Theses/Dissertations from 1972
The Nature of the Balance Sheet: Present and Future Proposal, Ying Chow Tang
Fourth Grade Creativity of Urban, Rural, and Indian Children in an Experimental Program, Johanna E. Teubner
The Biology and Ecology of River Carpsucker, Carpiodes Carpio (Rafinesque), in the Little Missouri Arm of Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, Darrell John Trzpuc
The Nostalgic Revival in America, Dale A. Twingley
Rising Sun Electronics: A Case Study in EDP Auditing, Vincent P. Unruh
Analysis of Buying Behavior Patterns and Social Class Membership of New Residents When Purchasing Specific Shopping and Convenience Goods, Neil L. Voeller
A Career Curriculum in Physical Education for Grade Five, Alicia C. Vorland
The Use of Concepts Other than Historical Cost as a Basis for the Valuation of Fixed Assets, John Michael Walker
Reporting the Results of Operations, Micheal M. Weigel
Vegetation of the Forest River Biology Area in Relation to Environmental Gradients and Some Patterns and Processes of Nutrient Cycling, Douglas A. Wikum
A Study of Attitudes, Competencies, and Understandings Achieved Through the Medium of Electronic Music in Selected Upper Elementary and Junior High School Classrooms, Fredrick R. Willman
The Relationship of Physical Fitness and Social Acceptance of Ninth Grade Girls, Hermelle Wilson
Accounting for the Cost of Pension Plans, Keith H. Wilson
Termination of Subchapter S, Harry O. Wood
The stratigraphy and economic potential of Permo-Pennsylvanian strata in southwestern North Dakota, Harold C. Ziebarth
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Accounting for Human Capital, Marvin R. Aho
A Study of Avalibity and Awareness of Small Business Administration Management Assistance in Ward Country, Arthur Alleger
The American Balance-Of-Payments Problem, Beatrice K. Anderson
The Construction of a Gymnastic Performance Ability Test for Male Physical Education Majors at the University of North Dakota, Dale A. Anderson
Legal Liability of the Certified Public Accountant, Emanuel E. Bingaman
Geology of McLean County, North Dakota, John P. Bluemle
Preparation and Utilization of Cash Flow Reports, Paul Bohrer
An Investigation of what Relationships Exist Between a Child's Performance of Selected tasks of Conservation and Selected Factors in Reading Readiness, Beverly W. Brekke
Mass Production as a Basis for Content in Industrial Arts, Ernesto Breznay
The Effects of Instant Visual Feedback of Congruence in Group Counseling, Jack E. Brown
Executive Stock Options, James Cunningham
The Concept of Materiality in Accounting and its Application in Financial Reporting, David DeMers
The vanishing Audit Trail, John Dizon
Nationalism and Patriotic Idealism as Thematic Aspects in Art, Daniel A. Doucette
Integrated, Internal Weapon System Management Reporting, William G. Ellis Jr
Gastropoda of the Fox Hills Formation (Maestrichtian) of North Dakota, J. Mark Erickson
Review and Analysis of the Nine Model Programs in Elementary Teacher Education with Synthesis for Application in Field Experiences, Wayne C. Erickson
The Development of a Modular-Flexible Schedule Model and Its Utilization in Building a New Secondary School Physics Curriculum, Lloyd L. Fezler
The Marketing of Residential Real Estate in Southern Alberta, Clark E. Greene
Concretions and nodules in the Hell Creek Formation, southwestern North Dakota, Gerald H. Groenwold
A Study of Program Offerings and Factors Effecting Instructional Salary Costs in Major Curricula at the Four State Colleges in North Dakota, Larry L. Grooters
Groundwater flow, hydrochemistry, and uranium deposition in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, J. Ladd Hagmaier
A Methodological Comparison of Interview and Behavioral Techniques for Assessment of Conservation of Length, Richard E. Harder
A Multidimensional Scaling Approach to Interperson Similarity and Attraction, Brenda Gryting Heltne
Experience Requirement of Certification of Public Accountants, Henrey D. Herr
An Analysis of the Comparative Feasibilities of Manual Bookkeeping and Data Processing for the Small Individual Practitioner, Janet L. Holaday
Numerical Control: A Decision Model for Small Manufacturer Guidance, Donald Homrighausen
An Attempt to Unify Two Divergent Currents in the Art of the Twentieth Century, Robert J. Hromyak
The Relationship of the Self-Concept and the Reflected Ideal Self to Various Components of Friendship, Dennis L. Johnson
The petroleum geology of the Midale subinterval in north central North Dakota, Kent A. Johnson
Personality Characteristics of Unsuccessful Student Teachers, Peter J. Johnson
Studies on the Mutual Influences of Substrates on Mammalian Alpha-Keto Acid Metabolism, Wayne A. Johnson
Acoustical Communication in the Sharp-Tailed Grouse, Louis Henry Kermott III
3-Diazo-1,4-Diphenyl-4-Hydroxy-2-Butanone: Preparation and Reactions, Mohammed H. Khalil
Analysis of the Election of 1896 in North Dakota, Roger Milton Klimpel
Interstimulus Intervals in Conditioned Suppression, John Oliver Kling
The Use of the Vocational Preference Inventory with a North Dakota Indian Population, Allen B. Koss
Overwintering of Three Species of Snakes in Northwestern Minnesota, Jeffrey W. Lang
Inventory Analysis: Economic Order Point and Order Quantity, Dennis G. Lardy
An Analysis of the Marketing Practices in North Dakota of Selected Property and Liability Insurance Companies, Milton L. Leiran
A Psychophysical Approach to Clinical Judgment on the MMPI, Richard L. Listiak
Comparable Worth Pay Equity in Public Jurisdiction?, Thomas J. Longmire
The Aesthetic and Technical Problems in Designing and Mounting the Tingalary Bird: A Production Design Thesis, James Beal Lutz
Waiting for Godot: A Directorial Approach, Kenneth M. Maciula
A Study in Political Attitudes and Activism of North Dakota Clergymen, Gary K. Malm
Cross Educaiton Effect of Delorme Progressive Resistance Exercise on Quadriceps Femoris, Thomas E. McDonald
The Influence of Curiosity on Intentional and Incidental Learning, Richard L. Metzger
Aggressive Behavior as a Function of Trait Anxiety, Anger and Sex, Brian A. Middleton
Translation of Foreign Subsidiary Financial Statements, Ambrose Mitzel
A Study of Death Taxes of Selected States with Large Retirement Populations, Darrell Duane Moon
A Study of Selected Business Frims in the Bismarck-Mandan Employment Area with Implications for Improvement of an Office Education Program, Marilyn K. Nielsen
Origin and distribution of selenium in the upper Cretaceous Niobrara and Pierre formations, northeastern North Dakota, Robert M. Novak
To Determine the Effect of Bicycle Ergometer Pedal-Arm Length on Heart Rate and Air Intake, John T. Nunn
The Role of Technical Education in Accounting, William R. Paradise
Subchapters Corporations, Charles Patrick
A Scholastic Comparison of Women Physical Education Transfer and Non-Transfer Students in North Dakota, Bonnie K. Pearson
Erosion and sedimentation in Lake Ashtabula, southeastern North Dakota, Darryll T. Pederson
A Correlation of Academic Acheivement as Measured by the Iowa Tests of Educational Development with Success of Varsity Players in Football in Iowa High Schools, Thomas C. Pinkham
A Guide for the Teaching of Vocal Technique in the High School Chorus, David A. Quam
A Determination and Evaluation of Pre-Clinical Competencies: The Opinions of Student Teachers, Cooperating Teachers, and Progressional Educators, Roger W. C. Rasmussen
College Experience and Change in Locus of Control, Robert Resnick
Gymnastics Skills Standards for Male Physical Education Majors at Dickinson State College, Michael J. Ryan
Quantitative geomorphology and hydrology of the Cass River Basin, New Zealand, Frank J. Schulte
Asset Valuation, Current Values V. Historical Costs, Daniel E. Sipes
An Analysis of the Marketing Practices of Selected North Dakota Banks, Lyle C. Sorum
Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Circulorespiratory Endurance of University of North Dakota Varsity Wrestlers During the 1970-71 Season, Robert E. Stiles
An Analysis of the Use of the Computer as an Audit Tool, David Allen Storhaug
The Relationship Between Selected Language Arts and Proofreading Performance, Eudene M. Stuart
A Follow-Study of the Specialized Professional Physical Education Curriculum in State Supported Colleges and Universities in North Dakota, Robert D. Sunberg
Instrumentality of Aggression and Strength and Arbitrariness of Frustration Related to Direct Physical Aggression, Robert J. Thompson Jr.
The Psammon of Bars and Beaches in Two Small Northwestern Minnesota Streams, Richard D. Urban
Examination of Some Variables in Relation to Perceived Locus of Control, Jerome Irwin Weiss
Task and Socioemotional Interaction as Contexts Affecting the Agreement-Attraction Relationship, William D. Wittman
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
History of the Metropolitan Theatre in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Under Independent Management, 1890-1897, Alan H. Adair
Constitutional Reform in North Dakota, Darrel J. Alm
The History of the North Dakota College Athletic Conference from its Formation to the Present Day, Curtiss Almlie
The Personality Traits of High School, College and Professional Football Coaches as Measured by the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey, Wesley E. Andrud
Experimenter Bias Effect as a Function of Ambiguity, Gary D. Barko
A Comparative Study of Male and Female Alcoholics in Treatment as Measured by the MMPI, Jack H. Baukol
An Analysis of Parental Attitude in Regard to Physical Education and Athletics in the Harvey High School, Gordon R. Baumgartner
Selected Major Issues in the Philosophy, Design, and Operation of a Simulated Model Office, L. Wayne Beers
A Study of the Airline Industry's Financial Problems, Thomas H. Berge
A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of the Business Education Curriculum at the Epping Public School Epping, North Dakota, Gary D. Bickel