, and -chun) are a part of the switch-reference system and serve in adverbial and purpose clause formation. The other four (-shca, -g, -na, and -i) are predominately nominalizers, and are used to form relative and complement clauses.

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