"Effects Of Gender Role Violations On Hypermasculine Men's Aggression I" by Hannah Borhart

Date of Award

January 2012

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Douglas Peters


Research on gender roles has indicated that men who adhere strongly to their masculine identity are more aggressive than their less traditional counterparts and that their aggressive tendencies tend to be amplified when they encounter others who violate traditional gender roles. There have been few studies that examined the relationship between hypermasculinity and gender role violations without the use of sexual orientations as the violations and no laboratory studies directly comparing a hypermasculine man's aggression towards a gender role violating man and a gender role violating woman. In this study, forty-five men competed in a laboratory aggression paradigm against a traditional or gender role violating "opponent". In addition, several other variables were examined in relationship to both hypermasculinity and aggression. The correlations found were generally consistent with the relevant literature; however, the aggression results showed an unexpectedly high level of aggression towards traditional, feminine females in both high and low hypermasculine males.
