Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of late quaternary lacustrine sediments (Seibold Site) in southeastern North Dakota, William B. Bickley Jr.
Ornamentation of Italian Vocal Music of the Eighteenth Century According to Pietro Francesco Tosi and Giovanni Battista Mancini, Beverly Ann Brandon
Molluscan paleontology of the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous), Bowman County, North Dakota, Kenneth F. Brinster
A Study of the Bulk Electrical Resistivity Characteristics of Fly Ash from Lignite and Other Western Coals, Warren Ernest Bucher
A Survey of Adapted Physical Educationa Programs at the Secondary School Level of Public Instruction in the Province of Ontario, John B. Cameron
A Method for Evaluating Cardiovascular Conditioning in Swimmers, Paul M. Cerio
The Oxidative Deamination of Sulfur Amino Acids by a Bacterial L-Amino Acid Oxidase, Susan S. Chen
Nesting and Brooding Characteristics of Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Pedioecetes Phasianellus Jamesi Lincoln) in Southwestern North Dakota, Carter Drew Christenson
The Removal of Sodium from Lignite by Ion Exchange, John T. Crystal
Adequat Disclosure, Thomas Culmer
Opinions and Attitudes of Girls Toward Interschool Basketball in Selected High School of Metropolitan Winnipeg, Joel H. Davidson
Quaternary geology of Rolette County, North Dakota, Dwight E. Deal
The Effects of Positive and Negative Job Assignments on the Academic and Job Performances of Working Students, Charles Patrick Doherty
An Analysis of the Marketing Practices of Selected Snowmobile Companies in North America, James G. Eaton
The Influence of Manifest Anxiety on Speed and Accuracy in First Semester High School Typewriting, Marvin Ehley
The Syrian Massacres and the Cretan Rebellion: Mid-Victorian Humanitarianism and Britain's Eastern Policy, Edward D. English
Surficial lineaments and their structural implications in the Williston Basin, A. Kirth Erickson
An Exploratory Study of Holland's Theory of Vocational Choise and Rotter's Social Learning Theory, James A. Foster
A Comparative Study of Secondary Student Teacher Attitudinal Change and Satisfaction with Student Teaching, Howard Glynn Freeberg
Authigenic analcite in the Golden Valley Formation southwestern North Dakota, Marvin J. Furman
Conflicting Opinions Concerning Electric Versus Nonelectric Typewriters for Beginning Typewriting, Moine R. Gates
Independence as Viewed by the Accountant and the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thomas F. Geisen
Defamation by Radio and Television A Theoretical Construct of Defamacast as a New Tort, Martin A. Grindeland
A Philosophical Justification for Sex Education in the Public School Curricula, Karl B. Groth
A Survey of Cross Country Programs and Training Methods in Canadian Colleges and Universities, David W. Guss
Information Extraction and Incidental Learning as Functions of Locus of Control, Motivation, and Sex, James Newell Hall
Groundwater flow in part of the Little Missouri River Basin, North Dakota, Thomas M. Hamilton
A Study of the Changing Emphasis in Formal Education for Accountants, Kenneth L. Hankerson Jr
Support or Nonthreat? An Investigation of an Ambiguity in the concept of the Ego Support Value, Valerie Lynn Hansen
Communication of Experimenter Expectancy as a Function of the Internal-External Locus of Control, Diane M. Harder
The Effects of Sex and Levels of Acquaintance on Risk-Taking in Groups, Richard A. Harper
An Exploration of Some Sex Differences in Agreement-Attraction Relationships, Bette Ann Havens
A Survey of Selected Business Firms in Willmar, Minnesota, To Determine Current Bookkeeping Practices, Rachel E. Helland
Open and Closed Mindedness, Values, and Other Personality Characteristics of Male College Students Who Served On or Appeared Before Judiciary Boards, Gordon H. Henry
Development of Procedures for Determination of Yield Lines, Rafik Y. Itani
Direct Estimation Evaluation of Rehabilitation Patients by Non-Expert Judges, Martin T. Ivers
A Study of the Effects of an Operant Program Applied to the Correction of Frontal Lisps in Young Adults, Beverly Jackson
A Study of the Effects of a Free Reading Program in Social Studies on the Self Image of a Selected Group of Eleventh Grade Core Students, Jerome R. Jekel
Ecological Factors Affecting Lateral Distribution of Goldeye Hiodon Alosoides (Rafinesque), in the Little Missouri Arm, Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, Stanley I. Johannes
Attitude Change in Relation to the Primacy-Recency Problem and Retention-Acceptance Factors, Barry L. Johnson
William Lnager's Resurgence to Political Power in 1932, Gordon W. Johnson
An Evaluation of the Conceptsof Delegation Held by Middle Management in the Computer Industry, Paul Johnson
Chaucer's Pardoner, Rita A. Johnson
The Allocation of Pension Costs to Annual Accounting Periods, Robert W. Kemper
Return on Investment -- Its Methods and Uses, Alan B. Klein
Punishment Correlations in a Multiple Schedule, John O. Kling
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Automation Equipment Investment, Charles S. Knode
Uncertainty in Capital Investment Analysis, Kenneth Krock
Input Order, Subjective Organization and Free Recall, John Earle Langhorne Jr.
The Legal System of the Red Lake Reservation Prepared, William J. Lawrence
A Three State Markov Model for Paired Associate Learning, Thomas R. Linscheid
An Analysis of Expenditure Patterns of Weating Apparel of University of North Dakota Students, Cyril M. Logar
Viewer Oriented Art Forms, D. Gay Massee
Activated Carbon from North Dakota Lignite, John R. McNally
A Comparison of Biological Characteristics of Goldeye, Hiodon Alosoides (Rafinesque), in Garrison Reservoir, Donald Eugene Miller
Comparison of Three Training Methods for Middle and Long Distance Runners, John A. Mitchell
Petrography of xenolith zones in the Black Face-Ames plutons, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado, Richard B. Moore
Articulation of Shorthand and Typewriting in Four-Year Collegs Offering a Business Teacher Education Major in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana, Darrell Morrison
Team Teaching in Business Education, Elizabeth Anne Murphy
Towa phrase structure, Beatrice Jane Myers
Program Budgeting and Its Application to Higher Education, Jay D. Myster
A Study of Mignon's Lied in Selected Settings, Robert E. Norton
Trusts and Their Tax Saving Advantages, Richard B. Nystrom
A Historical Study of Objectives in High School Elementary Bookkeeping Since 1930, Lester J. Olson
The Design of A Life Support Circulation System for Hyperbaric Chambers, Kenneth P. Orchuk
Pooling v. Purchase Combinations, Richard L. Pajula
Differential Behavior on Skill and Chance Tasks as a Function of Perceived Locus of Control, Michael D. Paulson
Microfilm Technology its Role in Modern Management, Thomas A. Pawlow
Thermal Dissolution of Lignite Under Pressure of Carbon Monoxide and Water, Michael Kuo-Tay Peng
The Feasibility of Utilizing the Videotape for Improvement of Technique in Number Typewriting, Arlin A. Prochnow
Separation of Scandium and Calcium by Liquid-Liquid Extraction using Tri-N-Butyl Phosphate as Solvent, Kavasseri P. Radhakrishnan
An Analysis of the Marketing Practices of Selected Retail Farm Equipment, Jerome J. Renner
A Study of North Dakota Public Secondary Social Studies Teachers for the Academic Year 1969-1970, Maurice T. Russell
The Involvement of the Military in the Affairs of Modern Mexico, Anthony G. Salerno
A Literature Survey (1960-1970) to Identify the Slow Learner's Capabilities in Business Education, Loretta Sedlmayer
A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Temperature and Coal Source in Efficiency of Electrostatic Precipitation of Fly Ash From Western Coals, Stanley John Selle
Separation of Benzene and n-Hexane Using a Liquid Membrane Technique, Navin D. Shah
Stabilization of Soil by Use of Expansive Cement, Ebrahim Shirazi
A Study of Reliability of the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test as Applied to Male Visually Handicapped Students at the North Dakota State School for the Blind, David P. Shyiak
Accountants Liability in Auditing and Financial Reporting, Wayne Skalicky
Accounting Liability in Auditing and Financial Reporting, Wayne Skalicky
Developing a Resource Unit for the Introductory Unit of the General Business Course, Mary Joan Smith
The Reliability and Validity of the modified AAHPER Fitness Test as Applied to Freshmen College Males at the University of North Dakota, Paul O. Soderberg
Cognitive Dissonance as a Function of Internal-External Locus of Control, Dennis U. Spjut
Cotton Famine Relief Ligislation: A Study in Mid-Victorian Attitudes, John A. Steidl
An Analysis of the Individual Reading Conference in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades, Harold E. Stolt
A Proposed Course of Study For Prospective Secondary Education Teachers of the Social Sciences in the Use of Educational Media and Media Centers, Shelby Strand, Joe Abbott, and Paulette Johnson
So This is How You Run a Media Center: Organizing, Administering, and Developing a School Instructional Media Center - an Annotated Bibliography, Shelby Elaine Strand
A Comparison of Two Types of Turns Used in the Breaststroke and Butterfly, Larry W. Swanson
Reporting the Results of Operations in the Computer Industry, Donald T. Swenson
The Critical Thinking Ability of New School Sixth Grade Students, Lowell H. Thompson
Construction Technology as a Basis for Content in Industrial Arts, Follard E. Thurn
The CPA as a Management Consultant, David Tillman
Rates of hillslope lowering in the Badlands of North Dakota, John R. Tinker Jr.
Neuronal Coding of Low Frequency Complex Stimuli at the Cochlear Nucleus and Inferior Colliculus of Cat Brain, James L. Walker
Populist thought in North and South Dakota, 1890-1900, Brian J. Weed
An Analysis of the Current Reporting Practices for Irrevocable Leases in the Financial Statements of the Lease, David R. Weir