"Images of Native American in Film: The Cases of Broken Arrow, Dances w" by Pamela A. Jensen

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




This study demonstrates how the medium of film continues to depict Native Americans in stereotypical images. A critical analysis of three films: Broken Arrow (1950), Dances wilh-Wolves (1990), and Black Rohe (1992) supports the assumption and argument.

Critical review of these films were made for images of how Native Americans are portrayed. The images include negative portrayals of culture, customs, language, and wardrobe. A compare and contrast tool demonstrates perpetuated stereotypical images of Hollywood negative portrayals of Native Americans. A brief history of motion pictures discusses and presents the development of stereotypical images mvolving Native Americans.

The critical analysis of the films provides a detailed discussion of how each film relates to the other two in depicting stereotypical images which Hollywood created. The conclusion describes present efforts of contemporary Native Americans in film and television.
