"Rural-Urban Student Differences on the Strong Interest Inventory for a" by Susan L. Pauly

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Counseling Psychology & Community Services


The purpose of' his study was to explore whether differences existed between rural and urban students’ responses on the Strong Interest Inventory (SII). The subjects for this study were 665 students who had taken the SII as part of career counseling services received at the University of North Dakota. The subjects were classified as either rural or urban based on the population of their hometown. The rural and urban groups’ scores were compared on the SII General Occupational Theme (RIASEC), Academic Comfort and Introversion/Extroversion scales, the Iachan index of congruence between RIASEC scores and college major, measures of indifference in responding, and profile differentiation. No mean differences between rural and urban subjects were detected on any of the comparisons. The study also examined whether cumulative grade point average (GPA) could be predicted by factors including Academic Comfort, gender, being from a rural/urban environment, and ACT composite scores. Results indicated that when ACT scores are included in the prediction equation, the effects of rural/urban disappear. Rural-urban status and gender were not found to moderate the relationship between Academic Comfort scores and GPA.
