Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




This study investigated relationships between personality styles and judgments of others' personality traits using the Free Response Interaction Procedure (FRIP). FRIP participants were 184 female and 68 male college students, mean age 23.9 years. The FRIP consists of two 25-minute interactive sessions, separated by a week or more, in which a participant interacts with three randomly assigned participant partners. After each session, participants use a seven point likert scale to rate themselves and their partners, and predict how their partners will rate them on 14 personality traits. Participants also independently completed the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory - II (MCMI-II) and the Coolidge Axis Two Inventory (CATI). The FRIP was found to be a reliable measure of three distinct social judgment tendencies: Judgment Index (JI), harshness or leniency of judgment of others; Judgment Ratio (JR), judgment of others as influenced by self-perception; and Judgment Variability (JVI), level of discrimination in judgment of others. A consensus accuracy analysis suggested that these concepts measure consistent individual biases in the judgment of others. Significant correlations between several MCMI-II and CATI personality scale scores and harsh judgment trends were observed, although these relationships tended to differ according to gender. Among women, relationships were found between all three judgmental tendencies and egocentric, envious, emotional, and attention-seeking personality features, while men showed relationships between isolative, odd, and self-abasing personality traits and harsh social judgment. However, schizotypal traits were found to predict higher levels of harsh social judgment in both men and women.

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