"A Resource Guide for Interdisciplinary Teams in Middle Schools" by Claudia Albrecht Tomanek

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching & Learning


This dissertation documents the development of a resource guide to offer members of interdisciplinary middle school teams assistance in performing teaching and group process functions. The guide addressed critical issues in implementing interdisciplinary teaming, team practices, and benefits of teaching teams for students and colleagues. Group process techniques included communication, decision making, and conflict resolution skills. Day-to-day function sections included job descriptions/teaming roles, parent involvement, student motivation, cooperative learning, curriculum integration, professional staff development, and evaluation.

Materials for this guide were drawn from current sources in the middle school field and assembled in a format that might be used for professional development by individuals or teams of inservice or preservice teachers. Personnel in middle schools might use the guide in its entirety or sections that apply to their particular interest.

Through a series of questions, the evaluators addressed the strengths and weaknesses for its revision. The development of the guide through successive evaluation is documented in the dissertation. Evaluation of the guide was made by five teachers who were recommended by administrators and university professors as leaders, five middle school consultants, and a nationally recognized middle school consultant. The teacher leaders were from North Dakota and Minnesota middle schools and the middle school consultants were from university and middle school settings in North and South Dakota, Maine, and Minnesota. Finally, the potential of the guide to assist interdisciplinary teams in performing teaching and group process functions was rated numerically by teacher leaders and middle school consultants.
