Theses/Dissertations from 1997
The Recruitment of Partners in Dual Career Couples as Faculty in Higher Education, Heidi L. Newell
The Recruitment of Partners in Dual-Career Couples as Faculty in Higher Education, Heidi L. Newell
Tus Gene Divergense in the Enterobacteriaceae, Andrew F. Nilles
A Comparison of Scores for Adults with Aphasia on the Western Aphasia Battery and Ratings on the Functional Assessment of Communcation Skills for Adults, Sarah Ranum-Ravnaas
Political culture on the northern plains : North Dakota and the Nonpartisan experience, Thomas P. Shilts
Four Girls Respond to Young Adult Horror Fiction, Betty Silliman
Literacy Development: Teacher/Student Interaction in a Whole Language Classroom, Nadine C. Tepper
Effects of Expert Statement Validity Assessment Testimony on Lay Evaluations of Children's Statements, Marcus Choi Tye
Mission Statements in Decision Making in Doctoral-Granting Universities: Views of Administrators and State Governing Board Members, Stacie S. Varnson
Frontal Lobe Deficits in Domestic Violence Offenders, Margaret Donovan Westby
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Effects of Misinformation as Revealed Through the Concealed Knowledge Test, Susan L. Amato-Henderson
An Analysis of Environmental and Anthropogenic Controls on Indoor Radon Distribution in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Karen E. Butler
The Impact of Probable Depression on Daily Performance in College Students: "Morningness" Versus "Eveningness", Iwona Chelminski
Effect of Catalase Overexpression on Adriamycin Cardiotoxicity in Transgenic Mice, Yan Chen
"Now She Understood": Free Indirect Discourse and its Effects, Mary Margaret Dahlberg
The effects of non-linear bromide adsorption on apparent macrodispersivity, Eron J. Dodak
A Descriptive Study of Preschool Children Learning Through Shared Activity, Carol Lynn Enger
A comparative study of the sounds of Kuo-Yu and Taiwanese, Chia-jung Fan
Employee and Employer Perceptions of the Workplace-Personal Life Interface in the Midwest, Debra Dose Gebeke
Hydrogeological characterization of the Akzo Salt Company, Williston Facility, Williston, North Dakota, Jane K. Geiger
Curriculum Leadership as Perceived by North Dakota Elementary Principals and Teachers, Jean M. Hall
Mercury Sorption on Metal Oxides, Heidi L. Hitchcock
Self-Esteem in Relation to Gender, Socioeconomic Status, Ethnic/Cultural Origin, Family Characteristics, and Academic Achievement in Middle School Students, Constance Black Kalanek
Controlling for Vocabulary Ability in Healthy Young and Healthy Old Adults in World Recognition Tasks, Laura J. Kitzan
Transformational and Transactional Leadership Behaviors of Administrators of Performing and Visual Arts Schools, Angela F. Koppang
A Study of the Current Sexual Harassment Legislation, Court Interpretations, E Diane Laub
Identifying Indicators of Program Quality in U.S. Baccalaureate Aviation Programs, Paul Douglas Lindseth
Mental Health Values of Native American College Students on Three Different Reservations, Raymond List
Censorship of Textbooks and Supplemental Books in North Dakota Secondary Schools From 1989-1994, Jeffrey L. Lofthus
Native American Indian Perspective of Euroamerican Therapists' Behaviors, Jayne M. Lokken
The Contribution of Auditory Processing to Adult Age Differences in Memory Performance, Danae J. Lund
The effects of mass extinction on escalation of the naticid gastropod predator-prey system at the Eocene-Oligocene, Vicky D. Melland
Status Passage of the Science Fiction Fan: Becoming a Member of the Science Fiction Fan Subculture, B. Diane Miller
Statistical Comparison and Evaluation of Analytical Techniques for Measurement of Trace Elements in Coal, Catherine A. O'Keefe
Rural-Urban Student Differences on the Strong Interest Inventory for a Career Counseling Center Sample, Susan L. Pauly
Hydrogeology and recharge of the Split Rock Creek Aquifer, southeastern South Dakota, Stan F. Pence
Influence of Supplemental Food for Striped Skunks on Duck Nest Success in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, Donovan G. Pietruszewski
Waterfowl Nest Success in Two Habitat Types on Lonetree Wildlife Management Area, Jon Merril Roaldson
Attrition in an Elite Level Softball Program, Denise J. Robinson
A Comparison Study of Memory Performance Among Middle-Aged Women: Self-Reported Pre-Menopausal, Peri-Menopausal, and Post-Menopausal Women on Hormone Replacement Therapy, Naiwon Chung Sjulson
Ecology of the Northern Badlands Elk Herd, Alan Strassler
Hydrologic factors affecting the discharge of ground water in the Red River of the North Basin, northeastern North Dakota, Michael Lee Strobel
Percieved Leadership Styles of American Indian and Non-Indian Administrators in Reservation Schools, Wayne Joseph Trottier
The depositional environment of the kisbey sandstone from the madison group (Mississippian), North-Central North Dakota, Gregory D. Waltz
Modeling Coupled Transient Transport of Mass, Momentum and Energy in Wellbore/Reservoir Systems, Xiaowei Wang
Parents Perceptions: When an Adolescent Has Been Given a Dual Diagnosis of Chemical Dependency Coupled with Mental Illness, Lisa R. Warner
The Faculty Writing Seminar as a Means of Faculty Development: Enhancing Faculty Writing, Improving Instruction, and Fostering Collegiality, Joyce Alton White
Verb agreement and case marking in Burushaski, Stephen R. Willson
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Women Who Choose: the Theme of Mothering in Selected Dramas, Becky K. Becker
Fact, Fiction, Film: Rex Beach and the Spoilers, James R. Belpedio
The Role of Compulsory Heterosexuality in the Abdication and Queen Christina, Becky Beth Benedict
Verbal Learning and Memory in Adults with Mild, Moderate and Severe Closed Head Injury, Paula J. Bergloff
Minority Social Work Educators' Perspective on Minority Issues in Higher Education, Ranae Dummermuth Bickett
An introduction to the verbal system of Central Dangaleat, Lawrence R. Burke
Mothers' and Fathers' Responses on the Child Behavior Checklist: Are There Systematic Differences?, Ralph E. Casazza
Towards Non-Tendentious Humor and Non-Violent Rebellion, Gayatri Devi
The Effects of Time and Misinformation on Memory for Complete Events, Mary K. Devitt
The relationship among educational philosophy and discipline policies, procedures, and practices, Alan G. Ekblad
Depositional environments and paleogeography of the Winnipeg Group (Ordovician), Williston Basin, North Dakota, Jonathan B. Ellingson
Public Relations In The Bureaucracy, Kristen Freeman-Larson
Enhancement of Communication Competence: A Model for a Program for International Teaching Faculty at the University of North Dakota, Linda S. Goldstone
The Campus Climate as Perceived by American Indian Students Attending the University of North Dakota, Nancy D. Harles
Inter-Campus Relations as Percieved by Branch Campus and Main Campus Administrators, Dean Rodney Hermanson
Behaviors, Attitudes, and Knowledge Related to Drug and Alcohol Prevention Curricula in North Dakota Seventh Through Twelfth Grade Students, Loretta Jean Heuer
Improving Aspen/SP Computer Model of Great Plains Coal Gasifiers, Md. Moazzem Hossain
A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Examination of Adjustment and Coping in Female Undergraduates in Response to Sexual Coercion, Ronald K. Hougen
Dreams: A Translation of Günter Eich's Träume, Ursula Meyknecht Hovet
Matthew Lyon, The Sedition Act, and Freedom of Speech in Federalist America, Chris Allen Ingvalson
Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Speed Controller for an Internal Combustion Engine, Craig Jensen
Images of Native American in Film: The Cases of Broken Arrow, Dances with Wolves, and Black Robe, Pamela A. Jensen
Visual and Auditory Information-Processing in Migraineurs: Beyond the Neuropsychological Quagmire, Jeffrey M. Kearney
The Effects of Laboratory Stress on Appraisal of Control in Bulimia, Maria L. Kearney
Changing Attitudes Toward Lesbian Women and Gay Men Through Self-Confrontation, Sally A. Kennedy
Reading the Cultural Landscape Through Necrogeography: A Study of Graveyards and Ethnicity in Polk County, Minnesota, Verna Mae Kentner
The paleoecologic significance of Paleocene palynomorph assemblages from the Ludow, Slope, and Cannonball formations, southwestern North Dakota, Timothy J. Kroeger
Implementation of Effective Schools Correlates by Bureau of Indian Affairs Elementary Pilot Schools: Staff Perceptions and Achievement Scores, Viola Theresa Champagne LaFontaine
Teacher Attitude and Curricular Change: The Journey of Three Elementary Teachers, Marla Mastin
Depositional history, environments of deposition, and hydrocarbon potential of the Newcastle Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of eastern North Dakota, Gerald G. McCloskey
The Interactive Effects of Caffeine and Phase of Menstrual Cycle on the Recall of Prose Passages, Jacqueline Marie McPherson
Follow-Up Study of the Graduates of an American Indian Tribally Controlled Community College, Gerald "Carty" Monette
Writing to Learn College Algebra, Patricia A. Mower
Are There Cultural Differences in the Self-Report of Symptoms of PMS in Adolescents?: A Comparison Study of Chippewa Native Americans and Caucasian Americans, Shelly M. Peltier
The Educational Systems of Sparta and Athens, Robin N. Phillips
Gender Specific Rhetoric: A Look at Today, Mary Helen Richer
Rahq: The Evolution of a Script Through A Rehearsal Process, Nita K. Ritzke
Spontaneous Luteolysis in the Cyclic Golden Hamster: Evidence for Mediation Through Inflammation and Apoptosis, Mark W. Rodacker
Screening in Classrooms for Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: Validation of an Instrument, Robert Stewart Scott
Prey Selectivity by naticid gastropods from tertiary sediments of the United States coastal Plain, Robert N. Sickler
Salinity, radon, and radon precursors in the soils of Grand Forks County, North Dakota, Kevin L. Solie
The Nikolai Spafarii calamity : the dismal failure of Russia's first ambassadorial mission to China (1675), Heidi M. Stark
A Resource Guide for Interdisciplinary Teams in Middle Schools, Claudia Albrecht Tomanek
Money and Politics: An Examination of Federal Campaign Finance Reform Legislation and Continuing Reform Proposals, George A. Waller
Amazing Grains: A Study of The Grand Forks Food Cooperative, Lisa Wikenheiser
Noun classification or spatial categorization: Damana orientation verbs, Larry P. Williams
Entrepreneurship Education: Beliefs and Experiences of North Dakota Vocational Secondary School Teachers, Dianne Potter Wood
Madija predicates, Pamela S. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Cutback Management and the Air Force Personnel System, David M. Abernathy
Stress and its Correlates: An Empirical Investigation Among North Dakota Peace Officers, Eric Mark Anderson