"Analysis of Buying Behavior Patterns and Social Class Membership of Ne" by Neil L. Voeller

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




This thesis analyzes the buying behavior patterns of selected new residents moving into Grand Forks, North Dakota between September 1, 1970 and August 31, 1971. The data used in this thesis were obtained from personal interviews. The sample population consisted of two groups, the first group included forty-one new residents excluding military personnel and students, and the second group consisted of forty married student new residents living in the housing units provided by the University of North Dakota.

The purchase of furniture, appliances, and carpeting or draperies provided the evaluation of new residents buying behavior when purchasing shopping goods. The patronage of a supermarket and service station provided the basis for explaining shopping patterns when purchasing convenience goods and services.

New residents, who were non-students and non-military personnel, were grouped into social classes and comparisons were made between the various classes. Additional comparisons were made between the student new residents and members of the social classes. Two variables, occupation and education, were used in determining social class.

This study concluded that: (1) sixty-seven percent of the sample new residents did not employ more than one information source when purchasing shopping goods nor was there a significant difference in the number of information sources used when purchasing shopping or convenience goods, (2) no emphasis was placed by the various social classes on price as a factor in store selection, and (3) that no significant difference existed between the use of advertising over other information sources.
