"Life History Strategy And The Role Of Self-Regulation In Cheating Beha" by Joshua Reynolds

Date of Award

January 2013

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Andre Kehn


The current study examined cheating behavior, the role of self-regulation, and if the distal causal framework of life history theory could illuminate the relationships between self-regulation and cheating behavior. Participants in the experimental condition had their state self-regulation taxed (compared to the control condition); participants had an opportunity to cheat, which was recorded unbeknownst to participants. Additionally, participants completed questionnaires and tasks assessing individuals' life history strategy, trait self-regulation, and mood. It was hypothesized taxed state self-regulation, lower trait self-regulation, and a faster life history strategy would increase cheating behavior and a faster life history strategy would predict lower trait self-regulation. Results illustrate while the taxed self-regulation condition produced no significant change in cheating behavior, a faster life history strategy and the interaction of life history strategy and trait self-regulation were significant predictors of cheating behavior. Implications are discussed.
