"Energy Drink Consumption in College Students: Report of Physical and P" by Rebecca J. Cicha

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




Within the past decade, energy drink consumption has increased, particularly within young adult populations. Though current studies have investigated the acute effects of energy drink consumption, little data exists in regards to consumption patterns amongst college students, particularly differentiating acute vs. chronic consumers. As caffeine is recognized as the main acting ingredient in energy drinks, the effects of acute and chronic energy drink consumption may be related to that of general acute and chronic caffeine consumption. To date, much literature has highlighted a connection between caffeine intake and general pathology, specifically, that caffeine is highly correlated with the endorsement of various physical and psychological symptoms.

Two hundred and six college students were given caffeine and energy drink consumption questionnaires to assess consumption habits along with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory II and Symptom Checklist 90 Revised self report inventories to assess for report of physical and psychological symptoms. The results of this investigation indicate differential reporting of psychological symptoms as a potential function of energy drink consumption. Specifically, low-consumers reported fewer symptoms related to anxiety and depression than non-consumers. Findings indicate a possible effect of energy drink consumption on psychological wellbeing, however additional research is necessary to fully address the issue.

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