Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Communication Sciences & Disorders


The purpose of this study was to develop a model for a faculty development program to enhance the English communication competence of international teaching faculty (ITF) at the University of North Dakota (UND). Three case studies were conducted with the most comprehensive university ITF development programs in the United States. Coordinators of those programs were interviewed by telephone.

The content of the interviews was analyzed into a series of descriptive items. An item-to-item comparison was made across the three programs. The comparison revealed that all three ITF programs focused on the areas of language proficiency, cultural awareness, and pedagogical skills. ITA (international teaching assistant) programs at these same three universities were more structured, whereas the ITF programs were less structured, more confidential, and voluntary. However, there was variation in the organization, requirements, and methodologies among the institutions. These findings and the literature review provided a basis for designing a model for an ITF development program of communication competence at UND.

The model for a program at UND focused on the areas of speech and language proficiency in English, cultural awareness, and pedagogical skills that would facilitate communication competence in the classroom. These areas would be assessed through a five tiered process: tier I, pre-assessment--orientation; tier II, initial assessment-- diagnostic evaluation; tier III reassessment--services; tier IV, final assessment--dismissal from management; and tier V, follow-up assessment--monitoring maintenance of skills.
