Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Parent’s Perspectives On The Impact Of Recurrent Otitis Media On Speech And Language Development, Andrea Rose Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Intonation Production And Perception In Children With Developmental Language Impairment, Afua Blay
The Effect of Dose Frequency on Treatment Efficacy for Children with Speech Sound Disorders, Kristen Marie Giesbrecht
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Measuring The Effect Of Vocabulary Instruction On Reading Comprehension: A Comparison Of Academic And Tier II Words, Eiley C. Berg
Measuring The Effect Of Vocabulary Instruction On Reading Comprehension: Comparing Students Of Lower And Higher Socioeconomic Status, Michelle Burns Burns
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Efficacy Of Teaching Academic Vocabulary To Kindergarteners In An Explicit, Literacy Based Method, Hannah Mae Loesch
Nonword Repetition And Sentence Repetition In Preschool Children: A Comparison Of Speech And Language Screening Measures, Rachel Therrien
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Vocabulary Assessment: A Comparison Between Clinical And Academic Measures, Lindsay Mae Anderson
A Comparison Of Nonwords And Tier Two Vocabulary Words In Speech Treatment, Janet Lynn Babchishin
Teaching Vocabulary Through Weekly Spelling Lessons: An Efficacy Study, Elizabeth Lindsey
Reading Comprehension Assessment: A Comparison Of Academic And Clinical Measures, Emily Ann Stephens
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Intonation Perception In Elderly And Young Adult Subjects, Afua Mmra Blay
Intonation Processing In Individuals With Parkinson's Disease, Alanna Friedman
Auditory Recall In Normal Children And Children With A Diagnosis Of Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Kara J. Nunziato
Phonological Complexity: The Interaction of Three-Element Clusters and Word Lexacility on Speech Sound Disorders, Heidi JoAnn Simon
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Effects of Embedded Phonological Awareness Training on the Reading and Spelling Skills of Kindergarten Students, Sarah Robinson
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Effect of Caregiver Question Types On Disruptive Behavior in Dementia Patients, Cynthia I. Lofton
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
An Investigation of Vocal Abuse in School Teachers, Jodi L. Franczak
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
The Peripheral and Central Auditory Performance of a Child with Brachmann-De Lange Syndrome, Anne R. Burgard
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Evaluating the Appropriateness of Fast Forword Training for Hard of Hearing Children, Shari M. Weisz
Differences in Acoustic Measures of Vowels in Ventriloquial and Normal Speech, Corrie S. M. Wiesner
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
The Speech and Language Characteristics of One Child with Brachmann-de Lange Syndrome, Kelli Mickelson
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Phonological Awareness of Stress and Syllable, Joshua N. Long
Time of Day Effects on the Performance on the Screening Test of Auditory Processing, Christine Anne MacKenzie
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
A Comparison of Ratings on the ASHA Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults and Scores on the Western Aphasia Battery for Individuals with Aphasia, Racheal S. Humphrey
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Effects of a Visual-Gestural Cuing System on the Reduction of Phonological Processes in Children with Down Syndrome and Low Speech Intelligibility, Jennifer Barthel
A Comparison of Scores for Adults with Aphasia on the Western Aphasia Battery and Ratings on the Functional Assessment of Communcation Skills for Adults, Sarah Ranum-Ravnaas
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Enhancement of Communication Competence: A Model for a Program for International Teaching Faculty at the University of North Dakota, Linda S. Goldstone
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
A Comparison of Aphasic Adults' Scores on the Western Aphasia Battery and Ratings on the Functional Independence Measure, Carla Phillips
The Relationship Between Receptive Language and the Sensory Measures of Vision and Hearing, Nanette M. Spooner
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Preliminary Study of the Application of Visual Phonics to the Remediation of Developmental Dyspraxia of Speech, Kimberly Dawn Avery
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Use of Visual Phonics in the Remediation of Children's Phonological Disorders, Diane E. Dacquay
Conversational Repair Strategies of Preschool Children During Naturalistic Interactions, Richard J. Stott
The Frequency of Occurrence of Phonemes in the Speech of Aphasics, Rita M. Vis
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
College Students' Use of Genderlect, Laurie Patricia Light
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Attitudes of Normal Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Parents Towards Mainstreaming of their Hearing-Impaired Children, Melody A. Vachal
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
An Investigation of the Effects of a Day Activity Center on the Expressive Language Skills of Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Adult Females, Gerald W. Werven
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Use of Indirect Services by Speech/Language Pathologists in Manitoba Public Schools, Deborah Elaine Partridge
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Simultaneous Feedback Versus Oral-Written Feedback: A Comparison of Two Supervisory Procedures, Kim Wigness Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
A Survey of Vocal Characteristics in a Sample of Adult Rheumatoid Arthritics, Janine B. Chenier
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
A Study of Positive and Negative Verbal and Nonverbal Consequences, Nancy Kienzle
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
A Comparison of Two Methods for Recording and Analyzing Supervisory Conferences, Pamela J. Anderson
A Comparison of Groups' Judgments during the Screening of Normally-Developing and Language-Impaired Children, Karen Louise Ruttledge
The Relationship Between Changes in Articulatory Performance and Changes in Oral Sterognostic Ability in Children, Arlene A. Smolak
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
The Effects Upon Specific Nonverbal Behaviors of Focusing Student Clinician's Attention on These Behaviors Through Videotape Feedback and Instruction, Pamela Hagen Gudmundson
An Analysis of Supervision During the Clinical Fellowship Year (CFY), Alison M. Lyngby
An Investigation of Modal Auxiliary Verb Acquisition by Children Three to Seven Years of Age, Cheryl Rae Mayer
An Investigation of the Vocabulary Recognition and Syntactic Performance of Normally-Developing and Educable Mentally Handicapped Children, Myrna Fladeland Moore
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Occupational Noise and Hearing Loss in Firefighters, Jane Callahan Rackl
A Comparison of Nonverbal Behaviors of Beginning Student Clinicians and Advanced Student Clinicians, Carol A. Stevens
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
An Investigation of Phonetic Symbolism, JoAnn K. Anderson
On the Acquisition of the meanings of ten Spatial Prepositions, Donna L. Cook
A Comparison of Mean Occurrences of SAAD sentences and Transformations, Judith E. Courtney
An Analysis of Verbal Behaviors Occurring in Speech Pathology Supervisory Conferences, Julie A. Nelson
A Reliability Study of the Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test of Auditory Discrimination Used with Learning Disabled Children, Bruce W. Stenhjem
An Investigation of Pure Tone Threshold During Menses and Post Menses Using Short Duration Signals, Sandra Hedler Washer
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
A Profile of Clinical Supervisors in College and University Speech and Hearing Training Programs, Carole J. Aitchison
The Effect of Alpha Brain-Wave Control on the Speech of Two Adult Stutterers, Randall J. Bjork
A Comparison of the Effects of Two Different Time-Out Durations on Audible Stuttering Behavior, Duane A. Dale
A Comparison of Two Methods of Recording and Analyzing Student Clinician-Client Interaction: Boone and Prescott System and the ABC System, Audrey M. Glick
The Effect of Response Cost on Misarticulation, E. Heather MacKenzie
A Study of Nonverbal Behaviors Used by Student Speech Clinicians, Anne L. Mercer
The Prevalence of Speech and Hearing Disorders Among Inmates at the North Dakota State Penitentiary, Pamela Kay Strom
A Correlation Study of the Northwestern Syntax Screening Test and the Grammatic Closure Subtest of the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities, Karen M. Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
A Study to Test the Effectiveness of Time-out in the Decrease of Moderate Stuttering, Judy E. Clausen
Is This Good Talking: A Syntax Screening Test Using No Picture Stimuli, Rhonda I. Hilden
A Study of the Relationship Between Number of Distinctive-Feature Errors and Judged Speech Defectiveness, Laura Lynne Krowchenko
An Investigation of the Length of Observation Necessary to Obtain a Representative Sample of Clinician-Client Interaction, Beverly A. Laird
A Comparison of the Responses of Adults on Two Competing Message Tasks, Jacque I. Schmidt
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
A Study of Carryover Practices Among School Clinicians in North Dakota, Mary Pat Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
History of the Metropolitan Theatre in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Under Independent Management, 1890-1897, Alan H. Adair
A Study of the Effects of an Operant Program Applied to the Correction of Frontal Lisps in Young Adults, Beverly Jackson
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
The Role of Serious Music in the Development of American Radio, 1920-1938, Robert Huchette Wilkins